Unmatched Dominance/C1297 The Resurrection of Lissom Realm
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Unmatched Dominance/C1297 The Resurrection of Lissom Realm
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C1297 The Resurrection of Lissom Realm

After an in-depth conversation, Beru came to realize the immense dangers lurking within the Outer Battlefield. He had learned of the formation of the Origin Realm Gate, the reemergence of Diggs, and the surprising allegiance of the long-lost Void Spirit Succubus to the Origin Realm God, becoming an integral part of the Origin Realm.

Shaken by these revelations, Beru was on the verge of whisking Leo and Denise away to safety at once. While Denise's status was not of particular importance, Leo represented the future of the Star Race, and no risks could be taken with him.

"Yu Yuan, this place is not safe for an extended stay! I recommend that you..." Beru began, pausing to glance at the slumbering Queen before clearing his throat and continuing, "I recommend that you make your exit promptly!"

"Great Sage, what can you tell us about the Origin Realm?" Yan Qiling inquired earnestly.

The Origin Realm Gate had only recently appeared in the Boundless Land, and thanks to Zu Ann's vigilant presence, no catastrophic incidents had occurred. The so-called Origin Realm God had been covertly manipulating followers like Pei Yuling to carry out his bidding.

The mighty individuals from the five greatest powers were preoccupied with the formidable beings from other races and had not devoted much attention to the Origin Realm Gate near the Ascension Mountain Range. Consequently, the knowledge about the Origin Realm among those in the Boundless Land was quite limited.

Moore's demeanor and Beru's own accounts indicated that this elder of the Star Race had lived for an exceptionally long time, likely holding more hidden knowledge than many contemporary leaders of other races. This prompted Yan Qiling's question.

"I, too, am not entirely certain," Beru admitted, his expression grave as he pondered for a moment before adding, "However, the fact that the soul of the Void Spirit Succubus has entered the Origin Realm suggests that it does indeed exist. Diggs once spoke of discovering a magical, uncharted world he called the Origin Realm..."

Everyone, Yu Yuan included, listened intently, their faces etched with surprise as they hung on Beru's every word.

"Please, continue," urged Yan Qiling.

"The finest warriors from various races, along with some who deemed themselves exceptional, flocked to the Deep Starfield and ventured into the Lissom Realm. It was there that Diggs first truly perceived the Origin Realm, hearing the whispers of the Origin Realm God and receiving his guidance. He secretly performed a mass sacrifice in the Lissom Realm, opening the so-called Origin Realm Gate, which led to dire consequences."

Those who believed in him attempted to forge a new frontier because he ventured into the so-called Origin Realm.

"Yes, just as you suspected, he offered them all to the Origin Realm; not one survived."

Once the truth came to light and could no longer be concealed, the chieftain of the Dark Elfkind descended with a host of his race's mightiest and executed him in the Lissom Realm.

The Origin Realm was thus dismissed as a fictitious paradise, a fabrication of Diggs.

Years later, when Origin Realm Gates began to materialize across various realms and followers of the Origin Realm God emerged, the races finally accepted the existence of the fabled Origin Realm.

However, at that time, it was unanimously believed that only the powerful members of the Void Spirit Succubus Clan had the right and the capability to explore the Origin Realm. Indeed, the mysterious disappearance of their Founder, the Divine Butterfly, was attributed to its exploration of the Origin Realm.

After even it met with misfortune, no one else entertained the thought of venturing into the Origin Realm.

Nor did they dare to...

Beru, as expected, had a deep understanding of the situation. His revelations left everyone increasingly shocked and uneasy.

"I never imagined that even it would become part of the Origin Realm, seduced by the enigmatic 'Origin Realm God,'" Beru said, shaking his head with a grave look. "We shouldn't linger. Now that it has also made an appearance, we must immediately inform all parties about matters concerning the Origin Realm. We need to alert the people of every race to be vigilant against the Void Spirit Succubus Clan and to prepare for any encounter with the Origin Realm God."

Moore and Yu Yiyi, already intent on departing, grew tenser upon hearing his words.

Yu Yuan, meanwhile, remained silent, his brow furrowed in thought.

"I used to disregard it, not taking the Origin Realm God seriously," Beru mused, "But if even the Divine Butterfly has been swayed by the Origin Realm God, willingly becoming its pawn, we must approach the matter with caution."

Yan Qiling nodded emphatically. "Indeed, it warrants our full attention!"

"Let me have a look."

Leo, revered as the Son of the Stars, discreetly distanced himself from the group and then released his innate Life Altar.

His unique Life Altar bore a resemblance to the Tears of Blue Devil, also a solid blue crystal.

Inside the crystal at this moment, there appeared to be a dazzling miniature galaxy, teeming with innumerable twinkling stars.

Leo's vital energy and soul seemed to be in communion with every tiny star within his Life Altar, allowing him to harness the stars to perform a myriad of inconceivable and mystical feats.

Members of the Star Race, like Beru and Denise, felt their bloodlines quiver as they gazed upon his Life Altar.

Fixated on the blue crystal and its myriad of tiny stars, Beru and Denise seemed to unlock the secrets of the cosmos, gaining insight into the mysteries of their lineage.


Leo's spirit abruptly soared into the Life Altar, converging the brilliant starlight into a complex and enigmatic symbol beyond anyone's comprehension.

His spirit appeared to manipulate the radiant, mysterious symbol as if to affirm something.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Suddenly, within the resplendent Life Altar, a star the size of a fingertip emerged, emitting an eerie energy halo and unleashing a formidable life force.

Leo's complexion turned ashen, the light in his pupils extinguished in an instant as his spirit returned to its rightful place.

The Life Altar he had manifested swiftly retracted into his body. Shaking slightly, he uttered in amazement, "The Lissom Realm has been revived!"

"Revived?" Yu Yuan exclaimed in surprise.

"The Lissom Realm is now drawing in the Galaxy Extraordinary Talent from beyond!" Leo explained earnestly to Beru, Yan Qiling, Moore, and the others, "Within the Lissom Realm, a malevolent life force is proliferating wildly!"

Turning to Yu Yuan, he continued, "Just as the living humans need to breathe, vibrant stars also draw in the Galaxy Extraordinary Talent from their surroundings. Various types of Galaxy Extraordinary Talent, once purified by the realm wall, enter the interior of stars, endowing them with vitality."

Leo simplified the explanation.

He informed Yu Yuan that the Outland Star River's myriad tainted and bizarre powers could be devoured by stars, transforming into mineral veins and various forms of energy, enabling life to persist and flora to flourish.

However, stars that have perished lose this capability and can no longer capture the Galaxy Extraordinary Talent.

After its cataclysmic fragmentation, the Lissom Realm had been stripped of this ability, reduced to a lifeless meteorite devoid of any wonders.

Yet now, the Lissom Realm was once again able to absorb the Galaxy Extraordinary Talent from outside, reassembling and refining it anew.

It was as if someone who had been dead for years suddenly began to breathe and came back to life.

Leo, the possessor of a mystical Life Altar and gifted with a unique bloodline talent, sensed this phenomenon and alerted everyone to the presence of a malevolent life force surging wildly within.

"Yu Yuan, we..."

Beru took a deep breath, glanced at Chen Qinghuang, and spoke with a grave voice, "We've made the decision to leave and release the news of our findings here. We'll summon more powerful individuals to monitor the peculiar developments in the Deep Starfield."

"Sage, I wish to stay behind to understand what's happening," Leo interjected.


"The bizarre shifts in the Deep Starfield, the revival of the Lissom Realm, Diggs' return, not to mention the Origin Realm Gate and the Void Spirit Succubus..."

Leo's eyes shone as his voice rose with excitement, "I yearn to uncover these mysteries!"


Beru's face contorted with concern.

Rings of spatial distortion shimmered around them, creating illusions like a fantastical mirage.

"Your quest for knowledge has drawn the attention of Diggs and Pei Yuling."

Yan Qiling gave a wry smile, gesturing towards the undulating space and the transforming illusions, "Regrettably, I dare not wield my powers or disrupt them."


Beru was startled, then slowly gathered his soul essence and stellar energy, calling out into the void, "Old friend, is it you? Are you truly still among the living?"

"It is I, and I have never perished."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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