Unmatched Dominance/C1298 To Persuade Me
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Unmatched Dominance/C1298 To Persuade Me
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C1298 To Persuade Me

A gaunt figure slowly materialized amidst the dark green ripples.

Slender, luminous fissures began to burst forth in abundance around the silhouette.

Above the figure, the mist swirled and shifted, with the Lissom Realm faintly visible in its burgeoning state.

One could also witness the malevolent plants in rampant growth and the harrowing sight of numerous alien beasts impaled, their vitality cruelly stripped away.

The Lissom Realm that emerged at this moment was, of course, nothing more than a mirage.

It was not reality.

Likewise, the emaciated figure responding was merely Diggs, employing the subtle arts of space to project his voice from afar.

Yet, upon speaking, his form abruptly sharpened into clarity.

Pei Yuling was absent, with only Diggs materializing within the undulating ripples.

Gradually, even his bizarre strands of hair became unmistakably distinct.


Diggs's withered face conveyed profound sorrow under the dark green luminescence.

His eyes shifted to a gray-green hue, vitality concealed, yet exuding a certain horrific malevolence. "You should not have come to the Deep Starfield that I once governed at this time."


Diggs heaved a long sigh, his voice echoing with an ineffable desolation, "Lead your people and depart from this galaxy at your earliest convenience. I will not hinder you."

Yu Yuan was taken aback.

His knowledge of Diggs was limited, and the rumors he had heard were far from flattering.

Diggs's sudden change of demeanor towards Beru, becoming so amenable, caught Yu Yuan off guard, and he sensed that something was amiss.

"What has happened to you?"

Beru gazed intently at him, sensing his presence, and spoke with bewilderment, "You now... seem so foreign to me. Do you remember the vows we made in our youth? The fervent battles, the narrow escapes from death? Diggs, you were once the comrade I trusted with my life."

In the dark green shadows, Diggs remained silent, his gaze ever-shifting.

Beru's words seemed to catapult his memories back ten thousand years, to when they were two young warriors, back-to-back, battling the vast legions of Human Cultivators, breaking through the Demon Clan's forces.

"I remember, I remember it all. I'm also aware that you looked after my family. After my misfortune, you took them to your domain, allowing them to survive, spared from being utterly eradicated."

"Beru, you are my most trusted comrade and dearest friend. I, Diggs, am proud to have a friend like you. It fills me with pride every time I think about it."


Diggs shook his head vigorously.

"Ever since I was betrayed and stripped of my position as Patriarch, ever since my core Bloodline Crystal Chain was severed, cutting off my path to advancement, I've been resolute."

"My old friend, forgive me for what I've done. I have no regrets."

"Leave the Deep Starfield. I will be grateful. And I, too, will soon complete my bloodline transformation in this fragmented Starfield and reclaim what has always been rightfully mine!"

As Diggs's firm and deep voice faded, his figure, which had materialized in the dark green ripples, also slowly vanished.

All the ripples, the mirage-like Lissom Realm, and the bizarre spatial rifts disappeared as well.

The space before everyone returned to its original state, showing no signs of anomaly.

Yu Yuan watched the Great Sage of the Star Race in amazement, not expecting the bond between Beru and Diggs to be so profound.

When Diggs's family was scattered during the Dark Elfkind's purge, it seemed that Beru had secretly looked after them, helping them escape the fate of annihilation.

To Yu Yuan, the relationship between Beru and Diggs resembled that of the Evil King Yu Xi and Ann Wen, the Evil God—friends who would entrust their lives to one another.

It was precisely for this reason that even after Diggs had sought refuge with the Origin Realm God, and with a tempest of blood about to erupt in the Deep Starfield, he still had the patience to urge Beru to leave.

Moreover, he allowed Beru to take his kin with him.

"Leo, Denise, follow me and leave this Outer Battlefield. Diggs is terrifying; I know his might better than anyone. He has declared his imminent bloodline transformation."

Beru inhaled deeply, his expression grave, and commanded in an unequivocal tone, "Once Diggs ascends to the Tenth Level, not even the current patriarch of the Dark Elfkind may be a match for him. I believe that after he reaches the Tenth Level, he could divide the Dark Elfkind, swaying a significant number of Dark Elfkind warriors to pledge their allegiance to him."

"Because, in the past, Diggs had a reputation within the Dark Elfkind that actually surpassed that of the current chieftain!"

Leo and Denise felt their spirits sink as well.

The current chieftain of the Dark Elfkind, named Brie, was also the father of the so-called "Child of the Forest," Kennard. In the vast expanse of the Outland Star River, Brie was a formidable presence, ranked seventh in strength.

Moreover, Brie was still quite young, with boundless potential for growth.

As for Diggs...

Leo and Denise hadn't heard many rumors about him and were unclear about his capabilities. The only piece of information they had was that he was once a dear friend of the Great Sage Beru.

"If it hadn't been for Brie's interference, the chieftain of the Dark Elfkind would indeed have been Diggs," Beru said with a note of caution in his voice. After all, Brie was the one in power, and he had to be mindful of that. "Just know that until Brie's bloodline advances to the Tenth Level, he's no match for Diggs."

"Diggs is headstrong; once he sets his mind on something, no one can stop him," Beru continued, urging them.

Then, with a casual gesture, he summoned a meteorite shimmering with starlight.


He was the first to land on it, calling out, "Leo, Denise, if you still respect me, join me!"

Denise exchanged a glance with Leo and then looked at Yu Yuan, whispering, "I wouldn't dare go against your wishes."

She was the first to soar toward the meteorite.

Leo hesitated briefly before letting out a resigned sigh. He bowed to Yu Yuan, apologizing, "I'm sorry, it seems I won't be able to accompany you on the exploration of this wondrous Starfield."

With that, he too made his way to the meteorite.

"Yu Yuan, heed my advice. If possible, you should leave this place as soon as you can," Beru said earnestly, offering a few more words of counsel before steering the meteorite away without further delay.

Their departure cast a heavy silence over those who remained, their hearts growing heavier still.


At the Galaxy Crossing, under the watch of the Profound Sky Sect.

Yang Gods from various sects and Unrestrained Stage cultivators were now convening in full force.

Xu Jingyao and Zhu Huan joined the group, staying close with everyone.

Cao Jiaze and Wai Zhuo of the Thunder Sect were pondering whether to set aside the Galaxy Crossing issue for the time being and prioritize evacuating the Deep Starfield. Amidst their deliberations, Xu Jingyao frequently glanced at Yuan Lianyao, known as the Blazing Red Lotus.

Yuan Lianyao and Faang Yao were not involved in the discussion, conversing quietly among themselves.


"So you're Yuan Lianyao from Darkmoon City, aren't you?" Xu Jingyao beamed, capturing everyone's focus. "Yu Yuan should have reached this battlefield first after departing from the Illusion Starfield. Have you seen him?"

Yuan Lianyao's brow furrowed.

"I have."

A practitioner from the Filthy Spirit Sect interjected with a look of reproach directed at the stunning Yuan Lianyao, saying, "They've not only seen him but also had contact."

He recounted the tale of their group being severely wounded by the Demon Race's totem pillars, how Yuan Lianyao was ensnared by Lim Zhuyun, and how she leveraged this to coerce Yu Yuan.

It was apparent to everyone that he harbored affection for Yuan Lianyao, yet she had never so much as glanced his way.

"So there's more to the story," Xu Jingyao acknowledged, then pressed on, "You carry the scent of the solar nucleus. How did you come by it?"

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