Unmatched Dominance/C1309 Seeking Advice Humbly
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Unmatched Dominance/C1309 Seeking Advice Humbly
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C1309 Seeking Advice Humbly

"Another one?"

Upon hearing Chen Qinghuang's statement, the Star Race's Great Sage Beru couldn't help but let out a wry smile.

His gaze upon the Deep Sea Basilisk was as if he were looking at an inanimate object, seemingly aware that the alien beast's fate would be dire.

What surprised him was that the empress suddenly withdrew her presence, becoming undetectable to the senses of all present. Chen Qinghuang appeared to have vanished into thin air.

Yu Yuan gazed over, his eyes brimming with questions.

"The Deep Sea Basilisk's bloodline harbors a fear of me. My dispersed aura could trigger that ingrained terror, allowing it to escape the Divine Butterfly's illusion and abruptly awaken," Chen Qinghuang explained calmly.

"You?" Yu Yuan inquired, puzzled.

He meant to ask why, after previously wanting to capture it, she would now let it go when it had clearly intruded?

"I wish to watch the Hannya Divine Tree grow, sprout leaves, bloom, and bear fruit."

Chen Qinghuang's stunning face radiated a cold detachment from all life, as if the decay and renewal of the world could not stir her interest in the slightest.

Even when discussing the Deep Sea Basilisk and the growth of the Hannya Divine Tree, her expression remained impassive.


The kilometer-long Deep Sea Basilisk let out a roar, its mouth filled with sharp teeth and fragments of a Yang God, which had turned into shimmering crystal shards.

"Li Xin!"

In the midst of the thunderous vortex, Chu Yao caught sight of the scene and exclaimed softly.

He remembered Li Xin from the Cloud Water Sect well, as she had once requested a pill from him in the Illusion Starfield.

Unexpectedly, Li Xin, who had advanced to the Middle Period of the Yang God Stage, was now being unconsciously chewed by the Deep Sea Basilisk, her Yang God form shattered.

After the Deep Sea Basilisk's roar subsided and it closed its mouth, the remnants of Li Xin's Yang God vanished without a trace.

Yu Yuan witnessed the entire scene with clarity.

"The Deep Sea Basilisk isn't native to the Deep Starfield; it usually resides in the Silver Scale Clan's Silver Sand Starfield. The Silver Scale Clan's Star Sea Realm contains many star-rich seas, ideal for the Deep Sea Basilisk to hunt," explained the Nine Stars Sage Beru, who was well-versed in the many secrets of foreign realms. "This Deep Sea Basilisk and the Silver Sand Starfield's Silver Scale Clan have always coexisted peacefully. It refrains from hunting the clan's members, and in turn, they make a point to steer clear whenever it appears."

Upon hearing this, Moore of the Devaputra Race and the Ice Concubine, emerging from the Evil Cauldron, both fell into deep contemplation. They appeared to be aware of the enigmatic bond between the Silver Scale Clan and the Deep Sea Basilisk.

"The Deep Sea Basilisk's bloodline carries the essence of the Abyss Goanna, and the Silver Scale Clan shares a profound connection with the Abyss Goanna, which is why they are able to coexist without conflict," Chen Qinghuang stated calmly.

Beru's form trembled slightly as he bowed respectfully to her. "Thank you for clearing up my confusion."

He had long suspected this connection but had no way to confirm it, as the Abyss Goanna had vanished without a trace. If the Secular Bird, who lived a hundred thousand years ago, asserted this with such certainty, then it must be the truth.

Both the Deep Sea Basilisk and the members of the Silver Scale Clan were creatures of the water, each sporting tough, natural scales. They were often found together in various marine regions of the starry seas, living in harmony, all thanks to a shared ancient ancestor.


The colossal Deep Sea Basilisk crashed into the Lissom Realm, unimpeded by the empress. Measuring nearly a kilometer in length, it seemed immense, but once in the Lissom Realm, it paled in comparison to the towering Hannya Divine Tree.

At that moment, the Hannya Divine Tree stood a staggering ten thousand meters tall, its roots sprawling across a hundred miles. Its branches, sharp as blades, were not as thick as the Deep Sea Basilisk, but they matched it in length.


Branches sharp as swords lanced towards the Deep Sea Basilisk with lightning speed, striking its black iron-like scales and sending sparks flying. Despite the pain, the basilisk's scales remained unbreached, and it charged towards the roots of the Hannya Divine Tree.

Diggs and Pei Yuling snapped to attention, their eyes alight with excitement.

"It's not going to make it," Yan Qiling of the Divine Soul Sect murmured, looking on with a hint of sadness. "If Lvliu were here, he would be overjoyed. The Deep Sea Basilisk is a substantial nourishment for him. Back when Lvliu was the Grand Commander of the Demon Palace, he scoured the starry seas in search of the Deep Sea Basilisk to hunt."

The Green Willow Demon, the ancient leader of the Demon Clan that controlled the water element, possessed extraordinary combat prowess. The Deep Sea Basilisk, a water-affiliated alien beast, was precisely the adversary he most craved and the ultimate trophy of war.

"I have a question for you!"

Once again, Beru turned to the aloof Chen Qinghuang with a lowered stance, exuding unusual sincerity.

Their recent interactions, coupled with the empress's conduct in the Illusion Starfield, had led the Star Race's Great Sage to reassess Chen Qinghuang. He recognized that she was markedly different from the legendary figure of 100,000 years ago.

She seemed more humanized, more willing to engage in dialogue.

For Beru, whose thirst for knowledge was unquenchable, the empress was akin to an immense repository of wisdom, capable of illuminating countless enigmas.

With his head bowed in a gesture of humility, Beru awaited the empress's reply.

The empress, whose beauty seemed beyond reality, cast a brief glance at him with eyes that appeared to penetrate the world's deepest secrets and spoke with haughty assurance, "Speak your mind."

"Why is it that only demons from Hao Xu can morph into human form at a certain moment, significantly enhancing their intellect? This question has vexed me for countless years and has left the mightiest of other realms utterly baffled. I implore you for enlightenment. I, Beru, on behalf of the entire Star Race, will be eternally grateful for your guidance."

By invoking the entire Star Race, the Great Sage implied that should the empress resolve this mystery, the whole Star Race would owe her a debt of gratitude.

Leo and Denise were visibly shaken.

Yu Yuan, Yan Qiling, Moore, and the Ice Concubine were all stirred by Beru's words.

Upon deeper reflection, they realized the truth in his statement!

Alien beasts from the Outer Star River, even those as formidable as the Ninth Level Deep Sea Basilisk or the Celestial Star Beast, could not undergo the transformation that the Demonic Beasts of the Vast Ocean could, becoming human upon reaching the Seventh Level.

Demonic Beasts, too, would undergo a metamorphosis after the Seventh Level. When they took human form, their intelligence would be revolutionized!

And for those clans graced by the birth of a Demon God, even the newly born offspring of small Demonic Beasts possessed intelligence that far surpassed that of humans.

These alien beasts were something that humans could never hope to rival!

Regardless of their rank or strength, alien beasts were incapable of taking on human or otherworldly forms, nor could they ever achieve the intelligence of the vast ocean's Demonic Beasts.

They remained classified solely as alien beasts.

"In the vast ocean, there's a place known as Horror Land, beneath which lies the source of the Yin Meridian. Its tributaries stretch across the entire world, blessing all the creatures of the vast ocean," Chen Qinghuang replied succinctly.

"Horror Land! The source of the Yin Meridian!" Beru's fists tightened as he murmured to himself, "I see."

Yan Qiling was equally astonished, bowing his head in deep thought, momentarily overwhelmed by the revelation.

The others shared similar looks of bewilderment.

Time passed.

Suddenly, Chen Qinghuang, who seemed to have become ethereal, had her long hair dancing wildly. Her eyes ignited with the fires of destruction and death, as if something had provoked her wrath.

Those in close proximity felt their bloodlines and souls quiver with unease, as if enveloped by destruction and death.

On the surface of the Lissom Realm, the Deep Sea Basilisk, under assault by the Hannya Divine Tree, was overcome by a bone-deep terror and briefly regained consciousness.

The Deep Sea Basilisk struggled, attempting to escape the entanglement of the sharp branches, desperate to break free from the Lissom Realm.

Layers of colorful waves, carrying the equilibrium of space, pressed down upon the basilisk's expansive wings, sending it crashing down once more.

Yet, it was clear that the Deep Sea Basilisk sensed something amiss and harbored thoughts of contending with the Lissom Realm.


The Empress soared through the air, having already left the meteorite controlled by Yan Qiling.

Her presence alone had prevented the others from falling under the influence of the Void Spirit Succubus's illusions, but now they were thrown into disarray.

Yan Qiling, also gripped by fear, urgently advised, "Everyone, hold fast to your spirits!"

Yu Yuan exclaimed in alarm, "What's happening?"

In his view, Chen Qinghuang ascended higher, yet she remained not too distant from the Lissom Realm. It appeared that the Empress's divine grace still shrouded them all.

The illusion didn't cause anyone to lose control immediately.


Commanding the Evil Cauldron, Yu Yuan followed Chen Qinghuang into the sky, standing shoulder to shoulder with her.

As he followed her gaze, Yu Yuan observed the layered ripples ahead, seemingly scattered effortlessly by the power emanating from her body.

In the distant starry expanse, a Luan Bird, similar to those Yu Yuan had seen before, suddenly appeared.

This gray swallow was even larger than the thousand-meter-long Deep Sea Basilisk.

Yet, its dark brown eyes betrayed a look of pain and struggle, with flickers of Destruction Fire that were snuffed out as quickly as they ignited.

The gray swallow's slender neck was ensnared by vines as thick as pythons, and a massive wooden staff was crushing it.

Perched atop the staff was the current patriarch of the Dark Elfkind, sitting with a solemn dignity.

Brie's expression was somber. Sensing Chen Qinghuang's intense gaze and wrath, he slowly rose from his seated posture, his eyes meeting hers across the void.

Still, the staff at his feet and the vines emerging from it continued to tighten around the gray swallow's neck, threatening to choke the life out of it.

"Do you want to die?"

Chen Qinghuang's lips barely moved as her distinct, indifferent voice crossed the void, reaching Brie and shattering the spatial ripples conjured by the Void Spirit Succubus.

Yu Yuan, who knew her well, recognized that the Empress was genuinely enraged and harbored a fierce intent to kill Brie.

Her anger was clearly sparked by the sight of the immense gray swallow.

Given that the gray swallow's wings could ignite Destruction Fire, it was highly likely to have a connection to her. Recalling the relationships she had mentioned between the Deep Sea Basilisk, the Abyss Goanna, and the Silver Scale Clan, Yu Yuan had an epiphany.

The Winged Race, and this colossal gray swallow, might well have come into existence because of her, descendants she left scattered across the stars.

With this realization, Yu Yuan understood the source of her thunderous fury.

Another question then involuntarily surfaced in his mind.

Why would Brie of the Dark Elfkind, with nothing better to do, choose to provoke her?

Especially at such a critical juncture?

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