Unmatched Dominance/C1319 The Law Shattered(1)
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Unmatched Dominance/C1319 The Law Shattered(1)
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C1319 The Law Shattered(1)

Chen Qinghuang must have realized his identity from his first life. Yan Qiling and Yu Yiyi were certainly aware as well.

Even the Ninth Level Cold Domain Bear, having encountered him before, recognized something in him, which explained its repeated gestures of goodwill.

However, the Divine Butterfly and the Hannya Divine Tree, tainted by corruption, were misled by the Dragon Slash Platform.

Despite occasional traces of an unusual aura emanating from his body and soul, the Void Spirit Succubus assumed it was simply due to his fortuitous absorption of the Dragon Slash Platform's original owner's legacy.

It never occurred to the creature that the one who had driven the Divine Butterfly and the ancestral tree to flee was none other than his first incarnation.

The legacy of the Dragon Slash Platform had merged with him because the imprint deep within his primary soul had remained unchanged!

The Divine Butterfly, burdened by its initial assumptions, failed to make the connection.

This was also because the power of his first incarnation was so extraordinary that the Divine Butterfly couldn't reconcile it with his current self.

Otherwise, the Divine Butterfly, whose soul had been forced to separate from its body and seek refuge in the Chaos Abyss, would never have treated him with such contempt.

The newly born, defiled Hannya Divine Tree must have also been deceived by the Divine Butterfly.

It believed he was merely a fortunate youth who had stumbled upon the Dragon Slayer's legacy.

"Well, that actually makes things more interesting."

Yu Yuan nodded to himself, feeling increasingly at ease. Being underestimated by the other party meant he wouldn't have to endure overly fearsome attacks.

"Hey, I need to set the record straight. Your son and I did have our differences and conflicts, but I assure you, I did not kill him."

Looking at the Dark Elfkind chieftain, Yu Yuan suddenly made this declaration, opening his hands in a gesture of innocence.

Brie regarded him as if he were a simpleton...

He wondered how someone as transcendent as Chen Qinghuang could possibly have spent so much time with such a man in the Outland Star River.

"Elder Mia brought back a woman named Lulu from our Vast Ocean; she's my apprentice," Yu Yuan said with a beaming smile, seemingly oblivious to Brie's irritation and impatience. "She's of mixed human and Dark Elfkind heritage, the orphaned daughter of the former High Priest. Once this is all settled, could you perhaps refrain from causing her and Mia any further trouble?"

Brie was on the verge of losing his mind.

His lineage was in decline, and the Mighty Truncheon's fate hung by a thread. Diggs was on the cusp of advancing to the Tenth Level, poised to usurp his role as clan leader. The vile ancestral tree threatened to grow boundlessly, and if moved to another Star River, it would consume all life and Galaxy Extraordinary Talents.

In such dire straits, thoughts of Mia and Lulu were far from his mind.

In the face of the impending cataclysmic changes, Mia, Lulu, and even his deceased son paled in significance.

"Focus on the immediate issues! We can discuss the rest later!"

Brie responded through clenched teeth, his glare fierce and unyielding.

Slash! Slash! Slash! Slash!

Deathly gray-white lightning struck the grounds of the Lissom Realm in succession, like divine bolts etched with the laws of death.

Evil-growing plants, flowers, ancient trees—all withered en masse.

Black flames of obliteration spread from beneath Yu Yuan and Brie's feet, radiating outward.

The vile powers lurking beneath the surface, along with all concealed evils, were eradicated in an instant.

Chen Qinghuang's attention had long since shifted from Yu Yuan to the Divine Butterfly and the polluted ancestral tree.

She unleashed her full might, intent on obliterating the Hannya Divine Tree and the plans of the Void Spirit Succubus with a force of pure destruction and death.

"Yu, Yu Yuan..."

A slender figure from the Mondnacht Clan emerged unexpectedly beneath the verdant tree, casting a pitiful glance his way.

Yu Yuan was taken aback, and with a mere thought, the sheath of the Optimus Sword radiated a crimson glow.

"It's me, it's me!"

Alien Demon Qiyan, having possessed a random body, revealed familiar flames in his eye sockets. "I can truly help you. Please, reconsider!"

At that moment, as Chen Qinghuang showcased her formidable power, a devastating battle that spanned the entire Starfield erupted in the Lissom Realm.

The pervasive forces of destruction and death threatened to engulf every nook and cranny, leaving Qiyan with nowhere to hide.

Moreover, the Void Spirit Succubus, manifesting in Benin's form, cast its gaze upon him.

He sensed the looming threat.

He feared not the corruption of the "Hannya Divine Tree" or its piercing branches, yet the presence of the Void Spirit Succubus on the tree set his heart racing with unease.

So, he pursued Yu Yuan, pleading for his help. Along the way, he trembled with fear, dreading that the destructive flames might reach him.

Yu Yuan, poised to strike, noticed Qiyan changing form once again, now suspended in midair above the tumultuous, burning flames of destruction beneath him. Strands of grayish-white divine lightning, imbued with the laws of death, did not strike him. This indicated that Chen Qinghuang had silently consented to his proximity.

Recalling the empress's earlier words, Yu Yuan recognized that this alien demon, born of the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea, might indeed prove useful at a critical moment. The crimson glow of his sword faded, yet his demeanor remained icy. "Your future actions will be the judge," he said.

Qiyan, elated, nodded vigorously, like a pecking chick. "Rest assured! I'll give it my all this time!"

Brie, also beneath the enigmatic tree, wore a grave look. He instinctively sensed that Qiyan, this peculiar entity, could threaten both him and the Mighty Truncheon.

"There was a Hu Caiyun from the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea, also known as Peach Madam..." Brie said coolly, his gaze turning sharply towards Yu Yuan. "Her emergence as a colossal peach tree led to numerous deaths in the Spirit Realm. I've heard rumors of your past association with Peach Madam. Is that so?"

"It's all a misunderstanding," Yu Yuan replied with a forced chuckle.

He too recalled the incident with Hu Caiyun, an outsider to the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea who had wreaked havoc in the Spirit Realm, gaining immense power in the process. Her Spiritual Spell required harvesting the miasma and toxic smog.

Qiyan, on the other hand, was a devil nurtured by the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea itself, his body refined from the essence of poisonous rivers. He might indeed have the potential to counter the Hannya Divine Tree and offer them much-needed assistance.

With this realization, Yu Yuan's resistance waned, and he refrained from banishing Qiyan any further.

Qiyan, recognizing the situation, assumed the guise of a Mondnacht Clan man and stood by quietly, attentively watching the battle and ready to seize any opportunity to prove his worth.

With a hiss, a sharp branch suddenly pierced the lightning vortex controlled by Wei Zhuo, setting off a cacophony of thunder and lightning.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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