Unmatched Dominance/C1324 Sitting Quietly in Meditation
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Unmatched Dominance/C1324 Sitting Quietly in Meditation
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C1324 Sitting Quietly in Meditation

Chen Qinghuang departed without a hint of reluctance, her decision swift and decisive.

Yu Yuan observed as the gray swallow, responding to her soft whistle, elegantly unfurled its wide gray wings and set course for the Winged Race's Starfield.

Brie, perched atop the Mighty Truncheon, gathered his strength and pursued.

The gray swallow led the way, with the Mighty Truncheon trailing behind, their figures receding into the distance.

The image etched itself into Yu Yuan's psyche, sparking an extraordinary epiphany.

From this moment on, the roles of Dark Elfkind and the Winged Race would once again invert.

Looking ahead, the Winged Race was poised to reclaim its dominant stature, its rise inevitable, while Dark Elfkind might experience a period of quietude.

In a reversal of roles, the Winged Race would now stand as guardians for Dark Elfkind, much as Dark Elfkind had done for them over the years.

The resurgence of Chen Qinghuang, the convergence of her power, her return after a hundred millennia, and the emergence of three seemingly frail elders were all harbingers of a new era for the Winged Race.

It's likely that the elders had already identified a remarkable individual within the Winged Race, awaiting Chen Qinghuang's return to assist in their ascension to the Tenth Level.

With the emergence of a Tenth Level warrior, the Winged Race would see a surge of Ninth Level warriors, sprouting rapidly in the wake of Chen Qinghuang's influence.

Consequently, the Winged Race would effortlessly ascend to the top of the first echelon.

"Clearly, she bears her own duties and destiny," Yu Yuan mused, nodding in understanding before breaking into a knowing smile.

The reach of the Origin Realm God had now firmly grasped this expansive galaxy, initiating the first conflict within the Deep Starfield.

The allegiance of the Void Spirit Succubus, the birth of the Fallen Divine Tree, and Diggs's immortal existence were but a few of the wonders that had transpired here, soon to be disseminated far and wide.

Intelligent races from beyond, such as the Devaputra, the Bright Clan, the Asura, and the Demoness.

The vast Human Race, the Great Demons, the Divine Soul Sect, and even the Chaos Roc-like Starry Behemoths...

Without delving too deep, Yu Yuan could foresee that all clans and formidable powers would now turn their gaze towards the Origin Realm God, bestowing upon it their utmost regard.

Yu Yuan was aware that Chen Qinghuang's return would be greeted by the three venerable elders of the Winged Race, and there were numerous matters awaiting attention.

Alone in the vast, desolate expanse of the starry sky, Yu Yuan settled himself on a small meteorite, silently organizing his thoughts. During his unexpected journey to that peculiar world, he had encountered the Origin Realm God. Had this deity perceived the intricacies of his soul? Was he aware of Yu Yuan's past lives, especially the first one?

What might the Origin Realm God do next if he had indeed noticed? Yu Yuan pondered the potential for the Void Spirit Succubus, the Fallen Divine Tree, and Diggs to be manipulated against him, even considering the possibility of a covert assassination attempt.

"What exactly is the Origin Realm God?" Yu Yuan mused, his mood darkening as he replayed the setbacks he had faced in the Deep Starfield.

The Dragon Slash Platform, which had ceased emitting its infinite radiance, had retreated back into his acupoint. Yu Yuan sensed that if not for the timely awakening of the soul imprint from his first incarnation within his primary soul, which unleashed the Dragon Slash Platform's formidable divine power, he might never have made it back to this realm.

It was possible that he, along with Diggs, the Void Spirit Succubus, and the Fallen Divine Tree, had been tainted by the Origin Realm God, turning them into devout followers, dutifully serving his will. If so, Chen Qinghuang could be facing grave dangers in the true world beyond. The Mighty Truncheon, once shattered, might rejoin the mature Fallen Divine Tree, and Brie's demise would be certain.

A catastrophe of even greater magnitude loomed, threatening to accelerate the obliteration of this void into non-existence. Such speed could leave the gray swallow, the Cold Domain Bear, Yan Qiling, Beru, and others without a moment to flee, spelling doom for all living beings.

"Origin Realm..." Shivering with cold, Yu Yuan glanced downward reflexively.

Thankfully, beneath him lay only the barren emptiness, not the colorful undulations of a sea's surface, nor the abyssal darkness concealing some gargantuan unknown entity yearning to break free.

With a self-deprecating smile, Yu Yuan conjured the Dragon Slash Platform, the sheath of the Optimus Sword, and the Demon Blade, Blood Prison, one after the other.

He caressed each object, feeling their presence, then released his Yin God to discern if anything existed within this void. There was no sound, no breeze, no light, and no trace of any special ability to be perceived. Yu Yuan could not sense the Dragon Slash Platform, the sheath, or the Demon Blade, nor could he draw the slightest bit of energy from this barren world.

"Legend has it that the Abyss Goanna, a creature from the Starry Behemoth family, is the only being capable of touching the Abyss. It began its exploration of the cosmos's boundaries long ago, roaming beyond our reach. Some believe that the very edge of the universe is an expanse of eternal desolation and emptiness. It's also rumored that the Divine Soul Sect's early 'remnants' ventured into that void, operating within that desolate realm," Yu Yuan reflected with a heavy heart.

"Could the Abyss Goanna originate from beneath the colorful ripples? Like an immense, unknown being persistently battering against the spatial ripples, attempting to shatter some mysterious cosmic barrier to reveal itself in our universe?"

Silence followed as a flurry of thoughts raced through his mind like streaks of lightning.

In the Emptiness Land, devoid of time, Yu Yuan sat motionless, the duration of his solitude unknown. Once his Yin God departed from his physical form, it could traverse the desolate void to distant reaches in an instant. Yet, it seemed pointless. Wherever the Yin God manifested, it encountered the same desolation.

Beyond that, there was emptiness...

A profound sense of solitude welled up within him at some indeterminate moment, as if he were the sole living entity, the only conscious presence in an infinite expanse. And indeed, that was the case.

His Yin God continued its unbound flight, free and unfettered. Out of sheer ennui, he directed his focus onto the ethereal form of his Yin God, experimenting with the intricate techniques of the Ghosting Arts.

To his amazement, he discovered that in this barren void, the Yin God could move effortlessly, consuming hardly any soul power. As he channeled the Soul Arts, his Yin God adapted into myriad forms with ease. It could assume the imposing visage of a Demon God, morph into mountains and lakes, or take on the appearance of numerous demons. Each transformation was executed with remarkable ease, presenting no challenge whatsoever.

Moreover, the sensory reach of his Yin God seemed to have significantly expanded, stretching to new limits.


A trace of Yin Sunflower Essence, deeply hidden within a secret acupoint, silently emerged and merged with the Yin God that Yu Yuan was channeling through the Ghosting Arts. It began to cleanse and purify even the smallest impurities within his Yin God.

More Yin Sunflower Essence followed, as if beckoned by the Yin God itself.

The essence, hailing from the source of Horror Land, was already scarce.

This wondrous substance, when combined with the "Optimus Nine Slashes," could unleash a terrifying force capable of vanquishing Alien Soul Evil Spirits.

Now, the Yin Sunflower Essence was being completely drawn out by the Yin God.

Yu Yuan's Yin God melded with the essence, purifying his soul and enhancing his perception, intelligence, spirituality, and various other mystical aspects related to the soul.

He abruptly realized that even without a forged Yang God, his Yin God could still refine and grow limitlessly.

Such was the profound mystery of the Ghosting Arts!

The Dragon Slash Platform and the blood soul within the Demon Blade also yearned for the Yin Sunflower Essence.

It seemed that both the platform and the blade could be amplified if they absorbed the essence.

This revelation left Yu Yuan astounded, fueling his curiosity about the Yin Sunflower Essence and his desire to acquire more.

Yet, the essence appeared to exist solely in Horror Land, perpetually concealed at the source of the Yin Vein.

To gather more Yin Sunflower Essence, he would need to return to the Boundless Great World and venture back into Horror Land.

Fortunately, an ancestor of the Yu family had ascended to become the supreme ghost god of Horror Land. Should Yu Yuan manage to return, he might indeed be able to harvest new Yin Sunflower Essence to nourish his Yin God and unlock more miniature realms within his acupoints.


Yu Yuan suddenly became aware of something.

Far away, in a different expanse of Emptiness Land, the Alien Demon Qiyan was scurrying about aimlessly, like a fly without a head.

This was a vision glimpsed through the boundless perception of the Yin God.

In an instant, the ethereal form of the Yin God materialized near the Qiyan.

Now reduced to seven toxic streams and in a purely liquid state, the Qiyan beheld the ghostly silhouette of the spirit and was immediately seized by an urge to flee in terror.

"It's me," Yu Yuan initiated the communication.

Startled by his message, the vibrantly colored Qiyan abruptly took form.

It morphed into a rough human shape. "You, you're still alive?" Qiyan spoke, its voice hauntingly hollow, as though it originated from another dimension.

"What surprises me is that you're still alive," Yu Yuan remarked with a light tone, his pure spirit body resonating.

For some reason, as he observed Qiyan and sensed its bizarre liquid form, refined from seven toxic rivers, he believed that if he so desired, his Yin God could consume Qiyan, leaving not even a wisp of soul or consciousness behind.

What the Fallen Divine Tree failed to achieve seemed effortless for him in his pure spirit state.

More astonishing was the transformation of his Yin God in response to this thought; from a spirit body, it became a swirling vortex.

This vortex resembled a 'Soul Prison,' akin to those formed by the multitude of Evil Devils within the Evil Cauldron.

Qiyan, sensing immense terror, screeched and retreated.

"Yu Yuan, I never betrayed you! I can't explain why the Lissom Realm suddenly overflowed with a mysterious force, causing the malevolent divine tree to grow wildly and pierce endlessly into the outer world."

"That woman only cared for Brie of the Dark Elfkind and neglected me!"

"With you gone, what was I to do? I had no choice but to flee, just like Yan Qiling, Wai Zhuo from the Thunder Sect, and the others, to a far-off distance."


As Qiyan backed away, it continued to shriek, recounting its woes.

Detecting the fearsome might emanating from Yin God Yu's peculiar form, Qiyan believed Yu Yuan resented its desertion in the heat of battle, prompting a flurry of justifications.

Qiyan's reaction reaffirmed to Yu Yuan the profound efficacy of the "Ghosting Arts."

Libre Baskerville
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