Unmatched Dominance/C1325 Discarded
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Unmatched Dominance/C1325 Discarded
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C1325 Discarded

The panicked cries of Alien Demon Qiyan alerted Yu Yuan to many previously unknown details. The Lissom Realm had begun to overflow with a mysterious energy from the Origin Realm. This energy not only hastened the growth of the Fallen Divine Tree but also bolstered the combat prowess of the Void Spirit Succubus. As the Fallen Divine Tree's sharp branches pierced outward, the energy from the Origin Realm spread in tandem. Thankfully, the spread wasn't so rapid as to be unavoidable.

Sensing the dramatic transformation within the Lissom Realm, and the terrifying energy capable of reducing everything to desolation and silence, Chen Qinghuang found herself increasingly overwhelmed by the Void Spirit Succubus. Consequently, some fled of their own accord, while others were persuaded or pulled away by their peers. Alien Demon Qiyan was among those who fled.

His return to this desolate place was driven by fear of Wei Zhuo from the Thunder Sect and Qiao Yuling from the Outer Sky Thunder Sect. Both possessed the strength to easily dispatch him and bore him no goodwill. Fearing for his life, he had returned.

Others remained vigilant, likely biding their time on the fringes of the Starfield, waiting for the right moment to act. Yu Yuan realized that these wanderers were acting out of fear, dreading the mysterious Origin Realm God, the Void Spirit Succubus, and the Fallen Divine Tree. In the face of an unclear situation, they dared not rush in, fearing they might be ensnared in a dire fate.

Indeed, those who had fled amidst the chaos, like Wai Zhuo and Xu Jingyao, had witnessed the near demise of Brie, the Dark Elfkind patriarch with the noblest bloodline, within the Lissom Realm. His bloodline had suffered a significant decline. Given these events, who would dare to venture in?

Only formidable figures like Barol and the Asura King, or others of similar stature, would possess the confidence to delve in and explore. Yet, considering the fate of the Secular Bird, which had awakened and subsequently been defeated in the Illusion Starfield a hundred thousand years prior, even individuals of Barol and the Asura King's caliber would approach with great caution.

A lone individual likely wouldn't dare to venture in. Victory could only be possible with the combined effort of several Tenth Level experts.

Yet, the current state of affairs in the starry expanse was exceedingly complex. It was improbable for the supreme beings of other races to assemble swiftly, casting aside all else to converge here.

Yu Yuan continued his inquiries and learned that Beru, Leo, and Denise had likely retreated to the Illusion Starfield. Yan Qiling, along with Yan Ziyang and Moore, were probably headed to the Silver Sand Starfield, governed by the Silver Scale Clan, where there was a passage to the Delude Devil Abyss.

Yu Yuan quickly grasped the situation.

Chen Qinghuang, the grey goose, and the three elders of the Winged Race, whom Brie was with, had not encountered Alien Demon Qiyan, leaving their whereabouts unclear.

Yu Yuan surmised that Chen Qinghuang, alongside the Winged Race and Brie, had likely journeyed to the Dark Wing Starfield.

Bordering the Deep Starfield were the Star Race's Illusion Starfield, the Asura Clan's Firefly Starfield, the Silver Scale Clan's Silver Sand Starfield, and then the Dark Wing Starfield.

Originally, his intention had been to escort Chen Qinghuang to the Dark Wing Starfield.

"Wai Zhuo, that fellow from the Thunder Sect, and the survivors from the vast expanses, like the young member of the Profound Sky Sect, are probably all heading to the Silver Sand Starfield," Qiyan interjected softly during Yu Yuan's moment of contemplation.

"The mobile Galaxy Crossing crafted by the vast expanses must select a new anchor point. This utterly barren wasteland no longer serves any purpose for the Galaxy Crossing. Barol had previously made an appearance in the Illusion Starfield, so they wouldn't dare provoke misfortune by going there."

"I've heard that the two Ninth Level Asura Warriors who were once seen in the Illusion Starfield are now in the Firefly Starfield. They carry with them a Frost Well that can connect to the Dark Domain at any moment, ready to welcome the Asura King's descent. Hence, it's unlikely anyone would choose to visit the Firefly Starfield at this time."

"As for the Dark Wing Starfield..."

Qiyan's voice trailed off as his liquid form appeared to shudder.

"The malevolent Diggs, akin to an evil divine tree, will likely consider the Dark Wing Starfield their next conquest. Much like the Deep Starfield, it is replete with forests and the Great Swamp, an ideal environment for such a giant tree to flourish."

After enduring a catastrophic disaster, the Alien Demon Qiyan seemed to have undergone a transformation. His arrogance had completely dissipated as he calmly contemplated his next move. Having broken free from the Epitaxial Realm and achieved true freedom, he was confronted with a world that had undergone a radical transformation, leaving him feeling like a stranger in a new land.

He had never before heard of the "Origin Realm God," and was taken aback by its formidable presence. Mysteriously, powerful beings like Brie had been stripped of their supreme bloodlines by the Fallen Divine Tree, plummeting to the Ninth Level, and the Secular Bird, which spread destruction and death, was reborn in human form, maintaining an inexplicably close relationship with the enigmatic Yu Yuan.

Confronted with an array of bewildering events that upended his worldview, Qiyan was compelled to reassess everything he thought he knew.

Yu Yuan listened intently, slowly nodding his head. After some contemplation, he reached a decision and declared, "We're heading to the Silver Sand Starfield of the Silver Scale Clan."

Qiyan pleaded, "Take me with you! And please, help me survive. I fear the Thunder Sect and their followers."

"I'll do what I can," Yu Yuan responded coolly.

He had chosen the Silver Sand Starfield for a reason: he knew that Yan Qiling and Yu Yiyi had arrived there through the Realm passageway from the Delude Devil Abyss. Likewise, if they needed to evacuate the Deep Starfield, they would likely do so via the Silver Sand Starfield. Should the Divine Soul Sect and the Babel Chamber of Commerce receive a distress call from Yan Qiling, they too would come to inspect the situation through the Silver Sand Starfield.

Moreover, he had learned that the Silver Scale Clan, like the Deep Sea Basilisk, was created by the Abyss Goanna. His curiosity about the enigmatic Abyss was piqued; he was eager to uncover whether it was synonymous with the Origin Realm and what secrets it might conceal. Given that the Abyss Goanna was the sole creature capable of reaching the Abyss, he was determined to seek out any traces of insight from its intelligent creations.

"Hold on," Yu Yuan commanded.

"Wait for what?" Qiyan asked.

"Wait for the real me!"

After what seemed like an eternity, Yu Yuan's true form, standing upon the Dragon Slash Platform, finally traversed the void. Following the connection with his Yin God, he had at last found his way.

"Do you know how to get to the Silver Sand Starfield?" both Yu Yuan's true form and his Yin God inquired simultaneously.

Alien Demon Qiyan shook his head in dismay. "I'm lost. In this realm of Emptiness Land, there's nothing to guide me. I can't discern front from back, left from right, up from down."

"In that case, stay put for the time being," Yu Yuan commanded.

His Yin God vanished without a trace in the blink of an eye.

In this realm, the Yin God transformed into a silent river of stars. Unfettered, he could traverse freely at a speed a thousand times faster than his corporeal form.

Perhaps the absence of superpowers, shattered meteorites, remnants of starry skies, and various harmful spirits was what allowed the Yin God to soar without impediment.

Elsewhere in the Starfields, releasing the Yin God might have resulted in minor injuries. The freedom to soar as he was now was unprecedented.

Using the Evil Cauldron, traversing from one boundary to another within the original Deep Starfield could take months.

Yet, in this desolate and frigid expanse of Emptiness Land, his Yin God seemed to wander without it taking much time at all.

While his main body and Qiyan remained stationary, his Yin God soared through the vastness of the Deep Starfield, seeking the direction of the Silver Sand Starfield to guide them there.

Gradually, his Yin God returned to the border adjoining the Illusion Starfield.

From the Illusion Starfield side, he could see dazzling stars and luminous nebulae.

But there seemed to be an inherent boundary between the various superpowers of the Illusion Starfield and the Emptiness Land.

The void remained still and silent, not encroaching upon the Illusion Starfield.

Likewise, the pervasive powers of the Illusion Starfield—corrupt forces, deadly toxins, streaming light, and winds—did not infiltrate where his Yin God resided.

The silent river of stars where he stood appeared to have truly become a void, clearly present yet separated by a boundary from the Illusion Starfield.

The two realms coexisted without interference, clearly demarcated and devoid of any interaction.

This revelation left him both astonished and perplexed.

After much deliberation, his Yin God resumed its swift flight, once again cutting through the silence.

His Yin God successively emerged at the edge of the Asura Clan's Firefly Starfield and the Dark Wing Starfield where Chen Qinghuang and others had ventured.

The situation in the Illusion Starfield was mirrored by both the Firefly Starfield and the Dark Wing Starfield, where no spatial abilities infused the desolate Emptiness Land.

The Deep Starfield lay in dead silence, as if forsaken and stripped of recognition.

Yu Yuan's thoughts drifted to the Oblivion Starfield he had once visited, where a queen perished a hundred thousand years ago, besieged and obliterated by the Secular Bird. That galaxy, now devoid of life, had no creatures, insects, or alien beasts.

Though the Realm was silent, various abilities still lingered in the cosmos, albeit diluted.

The two scenarios were distinctly different...

The Oblivion Starfield, along with others silenced by the Secular Bird's destructive and deadly forces, were merely domains bereft of life.

A vast Starfield still teemed with diverse energies, some stars even retaining the capacity to "breathe."

This stood in stark contrast to the current state of the Deep Starfield, utterly devoid of stars, land, and perceivable abilities, lacking both light and wind—the epitome of a Starfield's true desolation.

Enlightened, Yu Yuan's Yin God soared on, seeking anomalies.

Time blurred until he sensed the Silver Sand Starfield Qiyan had spoken of...

From a distance, it resembled a starry river draped in silvery gauze, slowly infusing the barren Deep Starfield with a variety of abilities!

Unlike the Illusion, Firefly, and Dark Wing Starfields, the Silver Sand Starfield's unique energies were seeping into this void.

The process felt sluggish and somewhat disconcerting to Yu Yuan, yet it was happening.

This astonishing revelation further solidified a theory in Yu Yuan's mind.

He was convinced that the Silver Sand Starfield's energy was gradually permeating the void of the Deep Starfield due to the legendary Abyss Goanna's past presence.

Far from neglecting it, the Silver Sand Starfield was beginning to embrace it.

Considering the rate at which energy from the Silver Sand Starfield trickled into the desolate Deep Starfield, it might take tens of thousands of years for the void to once again brim with various abilities.

Even then, the concentration would be exceedingly sparse, and whether these energies and impurities could coalesce into a new Stars Realm remained uncertain.

"Silver Sand..."

Yu Yuan murmured under his breath, sending forth his thoughts through the mystical connection between his Yin God and his physical body.

He was aware that his physical form, situated in another realm, had set out with Alien Demon Qiyan and was converging on his current position. Yet, since his physical form was of flesh and blood, it could not traverse millions of miles in an instant like the Yin God, and it would be some time before he could truly arrive.

In the meantime, his Yin God lingered at the boundary, curiously observing the Silver Sand Starfield.

He was eager to discover if any formidable beings were lying in wait for him at the edge of the Silver Sand Starfield.

"I wonder if the cauldron soul and the Evil Cauldron are present in this starfield as well."

The pure Yin God was somewhat safer in the Emptiness Land, but entering the Silver Sand Starfield in such a form would be exceedingly perilous.

Especially if Wei Zhuo, the guardian of the "Thunder Divine Pool," was awaiting him at the border...

With this thought, he instinctively recoiled slightly.

As his physical body and Alien Demon Qiyan drew nearer, he watched from the shadows, maintaining a distance from the Silver Sand Starfield and waiting silently for an indeterminate amount of time.

Then, a grand and enigmatic palace emerged from the edge of the Silver Sand Starfield, radiating with splendor.

"Cao Jiaze!"

Yu Yuan's spirit was jolted. He had once, with the assistance of Her Majesty the Empress, warned this rising star of the Profound Sky Sect.

He had shared with him the horrors of the Deep Starfield and the schemes of the Origin Realm God, hoping that Cao Jiaze would make a timely appearance to aid him during the upheaval in the Lissom Realm.

But Cao Jiaze had not come, likely having sensed danger and retreated in time.

Why then, was he reappearing now?

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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