Unmatched Dominance/C1327 The Flying Firefly
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Unmatched Dominance/C1327 The Flying Firefly
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C1327 The Flying Firefly

"You've been away for quite some time."

At the fringe of the Silver Sand Starfield, hovering above a scallop-shaped meteorite, Lin Yan looked on with surprise as Cao Jiaze made his leisurely return. "What's the matter? Did you come across something noteworthy?"

At his words, the rest of the group turned their attention, their expressions showing keen interest.

Here, at the border with the void of the Deep Starfield, a subtle presence of Galaxy Extraordinary Talent was slowly permeating into the far-off nothingness.

Near the Galaxy Crossing, mountains yanked from other regions by powerful beings served as temporary resting spots.

At the base of one dark red mountain, encircled by rings of flame, nine fiery orbs blazed as brightly as the sun.

Mo Baichuan, the Mountain Lord of Yang Mountain, stood at the summit, his expression unreadable.

Xu Jingyao, wielder of the Fire God Spear, sat slumped and disheartened, a shadow of his former pride and vigor.

He had faced continuous setbacks, first in the Illusion Starfield and then on the Outer Battlefield, which had nearly eroded his confidence.

Numerous cultivators from the Primordial Yang Sect were scattered around the mountain, sitting in silence.

Another mountain rose sharply, like a sword thrust into the sky.

At its peak were Du Yuan, known as the Disillusionment Sword, and Yue Mu, known as the Heavenly Water Sword.

The two Great Sword Immortals from the Sword Sect gazed solemnly at the void of the Deep Starfield.

Chen Qingyan, whose beauty was unparalleled, had successfully refined her Yang God and now stood behind them, her brows knit with concern.

Other Yang cultivators from the Sword Sect were dispersed around the mountain, their sword intents slashing through the air, emanating a sense of deadly resolve and sharpness.

Wai Zhuo of the Thunder Sect sat quietly in the shrunken Thunder Divine Pool, his eyes narrowed in contemplation.

"There's nothing to report; I just ventured a bit further in," Cao Jiaze replied, shaking his head and returning to the Galaxy Crossing with an air of composure. He looked at Lin Yan and inquired, "Is the Sect Master still conducting his thorough investigation of the Silver Sand Starfield?"

Lin Yan gave a confirming hum and replied, "He's traversing this part of the galaxy, exploring several mythical locations, particularly the lair of the Deep Sea Basilisk and the sacred grounds of the Silver Scale Clan."

Please relay a message to the Mountain Lord, stating that the Deep Sea Basilisk and the Silver Scale Clan may have originated from the Abyss Goanna. The now desolate and silent Deep Starfield bears many similarities to the rumored boundaries of the galaxy, where the Abyss Goanna vanished," Cao Jiaze stated earnestly.

Lin Yan paused briefly, then gave a slight nod.

A flicker of confusion crossed his mind, but he refrained from asking questions due to the presence of the formidable members of the Primordial Yang Sect and the Sword Sect.

"Kid, were you not inside? Did you discover anything?" Yue Mu chuckled, glancing over with a teasing look. "Why didn't you mention this earlier? The upheaval in the Deep Starfield is significant. If you've found something, don't keep it to yourself."

"I merely had a sudden realization, Senior Yue Mu. You're reading too much into it," Cao Jiaze replied with a smile.

"I'm dying to know what exactly happened in there," Yue Mu blurted out.

Many eyes shifted back to the now void-like Deep Starfield, filled with both curiosity and a sense of foreboding.

The fragmented Starfield, a battlefield beyond the heavens for millennia, was suddenly thrown into turmoil, alarming powers across the galaxies and halting the ongoing war in the Dim Starfield.

Following the deaths of the Mighty Spirit King and the Golden Elephant Ancient God, the Demon Palace and Devil Palace, in their thunderous rage, amassed a formidable coalition of sect forces and surged into the Dim Starfield.

The three upper sects also mobilized, drawing powerful figures from far and wide.

The consequence was that the entire Outland Devaputra Race was provoked by this overwhelming invasion.

Beilstein, the Great Demon God, who had never seen eye to eye with Grec, made his stance clear...

As a result, led by the High Priest Reid, the Bright Clan, the Demon Girls, and the Star Race, many powerful beings made their way there.

The Demon God Qilin of the Demon Palace made an appearance in the Dim Starfield, igniting a fierce battle.

Amidst this intense conflict, the news of a cataclysmic earthquake in the Deep Starfield spread rapidly.

The enigmatic Origin Realm God revealed his might, and in collaboration with the Void Spirit Succubus and the Ancestral Tree of the Dark Elfkind, nearly brought Brie to his demise. The age-old Secular Bird also joined the fray...

Before long, the Deep Starfield was reduced to nothingness, and the news of the Origin Realm God's emergence and the Starfield's obliteration spread far and wide.

The conflict in the Dim Starfield came to an abrupt end due to the mysterious "Origin Realm God" and the disappearance of the Starfield itself.

Subsequently, the deaths of Jin Lih and Zhu Huan, along with the consumption of the Deep Sea Basilisk, were among the explosive news that quickly drew the attention of many.

This also led to a shift in focus among the various powers.

"Don't rush; let's wait a bit longer, then we can explore the enigma of this place together," said Du Yuan, known as the wielder of the Disillusionment Sword. He observed the shifting Galaxy Crossing with a serene expression. "My sect's members will soon be here. Brie of the Dark Elfkind had extraordinary combat prowess, yet even he met his end. We must proceed with caution."

Yue Mu exhaled deeply, acknowledging, "I'm well aware."

Behind them stood the beautiful Chen Qingyan, her brows knitted with concern as she gazed downward, her emotions a tangled web.

Her master was engaged in battle within the Dim Starfield and was expected to arrive shortly. After achieving her Yang God, she had been brought here by Yue Mu, eager to witness the marvels of the Outer Battlefield.


She had not anticipated such a dramatic turn of events upon her arrival. An entire Star River had dissipated into nothingness in mere moments. Among those involved were Yu Yuan and the revered founder of the Luan Bird Empire, once deified by the Chen family...

She, too, was desperate to uncover what had transpired within and whether Yu Yuan and the other notable figure had survived.


Unbeknownst to Yu Yuan, he had narrowly missed crossing paths with many familiar faces.

But he was aware that with the Mountain Lord of the Profound Sky Sect present in the Silver Sand Starfield, any foolhardy attempt to approach would be suicidal.

With such a formidable presence, even those who knew him well would struggle to offer any leniency.

As his physical form and Yin God were seamlessly connected, he and the Alien Demon Qiyan came to a halt the moment he encountered Cao Jiaze, refraining from advancing toward the Silver Sand Starfield.

"Illusion, Dark Wing, and Firefly..." Yu Yuan pondered in silence. With the Silver Sand Starfield now inaccessible, his only option was to approach from one of the three neighboring Starfields.

The Dark Wing Starfield, having been visited by Chen Qinghuang, was his preferred choice. Yet, as the empress departed, her farewell seemed final, suggesting she had no desire for him to follow.

In the Illusion Starfield, which was where he had journeyed from, the allure had faded after the Epitaxial Realm vanished. The Firefly Starfield, a realm under the Asura Clan's dominion, was formerly overseen by Fernand. Elena was likely there now, along with two Ninth Level Asura Warriors. And then there was the Cold Domain Bear. For some inexplicable reason, the thought of the highly sentient Cold Domain Bear stirred something within him, prompting a decisive choice.

Once his decision was made, his physical form responded instantly, altering its course. Led by his Yin God, he traversed tens of thousands of miles in a mere moment. After what seemed an eternity, his Yin God once again reached the edge of the Deep Starfield, adjacent to the Firefly Starfield.

A natural divide existed between the two Starfields, as if an unseen membrane kept them apart. The Firefly Starfield's Flowing Light did not spill over, and the desolate stillness of the Deep Starfield was contained, unable to seep through.

In this expanse of nothingness, his Yin God watched in silence, noting no abnormalities. Without the safeguard of a corporeal body, the Yin God refrained from any hasty actions, avoiding any attempt to penetrate with his soul, wary of a formidable entity on the other side that might seize the chance to strike.

Thus, he waited in silence.

Time passed, unmeasured, until at last his true form, accompanied by the Alien Demon Qiyan, reached the Yin God's location.

With a swift motion, the Yin God returned to the Consciousness Little World. He felt a slight shudder as the Yin God merged back, enhancing his mental acuity. His senses, observational skills, and the purity of his soul all seemed to have received a comprehensive boost.

Without a successfully forged Yang God, and before leaving his body, he remained in the Soul Wandering Stage. The essence of this stage was the soul's ability to journey beyond the physical form. For a cultivator of his level, to be able to project their soul thousands of miles was an extraordinary feat.

Yet, he had navigated tens of millions of miles through the starry void in a single breath, roaming the vast, empty galaxy for an extensive period, exploring every corner of its boundless reaches.

Although he hadn't made any particular discoveries, Yu Yuan's Yin God Soul Wandering far exceeded that of the Soul Wandering Stage, both in duration and vast distances, by millions of times.

Moreover, he had purified his soul with the essence of the Yin Sunflower during the process.

"It's as if something is compelling me to break through and swiftly construct the Yang God," he mused.

After a thorough introspection, Yu Yuan's lips curled into a smile, aware that the foundation of his Soul Wandering Stage was solidified to the utmost.

His current state of mind and refinement seemed to have greatly outstripped his present level. The Soul Wandering Stage was too feeble, seemingly imposing constraints that prevented him from fully unleashing the power of his mind and soul.

He had an epiphany that, despite not securing the fruit of the Fallen Divine Tree in the shattered Starfield, he had gained something else.

This intangible reward would gradually reveal its benefits over time.

"Are you ready?" he asked, casting a glance at Alien Demon Qiyan.

"What's there to prepare for?" Qiyan, now more stable and composed after enduring many hardships, responded, "As long as I don't come across practitioners of lightning techniques, there's nothing to fear."


With no further words, Yu Yuan, now one with his soul, called forth the Dragon Slash Platform and gripped the Demon Blade in his other hand.

He refrained from drawing the sheath of the Optimus Sword, concerned that a higher-tier expert capable of detecting the sheath might be lurking in the depths of the Firefly Starfield.

After all, the "Optimus Sword" held exceptional significance to the Asura Clan.

"Off we go!"

With the Dragon Slash Platform in one hand and the Demon Blade in the other, he swiftly darted towards the Firefly Starfield.

Unimpeded, he vanished in an instant.

Alien Demon Qiyan trailed closely, crossing the unseen threshold with equal ease.

Upon entering the unfamiliar Firefly Starfield, the first sight to greet Yu Yuan was the imposing Cold Domain Bear, which seemed to have been patiently awaiting his arrival, greeting him with a goofy grin.

Next, he spotted Qiao Yuling from the Thunder Sect and a stunned Qi Yunhong. "Young Master Yu, you... you're still alive?"

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