Unmatched Dominance/C1335 A New Surprise
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Unmatched Dominance/C1335 A New Surprise
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C1335 A New Surprise

Ciara was clearly dodging something in terror.

She was somewhat slender compared to the typical male warriors of the Asura Clan, yet the natural silver armor draping her shoulders, complete with protruding spikes, gleamed with an icy, metallic sheen.

These spikes, sharp enough to rival divine weapons, were encased in tiny crystals, giving the impression they were frosted over.

The Frost Well ensnaring her torso could be seen as a piece of miraculous armor, safeguarding her waist and lower body from most harm.

The bricks comprising the Frost Well were made of the same material as the crystals Yu Yuan had recently acquired from the Cold Abyss Snow Bear.

But these bricks, infused with the enigmatic essence of the Dark Domain, exuded a chilling, sinister, and malevolent presence, capable of eroding one's heart and soul.

The imagery presented by the Dragon Slash Platform streamed into Yu Yuan's Yin God and his consciousness, allowing him to witness the events unfolding in the external world, despite being in the Freezing Land.

"Starfrost Sword, Shuang-er..."

Yu Yuan murmured, noting the exceptional sword light emanating from the crystals on Ciara's body. He was convinced that this Ninth Level Asura warrior had just clashed with Jee Ningshuang.

Clearly, Ciara had been bested.

Yu Yuan was taken aback to see the Starfrost Sword's glow in the Firefly Starfield, yet it sparked a flicker of hope and excitement within him. This wasn't the vast expanse where the five supreme forces roamed; here, an encounter with Jee Ningshuang, should she be alone, could simplify matters considerably.

However, what he couldn't ascertain was whether Jee Ningshuang was the sole Asura Ciara had confronted.


Peering through the suspended Dragon Slash Platform, he discovered, to his surprise, that Ciara, though slightly wounded, was utilizing a unique bloodline secret technique. With the Frost Well's aid, she was probing for something in silence.

Fine, ghostly sparks of electricity burst from Ciara's midsection into the bricks of the well, triggering a latent divine power. With the enigmatic Frost Well, she was quietly reaching out.

A glint of elation appeared in Ciara's eyes, suggesting she had detected something.

"Can it be?"

When Yu Yuan noticed the Ninth Level Asura Elder manipulating the Frost Well's trajectory, now heading straight for his location in the Freezing Land, he couldn't help but let out a wry chuckle.

Ciara had been searching for the Cold Abyss Entrance, where the elusive Cold Domain Bear had been hiding. Much like the bear, due to its unassuming appearance, this particular star within the Firefly Starfield was hard to locate, requiring her to expend extra time and effort in her search.

The Snow Bear's lineage and traits allowed it to resonate with the Realm, enabling it to confirm its proximity to the star.

Ciara's tool of choice was the Frost Well that had ensnared her, a conduit for communication with the Dark Domain.

Yu Yuan's demeanor shifted to one of grave concern as he pondered the potential consequences of Ciara's arrival.

With Ciara came the Frost Well, a device capable of facilitating direct communication with the Dark Domain, which could allow the Asura King Sabonis himself to descend. Moreover, the Asura Clan's mightiest warriors could also pour into this world through the Frost Well with Ciara's assistance.

Additionally, Jee Ningshuang, who was in hot pursuit of Ciara, along with other Unrestrained Stage experts and the wielder of the Profound Dao Flag, might also converge upon this location.

This realization cast a shadow of worry and restlessness over Yu Yuan.

Yet, as the saying goes, what one fears often comes to pass.

Despite his trepidation, the Asura Clan's female warrior, wounded by the Starfrost Sword, pinpointed the inconspicuous star within the Firefly Starfield, guided by the Frost Well.

With her destination confirmed, Ciara hurtled toward it. Upon reaching the cold mist that enveloped the realm's boundary, the Frost Well, which had been constraining her and serving as her armor, suddenly expanded.

Dense Frost Energy surged from the boundary and fused with the Frost Well, ignited by her bloodline.

A burst of icy flame erupted from the well's mouth, incinerating the remnants of Jee Ningshuang's sword light and its uniquely piercing energy into nothing but ash.

Ciara was determined to ensure that not a single crystal shard of the Starfrost Sword remained before she entered the enigmatic world. Her fear was that Jee Ningshuang could trace her through any lingering sword intent.

At last, when every crystal had been reduced to cinders and no trace of sword energy remained, she allowed herself a moment of relief. The Frost Well then transformed into a cold stone shield beneath her feet, escorting her through the realm wall and into the wondrous world where Yu Yuan awaited.

Upon entering, Ciara glanced downward and immediately noticed the still surface of the deep sea and the Cold Domain Bear lying supine, its body riddled with a network of scars. Hovering above the bear's chest was a blood-red Demon Blade, from which streaks of bloody lightnings were still emanating, seemingly continuing to harm the unconscious creature.

Floating above was the Dragon Slash Platform, and there stood Yu Yuan, staring at her in astonishment. The seasoned female Asura warrior's eyes blazed with fury as spikes on her shoulders and knees burst forth with blinding light.

"Curse you, human whelp!" Ciara roared in flawless Asura tongue before unleashing an ear-piercing shriek. Behind her, the Frost Energy and her bloodline's secret techniques coalesced into a frigid tempest.

Within the tempest swirled numerous ice shards, her own vital essence, and the arcane secrets of her lineage. Yu Yuan didn't even have a chance to speak before a ten-acre wide, umbrella-like cold storm descended upon them.

In this realm of bitter cold, Ciara, an Elder of the Asura Clan, seemed to wield divine power. Her bloodline awakened, her ferocious assault naturally drew together an immense surge of Frost Energy.

Her bloodline's secret techniques even shattered a nearby glacier, sending a barrage of razor-sharp ice fragments spiraling into the storm.

Amidst the cacophony of shattering ice and snapping frost, Yu Yuan, his Yin God and physical form merged, braced himself against the onslaught. Despite his readiness, he was in agony.

His robust physique, hardened by countless trials, withstood the relentless barrage of ice, rock, and piercing cold. Any ordinary Yang God would have been reduced to dust under such an assault.

But Yu Yuan's body, fortified by the Evil Body Refining Skill and repeatedly tempered by the enigmatic Life Altar, was far more resilient than that of most Yang Gods. He was in pain, undeniably tormented, yet the damage to his flesh was superficial at best.

"I'm well aware of your formidable strength, much like those from the Ancient Desolate Sect. But still, you're going to die!" Ciara declared with a fierce look in her eyes as she positioned herself above the frigid storm, gazing down coldly. The icy, silver-white metallic spikes on her knees and shoulders began to elongate, sharpening into the divine weapon she wielded against human cultivators and the Ninth Level Demon King.

It was clear she was ready to plunge into the storm herself and execute Yu Yuan, the brazen human who dared to injure the Cold Domain Bear. The bear's grave wounds were even more intolerable to her than her own. She had long recognized the bear's significant contributions to their race; the creation of the Frost Well in the Dark Domain was inseparable from this bear's aid. The Asura Clan was bound by an ancient pact to ensure the bear's safety at all costs—a sacred duty ingrained in the hearts of every mighty Asura warrior, a duty they faithfully upheld.

"The Snow Bear's wounds weren't caused by me. It was Gu Xingkui of the Earth Sword who harmed it!" Amidst the descent of countless icy blades, an impatient Yu Yuan called out, summoning the Dragon Slash Platform.

With a whoosh, the Dragon Slash Platform soared across the sky, its radiant white glow illuminating the storm and warping the fabric of space. Before Ciara could descend, Yu Yuan found himself abruptly atop the platform. He quickly discerned yet another extraordinary aspect of the Dragon Slash Platform: within a certain range, he could instantaneously return to it, whether as his true self or as a Yin God.

Just like now, he had exploited this remarkable trait to instantly break free from the storm's clutches, giving Ciara no opportunity to strike. "The second marvelous feature!" A grin spread across his face as he realized the trials he had endured had elevated the Dragon Slash Platform, continuously delivering him delightful surprises.

"Earth Sword, Gu Xingkui!" Ciara, who had been on the verge of descending into the storm, repeated the name through clenched teeth upon hearing it. Then, with her Ninth Level bloodline, she stood at the edge of the storm, her feet planted on the Frost Well as if it were an icy shield, and she extended her senses to probe further.

With her expertise and understanding, discerning the residual scent within the wound was not a challenge for her. However, upon her arrival, the sight of the Cold Domain Bear's pitiful condition, coupled with the Demon Blade suspended in midair, casting down streams of blood-red light, overwhelmed her with rage, causing her to lose her composure.

Now, taking Yu Yuan's explanation to heart, she attentively sensed the environment and immediately detected the hidden, profound aura.

The spikes on Ciara's shoulders and knees elongated abruptly, their glow losing its intensity. This change reflected her acceptance of Yu Yuan's claim—that the one responsible for the Cold Domain Bear's grievous injuries and its current pitiful state was indeed Gu Xingkui, bearer of the Earth Sword title.

Consequently, the fierce cold storm at her feet began to subside and soon vanished completely.

With a furrowed brow and a face etched with skepticism, she asked, "Why are you here? And what are you doing with that Demon Blade?"

"I'm treating it, helping it heal," Yu Yuan replied.

Standing upon the Dragon Slash Platform, with the Yin God and his physical form united, he felt a strong connection to the platform. Facing Ciara, he harbored little fear.

The Dragon Slash Platform bolstered his confidence and reliance. Coupled with his own array of extraordinary abilities, Yu Yuan stood unafraid before Ciara.

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