Unmatched Dominance/C1364 Old Friend Happy Children's Day
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Unmatched Dominance/C1364 Old Friend Happy Children's Day
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C1364 Old Friend Happy Children's Day

Yu Yuan gazed into the distance.

Nine fiery orbs, like nine suns ablaze, orbited around a towering figure.

Clad in a long gray robe, with soft silver hair, the man's handsome features were set in a serious expression.

He was Mo Baichuan, the Mountain Lord of Yang Mountain, the creator of the Glorious Heavenly Wheel, and one of Yu Yuan's few friends from his past life.

At this moment, Yu Yuan was operating the very Glorious Heavenly Wheel that Mo Baichuan had gifted him.

Three centuries prior, their friendship had been quite close; Yu Yuan wouldn't have crafted pellets for Mo Baichuan otherwise, nor would Mo Baichuan have bestowed upon him the Glorious Heavenly Wheel.

Back then, Yu Yuan's fame had even surpassed that of Mo Baichuan.

They had grown close before Mo Baichuan became the Mountain Lord of Yang Mountain, at a time when the Glorious Heavenly Wheel hadn't yet achieved its current illustrious reputation.

In his final years, Yu Yuan delved into the study of poison pills, venturing into perilous territories like the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea. As he occasionally concocted new lethal toxins, his interactions with Mo Baichuan dwindled.

His personality had shifted, leading him to make several mistakes. Perhaps to avoid conflict or because his actions conflicted with Mo Baichuan's morals, their contact gradually ceased.

"I sensed someone channeling the Glorious Heavenly Wheel with great intensity. I guessed it was you, so I decided to check in," Mo Baichuan stated, standing amidst the nine orbs of flame. After hearing the roar of the Cold Domain Bear and witnessing the massive bear's return, he added, "Don't worry, I came here alone."

"It's fine."

Yu Yuan looked up, offering the Cold Domain Bear a reassuring smile.

The bear, anticipating a conflict and suspecting Mo Baichuan of ill intent, was taken aback by Yu Yuan's calm demeanor. It cast a curious glance at the nine fiery orbs beside Mo Baichuan, sensing the formidable energy within them.

Its enormous eyes then shifted to Yu Yuan's dantian, where it noticed nine similar flames slowly revolving, drawing out fiery trails. These flames were purifying Yu Yuan, cleansing his body of impurities and gradually refining the remnants of the Yang God.

It was intelligent enough to recognize that since Yu Yuan was practicing the same Spiritual Spell as Mo Baichuan, there must be a significant connection between them. Additionally, it detected no clear malice emanating from Mo Baichuan. Consequently, it settled into a calm state, standing mid-air like a steadfast mountain, though its fuzzy face remained on high alert.

"The legendary Violent Bear has such a side to it? That's truly unexpected," Mo Baichuan mused, genuinely astonished.

As the Mountain Lord of one of the Primordial Yang Sect's peaks, he had heard whispers of a secret pact between the Asura Clan and a savage ancient creature known as the Cold Domain Bear. The alien beast, referred to as the Violent Bear by Hao Yun, had been alive for an exceedingly long time, so much so that it had left its mark during the era when the Divine Soul Sect and the Nagas soared through the cosmos. Its fearsome reputation was noted in the annals of many ancient sects.

According to Mo Baichuan's intelligence, the Violent Bear was exceedingly dangerous and bore a deep-seated hostility towards both humans and major demons. Many prominent Unrestrained Stage cultivators had perished under its claws. Yet, it was the Greater Demons from the Demon Palace that had suffered most from its widespread slaughter.

It had been ages since it last made an appearance, and Mo Baichuan, being relatively young, had never encountered it in the stars. This first encounter was unexpected for him, especially seeing the Violent Bear not only protecting Yu Yuan but also obediently heeding his commands.

"Bai..." Yu Yuan began, causing Mo Baichuan's face to twitch involuntarily.

"What's wrong? Has it been a while since anyone has called you that?" Yu Yuan observed Mo Baichuan's uneasy demeanor and quirked an eyebrow, a wry smile forming on his lips. "I almost forgot, you're now the Mountain Lord of Yang Mountain, the most promising candidate in the Primordial Yang Sect to ascend to the Primordial Spirit. Had it not been for Zu Ann's meddling, you would have smoothly filled the vacancy left by Lee Tianxin."

"What's the use in bringing that up?" Mo Baichuan asked, his brow furrowed. He was impressed by Yu Yuan's ability to multitask, operating the Glorious Heavenly Wheel while conversing with him. More intriguingly, Yu Yuan's Yin God had ventured far from his body on a distant journey...

Even he couldn't act as recklessly as Yu Yuan during the critical moments of the Yang God's tempering.

"Bai, did you come to the Firefly Starfield alone? What about the Unrestrained Stage cultivators from the Sword Sect, Profound Sky Sect, and Primordial Yang Sect? What are your intentions and goals?"

Yu Yuan, reassured by Jun Chen's arrival, asked in a composed and unhurried manner.

Initially uncomfortable with being called "Bai," Mo Baichuan eventually resigned himself to the nickname.

"The turmoil in the Deep Starfield has subsided, and after hearing the news, many have departed. I found the emptiness of space intriguing and decided to explore it. Later, upon learning that members of the Sword Sect were heading to the Firefly Starfield, I came to see for myself."

"Then, sensing someone operating the Glorious Heavenly Wheel, I guessed it was you and decided to check it out," Mo Baichuan stated impassively.

He then silently observed the nine luminous flames at the core of Yu Yuan's dantian.

"Didn't see that coming, did you?"

Yu Yuan, familiar with his temperament, let out a low chuckle. "Did you give me that Spiritual Spell because you knew I couldn't cultivate it, just to be generous?"

Mo Baichuan snorted, his expression one of disdain and reluctance to engage further.

"Why didn't you come to the Medicine God Sect to look for me afterward?" Yu Yuan pressed.

Mo Baichuan tilted his head slightly and snorted again, "You have the nerve to ask?"

"What's the matter?"

"You've strayed into the ways of evil! How many have died from your poisons and poison pills? I showed mercy by not slaying you in the Medicine God Sect for your misdeeds—that was me honoring the past," Mo Baichuan retorted sharply, sparing no feelings. "In this new life, aligning yourself with the Divine Soul Sect, you've done far better than before!"

His silky silver hair suddenly stood on end with his cold rebuke, turning as sharp as silver needles.

"Still the same old character," Yu Yuan muttered, a headache brewing at the sight of Bai's hair hardening. He forced a smile, "Alright, alright, Bai, try to stay calm. I won't hold it against you."

Mo Baichuan inhaled the icy air and quickly regained his composure. Gazing into the distance at the frozen ocean, he asked, "Beneath those depths, is there a Cold Abyss Entrance?"

Yu Yuan, not one to deceive, nodded in confirmation. "Gu Xingkui recently drew his sword, provoking its wrath..."

He gestured toward the Cold Domain Bear and continued, "This Cold Abyss Entrance is secretly guarded by it. Injured and enraged, it has temporarily sealed the entrance. Did you come here just to see me, or are you also looking to open the Cold Abyss Entrance?"

"You needn't bother yourself with that. Now that you're a member of the Divine Soul Sect, both they and the Babel Chamber of Commerce will surely ask you to intervene, especially once they learn of your close ties with the Violent Bear."

Mo Baichuan's disdain for Yu Yuan was palpable; with a stern face, he huffed, "The Sword Sect, Demon Palace, and Red Devil Sect have all extended an olive branch to you, eager to bring you into their fold. You could have joined any of them, yet you chose the Divine Soul Sect. Are you intent on making enemies of me and Jee Ningshuang?"

Yu Yuan exhaled a weary sigh. "I had no choice."

He yearned to explain that as a former Divine King in his first life, his fate was sealed the moment he entered the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area. The current five major powers of Hao Yun were the very forces responsible for the demise of his original incarnation.

In his second life, he was sabotaged by a tampered pellet, mistreated by his senior brother Zhong Chichen, with Chu Yao's complicity, all under the influence of those same five powers.

With the situation as it was, his only option was to "return" to the Divine Soul Sect and reclaim control of the Dragon Slash Platform.

With a swift motion, Mo Baichuan produced a crystal-clear Flame Jade, aglow with a deep crimson light, and tossed it toward Yu Yuan. "What's inside should prove helpful to you now. Moreover, I've refined the intricacies of the Glorious Heavenly Wheel over the past few centuries and have inscribed them into this jade."

The Flame Jade came to rest before Yu Yuan, its fiery energy radiating with an intensity that surpassed even that of the solar nucleus.

"Let's pretend I was never here, that we never met."

Mo Baichuan cast a glance at the Violent Bear that had nearly launched an attack on him, then suddenly took flight, heading outside.

Before he could even breach the boundary wall, he vanished into thin air.

The Cold Domain Bear held back its attack, its eyes shining with a bewildered light, seemingly puzzled by the turn of events.

Yu Yuan, observing the Flame Jade and sensing the power within, along with the flickering flames in his lower dantian, fell silent for a while before murmuring to himself, "Indeed, some things never change. When it matters most, Bai always comes through."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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