Unmatched Dominance/C1371 The Sword Rose!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1371 The Sword Rose!
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C1371 The Sword Rose!

The vast ocean's surface, once covered by miles of solid ice, was instantly shattered by Yu Yuan's movements!

The fragmented ice soared into the sky, each piece transforming into gleaming silver swords.

Sword lights continuously emerged, merging with the swords born from the ice, as if infusing the swords with living souls.

In the blink of an eye, the billions of radiant swords coalesced into an ocean of light, thrusting towards the Chaos Roc.

Onlookers were momentarily blinded, unable to see anything amidst the overwhelming brilliance.

The sword lights were too intense, surpassing the limits of human vision!

Puff! Puff! Puff!

The towering Chaos Roc, thousands of feet tall and gaunt in appearance, was instantly perforated by the myriad of light swords!

Its body was riddled with countless luminous cavities, and even its red and white pupils were penetrated by the sword lights, eliciting a pained grunt from the creature.

The ice shards, having burst forth from the sea, cascaded into the river of sword lights below, seemingly endowing it with boundless life.

Beneath the glimmering stars, dozens of rivers of sword light intricately wove into a complex sword formation.

"Sky Opening Array!"

Du Yuan, Yue Mu, and Jee Ningshuang, once their eyes adjusted to the intense light, gazed in awe at the rivers of sword light, marveling at the trajectories. Their faces were etched with wonder.

The Sword Sect's Sky Opening Array required the collaborative effort of hundreds of Sword Immortals.

Legend had it that this enigmatic formation was the brainchild of the Sword Sect's Great Sword Immortal, in conjunction with the Primordial Spirit of the Profound Sky Sect, harboring the profound mysteries of the universe.

For the Sword Sect, it was nearly impossible to assemble so many Sword Immortals in a short time, making the Sky Opening Array a rare phenomenon.

Who could have imagined that the rivers of sword light, crafted by Nie Qingtian, would successfully manifest the Sky Opening Array?

The deep-sea ice, upon entering the river of sword light, transformed into immortal swords!

These swords, integrating with the ancient sword energies hidden deep within the river, miraculously evolved into the Sky Opening Array!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The expansive rivers of sword light, like vibrant ribbons and corridors of streaming luminescence, enveloped the Chaos Roc.

Some sword lights resembled lightning dragons, while others took the shape of celestial mountains or twisted space-time. Some cascaded like waterfalls, others bore the intent to slaughter all life, and yet some carried the inevitability of fate.

The Sky Opening Array, with its myriad forms, enveloped the Chaos Roc. Every moment, millions of sword lights burst forth.

Simultaneously, Yu Yuan stood enveloped in an aura of mystery, his body flickering between light and shadow.

In this moment, he seemed to oscillate between the tangible and the ethereal, shifting from a spectral form to one of dense flesh and blood, at times present and at others, as insubstantial as a wisp of smoke...

After undergoing innumerable transformations, he appeared to finally achieve a state of "wholeness," returning to the tangible world.

Still in his corporeal form, Yu Yuan gripped the sword sheath tightly in one hand, while the other reached out towards the deep sea.

The vast sea, previously as smooth as a mirror, was suddenly awash in a crimson glow, its eerie beauty sending shivers down the spine.

"Arise, sword!" Yu Yuan commanded with a deep bellow.

At the ocean floor, a multitude of prism-shaped, crimson meteors, sharp as blades, erupted forth.

The bizarre meteor cluster that had once emerged on the fringes of the Illusion Starfield, prompting Ciara and Demian to pursue it for so long, now surged from the depths.

"The Optimus Sword!"

"The Divine Sword lies at the ocean's bottom!"

The two Platinum Asuras watched in stunned silence as the meteor sea unfurled, the overwhelming sword intent within it shaking them to their core, prompting an uncontrollable scream.

"The Optimus Sword!"

The surviving Asuras, the three Unrestrained Stage Great Sword Immortals of the Sword Sect, and representatives from the Chamber of Commerce and the Divine Soul Sect, were equally petrified.

The "Optimus Sword," rumored to have vanished alongside the Epitaxial Realm, had emerged here, of all places.

With a resounding roar, thousands of prism-shaped meteors transformed into swords that rent the heavens, drawing upon the sword energy from the vast river of sword light.

Then, executing sword spells of Spirit Severing, Soul Severing, Star Shattering, Fallen Moon, Sun Splitting, Evil Banishing, Demon Quelling, Devil Shocking, and Deity Slaying, they struck the Chaos Roc from every conceivable angle with unmatched precision.

The Chaos Roc, ensnared by the Sky Opening Array, was submerged in a sea of scarlet sword light, forced to withstand an onslaught of a thousand blades.

Within, it had no choice but to assume its primal form—a colossal fish clad in silver scales, armed with razor-sharp teeth. With its formidable body, it braced itself against the relentless barrage of sword light.

It keenly sensed the "Optimus Sword," which had vanished for millennia, suppressed in the Dark Domain by Sabonis, and now, through a conspiracy by the Divine Soul Sect and the merchants, was manifest before it!

There, amidst the myriad of meteoric fragments!

The true "Optimus Sword" was present, along with the sword soul and sheath, and a ceaseless flow of sword light...

This was akin to the late Nie Qingtian, the Sword Sect's mightiest, partially descending upon this place.

Wielding the Divine Sword and employing the Sky Opening Array, even the Starry Behemoth struggled to fend off the mightiest "Optimus Sword" in the history of the Sword Sect.

Each instant, its vast body, surpassing suns and stars, accrued thousands of delicate sword scars.

Its silver-white scales, tougher than divine iron, began to shatter and peel away.

It let out mournful wails and roared in agony.

"Optimus Sword!"

Jun Chen, having reverted to his true form, along with Tianzang, Bai He, and the members of the merchant group, watched in awe at the starry river's blinding splendor.

They witnessed countless shards of rock and ice transform into immortal swords, absorbing the sword energy from the river of light, and striking the Chaos Roc with the ferocity of a tempest.

In the face of such dense and fierce sword light, no domain could endure, save for the vast ocean.

Even the Origin Blood Continent of the Great Demon God Grec could be shattered in an instant, its landscapes obliterated, dooming countless Blood Demons to a tragic fate.

Aside from the source of the Yang Meridian, none but Grec at his zenith could hope to survive.

Not even a Ninth Level Demon God would stand a chance!

"Optimus Sword!"

Yu Yuan stood atop the Dragon Slash Platform, clutching the sword sheath, hovering above the river of sword light. From his elevated vantage point, he observed the Chaos Roc besieged by an overwhelming array of immortal swords and dazzling sword spells.

He felt the presence of the sword soul!

Infused within the "Optimus Sword," the sword soul mingled among the numerous crimson meteorites, resonating with his spirit, eagerly awaiting the call of his soul.

Deep within the river of sword light, there were hundreds of delicate soul strands, remnants of his earlier efforts to scatter and comprehend the sword intent. Now, these strands were in communion with the sword soul of the Optimus Sword, greedily siphoning his soul energy and exerting control over the Sky Opening Array. He was the embodiment of the sword formation, the very soul of all the Sky Slashes!

"Only I am capable of this!"

In that moment, Yu Yuan came to a lucid realization that his ability to wield the Sky Opening Array stemmed from his past life as a Dragon Slayer, his cultivation of the Ghosting Arts with his Yin God, the Soul Forging Technique with his Heavenly Soul, and the fact that his Yang God could leave his body. His main soul's profound mystery enabled him to manipulate the sword formation.

He could command the sword light generated by the Optimus Nine Slashes, striking the Chaos Roc from every conceivable angle!

"How can this be?"

"How is this even possible?"

Du Yuan and Yue Mu exchanged incredulous glances.

"Not even if Master Uncle Gu himself were here could his soul endure such disordered sword intent and energy!" Yue Mu inhaled sharply, unable to accept what he saw as he watched Yu Yuan, who stood on the Dragon Slash Platform like a figure out of myth, shaking his head in amazement.

Jee Ningshuang had already returned her sword to its sheath. Dressed in a flowing white robe, she hovered in the air, her eyes shimmering with wonder. Yet, deep inside, she was just as perplexed.

"How can this be?"

She, along with Yue Mu and Du Yuan, understood the intricate soul control required to master the Sky Opening Array. It wasn't merely about possessing a powerful soul or abundant soul energy; the soul itself had to be refined to an extraordinary degree.

A soul that could, in an instant, divide its focus into countless parts, managing various sword lights and intents, was truly worthy of commanding such a sword formation.

In the annals of their sword formation's history, no one below the Primordial Spirit Stage had ever taken the helm of the Sky Opening Array.

And yet, Yu Yuan was far from reaching the Primordial Spirit Stage.

More astonishing was that he was simultaneously managing the Sky Opening Array and wielding thousands of Sky Slashes, employing two distinct methods to unleash a relentless assault on the Chaos Roc!

Who else could boast a soul so intricate that it could, in the blink of an eye, fragment into a myriad of independent thoughts?

Yu Yuan wasn't the leader of an alien race but rather the supreme Great Demon God Beilstein, the one rumored to have the ability to fragment his thoughts into thousands of little devils.

"How can this be possible?"

Jun Chen, Bai He, and Zhou You were equally astounded, struggling to accept the scene unfolding before them.

Only Tian Zang, the Ghost King, remained composed, not uttering a single cry of surprise.

"He practices the Ghosting Arts," Tian Zang hinted with purpose.

"What of it? No matter how enigmatic the Ghosting Arts may be, he's still merely a Yang God!" Bai He exclaimed.

Tian Zang let out a soft chuckle, offering no further explanation, his thoughts preoccupied with a deeper truth.

This man, now a Yang God, had a main soul that had endured through three lifetimes. His foundational flame was unextinguishable—how could he be compared to an ordinary Yang God?

Once, he could match Beilstein thought for thought, proving himself as the most adept master of the Sky Opening Array—a feat that even Nie Qingtian couldn't rival.

Libre Baskerville
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