Unmatched Dominance/C1372 Sky Opening Array
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Unmatched Dominance/C1372 Sky Opening Array
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C1372 Sky Opening Array

Tianzang maintained a calm demeanor, betraying no hint of surprise.

He was, after all, privy to the secret...

Upon learning from Taishi who Yu Yuan's first incarnation was, Tianzang had pondered the immense power that would be unleashed if the Sky Opening Array ever came into Yu Yuan's possession. After all, Yu Yuan was the ideal master of the Sky Opening Array!

Regrettably, Yu Yuan had met his demise in the Outer Star River before the Sky Opening Array was even forged, slain by the combined might of the five greatest forces.

The Divine Soul Sect was established with the express purpose of combating the Outland Devaputra and their dominion over the Outland Star River.

The Outland Devaputra Race, the true sovereigns of the vast and infinite Outer Star River, had maintained their supremacy for countless millennia.

The Nagas had ventured into the Outland Star River time and again, but their efforts were mere skirmishes. They had never managed to challenge the unrivaled status of the Devaputra Race in the cosmos.

The Divine Soul Sect's rise to prominence and their radiant glory were a direct result of their clashes with the Outland Devaputra. From a position of weakness, they grew stronger, eventually forcing the Devaputra to yield and steer clear of their might.

As a former Devaputra himself, Tianzang was well-acquainted with the fearsome tales of that individual.

The Great Demon God Beilstein, immortal and invincible, could manifest millions of Devil Souls in an instant, embedding them within the consciousness of every being in a Stars Realm, compelling countless souls to perform varied tasks simultaneously.

Each being under Beilstein's possession would act differently, harboring unique thoughts and future plans.

Beilstein's horror lay in his command over millions of Devil Souls, which allowed him to effortlessly dictate the actions and thoughts of countless beings, manipulating them at will while keeping them utterly oblivious.

The Dragon Slayer, in ancient times, had dared to challenge Beilstein using a similar strategy.

Their Devil Souls and divine consciousness had invaded a world of the Mondnacht Clan in an instant, enveloping the Mondnacht beings like a torrential downpour, seizing control of them in a flash.

Their Devil Souls and divine consciousness waged war within the minds of countless Mondnacht individuals, eschewing raw, brute force in favor of a more insidious form of conquest.

Countless thoughts waged war within the minds of myriad beings, engaging in battle, exchanging and validating ideas, while simultaneously wielding various secret techniques and divine powers.

Ultimately, Beilstein's legion of Devil Souls was forced to retreat.

Unbeknownst to the Mondnacht Clan in their world, none of their countless members perished, and they remained oblivious to the events that had unfolded.

In the aftermath, powerful beings from all corners sought the truth.

From the Mondnacht Clan members, they learned that during that time, there was an internal struggle—a battle between their conscious minds and subconscious, wrestling over some matter.

They would never realize that it was the Devil Souls and Divine Telekinesis of Beilstein and the Dragon Slayer influencing their intellect and subconscious.

Tianzang, once a prodigy among the Devaputra, was profoundly struck by the Dragon Slayer upon discovering this secret.

In a mere moment, myriad thoughts took charge, a unique mastery over the hearts of thousands—a signature ability of the Dragon Slayer within the Boundless Great World.

From the outset of his cultivation of the "Ghosting Arts," Yu Yuan had been nurturing his primary soul.

His soul's origin was unlike any other, possessing an innate and intricate control that would never fade.

The Sky Opening Array, upon its inception, required the combined efforts of a Primordial Spirit Great Sword Immortal from the Sword Sect and a Primordial Spirit from the Profound Sky Sect to function.

This was because the Primordial Spirits of both the Sword Sect and the Profound Sky Sect paled in comparison to the Divine Soul Sect in terms of soul profundity.

As the original Dragon Slayer, Yu Yuan's primary soul, refined through the "Ghosting Arts," naturally exuded the power to command the Sky Opening Array.

Controlling the Sky Opening Array wasn't about the strength of the soul or the magnitude of soul energy.

Rather, it hinged on the ability to split the soul into thousands of threads and utilize them all in a single thought.

It depended on the capacity to instantly harness thousands of soul strands to control the myriad sword lights and intents!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Innumerable sword lights, each carrying unique sword intents, burst forth from the rivers of light, relentlessly assailing the Chaos Roc.

Upon closer inspection, the Chaos Roc, in its colossal fish form, appeared to be ensnared in a dazzling sea of sword lights.

In every fleeting moment, myriad sword lights burst forth, each carrying its own unique and intricate sword intent.

Yu Yuan, standing on the Dragon Slash Platform, felt his soul power rapidly draining, yet he was well-versed in the arrangement and operation of the Sky Opening Array.

His task was to guide the multitude of sword lights with his soul consciousness, directing their different intents to their respective destinations every second.

There were millions of sword lights, each with its own trajectory and direction.

As long as he could use his soul consciousness to guide the sword lights, they would move according to his will, forming the dazzling and complex Sky Opening Array that embodied the laws of the cosmos.

He gradually realized that this task was surprisingly effortless for him.

It was as if he had always been a master of this art.


A silver bone jutted out from a gash in the Chaos Roc's belly. Just as it was on the cusp of unleashing a bloodline power, seven sword lights with profound meanings intertwined into a new sword formation. Like a globe of icy sword light, it descended upon the wound, causing the protruding bone to shatter abruptly.

The Chaos Roc's blood-red eyes, fierce and crimson, had just ignited the Sun Flame's power, ready to unleash its devastating force.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Dozens of sword lights, some embodying the chill of Starfrost, others morphing into icy rock or the quenching intent of water swords, shot straight towards its blood-red eyes.

The nascent blood divine ability brewing within its gaze was extinguished before it could even take shape.

In its mouth, lined with rows of sharp spikes, a blood energy storm was slowly forming, carrying the potential to obliterate a small world.

Yet, this very storm was relentlessly bombarded by the intense sword lights.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Explosions tore through the Chaos Roc's mouth one after another, its own uncontrollable blood energy backfiring, leaving its mouth a mangled mess and eliciting agonized wails of pain.

The Sky Opening Array was a marvel of the Sword Sect, a fusion of hundreds of their most sophisticated sword spells, encompassing the essence of wind, frost, flame, ice, time, destruction, and the cycles of the seasons, from spring to summer, sunrise to sunset.

It was as though hundreds of Great Sword Immortals from the Sword Sect had encircled the Chaos Roc, manifesting the profound laws of the Great Dao that once reigned in the Boundless Great World.

The massive form of the Chaos Roc manifested abnormalities at any moment, and instantly, sword lights capable of suppressing and destroying it would emerge.

These lights thwarted its struggles and any subsequent actions, causing them to be stillborn.

In the perception of the Chaos Roc, it was not merely contending with the Sword Sect's Sky Opening Array, but rather with the essence of the Great Sword Immortals themselves. For millennia, the profound order of the Great Dao had been distilled by the Sword Sect!

It was as if he were single-handedly challenging the enigmatic laws of the Boundless Great World, standing against the legacy of the Sword Sect's departed Great Sword Immortals.

The crimson sword lights from Nie Qingtian, imbued with the invincible force of the Optimus Nine Slashes, were designed for destruction and slaughter, carving the deepest wounds into his colossal body.

The Sky Opening Array limited his movements, trapping him and preventing the full exertion of his power.

The Optimus Nine Slashes, seizing the opportunity, assailed him relentlessly, inflicting continuous injuries, rending his flesh and blood, shattering his organs, and causing his soul such agony that he longed for death.

Gradually, his eyes—one crimson, one silver—clouded over, obscured by his own blood.

He was nearly blinded to the infinite sword lights that filled the sky.

Yu Yuan, once atop the Dragon Slash Platform, had vanished from his sight, whereabouts unknown.

"Why is the Optimus Sword at the Cold Abyss Entrance? Why was it concealed in the deep sea?"

"The Divine Soul Sect and the Babel Chamber of Commerce conspired against Sabonis and Grec in the Plover Realm to ensure the Optimus Sword could freely break through the Dark Domain!"

"And yet, it is here, amidst the myriad streams of sword light, allowing the Divine Sword to strike repeatedly!"

The Chaos Roc wailed in anguish as it racked its brain.

It wondered if its secret foray into the Firefly Starfield had been anticipated by the Divine Soul Sect and the Babel Chamber of Commerce.

Could they have foreseen his arrival, his intent to possess Yu Yuan, to use Yu Yuan as a vessel for a new form of rebirth, and thus deliberately positioned the Optimus Sword here?

Could it be that Yu Yuan, the Divine Sword, and the endless river of sword light had been awaiting him all along?

The Chaos Roc, teetering on the brink of unconsciousness, grew increasingly anxious and fearful.

He was convinced that the Divine Soul Sect and the Babel Chamber of Commerce were on his trail, and that the Divine King of the Divine Soul Sect had already reached the Firefly Starfield.

He even suspected that the Divine King might be lurking in the shadows, watching him become the butt of the joke.

Little did he know, Yu Yuan, who was currently wielding the Sky Opening Array and simultaneously executing the Optimus Nine Slashes, was in fact one of the Divine Kings of the Divine Soul Sect!

This was the very Dragon Slayer who founded the Divine Soul Sect, elevating it to the pinnacle of the Starfield and striking terror into the hearts of all other races!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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