Unmatched Dominance/C1374 Supreme Delicacy
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Unmatched Dominance/C1374 Supreme Delicacy
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C1374 Supreme Delicacy

First came the beast's blood, followed by the silver-like fish scales, and then the large chunks of flesh.

In the center of the Sky Opening Array, the giant fish-shaped Chaos Roc was being relentlessly carved up by countless sword lights. Blood, scales, and pieces of flesh were systematically stripped from its body.

The Dragon Slash Platform, akin to an unfathomable Chaos Abyss, swallowed each severed part whole.

The Chaos Roc, now in its primal form, bore numerous bloody wounds that were bone-deep. Its vital points, riddled with sword light piercings, presented a ghastly sight.

Yet, its life force remained incredibly potent. The creature's wounds were rapidly healing.

But the pace of recovery could not outstrip the onslaught of the sword lights.

The rivers of sword light that formed the Sky Opening Array were, in fact, diminishing. The copious sword energy they carried was depleting swiftly.

These rivers had long supplied the Sky Opening Array and the Optimus Nine Slashes with their power.

But their reserves were finite.

With Nie Qingtian's demise, the sword light rivers, enriched over millennia, would eventually be drained, reaching a point of exhaustion.

Especially if squandered so recklessly...

"The true Starry Behemoth is frighteningly formidable! Despite the prolonged assault of such a sword formation, it's nowhere near the brink of death," Yu Yuan marveled in shock.

He gradually came to understand that the Chaos Roc's core strength lay in its life force!

This force of life granted the Chaos Roc an unrivaled healing prowess.

If it couldn't be slain...

Leveraging the expansive view from the Dragon Slash Platform, Yu Yuan discreetly surveyed the unfolding situation.

His gaze immediately fell upon Alonso, who stood atop Ciara's Frost Well, his eyes coldly fixed on Yu Yuan and the ensnared Chaos Roc.

In the current Firefly Starfield, Alonso was the mightiest, aside from the Chaos Roc.

Perched on the Frost Well, Alonso appeared even more menacing to Yu Yuan, especially now that the Element Cage had been restored, radiating its sacred glow once more.

"The power of the Dark Domain!"

The energy erupting from the well was dark and icy, unmistakably emanating from the enigmatic Dark Domain.

Within it lurked a peculiar blood energy.

Yu Yuan instantly surmised that even though the Asura King, severely wounded, had not descended upon the Firefly Starfield, Sabonis was leveraging his power and influence through the Frost Well to aid Alonso.

His gaze shifted to Jun Chen, Death Crane, and both Zhou You and Tianzang, who were intercepting the totem pillars.

The Demon Totem Pillars, rooted in the Outer Sky Wonderland fashioned after the Ember Waters, were hurtling towards him.

It was clear to them that if they allowed the Ancient Fey Formation to break into the Sky Opening Array and fall under the control of the Chaos Roc, they might have a chance to shatter the formation.

Hence, they joined forces to prevent it.

In the distance, the Cold Domain Bear roared lowly, its face alight with wild excitement as it charged towards him.

The three Great Sword Immortals of the Sword Sect stood suspended in the void, swords in hand, their gazes fixed in rapt attention on the Sky Opening Array. They watched the crimson sword light carve long, deep gashes into the Chaos Roc, inflicting continuous wounds.

The trio appeared entranced, as if lost in the depths of meditating on the sword spell.

They were profoundly moved by the Sky Opening Array, woven from rivers of sword light, and were utterly captivated. They were doing their utmost to grasp the sword intent and might contained within.

They were also diligently seeking to grasp the subtleties of the Optimus Nine Slashes, hoping to enlighten their own path in the Sword Dao.

The sea of stars, a replica of the Ember Waters within the Stars World, continued to amass the deep sea's power as the Demon Totem Pillar soared towards the Chaos Roc.

Azure energies burst forth from the stars, blending into the fantastical ocean.

Jun Chen, once the white-robed crane rider, watched the deep sea with a grave expression.

"The deep sea nurtures boundless life. If this fish-shaped Chaos Roc can harness the deep sea's power within the sword formation, that could pose a problem. Once the fish dives into the sea, its strength is likely to surge once more."

Yu Yuan pondered thoughtfully.

He was meticulously observing the Chaos Roc, ensnared by the Sky Opening Array, and after a while, he began to discern new insights, realizing many aspects he had previously overlooked.

When the Chaos Roc was ambushed, it instinctively reverted to its primordial form, transforming into a colossal fish that dwarfed the sun and the moon.

In its original state, the Chaos Roc's physical defenses were seemingly impregnable. Indeed, not even the formidable Sky Opening Array or the Optimus Nine Slashes could vanquish it or cause it to crumble.

This alone is testament to the colossal strength of the beast's physique!

The Chaos Roc, in its primitive form, was immensely large, with an invincible defense and earth-shattering brute force. It wielded the power of the Sun and Moon Eyes and could unleash its bloodline abilities.

Yet, its lack of agility made it appear somewhat cumbersome.

Against an opponent of equal standing, such as a Primordial Spirit of the human race or a Tenth Level Bloodline Warrior from the Outland Star River...

If it were just one adversary, the Roc's endless blood energy might very well wear them down to death!

Take, for instance, the Sky Opening Array and the Optimus Nine Slashes, which are akin to Nie Qingtian wielding his sword relentlessly.

Even someone of Nie Qingtian's caliber might fail to defeat the Roc after depleting all his sword energy, soul, and hidden strength.

It's conceivable that Nie Qingtian would run out of power first, leaving the Roc merely wounded, able to break through the Sky Opening Array and ultimately vanquish Nie Qingtian.

If Nie Qingtian were a typical Primordial Spirit or a warrior from the stars, the outcome might have been just that.

But what if the Chaos Roc were to face several Primordial Spirits or a group of Tenth Level Warriors?

Confronted by numerous formidable beings, swift as lightning, encircling him, unleashing myriad sword lights and mystical divine powers, could the Chaos Roc break free?

His massive size made him a target; relentless resistance only led to one inevitable conclusion: death.

Escape was hardly an option.

Reflecting on this, Yu Yuan envisioned the once-dominant Starry Behemoths, fallen under the relentless onslaught of Tenth Level Warriors from various star races.

The Secular Bird, too, met its end in the Oblivion Starfield after a relentless pursuit.

Thus, it chose to be reborn in the vast expanse of the ocean, adopting a new human form for its path to regeneration.

The Chaos Roc, having deliberately constructed the Life Altar and refined the Yang God, seemed to be seeking a similar path.

It was not only immensely powerful and possessed of boundless blood energy but also retained its agility and the ability to change form at will.

Only by doing so could it deftly avoid the onslaught of numerous formidable opponents. Otherwise, due to its massive size, it would become an easy target, bearing the brunt of countless Artifacts and Sacred Relics.

Yu Yuan seemed to glimpse a scene from the ancient past: human hunters in the mortal forests, encircling wild beasts with cages, spears, and torches, using their numbers to slowly exhaust the fierce creatures to death. How strikingly similar it was to the Starry Behemoth being besieged and slowly slain by the Peak experts of various races.

"Don't get your hopes up."

He huffed, his gaze fixed on the Chaos Roc. With a strand of his soul, he entered the microcosm of his Qi and blood, where he saw his Yang God's transparent form, its interior woven with innumerable Bloodline Crystal Chains, breathing rhythmically.

The Yang God yearned for the flesh and blood of the behemoth!

Not just the Yang God, but the Demon Blade Blood Prison, temporarily resting within his acupoint, was also itching to break free and sink its teeth into the blood and flesh that had separated from the Chaos Roc's body. The flesh of the behemoth was a supreme delicacy, brimming with the wonders of the universe.

"Don't exhaust your sword energy."

Suddenly, Mo Baichuan's voice emerged beside him.

"Even if you deplete your sword energy, you won't be able to kill the Chaos Roc; you'll only inflict severe wounds. Alonso has healed from his injuries and is frantically gathering his blood energy. Once the river of sword lights runs dry, you and the Violent Bear will pose little threat to the Asura Clan."

"For years, Sabonis and the Asura Clan have held the Violent Bear in high regard, not only because it guards the entrance to the Cold Abyss, providing them with cold crystals, but also because it can wield the sword energy left by Nie Qingtian."

"The Asura respect only the strong, only those who can truly pose a threat to them."

Mo Baichuan discreetly cautioned him while the others were distracted.

Yu Yuan's form shuddered slightly, signaling his understanding with a subtle nod. He surveyed his surroundings and, through the Dragon Slash Platform, spotted Mo Baichuan's shadow concealed beneath the stars at Jee Ningshuang's feet.

Libre Baskerville
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