Unmatched Dominance/C1378 The Berserk of the Giant Beast!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1378 The Berserk of the Giant Beast!
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C1378 The Berserk of the Giant Beast!

Yu Yuan's face was a picture of surprise.

Perched atop the Dragon Slash Platform, he had made every emergency preparation, ready to retreat into the inner world of the platform when the bizarre spectacle before him left him at a loss.

What had transpired when the ferocious Starry Behemoth used its enigmatic talent to glimpse into his core soul?

What had the Chaos Roc seen?

How had it come to this?


In the midst of its frenzied roar, the Chaos Roc's heart, boiling like a cauldron, erupted with a more terrifying vitality.

Its giant fish-like form, with sharp fins jutting out, saw its silver scales turn as black as ink.

"Berserk beast!"

The phrase surfaced in his mind unbidden, igniting a spark of memory.

Yu Yuan instantly realized that the berserk Starry Behemoth had lost all sense of intelligence!

Yet, both the resilience of its body and the potency of its blood energy were significantly increased!

And indeed, that was the case.

The berserk Chaos Roc swelled in size, and the gaping wound on its body visibly healed.

As it collided with the Sky Opening Array, its black scales withstood the slashes of the sword lights, emitting the resounding clang of gold metal.

Yet, not a single scale was breached!

Blood streamed from his eyes, and his soul felt as though it had taken a severe blow. But this very "berserk" state unveiled a terrifying aspect of the Starry Behemoth.

Sizzle! Sizzle! Sizzle!

Countless sword lights sparked off its dark scales like spectacular lightning. It thrashed left and right, its massive body crushing the crimson meteorites into dust.

The Sky Opening Array, swirling around it like a net, was on the verge of collapse.

Yu Yuan's expression grew increasingly grave.

He could never have imagined that the Chaos Roc, after merely glimpsing his core soul, would witness a scene so unfathomable that it injured its soul.

The Sky Opening Array was powerless, but the Chaos Roc had succeeded!

Yet, what astonished him even more was that after the injury, the Chaos Roc had entered a strange berserk state, with every aspect of its body's condition massively enhanced.

As a result, the Sky Opening Array was rendered ineffective!

The sheer power of this apex predator, this formidable creature, left him in awe.

And yet, in the ancient era when behemoths roamed the Star River, such a Chaos Roc would not have even been noteworthy...

"The beast has gone mad!"

"The Chaos Roc is in a frenzy!"

Those familiar with the Starry Behemoths cast sidelong glances at the Chaos Roc, taken aback by its sudden rage.

They were clueless about the private exchange between Yu Yuan and the Chaos Roc that had left the sly and ferocious Starry Behemoth soul-shaken and enraged.

Despite enduring a prolonged assault from the Sky Opening Array and the Optimus Nine Slashes, the Chaos Roc had only sustained flesh wounds.

The sword intent and energy of the Sky Opening Array, along with the relentless strikes of the Optimus Nine Slashes, had inflicted millions of cuts but had not truly ravaged its soul.

Yet, after a brief interaction with Yu Yuan within the formation, the Chaos Roc's eyes bled, its spirit seemingly shattered.

How had Yu Yuan managed that?

"I believe the sword formation is on the verge of being deactivated," Mo Baichuan of the Primordial Yang Sect remarked, standing alongside the three Great Sword Immortals of the Sword Sect amidst the cosmos.

His brow furrowed, he murmured, "Let's hope this conflict doesn't spiral out of control and irrevocably alter the Firefly Starfield. After all, the Cold Abyss Entrance is here, and the Boundless Great World truly relies on the stability of this starfield."

"If the sword formation is released, I fear for the Firefly Starfield's fate," Yue Mu said with a wry smile.

Once free from the Sky Opening Array, the Chaos Roc's rampage through the cosmos was unpredictable, its next target a mystery.

Should the Chaos Roc fail to regain its senses swiftly, the Asura Clan's starfield might well become the next Deep Starfield.


The howl of the Violent Bear echoed from outside the sword formation, crystal clear to Yu Yuan.

It urged him to let go of the Sky Opening Array, to cease restraining the Chaos Roc.

Yu Yuan was taken aback.

"Disengage the Sky Opening Sword Formation. The berserk Chaos Roc won't recall its initial intentions; it won't remember its plan to seize you," Jun Chen advised, arriving gracefully with his bamboo flute gripped like a blade. He smiled and added, "The Asuras appear to have their own schemes. Perhaps it's best to leave the frenzied Chaos Roc to their devices."

Upon hearing these words, Yu Yuan cast a glance at the Frost Well within the Dark Domain from within the Sky Opening Array. Alonso, Ciara, Demian, and the other two Platinum Asuras were visibly struggling to contain something, but Yu Yuan sensed an undercurrent of murderous intent.

The Violent Bear, seeing them draw near, let out an infuriated roar. It had warned Alonso and the Platinum Asuras earlier not to come close to the Sky Opening Array or approach Yu Yuan and itself. Displeased by Alonso's proximity to the Frost Well, the bear issued another roaring warning.

Regrettably, Alonso chose to disregard the bear's caution, effectively turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to its protests.

Whoosh! The surrounding cold mist, drawn by the bear's bloodline talent, coalesced into a crystalline barrier of light near the swiftly passing Frost Well.

"I'm sorry," Alonso said, shaking his head with a hint of regret.

With a thunderous boom, the Element Cage, which had long confined Jee Ningshuang, suddenly expanded a millionfold. It materialized above the Cold Domain Bear and descended swiftly, trapping the bewildered creature beneath its massive form.

The bear, utterly perplexed, could only watch as the Element Cage enveloped its colossal frame.

Puff! Golden lightning and silver threads burrowed into its flesh, paralyzing its bloodline and causing the barriers of light rushing towards Alonso and the Frost Well to shatter and disintegrate.

"Please remain inside the Element Cage. Yu Yuan and the Dragon Slash Platform are of utmost importance to us; we must secure them!" Alonso declared, his gaze resolute as he continued his rapid approach. "I have consulted Sabonis and received authorization for my actions."

The Violent Bear let out a thunderous roar, struggling and thrashing within the Element Cage just as the Chaos Roc would.

Yet, the golden and silver threads within the cage proved to be a far greater restraint on the bear than they had been on Jee Ningshuang. The threads, intertwined with its Bloodline Crystal Chains, rendered it incapable of utilizing its bloodline powers.

"Please remain calm! You are aware that the Element Cage was forged to combat dragons and great demons, not humans. In those days, humans were merely prey for dragons and ancient monsters," Alonso earnestly advised. "The true might of the Element Cage is revealed only against a being like you, so I implore you to cease your futile resistance."


The Asura Clan's grand commander's silver war pike burst forth from the Frost Well in the Dark Domain.

Accompanied by the pike, a chilling darkness from the Dark Domain, so dense that one couldn't see their own hand before them, surged towards Yu Yuan at the heart of the Sky Opening Array.

The piercing intent of the spear even penetrated the Sky Opening Array, causing a faint pain in Yu Yuan's brow.

The silver war pike, enshrouded in an eerie darkness, transformed into a broad streak of black lightning!

As it streaked across the heavens, it devoured all light, plunging the Stars Realms from daylight into night. The already dim starry sky turned pitch black in the wake of the lightning's path.

"Sabonis has endowed this spear with unparalleled divine might!"

The booming voice of the Ghost King Tianzang echoed from the dark abyss, thunderous and overwhelming.

Inside the Sky Opening Array, Yu Yuan suddenly felt as if the starry sky beyond had been smeared with ink, obliterating every trace of light.

The silhouettes of Violent Bear, Jun Chen, and the others were all engulfed by the darkness.

It was as if he had been transported back to the Plover Realm, witnessing the dark and icy surge from the Frost Well, casting a shadow over each territory like a swath of black velvet.

This time, an entire starry sky was being drowned in darkness!

Hum! Hum! Hum!

The Optimus Sword, embedded within a massive meteorite, suddenly resonated with a sword's hum!

The sword soul within, having locked onto Yu Yuan's position, swiftly soared towards him.

Yu Yuan's forearms grew intensely hot, as if seared by a red-hot iron.

That familiar sensation...

Taking a deep breath, he cast aside all thoughts of the Chaos Roc and everything else.

His entire focus was on the profound darkness outside; he and the Divine Sword began to resonate!

Thump! Thump! Thump!

His heartbeat, strong and rhythmic, boomed like a drum, sending torrents of vigorous blood energy bursting forth from his body, the embodiment of the Yang God within his microcosm of Qi and blood.

It was as if myriad streams of crimson light soared from the Yang God, through his microcosm, and into every limb and bone!

Swoosh! Swoosh!

His Qi, soul power, and pure spiritual force were voraciously absorbed by the sword sheath.

Then, the sheath detached from his grasp, hurtling towards the meteor in flight.

A brilliant divine light burst forth from the meteor, causing fragments to break away and scatter.

As a result, the meteor altered its course, no longer stubbornly aiming to reach Yu Yuan.

More shards cracked open, revealing what appeared to be streams of crimson magma deep within the enormous crimson meteor.

The presence of the intensely concentrated sword energy even made Yu Yuan, who had not yet taken up a sword, feel his spirit sway.

At last!

The "Optimus Sword," concealed within the meteor, instantly pierced through the Sky Opening Array with the intent to cleave the void and shatter myriad worlds, surging into the dark expanse of the outer starry sky!

Libre Baskerville
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