Unmatched Dominance/C1387 He Lost His Eyes!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1387 He Lost His Eyes!
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C1387 He Lost His Eyes!

In the depths of the dense, cold fog, two figures clung to each other, sharing their deepest feelings. Words that had been long suppressed and emotions buried at the core of their hearts were at last given voice. The chaos and strife of the outside world, the wars and conflicts, were momentarily forgotten.

The inhabitants and creatures of the Firefly Starfield could not penetrate the thick mist to see the pair, hear their words, or sense their presence. Only the Violent Bear could glimpse their forms through the void.


It growled in discontent.

The growl resonated like an awakening in the hearts of Yu Yuan and Jee Ningshuang, bringing them back to reality.

"That creature is prompting you to harness the power within the cold mist to heal your heart," Yu Yuan said with a wry smile, gently distancing the woman from his chest to glance at her heart. "It conjured this fog because it overheard our conversation and wanted to aid your recovery."

Jee Ningshuang reluctantly stepped out of Yu Yuan's embrace, her clear eyes misted with a delicate haze. In that moment, she radiated a dreamlike, celestial charm, no longer aloof or unapproachable.

As Yu Yuan gazed upon her, his thoughts involuntarily drifted to the Luan Bird Queen. There were striking resemblances between them, yet also profound differences. Jee Ningshuang was cool to the touch, while Chen Qinghuang was marked by her detachment.

Chen Qinghuang's aloofness stemmed from a disregard for all life, as if every soul, regardless of gender, should prostrate themselves at her feet in adoration. She saw herself as a deity, exuding an ingrained sense of superiority, viewing others as mere ants beneath her gaze.

Jee Ningshuang, though equally cold and proud, sought to keep others at a distance. Her life was dedicated to the art of the sword, her heart given to her craft. She was singular in her focus, caring only for her swordsmanship and her personal affections. The intrigues of sects, the deceit of the world, taking on disciples, teaching—all these seemed to matter little to her.

And yet, despite her usual detachment, she had just now, in a moment of passion, boldly expressed her innermost feelings.

She was as proactive as she had been years ago.

"You're thinking about other women!"

Jee Ningshuang's voice was icy as the sheath of her Starfrost Sword frosted over, sprouting delicate ice flowers that seemed to be the sword's essence refined.

Yu Yuan was startled and hastily replied, "No, I'm not!"

"Yes, you are!"

She pointed at the sword on her back and scrutinized him with piercing eyes. "My sword is perceptive; it can detect the faintest thoughts. It sensed that you briefly thought of someone else earlier!"

Yu Yuan glanced at the Starfrost Sword, remembering a time when it hadn't seemed quite so remarkable.

"Is it Yuan Lianyao from the Red Devil Sect?" Jee Ningshuang pressed.

"The Violent Bear reminded both of us that this place's cold mist can heal our heart's wounds," Yu Yuan deflected, his tone grave. "Alonso is still around, and the Chaos Roc is on the verge of revival. You need to regain your strength as quickly as possible. I still have places where I'll need your support."

"You've grown bolder, but only slightly."

Jee Ningshuang's words were laden with meaning as she pursed her lips and hummed, reminiscent of her younger self.

As a Great Sword Immortal of the Unrestrained Stage with venerable seniority in the Sword Sect, she had lived for three centuries. Yet, she maintained her youthful appearance, still resembling an innocent girl untouched by the world.

Especially now, as she opened her heart and faced Yu Yuan once more.

In that moment, she seemed to travel back to her girlhood, three hundred years prior, to the days she spent by Yu Yuan's side, scattering the throngs of admiring women.

Back then, she had concocted various reasons and excuses to drive away the women who pined for Yu Yuan.

For instance, Yu Yuan needed to concentrate on alchemy, to delve into the principles of medicine, to explore new techniques in pill refinement...


The sound of the earth shattering echoed from the deep sea where Du Yuan and Zhou You had been concealed.

Beams of ice and cold light shot forth, shattering the crystalline world into vast chunks of void meteorites.

Zhou You let out a muffled groan, dragging the unconscious Du Yuan from the depths.

"Alonso ambushed him, worsening his injuries—nearly fatal!" he exclaimed.

Upon reaching the shore, Zhou You handed Du Yuan over to Yue Mu and Mo Baichuan, his brow furrowed. Pointing downward, he shouted, "He aims to obliterate the Cold Abyss Entrance, to forever rob Haoxuan of it! That cursed Alonso, so persistent in death, is determined to take some of us with him!"


"Alonso again!"

Jun Chen, Tianzang, and Mo Baichuan's expressions shifted subtly.

They had previously observed Alonso, with the aid of a crystal ball, leading four Platinum Asura and several Asura Clan members away from the Firefly Starfield.

The Firefly Starfield was on the brink of destruction, with the Chaos Roc wreaking havoc. What purpose did Alonso have for remaining?

What significance did his presence hold?

Was his aim to obliterate the Cold Abyss Entrance?

Boom! The sound of crashing waves filled the air.

The sea roiled, the earth collapsed, and the area around the Cold Abyss Entrance was engulfed in countless golden bolts of lightning and streams of silver light.

The Violent Bear's massive eyes blazed with rage as it witnessed the floodwaters and the seabed that had been torn from the Stars World.

"Cold Abyss Entrance!"

Alonso's chilling voice echoed from the parched seabed.

Clad in gleaming silver armor and wielding a silver war pike, now missing its tip, he stood on the silvery ocean floor, gazing up at the onlookers above.

Landmasses began to fracture and split away from beneath his feet.

A dazzling golden radiance, seemingly the essence of his own blood, enveloped the area designated for the Cold Abyss Entrance.

"The Asura Clan has forfeited a Starfield, and it's only fair that you, Hao Ran, should lose a Cold Abyss Entrance as well."

He shifted his gaze from the Violent Bear to Jun Chen, Mo Baichuan, and the others. "I've long understood that the Cold Abyss Entrance is key to stabilizing Hao Ran, and currently, you lack the capability to construct a new one. Therefore, it seems only fitting that Yu Yuan exchange the Dragon Slash Platform for this Cold Abyss Entrance."

With these words, he thrust his silver war pike fiercely into the ground.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Millions of silver blades cleaved through the seabed, causing the already fragile earth to crumble into a sky full of meteorites.

He stood atop the largest meteorite, his Golden Blood casting a protective shroud over the Cold Abyss Entrance, as he coolly bartered with the visitors from Hao Ran.

"The Dragon Slash Platform is divided into three parts, and the most crucial segment, which anchors the fate of Hao Ran's Naga race, is already sufficient."

Alonso spoke with confidence, seemingly privy to all of Hao Ran's affairs, "The significance of the Dragon Slash Platform in Yu Yuan's possession surely pales in comparison to that of the Cold Abyss Entrance."

He raised his voice and bellowed.


Yu Yuan stepped onto the Dragon Slash Platform and was compelled to soar out of the chilly fog. Gazing down from the sky, he looked at him.

Yu Yuan couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Alonso's face twitched slightly as he struggled to contain the fiery rage welling up inside him. His usually handsome features now appeared distorted and menacing.

It was a clear sign he was on the brink of losing control.

"Commander, your arrogance knows no bounds," Yu Yuan said, shaking his head with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Alonso responded, his voice dry.

"Tell me, who would dare to compel me to surrender the Dragon Slash Platform in exchange for the Cold Abyss Entrance you're guarding?" Yu Yuan's arrogance was palpable. "The only thing that could hold me back has been deeply wounded by you. The Cold Abyss Entrance, the Dragon Slash Platform, even the vast expanse of death itself—none of it matters to him."

"I truly don't know where you get the audacity to think you can intimidate me."

"You're quite the spectacle, so blinded by your own folly that you can't even discern the cardinal directions."

Libre Baskerville
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