Unmatched Dominance/C1393 Strange Thing
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Unmatched Dominance/C1393 Strange Thing
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C1393 Strange Thing

Jee Ningshuang's words plunged Yu Yuan into a lengthy silence.

He had previously heard similar sentiments from Chu Yao. However, due to his bias against Chu Yao, Yu Yuan had remained skeptical until he could verify the truth himself upon his return to the Vast Expanse.

But now, it was not Chu Yao speaking; it was Jee Ningshuang!

The Reincarnation Pill was indeed flawed, something his senior brother knew all too well. Yet, without that pill, what would have become of him?

His thoughts abruptly turned to Fu Xuanwen, who perished in the Illusion Starfield. This prominent cultivator from the Profound Sky Sect harbored a deep-seated grudge against the Medicine God Sect.

Fu Xuanwen had once arrogantly declared his intention to make both the Medicine God Sect and the Artifact Sect serve the cultivators and demons waging wars in the Starfields, providing pellets and equipment without charge.

This Unrestrained Stage cultivator, known for his stubborn and extreme nature, had even caused an uproar within the Medicine God Sect and was subsequently banned from returning to the Vast Expanse.

He had claimed that, three hundred years ago, he had heard the inner thoughts of Sect Master Han Miaoyuan, who had inquired whether he was interested in secretly returning to the Vast Expanse to eliminate someone...

According to him, the person Han Miaoyuan wanted to remove was none other than himself, who was deeply engrossed in researching poison pills.

Could it be... Han Miaoyuan?

Was his senior brother coerced by Han Miaoyuan, knowing that the Sect Master of the Profound Sky Sect, representing the five major powers, sought to eliminate him? Did he tamper with the Reincarnation Pill to prevent this, to ensure his own survival?

Chu Yao had mentioned that the Reincarnation Pill was meant to induce a deep slumber, not death.

Now, piecing together Jee Ningshuang's words, Yu Yuan found himself enveloped in doubt.

Had he been mistaken all along?

He whispered to himself.

"For the details, you can seek confirmation from Zhong Chichen once you're back in the Vast Expanse."

Jee Ningshuang remained composed, her words measured. She then furrowed her brow, adding, "However, I've heard that Zhong's condition isn't great. Since his breakthrough to the Unrestrained Stage, he's shown little interest in the Medicine God Sect's affairs, delegating all responsibilities to Chu Yao. He's become reclusive and has all but stopped concocting pills."

"I suspect something's wrong with his health."


Yu Yuan's face was somber, and he remained silent for quite some time.

He found himself involuntarily reminiscing about his past with Zhong Chichen, including the moments leading up to his ingestion of the Reincarnation Pill.

Before the contest for the title of Medicine God, his bond with Zhong Chichen was strong. After assuming leadership of the Medicine God Sect, Zhong Chichen devoted himself to cultivation, halting his pill production, and swiftly advanced through several realms.

For an extended period, he and Zhong Chichen had not seen each other, and unresolved tensions lingered between them.

Thus, when there were issues with the Reincarnation Pill, he sensed something peculiar and was taken aback.

He had assumed Zhong Chichen coveted the position of Medicine God Sect Master.

However, upon his soul's return and his awakening within the Yu family, he deliberately investigated and discovered that his elder brother appeared indifferent to the title.

Zhong Chichen quickly delegated the sect's responsibilities to Chu Yao, focusing on Chu Yao's development, while withdrawing from worldly affairs.

Considering Zhong Chichen's lack of desire for power, it seemed unlikely he would harm him over the leadership role.

Yu Yuan stroked his chin, his gaze deepening, and after a long reflection, he nodded. "It appears it's time for me to revisit the Boundless Great World."

"Indeed, your return now would be quite the triumphant occasion," Jee Ningshuang said, her lips curling into an enigmatic smile.

With the Yang God alone, Yu Yuan wielded the combat prowess of a Demon King and could morph into an Asura, a Silver Scale Clan warrior, a Demon God of the Blood Devil Clan, and an Unrestrained Stage cultivator from both the Ancient Desolate Sect and the Devil Palace.

In the fresh landscape of the Boundless Great World, Yu Yuan could virtually walk unchallenged.

This was because the five paramount forces, along with the Divine Soul Sect and the Chamber of Commerce, had reached a tacit understanding and forged a secret pact.

Within the Boundless World, they agreed not to escalate bloodshed over their disputes, avoiding the destruction of each other's foundations.

In such a climate, Yu Yuan, wielding the Dragon Slash Platform and having unearthed the Cold Abyss Entrance from the Firefly Starfield, could traverse the Boundless World with ease.

Having secured the Cold Abyss Entrance, he would be hailed as a hero, and the five supreme forces would likely overlook his actions.

"I've been wandering for so long, I find myself really missing the Boundless Great World..."

Yu Yuan stroked his chin, pondering the current situation in the Firefly Starfield where Mo Baichuan and others had joined forces.

When faced with a common foe threatening the Vast Expanse, beings and demons from that realm would instinctively band together, setting aside any ideological differences or past grievances.

The Boundless Great World always prioritized external threats before addressing internal conflicts.

With the Cold Abyss Entrance in my possession, I can easily return to the Boundless Great World using the Death Nest in the Dark Wing Starfield. Perhaps I'll even secure the Optimus Sword and uncover the truth from my senior brother.

The two, separated for three centuries, began to discuss their plans upon returning.

Meanwhile, the Chaos Roc, relentlessly assailed by the four Platinum Asuras, showed no signs of regaining its sanity, continuing its frenzied charge towards the far reaches of space.

It seemed it wouldn't be long before it escaped the confines of the Firefly Starfield.

Enshrouded in darkness, Alonso's persistent signaling through arcane methods finally caught the attention of Ciara and her companions.

They witnessed Jun Chen and his group relentlessly pursuing Alonso, launching rapid strikes like bolts of lightning. The four Platinum Asuras, sensing trouble, immediately moved to intercept.

Simultaneously, in the Deep Starfield, now a void, powerful beings like the Green Willow Demon, Heixun, and the Green Incubus, alongside Cao Jiaze, Wai Zhuo, and other stalwarts from the Boundless Great World, converged en route to the Firefly Starfield.

After a brief encounter, they plunged together into the Firefly Starfield.

Upon entry, they were greeted by the sight of a once vibrant Star Sea now in ruins. Stars had burst across the expanse, transforming into frigid meteorites.

The scene mirrored the Deep Starfield's previous devastation, with the fabric of the cosmos unraveled and the Stars World no more.

"This..." The Green Incubus, a formidable Devaputra, drew in a sharp breath, his face growing solemn as he surveyed the galactic destruction.

He had visited this region of the cosmos before. Prior to his confinement in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, the Green Incubus, a prominent figure among the Devaputras, had freely wandered the stars. He was well aware of the Firefly Starfield's former vibrancy.

But now, it seemed that the Firefly Starfield's demise was irreversible.

"How did it come to this?"

Cao Jiaze, Wai Zhuo, and other formidable cultivators, who were not far off, had come here after finding nothing in their exploration of the desolate Deep Starfield. They too were taken aback by the sight that greeted them.

"Chaos Roc!"

Lvliu, clad in green with piercing emerald eyes, slowly traced the fading silhouette of the Starry Behemoth in the depths of his gaze. "The rampaging Starry Behemoth has laid waste to the Firefly Starfield! But what could have driven that ferocious creature into such a frenzy?"

Green Incubus and Heixun followed his gaze.

Regrettably, they saw nothing.


Lvliu cried out again, having detected a familiar presence stirring within the pitch-black cold.

They also observed Jun Chen, Zhou You, and others launching a series of attacks from behind the veil of darkness.

Lvliu, Heixun, and others who had arrived from the Dark Wing Starfield were utterly shocked to witness a Golden Asura being hunted down.

A Tenth Level Golden Asura, in the Asura Clan's own Firefly Starfield, was being pursued and attacked?

What on earth had transpired here?

They had previous dealings with Alonso and knew him to be as formidable as Sabonis, the Asura Clan's grand commander. Not only was he exceptionally skilled in combat, but he also wielded numerous treasures of the Asura Clan.

It was unlikely for a Golden Asura to be driven to such desperation by Jun Chen, Tianzang, Zhou You, and the rest.

Unless, of course, Alonso was gravely wounded and had suffered extensive damage to his artifacts, which could explain his current predicament.

The roar of the Violent Bear echoed throughout the Firefly Starfield, drawing everyone's attention.

The bear, crowned with a crescent moon like a towering snowy peak, hauled the icy moon's essence and swiftly made its way toward a specific point.

"Dragon Slash Platform!"

"Yu Yuan!"

The Dragon Slash Platform, radiating with a brilliant white glow, captured the gaze of all present.

"Hey, why did you guys just get here?"

As they continued their discussion, Han Miaoyuan approached them, holding a poison pill in his hand. "This is the latest concoction from Zhong Chichen. It's said to be extremely potent."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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