Unmatched Dominance/C1394 Too Powerful!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1394 Too Powerful!
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C1394 Too Powerful!

"Hey, why have you only just arrived?"

Yu Yuan's Yang God, through a mystical connection with the Dragon Slash Platform, emerged in an instant from the depths of the cold mist onto the luminous surface of the platform, suspended amidst the starry expanse.

He slid the Demon Blade, Blood Prison, back into its sheath and beamed, gazing into the far-off heavens at the figures that had just materialized.

Jee Ningshuang was still within the cold mist, harnessing the Frost Energy to purify her wounds.

Yu Yuan's true form remained inside the Dragon Slash Platform, attuned to the minute shifts within the two peculiar small worlds at the Cold Abyss Entrance. It was not the right moment for him to depart.

His Yang God also needed to maintain a certain distance from Jee Ningshuang.

Thus, he returned to the Dragon Slash Platform as his Yang God.

The Dragon Slash Platform, magnified hundreds of times, easily captured the attention of the mighty. It was visible to Unrestrained Stage experts through various arcane methods.

Yet his Yang God, being exceedingly minuscule...

After speaking, he embarrassingly realized that no one had actually noticed his Yang God, which compared to the Dragon Slash Platform, was the size of a grain of rice.

The figures he saw from the Dragon Slash Platform, the voices calling "Yu Yuan," were due to their discovery of the platform and the knowledge that it was in his possession, not because they had actually seen him.

"I've been too presumptuous," he admitted, touching his nose and chuckling awkwardly before invoking his blood energy.


His form, previously insignificant compared to the Dragon Slash Platform, swelled a hundredfold after employing a wondrous "Return to Antiquity" blood technique of the Heaven Shaking Ape. In human shape, he transformed into a colossal being, his appearance still his own, yet coursing with ancient Demon Energy.

The Bloodline Crystal Chains shone with a silvery-gray light, and countless essences of blood, like myriad stars, arranged themselves within the depths of the Crystal Chains, forming novel and exotic divine techniques.

His limbs and skull were threaded with veins pulsing with Demon Energy, and the aura he exuded resembled that of an ancient ape from the Great Swamp.

"Yu, Yu Yuan?"

Lvliu, whose gaze had been following the shadow of the Chaos Roc, suddenly sensed a presence. Narrowing his eyes, he scrutinized the Dragon Slash Platform and at last, he caught sight of the figure that had abruptly enlarged above it.

Though he appeared human, Yu Yuan radiated an aura brimming with demonic energy.

Indeed, it was the familiar Heaven Shaking Ape!

Lvliu, once a commander of the demon army and one who outlived the Heaven Shaking Ape, knew well that the Demon King-level Heaven Shaking Ape had perished from the backlash of the Demon Blade—a blade that Yu Yuan had acquired in the Plover Realm.

Lvliu's emerald eyes glimmered with an eerie light as he murmured and reflected in deep thought.

Heixun, Green Incubus, and the Earth Demon White Ghost exchanged shocked glances, equally bewildered by the turn of events.

The Sky Shocking Emperor, still reeling from the upheaval in the Ember Waters, scratched his head and stepped forward.

"I think I've grasped it—the Yang God's body and the Heaven Shaking Ape's demonic power."

After a moment, Lvliu's expression, usually so refined, lit up with excitement. "Congratulations are in order. It seems this fellow has refined a Yang God of unparalleled magnificence! His lifeblood, akin to a source of vitality, can morph into myriad forms. The Demon Blade must be thoroughly subdued."

Heixun, taken aback, questioned, "Is it truly Yu Yuan? Not some grand demon from the Demon Palace?"

"He could assume the form of a grand demon from the Demon Palace, but they could never emulate him," Lvliu remarked with a sense of wonder.

"I knew this guy would bring us astonishing surprises!" Green Incubus chuckled with a peculiar glee.

Like Tianzang, Green Incubus was confined within the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, yet he was among the first to encounter Yu Yuan's extraordinary spirit.

When he sensed Nie Qingtian's sword soul willingly merging with Yu Yuan, he knew something was amiss.

Subsequent anomalies and Yu Yuan's miraculous feats had even reached Green Incubus's ears in the Outland Star River.

And then there was Taishi, whose demeanor shifted every time Yu Yuan's name was mentioned.

Green Incubus's standing within the Divine Soul Sect paled in comparison to Tianzang's.

Tianzang had received confirmation of Yu Yuan's true identity from Taishi, gaining insight into who Yu Yuan really was.

Green Incubus might have been unaware of the details, but he had an inkling that Yu Yuan was no ordinary figure and suspected a profound connection with the Divine Soul Sect.

After listening to Lvliu, he became even more convinced of his own judgment.

"Mr. Yu!"

Cao Jiaze, flanked by Wei Zhuo of the Thunder Sect, the Spirit Void Taoist, and numerous Yang God powerhouses, called out loudly.

A splendid palace, which he had miniaturized, hovered in the palm of his hand.

Shrouded in layers of cyan divine light, the palace seemed to possess spatial abilities, allowing his voice and consciousness to be transmitted through it.

Yue Mu, who was standing on a fragment of broken ice, not far from where Du Yuan lay heavily injured and Jee Ningshuang was enveloped in cold mist, heard his call.

"It's okay, don't worry too much. Yu Yuan has secured the Cold Abyss Entrance and placed it on the Dragon Slash Platform..."

Yue Mu's voice, fragmented and intermittent, emanated from the palace in Cao Jiaze's hand, traveling across an expanse filled with countless meteors, debris, remnants of warships, and the boundless cosmos.

"Yu Yuan again!"

Cao Jiaze's face showed a mix of emotions.

After a brief pause, he turned to Wei Zhuo and said, "Let's not rush into conflict with the Divine Soul Sect and the merchants. Our priority is to ascertain the current state of this Starfield and ensure the Cold Abyss Entrance is intact."

The others slowly nodded in agreement.

"I'll go and find out."

With those words, streams of multicolored stars burst forth from the windows of the palace in Cao Jiaze's palm, each carrying a distinct spatial essence.

Cao Jiaze activated the array platform at the heart of the palace, laden with Spirit Stones, making the entire structure seem ethereal.

He stepped inside, transitioning from a defensively purposed palace to one capable of spatial travel.

Once inside, the diminutive palace began to flicker and dart through the starry sky, disintegrating any obstructing debris in its path.

Since the palace wasn't a true spatial artifact, it couldn't teleport Cao Jiaze instantaneously.

Instead, it housed a spatial array, enabling the palace to traverse the void at an accelerated pace.

"Cao Jiaze!"

The Sky Shocking Emperor, Heixun, and others all noticed his unusual behavior. Upon closer inspection, they realized it was only Cao Jiaze acting alone, which allowed them to breathe a sigh of relief.

Somehow, they were convinced that Yu Yuan, having endured the tumultuous events in the Dim Starfield, Illusion Starfield, Deep Starfield, and Firefly Starfield, had undergone a profound transformation after his breakthrough to the Yang God status.

Such a transformed Yu Yuan had fully come into his own. Cao Jiaze, facing him alone, stood no chance of gaining the upper hand. This reassured them.

"Hong, Senior Hong..." Yue Mu, wielding the Heavenly Water Sword, was startled to see Cao Jiaze approaching. He quickly turned to the Dragon Slash Platform and cautioned, "Even with the Cold Abyss Entrance in your possession, you mustn't kill Cao Jiaze. He's the jewel of the Profound Sky Sect, the future Sect Master. Please, don't act recklessly!"

Yu Yuan wore a peculiar expression. Yue Mu, clearly having been through the wringer in the Firefly Starfield, was intimidated by Yu Yuan's array of astonishing feats.

He instinctively felt that Yu Yuan's combat prowess was now on par with the Unrestrained Stage. With the Dragon Slash Platform and the boost from the Demon Blade, Cao Jiaze's impetuous advance could very well end with him being severely wounded by Yu Yuan—or worse.

The hostility from the vast ocean, stirred by the Chaos Roc and Alonso, had only just subsided. Yue Mu did not wish to witness Yu Yuan slay Cao Jiaze, potentially provoking Han Miaoyuan from the Profound Sky Sect and the Divine King from the Divine Soul Sect into a lethal showdown in the Firefly Starfield.

With a loud bang, the frosty mist shrouding Jee Ningshuang lifted, revealing the Starfrost Sword once more.

Her eyes, clear and sharp, flicked to the flustered Yue Mu. She let out a disdainful snort, "What's got you so flustered?"

"Nothing, nothing at all," Yue Mu replied, his face etched with worry. "I'm just concerned that Senior Hong might inadvertently kill Cao Jiaze, escalating the situation."

"Cao is not so easily killed," Jee Ningshuang stated flatly.

"It's just that Senior Hong is overwhelmingly powerful," Yue Mu quickly added by way of explanation.

After hearing his explanation, Ji Ningshuang's expression softened somewhat, and she refrained from scolding him further.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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