Unmatched Dominance/C1398 His Reputation Was Welldeserved
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Unmatched Dominance/C1398 His Reputation Was Welldeserved
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C1398 His Reputation Was Welldeserved

"You really have a knack for stirring up trouble."

Upon arriving and witnessing the scattered meteorites and the eerily quiet starfield, Lvliu couldn't help but comment.

Heixun, Green Incubus, and White Bone each wore a mischievous look, as if Yu Yuan's infamous moniker, the 'God of Plagues,' had naturally come to mind...

"Before we arrived, we encountered Qiao Yuling from the Thunder Sect, who predicted a major disaster would strike the Firefly Starfield," Sky Shocking Emperor said with a boisterous laugh. "Heixun was skeptical, thinking nothing would come of it. Haha, do you believe it now?"

Heixun, once the stalwart defender of the Devil Palace, responded with a grave tone, "I underestimated him."

All eyes instinctively focused on Yu Yuan.

Feeling the potent blood of his unique Yang God, these beings, all considered devils within the Boundless Great World, showed no sign of astonishment.

"How are things with Taishi?" Zhou You inquired.

"President Lyi and Taishi will divide Alonso between them. Taishi desires Alonso's soul, while President Lyi covets his blood, bones, and Golden Heart," Jun Chen said, his eyes alight with excitement. "Once this affair concludes, and a new seat opens up in the Boundless World, President Lyi is poised to claim it!"

With the Babel Chamber of Commerce allied with the Divine Soul Sect, a Primordial Spirit was essential.

Years ago, President Lyi had attempted to ascend to Primordial Spirit status but failed due to an unstable foundation and lack of approval from the five supreme beings, resulting in a tragic end.

Now, stronger than ever and having acquired all he could, he was merely one supreme seat away from his goal.

Jun Chen's enthusiasm stemmed from his clear understanding that once President Lyi ascended, the next new seat could very well be his.

"What about the Chaos Roc?" Yu Yuan asked with curiosity.

"The Bright Clan's two Tenth Level warriors have been deployed, alongside numerous Ninth Level experts from the Dark Elfkind and Winged Race. The Chaos Roc will likely lose a substantial amount of flesh and blood essence. Its Giant Beast Amber, teeming with the power of life's origin, has countless applications," Lvliu stated, his voice devoid of emotion.

"Two Tenth Level powerhouses?" Yu Yuan was taken aback.


Lvliu nodded in confirmation. "Brie from the Dark Elfkind and some elders from the Winged Race require the blood and flesh of the Chaos Roc. Cadorath has lived far too long, and only the Giant Beast Amber from the Chaos Roc can help her extend her life a bit longer. Ultimately, all extraterrestrial races must confront the issue of limited lifespans."

The leader of the Demon Palace spoke these words with a tinge of melancholy in his demeanor.

He cast a glance at the Violent Bear, and a flicker of surprise passed through his emerald eyes.

He was a mighty demon of the Boundless Great World, not a human capable of cultivating a Primordial Spirit. Even in the Boundless Great World, ancient demons faced death after ascending to Demon God status.

Hence, the Demon Gods venerated in the Demon Palace were nearly devoid of immortality.

The sole exception was the Demon Phoenix.

He had once sought answers from the Demon Phoenix but had failed to receive a satisfactory explanation.

Lvliu had also ventured to the Desolate Swamp to converse with the ancient giant ape, gaining some insights from the creature before continuing his own quest for answers.

He believed he had found those answers.

Yet, he was soon branded a traitor by the highest echelons of the Demon Palace and ordered to be hunted down by the Demon Phoenix. During his exile in the outer realms, he was captured by Nie Qingtian and detained in the Sword Prison.

Years later, he remained convinced that the answers he had uncovered were correct.

He harbored the hope that one day he would return to the Demon Palace, confront the paramount Demon Phoenix in the presence of the Qilin and the White Divine Tiger, and challenge whether Lvliu had erred.

Jun Chen, Tianzang, and the others engaged in animated discussions.

Yu Yuan, listening on the sidelines, quickly grasped what was to unfold in the Firefly Starfield.

Members of the Bright Clan at the Eighth and Ninth Levels, the Yang God from the Babel Chamber of Commerce, the Unrestrained Stage cultivators from the Divine Soul Sect, along with individuals from the Dark Elfkind and other races, were due to arrive shortly.

These groups and races would scavenge for the residual gold metal and cold ore in the remnants of the destroyed Starfield.

This mirrored the past events in the Deep Starfield, where they had salvaged rare spiritual materials from meteorites, transforming them into a formidable force for their own kin.

This is called making the most of everything.

"The Epitaxial Realm of the Illusion Starfield?" Yu Yuan's expression shifted as he turned to Tianzang. "Has it appeared in the Oblivion Starfield?"

Tianzang shook his head. "I'm not sure about that."

"Indeed, that unique microcosm has reemerged out of thin air in the Oblivion Starfield."

Jun Chen, the premier guest of the Babel Chamber of Commerce and a powerful practitioner of the Star Sect's Spiritual Spell, responded candidly, "You needn't worry. The Epitaxial Realm won't face any hostility in the current Oblivion Starfield. Since it was left by that individual and has resurfaced there, it's likely due to an agreement with Taishi."

"Taishi will surely look after it."

Tianzang, Heixun, and the others nodded in agreement.

Time passed.

"Yu Yuan, you should head back to the Dark Wing Starfield first. There, Yan Qiling and the Evil Cauldron await you. With the Death Nest of the Dark Wing Starfield, you can make a grand return to the Boundless Great World," Heixun advised earnestly.

"Now?" Yu Yuan was taken aback.

"Yes, and Zhou You can accompany you. Regarding the Cold Abyss Entrance, and..."

Heixun looked up at the Cold Domain Bear, hesitated for a few seconds, and then added, "Once you're back in the Dark Wing Starfield, I expect the Divine Soul Sect will have their plans and decisions ready."

"Come with me," Yu Yuan said, fixing his gaze on the creature.

It nodded gently.


Time seemed to stand still.

At the edge of the Silver Sand Starfield, Lin Yan from the Profound Sky Sect stood at the scallop-shaped Galaxy Crossing, his eyes suddenly brightening. "Finally, he's returned!"

Above the Galaxy Crossing, dozens of cultivators from the Heavenly Source Continent had been waiting for what seemed like ages.

Cao Jiaze's radiant palace emerged first, followed shortly by the Spirit Void Taoist, the Illusionist, and Wei Zhuo, all crossing over from different realms.

"Mr. Mo, are you alright?" Xu Jingyao from the Primordial Yang Sect approached Mo Baichuan as he appeared, leading several Primordial Yang Sect members, including the Yang God, to greet him.

The Master of Phoenix Mountain, Ling Que, had traveled all the way from the Boundless Great World. Seeing Mo Baichuan unharmed, he breathed a sigh of relief and inquired, "What's the situation over there?"

Ling Que, like Mo Baichuan, was in the Middle Period of the Unrestrained Stage. Known for his gentle nature and adept social skills, he maintained good relations with everyone.

Ling Que, always nonchalant, seemed unfazed by anything, including the death of Zhu Huan.

Mo Baichuan simply shook his head in response.

"The Firefly Starfield is gone, but thankfully, Yu Yuan has secured the Cold Abyss Entrance and we've temporarily settled at the Dragon Slash Platform."

Cao Jiaze, with a palpable sense of dread, pulled a fake "Profound Dao Flag" from his chest, remarking, "Without this, I'd have been torn to shreds by those creatures."

With a loud pop, the "Profound Dao Flag" transformed into a dark yellow talisman and burst into flames before the onlookers.

"Fake?" Yu Mu exclaimed in shock, glaring at Cao Jiaze. "You managed to fake this too? And what about that so-called great disaster you mentioned—is that a lie as well?"

"Shh!" Cao Jiaze gestured for silence and watched the talisman burn intently.

As the talisman was consumed by fire, his thoughts, feelings, and memories infused the flames.

He transmitted all he knew through this messaging talisman to the true "Profound Dao Flag," allowing Han Miaoyuan to witness and understand the events that had transpired in the Firefly Starfield.

During this process, a hint of Han Miaoyuan's presence could be felt emanating from the burning talisman.

Meanwhile, Cao Jiaze was discreetly tuning in through another Heaven Palace Seal.

Only after the fake "Profound Dao Flag" had turned to ash did Cao Jiaze regain his composure. He then turned to Yu Mu and explained, "The flag was a decoy, but the great calamity of the Boundless Great World was indeed foreseen by our Sect Master. He has predicted that soon, we will lose one to three of our highest-ranking experts."

"One to three!?" The revelation left everyone in utter disbelief.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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