Unmatched Dominance/C1399 Adapting to a New Body
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Unmatched Dominance/C1399 Adapting to a New Body
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C1399 Adapting to a New Body

The Deep Starfield was a vast expanse of nothingness, cold and silent.

The Dragon Slash Platform glowed with a radiant white light as it carried the "Cold Abyss Snow Bear" and Yu Yuan swiftly through the void.

Zhou You, who had been tasked with escorting Yu Yuan, had left the Firefly Starfield and, after exchanging a few brief words with Yu Yuan, vanished without a trace.

The Divine Soul Sect and the merchants had instructed Zhou You to guide Yu Yuan and keep an eye on the Violent Bear.

Yet, as the first to arrive in the Firefly Starfield, Zhou You had observed the Violent Bear's demeanor towards Yu Yuan from the beginning and was convinced of its perpetual friendliness towards him.

When the Violent Bear and Yu Yuan finally departed the Firefly Starfield, the galaxy's essence—the cold mist—divided, infusing both the Dragon Slash Platform and the Violent Bear.

This reassured Zhou You even further.

At this point, Yu Yuan had become immensely powerful following the emergence of his Yang God.

Zhou You had fought alongside Yang God Yu Yuan, together they had besieged Alonso. He was aware of Yu Yuan's formidable abilities, including his Demon King status, his transformations into a Platinum Asura, a Ninth Level warrior of the Silver Scale Clan, and a Demon God of the Blood Devil Clan.

Faced with such a formidable Yu Yuan, Zhou You doubted his own chances of victory, let alone in the current state of the Deep Starfield.

Thus, he departed with a clear conscience.

Atop the magnified Dragon Slash Platform, the towering Snow Bear, standing two kilometers tall, occasionally gazed at the platform, lost in thought.

Yang God Yu, emerging from his meditation, grinned at the Snow Bear and teased, "What's the matter? Intrigued by the universe within the Dragon Slash Platform, or concerned about your droplet of blood essence?"

The bear chuckled good-naturedly, "Hehe."

"If you'd like, I can let you inside. You've already seen the young creature that's still growing," Yu Yuan offered, trusting the bear completely. He hoped that the young Titan Spinosaurus and the numerous dragon remains might be of some assistance to it.

Yu Yuan's fondness for the bear even exceeded that of the young Titan Spinosaurus, and he harbored not the slightest suspicion.

However, Yu Yuan's well-intentioned offer was met with unexpected alarm from the bear.

Its massive head swayed like a rattle drum, eyes wide with terror, and its aura radiated tension and unease, showing great resistance.

"Forget it, I was just speaking hypothetically. I thought you were interested in coming inside," Yu Yuan quickly interjected.

It immediately calmed down.

"By the way, do you have any leads on a Starfield suitable for the Cold Abyss Entrance?" Yu Yuan asked offhandedly.

It appeared contemplative, with tiny sparks of ice and lightning flickering in its silver-white pupils, as if deep in thought.

After a considerable pause, it slowly nodded.

"Is there really one?"

Yu Yuan smiled, "In that case, take your time to consider what you really need. You've heard the others; they're willing to offer anything to secure a proper location for the Cold Abyss Entrance."

The snow bear lapsed into thought once more.

At that moment, Yu Yuan's true form emerged from the Dragon Slash Platform and sat opposite his Yang God.

The two Yu Yuans, with interconnected souls and thoughts, were completely unified.

With a whoosh, the Yang God transformed into a streak of scarlet light that traveled through his dantian acupoints into his miniature realm of blood and Qi.

His true form trembled slightly.

As the Yang God returned, streams of scarlet light burst forth from his inner realm of blood and Qi, instantly coursing through his limbs and skeleton.

He began to slowly clench his fist...


Beams of refined blood light zipped into his fist like lightning, endowing it with immense blood energy.

"Demon Desolate Force!"

The acupoints, opened by the essence of the Yin Sunflower, were swiftly saturated with overwhelming blood energy, causing an earth-shattering surge of blood Qi from deep within his bones and organs.

Countless threads of scarlet lightning raced over his skin as he rose from his seated stance.

Clusters of supremely pure blood energy formed numerous crimson whirlpools within various acupoints, acting like a multitude of blood energy fountains, fueling his physique.

Suddenly, it was as if he possessed dozens of hearts.

Yet, when he attempted to shift forms like the Yang God, he discovered that his true form was incapable of becoming a Platinum Asura or a warrior of the Silver Scale Clan.

The secret techniques of the Ancient Desolate Sect and the divine abilities of the Heaven Shaking Ape's bloodline, realized by his Yang God, were also beyond the capabilities of his true form.

The only technique his true body could utilize was the body refining art from the Evil Sect, which he had diligently cultivated over many years. However, the return of the Yang God had elevated the Devil Spell he practiced by a level or two.

With a mere thought, a gleaming white dagger materialized from the Universe Ring. Gripping the dagger in his left hand, he drew it across his right arm without using any of his own strength. Not a single mark was left.

The dagger was an Earth Level Spirit Weapon, a trophy from a vanquished foe. Without his additional power, the weapon's innate sharpness was incapable of inflicting any harm on him now.


Once spiritual energy was channeled into it, the dagger glowed with a golden sheen, and he slashed at his right arm again.


At last, the golden blade sliced through, leaving a wound that was neither deep nor shallow. But as soon as the wound appeared, the potent blood energy from the small world of Qi and blood within the Yang God's body permeated the area, and the slender gash healed rapidly. His arm returned to its smooth, jade-like state, showing no sign of the previous cut.

"Let's try a different approach..."

The Yang God separated from his true body, and the abundant blood energy from the many acupoints he had opened became part of the Yang God. He slashed at his arm again with the dagger, this time without infusing any extra spiritual energy. A shallow wound appeared on his arm once more, but this time, it didn't heal instantly.

He could imagine that if a cultivator of his caliber wielded this Earth Level Spirit Weapon, imbued with spiritual energy and soul force, it could penetrate his skin and reach the bone in an unguarded moment. His arm bone, etched with sword marks from extensive tempering, wouldn't break. But the wound would be deep and not something that could heal quickly.

"The Yang God's integration significantly enhances the body's resilience and toughness, many times over. The terrifying self-healing ability is nothing short of monstrous," Yu Yuan quickly concluded.

With the Yang God's return, a surge of blood energy flooded into the numerous acupoints he had cultivated, as if he had suddenly tapped into a multitude of blood energy sources.

He now possessed numerous "hearts."

In this state, his reserves of blood energy were incredibly vast, his physical strength was formidable, and his self-healing capabilities were astounding.

Although he couldn't transform into other races like the Yang God or become a great demon, his original form's combat prowess could still significantly increase.

"I need to adapt gradually, to become accustomed to this. I hope to find the optimal combat style before entering the Dark Wing Starfield," he murmured, no longer intent on hastening to the starry skies of the Winged Race.

This was reminiscent of the time he had delved into the mysteries of the Yin God and the Ghosting Arts within the Deep Starfield.

He experimented over and over, pondering the Yang God's peculiarities, attempting to merge it with his true form and synchronize it with the Demon Blade to harness the Yang God's formidable power.

Time passed swiftly.

As he drew nearer to the Dark Wing Starfield, his mastery of the Yang God's transformations became increasingly proficient.

He recognized that his Yang God, when assuming the Blood Devil form, appeared to possess peak combat strength.

Upon transforming into a Demon God of the Blood Devil Clan, the numerous crimson Bloodline Crystal Chains within him remained unchanged.

He was still able to employ the secret bloodline techniques of the Asura Clan and the Silver Scale Clan, even harnessing some of the Heaven Shaking Ape's esoteric blood abilities.

Moreover, in his Blood Devil form, he could even wield the Devil Spell of an Unrestrained Stage cultivator from the Devil Palace!

"Could this be due to the Yang God's refinement, the presence of Grec's blood crystal, or perhaps the Life Altar of Grec and the Chaos Roc share a synergistic essence?" Yu Yuan pondered with growing astonishment.

In his Blood Devil incarnation, he seemed to have joined the ranks of the vast Blood God Cult, as if he could seize the blood energy of all beings for himself, embodying a special state coveted by the Blood God Cult.

"The uniquely powerful Blood Devils of the Outland Devaputra Race are born with flesh and blood. The so-called source of blood, the Yang Meridian's origin, is concealed within the Origin Blood Continent of the Blood Devil Clan."

Yu Yuan mused quietly.

He had an inkling that the Blood Devils' extraordinary talents were intimately linked to the source of the Yang Meridian.

The physical forms and bloodlines of the Blood Devil Clan are arguably the prime choice for the corporeal vessels of the new generation of beings in this era.

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