Unmatched Dominance/C1412 Devilblade
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Unmatched Dominance/C1412 Devilblade
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C1412 Devilblade

At the pinnacle of the Boundless Land stood Ascension Peak.

"How did he manage that?"

Old Ape, the Desolate God, drew a drag from his pipe and perched on a rugged stone, gazing at Zu Ann, clad in traditional garb with a feathered crown adorning his head. "Old Monster Zu, with the Skywatch Mirror in your possession, you can discern every minute shift within the Boundless Land. Could you shed some light on what exactly transpired?"

He had journeyed from the Great Swamp to Ascension Peak in the blink of an eye, determined to unravel the mystery at hand.

The Boundless Land had always been a check against the Nagas. How, then, had it vanished so abruptly?

Yu Yuan, despite wielding the Dragon Slash Platform, shouldn't possess the capacity to alter the very fabric of reality!

Baffled yet deeply stirred, Old Ape had made a special trip to Ascension Peak.

By the crystal-clear mountain lake, a misty white apparition broke the seal of the Ascension Mountain Range and materialized discreetly with Zu Ann's consent.

This was the white bone that had ascended to the realm of the Ghost God.

Not in true form but as a spectral presence, the white bone joined Old Ape in encircling the lake, observing Zu Ann's stoic demeanor.

In its ghostly guise, the white bone exuded tranquility, appearing at ease amidst Old Ape and Zu Ann.

He, too, sought to understand the cause.

"Desolate Lord, you ought to seek out Taishi. He was, after all, one of the original participants," Zu Ann suggested evenly.

The Desolate God had lived an exceedingly long life, long enough to have forged profound bonds with the Divine King of the Divine Soul Sect.

As an ancient Demon God, his presence in the Boundless Land was surpassed only by the Demon Phoenix.

Zu Ann was aware that when the Divine Soul Sect faced persecution from the five major powers and scattered in all directions, he had sheltered many of the sect's survivors, secretly escorting them to the Outland Star River.

Old Ape had played a significant role in enabling the Divine Soul Sect to regroup and recover in the Outland Star River.

"Taishi is out in the Outland Star River at present and hasn't appeared in the Boundless Land. As for the new Divine King from the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, he's a stranger born beyond our realm, unfamiliar to me," Old Ape explained, shaking his head. "Can't you discern any changes within the Dragon Slash Platform using the Skywatch Mirror?"

When the world began to change, he found himself in the Great Swamp, convinced that the Dragon Slash Platform was the cause.

Regrettably, with his own eyes, he was unable to penetrate the chaotic white radiance that veiled the platform's surface. He couldn't discern the peculiar transformations unfolding within the Dragon Slash Platform.

Zu Ann's Skywatch Mirror, however, was fabled to cut through all deceptions and penetrate any miasma.

He sensed that the moment the laws and order within the Boundless Land shifted, Zu Ann had turned his attention to the Great Swamp, likely focusing on the Dragon Slash Platform.

He believed that the Skywatch Mirror could reveal the inner workings of the Dragon Slash Platform to Zu Ann, exposing the startling changes in the subterranean laws and their origins.

The White Bone shared this belief, which is why he too had arrived.

"I'm sorry to disappoint both of you," Zu Ann said with a shake of his head, his brow furrowed and his expression peculiar. "Indeed, I looked. But just like you, I saw nothing."

Before the Desolate God and the White Bone could respond, their expressions shifted once more.

"I'll let him go!"

With those words, the Desolate God felt a Bloodline Crystal Chain that had been taut around his heart suddenly loosen.

Simultaneously, Yu Yuan reached Dragon Island in the depths of the sea in an instant.

"The Devil Palace, the Demon Palace, and several elders from the upper sects have all turned their gaze towards Dragon Island," the White Bone remarked after a long silence, his voice smooth and pleasing.

"Let's have a look ourselves!"

Old Ape fixed his gaze on Zu Ann.

Zu Ann nodded, and the scene of Dragon Island unfolded vividly across the clear lake before them.

As golden, silver, green, and dark blue dragon scales densely filled the sky above Dragon Island, attempting to obstruct all prying eyes, Zu Ann chuckled softly.

His elongated, divine-light-gleaming hand gently touched the lake's surface.

In an instant, the lake burst into dazzling light, piercing through the myriad dragon scales to reveal Yu Yuan, Loong Jie, and the mighty dragons of Dragon Island.

At Yu Yuan's behest, Loong Jie had transformed into a tall, burly elder with purple-red skin, distinguished by two prominent dragon horns on his forehead, which matched the hue of his skin.

Now, the two dragon horns appeared to be forged from gold, radiating a brilliant golden glow. They seemed so sharp that one could imagine them piercing through the barriers of the Boundless Land.

"Are you satisfied now?"

The old dragon, notorious for his countless romantic conquests and numerous illegitimate offspring, huffed. Heeding Yu Yuan's command, he first sealed off Dragon Island, then took on human form.

Above Dragon Island, myriad dragon scales, refined from the essence of the dragons, became one with the island itself.


Before Yu Yuan could respond, Loong Jie's face subtly shifted, his large, bell-like golden eyes flashing with irritation. "We're being watched!"


With a nonchalant smile, Yu Yuan addressed the onlookers as if speaking to himself, "Old friend, and the two elders, there's no need to peer and ponder any longer. Don't delve too deeply, for I, too, am seeking answers. Rest assured, I'll provide you with one soon enough."

Referring to the white bone as an elder, a remnant of his past life's Yu family lineage, felt somewhat uncomfortable.

Yet, as soon as he spoke, the Skywatch Mirror withdrew its gaze, retreating through the dragon scales.

"How could he have sensed us?" The Desolate God exclaimed from Ascension Peak.

"The instant I laid eyes on him, the Dragon Slash Platform under his command also caught sight of me—and you..." Zu Ann mused, "Under his stewardship, the Dragon Slash Platform must have evolved. You're aware that it never possessed such extraordinary capabilities before."

Zu Ann regarded the Desolate God.

After a moment of contemplation, Old Yuan nodded slowly. "So, the Dragon Slash Platform has been reborn under its second master, revealing new wonders? Is it because of these fresh marvels that he managed to invoke the Order Dao Law of the Boundless Land and lift the seal on the Nagas?"

"Perhaps," Zu Ann replied, his tone laced with uncertainty.


In an instant, the white bone vanished.


"I have but one question: was it you who lifted the millennia-old bloodline restriction that has bound my race?"

Loong Jie, now in human form and clad in ancient robes, had banished the Eighth Level dragons, leaving only five Ninth Level dragons in the rocky terrain. Together, they turned their gaze to Yu Yuan.

"It wasn't me; it was this."

Yu Yuan had the Dragon Slash Platform in his grasp. He set it down gently on the ground, pointing to the elongated, luminescent Heaven Opening Divine Stone. With a smile, he said, "Surprised? Your dragon bloodline was restrained because of this stone. The lifting of your seal is also its doing."

The dragons, with Loong Jie at the forefront, fixed their gaze on the Dragon Slash Platform.

Their eyes brimmed with complex hues, reflecting their tumultuous emotions.

"The breath of our ancestors!"

A Ninth Level Frost Dragon prostrated itself on the ground, its claws scraping the earth as it inched toward the Dragon Slash Platform.

Its nostrils flared subtly, inhaling desperately as if trying to assimilate the escaping dragon breath into its very being.

"Back off! Don't make a spectacle of yourself!"

Loong Jie bellowed furiously, and a cascade of golden, silver, and emerald divine light rained down from the skies above Dragon Island, sending the agitated Frost Dragon soaring through the air.


The Frost Dragon crashed onto a silver mountain range, shattering it and sending debris flying.

The other dragons instantly regained their composure, exhibiting remarkable restraint.

Moments before, they too had nearly succumbed to the urge to encircle the Dragon Slash Platform, voraciously absorbing the wisps of Dragon Breath, eager to decipher its secrets.

After all, it contained traces of the breath of two Dragon Gods...

"Loong Jie, as the Dragon Slash Platform is now in my possession, I am its rightful master. Henceforth, the Nagas will heed my command and hold me in the highest regard. In return, I vow that in the times to come, should a supreme position become vacant, the Nagas will have the opportunity to vie for it."

Upon hearing these words, all the dragons seemed to grapple with a sense of indignity.

Yu Yuan, anticipating such a reaction, chuckled nonchalantly and drew another breath, gripping the Dragon Slash Platform once more.

Instantly, a spiritual connection formed between him and the Titan spinosaurus hatchling within the purple-gold dragon egg. He gestured to Loong Jie, "Come here!"

Loong Jie's face, flushed a deep shade of purple-red, sprouted small bumps that seemed like tiny volcanoes on the brink of eruption.

"If you truly desire a future for the Nagas, you must understand when it's time to face death with courage. And when it's time to temper your arrogance," Yu Yuan said with serene confidence.

Struggling to suppress his urge to shred Yu Yuan with his dragon claws, Loong Jie gazed intently at him.

As he observed Yu Yuan, the elder dragon, who had lived a life of frustration due to the constraints of his bloodline and had never ascended to the status of Dragon God, thus indulging in the company of many women, found himself inexplicably soothed.

"You... you evoke a very peculiar feeling in me," Loong Jie murmured, then, with a vacant look in his eyes, he began to walk, eventually standing before Yu Yuan with submissive compliance.

Libre Baskerville
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