Unmatched Dominance/C1414 Devilblade
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Unmatched Dominance/C1414 Devilblade
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C1414 Devilblade

"Yu Yuan!"

A faintly unfamiliar shout echoed from the island below, the voice sounding feeble and strained.

Hovering midair, Yu Yuan gazed down in astonishment.

The island below was barren, devoid of vegetation, and at first glance, it seemed deserted, with no sign of human presence.

He then used his Qi to sense the surroundings. Without relying on the Dragon Slash Platform, he quickly detected a distinct aura of blood emanating from deep within a cave on the island.

His gaze sharpened as he called out evenly, "Who's there?"

The person who had called out fell silent upon his inquiry.

It seemed as though they had only just noticed him and had shouted reflexively.

They appeared incredulous that Yu Yuan had not only heard them but had also pinpointed their exact hiding spot.

This hesitation was palpable.

"Since we're all acquainted, why not come out and meet?" Yu Yuan suggested with composure.

"Alright then..."

Lyu Geng from the Fiend Sect emerged from the cave, head hung low and a look of resignation on his face.

He looked up at Yu Yuan, suspended in the air, and spoke with a mix of emotions, "I never thought it would actually be you."

Decades had passed since their last encounter.

Lyu Geng was aware that Yu Yuan had been in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, seizing two Dragon Slash Platforms before venturing into the outer regions, after which he had fallen silent for many years.

Only recently had he heard rumors that Yu Yuan was thriving in distant lands.

He could hardly believe that they would encounter Yu Yuan here, hovering above this expanse of sea.

He had thought his eyes were playing tricks on him, that it was merely a hallucination, so he had called out tentatively.

His voice hadn't been loud, yet Yu Yuan had heard it.

Moreover, Yu Yuan had located their hiding place with unerring accuracy, leaving them with no escape.

"Senior Lyu?"

Yu Yuan's face broke into a grin. His memories of wreaking havoc in Evil Town and the Fiend Sect were fond, particularly of Lyu Geng and Chiu Muge. Despite their affiliation with the Fiend Sect, they had been at odds with Yun Hao and Lee Tihai.

Out of respect for his lineage as a descendant of the Evil King, and because his mother's soul had been confined by Lee Tihai, they had supported his cause against Lee Tihai.

He had not expected to cross paths with Lyu Geng in these waters.

"You're still alive?"

Yu Yuan flashed a bright smile. "If Yun Hao is still the sect master of the Fiend Sect, he hasn't killed you or Chiu Muge, has he?"

"It's only a matter of time..."

Lyu Geng's expression tensed.

He then cast a bitter look towards the cave behind him. "I'm still here. But Chiu, he's nearly gone."

His words triggered a wave of crying from within the cave.

The women had been holding back their tears for too long. Already scolded by both Lyu Geng and Chiu Muge, they had just managed to settle down when the exchange between Lyu Geng and Yu Yuan reopened their wounds.

"Did I just jinx it?"

The women's tears caught Yu Yuan off guard. After a moment of reflection, he adopted a more solemn demeanor. "What's going on?"

"What else? We're being hunted by Yun Hao and the Fiend Sect."

Lyu Geng was candid, hurling a few choice words into the cave to silence the women.

Once they quieted down, he continued, "We desperately wanted to reach Horror Land, to seek out... that esteemed one."

He shook his head in resignation. "We were turned away! He now goes by Bai Gu. He also mentioned that since we're not dead, it wouldn't be right for us to travel to Horror Land in the flesh."

The Ghost God Bai Gu, formerly known as the Evil King Yu Xi, had ascended to the highest echelons in the history of the Vast Expanse, breaking free from its fundamental laws.

Lyu Geng and Chiu Muge, holding beliefs contrary to the Fiend Sect, were inevitably marginalized by Yun Hao. Their inherent pride only contributed to their downfall.

Chiu Muge, already having numerous enemies in the Vast Expanse, found himself under constant attack after leaving the Fiend Sect.

Now gravely injured, he had been secreted away by Lyu Geng for refuge.

"Why didn't you leave the Vast Expanse sooner? The universe is vast; there's no shortage of places to go. I can't fathom why you'd cling to the Vast Expanse," Yu Yuan mused.

Having ventured beyond its confines, he understood the sheer breadth of the starry sea and knew well that the reach of the five supreme powers was limited.

Demons and otherworldly beings, unable to endure the vast expanse, often choose to soar beyond the heavens to attain ultimate freedom. Heixun, Peach Madam, the Chaos Roc, and the Death Crane are among those who have successfully ventured beyond the sky.

Yu Yuan believed that Chiu Muge and Lyu Geng should have taken this path rather than remaining in the vast expanse, locked in a bitter struggle with Yun Hao to the end.

"We haven't advanced to the Unrestrained Stage yet. If we leave, it can only be with our Yang God. But if the Yang God departs for the heavens, our physical bodies will become even more vulnerable. Once we're marked by the Fiend Sect and rogue cultivators, we'll meet our end much quicker," Lyu Geng said with a furrowed brow. "Moreover, currently, only those who seek refuge with the five great supreme powers, or those affiliated with the Divine Soul Sect and the Chamber of Commerce, can shatter the barrier of the vast expanse and depart via the two Star Roads."

"Since we've been expelled from the Fiend Sect, we haven't yet decided on our next move."

The barrier of the vast expanse was naturally occurring, reinforced by man-made fortifications, making it a formidable challenge to breach. Jun Chen and Peach Madam managed to escape because the Chaos Roc drew everyone's attention. Additionally, the Chaos Roc shattered the vast expanse's seal during its ascent. At that time, the Divine Soul Sect's powerhouses were preoccupied with holding back the five great supreme guardians.

Yu Yuan quickly realized he had been presumptuous. Not everyone could count on the same fortune or have as many resources and contingencies at their disposal as he did. He could leave whenever he wished and return just as effortlessly. Others were not so fortunate.

"Have Old Bro Chou come out for me to see," Yu Yuan requested. Since there were six women inside the cave with negligible cultivation and poor foundations, he deemed it inappropriate to enter and thus spoke to Lyu Geng.

"He's immobile; I'll bring him out..." Lyu Geng said, his eyes darting anxiously to the sky. With a tone of concern, he added, "The Fiend Sect is still on our trail. Chou's distinctive aura can't be hidden. I fear he'll draw their attention the moment he emerges."

"The Fiend Sect..."

Yu Yuan stroked his chin, a sinister smile spreading across his face. "Had you not reminded me, I might have nearly forgotten about them. Since both of you have been expelled from the Fiend Sect, there's no need for concern. Bring him out and cause a scene. I'm curious to see how the Fiend Sect will react when they encounter me."

Yun Hao, fueled by the reported death of the Evil King Yu Xi, was set on eradicating the Yu family.

The masterminds behind Yu Ying's downfall and the plight of his parents in this life were likely Yun Hao and his henchman, Lee Tihai.

It was improbable that the Medicine God Sect knew who he would reincarnate as. Thus, even if they were involved, they weren't targeting him specifically.

Their motive was solely because the Medicine Sect wanted to thwart the lovers.

Consequently, the primary source of his enmity was the Fiend Sect, Yun Hao, and Lee Tihai.

Recalling Lee Tihai's use of the Soul Igniting Tracing technique, Yu Yuan's forehead veins throbbed, his expression turning cold and severe. "Don't worry, I'm actually looking forward to meeting the Fiend Sect's envoys."

"You've become the primary target for elimination by the five great supreme forces. What are you stirring up now?" Lyu Geng asked, puzzled.

"Enough with the chatter, just bring Chiu Muge to me. I need to see if there's any chance of saving him."

Yu Yuan's impatience was evident as he gestured dismissively for Lyu Geng to cut the talk.

"Fine, fine."

Lyu Geng reluctantly agreed, making his way to the cave. Amidst the murmurs and soft cries, he dragged out the once robust and towering Chiu Muge, now reduced to a skeletal figure.

Chiu Muge's eyes were the only part of him still able to move, rolling about helplessly.

He was paralyzed, unable to move or speak.

Narrowing his eyes, Yu Yuan noticed numerous venomous insects writhing within Chiu Muge's veins and bones, seemingly breeding using his body.

The venomous insects were feasting on his blood, gnawing at his flesh, bones, and soul power, using him to grow stronger.

His body had become a nest for these venomous insects.

"He's been cursed by the Voodoo Cult, left with nothing but to await death."

Lyu Geng let out a sorrowful sigh. "What's most infuriating is that his Yin God and Yang God are trapped within him. Initially, he clung to the hope that his strength would be enough to crush the insects and regain his former self."

In the end, he suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of the venomous insect.

By the time he regained his senses and wished to forsake his mortal flesh, both the Yin God and Yang God within him were so feeble that they were unable to depart from their corporeal shell.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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