Unmatched Dominance/C144 Surrounding the Devaputra!!
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Unmatched Dominance/C144 Surrounding the Devaputra!!
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C144 Surrounding the Devaputra!!

Beams of dazzling light burst forth from the depths of the earth, their splendor breathtaking.

Each beam was a fusion of Qi, blood, and soul power, brimming with enigmatic secrets and a force as boundless as the sea.

These radiant beams erupted from every direction, yet they did not set off the heavenly and earthly Forbidden Spells.

Yu Yuan looked up to witness a spectacle of thousands of luminous dragons, stretching for miles, weaving through the void before suddenly converging on the pit he peered into.

Deep within these beams, billions of shimmering specks held the essence of Spiritual Spells and the enigma of soul power.

The Sky Shocking Emperor had dedicated his life to mastering these profound mysteries.

A half-mile from the pit, a female general of the Silvermoon Empire watched with icy, somber eyes that abruptly flared with crimson light.

Her gaze was fixed on seven pillars of light, dark, light green, and deep purple.

Hidden within these seven beams were countless peculiar talismans, inscribed with an arcane and unfathomable soul spell.

"Martyr Spell!"

She inwardly gasped, recognizing at a glance the forbidden Martial Spells etched within the seven beams, which should have been eradicated long ago.

Moreover, these were likely the origin of the Martyr Spell, the root of it all.

One after another, similar beams of light emerged, each inscribed with innumerable Spiritual Spells and profound secrets, extending beyond just the Martyr Spell.

The Sky Shocking Emperor, who once dominated the Profound Sky Continent, had delved into a myriad of arts, Spiritual Spells, and talismans.

These beams held the culmination of his life's insights, the embodiment of his intellect.

Should another merge and refine this essence, they might well rise as a new Sky Shocking Emperor.

"Yu Yuan! Back me up!"

The Sky Shocking Emperor's booming laughter cleaved through the cosmos. His once grotesque body, suffused with the splendid beams, swelled dramatically.

As he breached the outer forbidden barrier and descended toward the bronze monument, he was transformed.

The reborn Sky Shocking Emperor now stood as a colossus, crowned and cloaked in a black dragon robe, his presence regal, his stature mountainous.

The giant's skin radiated a divine glow of five colors, and his emerald eyes shone as brightly as the stars of the Outland Star River, dazzling and captivating.

The towering Sky Shocking Emperor, with a laugh that echoed like thunder, stomped mightily upon the bronze monument.


The crater's walls, adorned with innumerable runes and secret patterns, suddenly sparked to life, their brilliance rivaling precious gems.

A force emerged, pressing down upon both the Sky Shocking Emperor and the bronze monument, emanating from the clouds, the earth, and the myriad runes and secret patterns etched into the rock.

The sky above roiled as thick, rainbow-hued bolts of lightning, akin to waterfalls, prepared to crash down.

Simultaneously, from the ground's deep fissures, beams of sword light surged forth.

The wall's runes and secret patterns transformed into chains of azure light and sinister, twisting vines, reaching for both the Sky Shocking Emperor and the bronze monument.

At the crater's edge, Yu Yuan took a seat.

Eyes closed, he turned away from the impending clash between the Sky Shocking Emperor and the bronze monument. He silenced the chaos of his mind, seeking communion with his sword soul in a state of utmost clarity and sharpness.

Bit by bit, his consciousness wove a delicate bond with the sword soul.

In that moment, he experienced a profound and ineffable connection.

He was the thunderous cascade of lightning from the heavens; he was the sword beams erupting from the earth's crevices.

Even the bizarre green chains and menacing vines entwining the Sky Shocking Emperor and the bronze monument seemed to be extensions of his being...

He had become one with the enchantment.

His will underwent a sudden transformation.

A new directive from his will was issued, targeting solely the bronze monument and the so-called Green Incubus within.

And so, a miraculous transformation unfolded.

The earth-shattering lightning and the sword beams that could pierce spatial barriers, along with the chains and vines that could bind all beings, suddenly forsook the Sky Shocking Emperor and converged upon the bronze monument.

As they enveloped the monument, nearly a third of the countless inscriptions that had emerged from it dimmed and died.

Within the bronze monument, the Green Incubus unleashed a ferocious roar.


The Sky Shocking Emperor, heavy as a mountain range and ablaze with divine luminescence, descended upon the bronze monument with the force of a cannonball.

Beneath his feet, the spinning monument sank sharply, as if it were a massive skateboard crushed by his weight.

More inscriptions flickered out, extinguished like stars winking out of existence.

The Green Incubus's howls of anguish echoed from within the bronze monument.

Thousands of Alien Soul Evil Spirits, trapped within the pit, bore his mark and now, compelled beyond their control, they swarmed into the bronze monument.

The massive bronze monument emitted an ancient demonic chant, bewitching all who heard it. As the Alien Soul Evil Spirits were annihilated, the once-fading inscriptions emerged once more with startling clarity.

In that moment, bolts of lightning and gleaming sword lights rained down upon the monument, striking it from above and below, from heaven and earth.

The colossal bronze monument, caught in a dizzying spin within the pit, seemed to defy destruction.

Atop it stood the Sky Shocking Emperor, clinging to the monument like a magnet, his movements in sync with the cavern’s sword lights. With each punch and stomp, he unleashed a primal force capable of obliterating worlds, denting and warping the monument. Inscriptions shattered by the score.

Yet the monument remained uncracked, showing no hint of shattering.

Inside, the Green Incubus winced in pain, ceaselessly drawing in Alien Soul Evil Spirits to mend its own losses, yet its core remained unscathed.

"Hantian, your greatest weakness is the loss of your favored weapon, shattered by that one," the Green Incubus taunted amidst soul-piercing shrieks. "I surpass you in this realm because I possess this bronze monument! For millennia, I've steeped myself within it, tirelessly forging its strength. It has become an extension of my being, more formidable and steadfast than my original form!"

"Your makeshift vessel cannot possibly contain the immense power you've amassed over eons. Without the ability to channel your full strength through flesh or artifact, you are powerless against me!"

"Hantian, your audacity to challenge me is a death wish!"

Despite the relentless assault of lightning, sword light, and the cavern's talismans and secret runes, the bronze monument withstood the Sky Shocking Emperor's furious onslaught, unbroken.

"Yu Yuan, I relinquish my claim on the soul of the Green Incubus. Might I claim the bronze monument instead?" Qin Yun of the Seven Divine Sect interjected unexpectedly. "Just give the word, and I will unleash four Azure Yang Arrows simultaneously!"

"If you can manage to break a hole in any part of the bronze monument, it's yours to keep!" declared the Sky Shocking Emperor with a snort.

Qin Yun turned to Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan challenged, "Show us your skill!"


Qin Yun's excitement surged.

He reclaimed the Blue Profound Sword from Lee Yu, gripping Lee Yuchan in his hand, his eyes fixed on the bronze monument with intense fascination.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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