Unmatched Dominance/C1445 Calling the Old Dragon
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Unmatched Dominance/C1445 Calling the Old Dragon
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C1445 Calling the Old Dragon

The entity in this area appeared to be an amalgamation of numerous Devil Souls, possessing more than a single consciousness. As it descended into the earth's depths, Yu Yuan recognized some of the tentacles retracting into its body as belonging to the Evil Demon—a familiar adversary. These Evil Demons, while attempting to form the Soul Split Array to combat the Earth Demon, were instead consumed by it.

The lower-tier Evil Demons were ensnared by the Earth Demon's tentacles, which drained their soul consciousness and integrated it into its own being for self-augmentation. Having slumbered in the depths of the Boundless Land for tens of thousands of years, the Earth Demon refrained from any hasty actions upon awakening, recognizing that times had changed.

The Earth Demon emerged to a vastly altered Boundless Land, now teeming with Primordial Spirits and Demon Gods from the five forces, as well as the emergence of the White Bone Ghost God in Horror Land. The presence of these numerous Primordial Spirits, Demon Gods, and Ghost Gods ensured that the Earth Demon, deep underground, remained subdued and compliant after its awakening, especially since its powers had not yet fully returned.

Yu Yuan revisited the Boundless Land, and Yu Yiyi, as the cauldron soul, sensed an abundance of soul spirits and exotic objects ripe for refinement. Believing she could consume them, she ventured out on her own. However, she quickly encountered an unexpected setback.

With a heavy sigh, the corpulent Earth Demon withdrew entirely into the shadows beneath the Dragon Slash Platform, its clamor fading into silence. Above the barren desert, Yu Yuan's Yin God, stationed within the Dragon Slash Platform, suddenly lost sight of the bizarre Earth Demon. The spiritual link between him and Yu Yiyi's cauldron soul was abruptly severed.

The Earth Demon, clutching the cauldron, had delved into a hidden realm beneath the surface, eluding the Dragon Slash Platform's surveillance. This development posed a new challenge for Yu Yuan.

Following Chu Ling's advice, Yu Yuan had confidently occupied the Dragon Slash Platform with his Yin God, harnessing the residual power of the Space-time Dragon to pierce through the spatial layers. He had believed that the Dragon Slash Platform under his command would be capable of subduing the Earth Demon.

After all, the Dragon Slash Platform, now fused with the Earth Demon, had been contained within the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, tasked with suppressing malevolent spirits and Earth Demons.

Shouldn't the Dragon Slash Platform inherently restrain the Earth Demon?

Upon detecting his presence and that of the Dragon Slash Platform, the Earth Demon bellowed but, dragging the Evil Cauldron, it rapidly descended, clearly exhibiting fear.

Yet, when the Earth Demon withdrew to a certain location beneath the Boundless Land, how did it manage to elude the Dragon Slash Platform's surveillance?

He also sensed that the peculiar Earth Demon, entangling Yu Yiyi, was not eager to drag her and the cauldron into the subterranean depths. It seemed as if... it was waiting for him to approach!

Only when he arrived, fully enveloped by his and the Dragon Slash Platform's aura, did it feign fear and hastily retreat.

But he possessed such power!

He could have earlier pulled the cauldron deep underground, beyond his own perception of Yu Yiyi and the Evil Cauldron's aura, yet he chose not to!

—He was baiting me to venture into the depths!

A flash of insight struck Yu Yuan, and he quickly surmised the Earth Demon's strategy, realizing the Earth Demon—or perhaps a hidden multitude of them—had a calculated plan.

Having encountered the White Ghost, Xi Yue, Qiyan, and the Plague Demon, Yu Yuan was well aware that none of the Earth Demons were benign; they were all deceitful and malicious.

Yu Yuan, initially intent on plunging underground, suddenly regained his composure, suppressing his impatience.

The Earth Demon and the Ghost Wizard Sect were staunch allies, with the sect's origins in the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea. Had my search for the Ghost Wizard Sect's survivors in the Crack Archipelago also drawn the Earth Demon's attention?

Was the Earth Demon's behavior below a solitary act, or part of the Earth Demon Clan's scheming?

Or had the Ghost Wizard Sect also played a role?

Capturing the Evil Cauldron to draw me down—was their goal to confront me, or to seize the Dragon Slash Platform?

These thoughts raced through Yu Yuan's mind, heightening his sense of unease and deterring him from any hasty actions.

Another thought involuntarily surfaced in his mind at that moment.

The five supreme forces had all chosen to lay low at this time. So why did the Earth Demon and Ghost Wizard Sect dare to provoke and harm him?

Were they not afraid that he might act recklessly and destroy the Cold Abyss Entrance, inflicting severe damage on the Boundless Land?

Did the Earth Demon and Ghost Wizard Sect not fear the destruction of the Boundless Land? Were they not concerned about their foundational strongholds, like the Firefly Starfield and the Deep Starfield?

On Babel Island.

"Old Feng, Qianjie, and Initial Spirit, send a message to the Chamber of Commerce and the White Bone Lord. Inform them that an Earth Demon with numerous tentacles and a Devil Soul has ensnared my Evil Cauldron and dragged it to an unknown location beneath the desolate wasteland between the Evil Sect and the Fiend Sect," Yu Yuan said, his true form casting a somber shadow in the secret chamber.

"Also, inquire about the stance of the five forces regarding the Ghost Wizard Sect and Earth Demon situation. And tell the Divine Soul Sect to have the White Ghost return; I have questions for him."

"The Earth Demon, through the Evil Cauldron, has challenged me, seemingly trying to bait me into venturing deep underground."

He shared his doubts and speculations with the Babel Chamber of Commerce and Horror Land, urging them to jointly investigate the matter.

He had a premonition that this was no trivial issue.

"Understood! I'll see to it immediately!" Feng Zhong nodded, sensing the gravity of the situation. "I'll get in touch with President Lyi right away!"

"Yu Yuan, the White Bone Lord suggested you might also consult with Loong Jie," Initial Spirit mentioned.

"That old dragon?" Yu Yuan was taken aback.

"The White Bone Lord has observed your actions on Dragon Island and mentioned that the Nagas have extensive records on the Ghost Wizard Sect and Earth Demon. They possess deeper insights than we do," the Initial Spirit Ghost King clarified.

Yu Yuan's eyes sparkled with interest.

The Nagas were among the earliest to rise to power in the history of the Boundless Land, having ruled it for many years.

The Ghost Wizard Sect, a sinister faction, emerged in the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea when humanity was just beginning to emerge. The Earth Demon, on the other hand, had always been present but was perpetually suppressed by the Nagas. It wasn't until humans and other Demon Clans united against the Nagas that the Earth Demon found its opportunity to rise.

Though the Dragon Clan had declined, it had never perished; the Dragon God simply hadn't reemerged. The clan preserved many ancient tomes, with elder dragons frequently sharing these relics with the younger generation, recounting tales of their former splendor. They spoke of the days when their clan was resplendent and mighty, a time when they reigned supreme. These ancient texts and illustrations from bygone eras symbolized their illustrious past and held great significance.

"That..." Yu Yuan began.

"Qi, could you please inform that old dragon? Just say..." Feng Zhong was carefully choosing his words.

"Just tell him that I, Yu Yuan, have summoned him to the Crack Archipelago!" Yu Yuan interjected.

Feng Zhong, Chu Ling, Yinn Xueqi, and the others were taken aback by his declaration.

Yinn Xueqi of the Artifact Sect was particularly surprised. She was unaware that the return of Yu Yuan to the Boundless Land had altered the cosmic laws, nor did she know of his visit to Dragon Island and his extensive dialogue with the venerable dragon there. She wasn't among the elite cultivators privy to the deeper mysteries of the universe.

Thus, seeing Yu Yuan command Qi Lingyu to summon Loong Jie with such authority struck her as odd, yet she refrained from voicing her questions.

"Will that work?"

Qi Lingyu, one of Babel Island's guardians, had been informed of Yu Yuan's clandestine visit to Dragon Island via the Dragon Slash Platform. Still, she was clueless about the specifics of his interactions with the Nagas.

"Will it work?" Fong Zhong echoed.

"Just relay the message to Loong Jie that I've called for him and urge him to make haste," Yu Yuan confirmed with a nod.

"Very well."

With a sense of resolve, Qi Lingyu consented and, after asking the others to wait, exited the secret chamber.

Left in the room, the Initial Spirit Ghost King, the Kalpa Ghost King, Fong Zhong, and Yinn Xueqi all harbored a sense of unease.

Loong Jie, as one of the last pure ancient Golden Dragons, possessed a natural pride. Even when dealing with the Demon God of the Demon Palace and the Primordial Spirits of humankind, Loong Jie maintained his fiery spirit.

If not for his fiery temperament, Loong Jie would not have been confined within the Outer Sword Prison for centuries.

What transpired on Dragon Island to instill such unwavering confidence in Yu Yuan, enabling him to 'summon' Loong Jie with such assurance?

Qi Lingyu didn't keep everyone waiting long. Shortly after departing from the secret chamber, she returned swiftly.

"Loong Jie has responded," she announced. "He's already en route, soaring toward us. He asks for a bit of patience; he'll make his way to the Crack Archipelago from the ocean depths with utmost haste!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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