Unmatched Dominance/C1446 Enraged
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Unmatched Dominance/C1446 Enraged
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C1446 Enraged

In the depths of the sea, Loong Jie, keen to avoid detection, transformed into a streak of golden lightning, darting through the ocean's abyss.

Suddenly, he halted and fixed his gaze on a shadowy figure at the base of an island ahead—a gray-green specter grinning widely at him.

"I'm Du Jing, an insignificant figure you've likely never heard of," the specter said, maintaining a courteous demeanor despite Loong Jie's obvious contempt. "I've been sent by my master to deliver a message to you."

The figure was a stooped old man, his spirit form marred by an unsightly visage. "An Asura of the Ghost Wizard Sect," Loong Jie observed with a scowl, his eyes filled with scorn. "Reduced to a mere messenger after being turned into an Asura, you've lost all semblance of freedom. So, what's this message you've been tasked to deliver?"

He was well-acquainted with the Ghost Wizard Sect and knew that the creatures they transformed into Asuras were once ghosts.

"My master suggests that the Nagas, long oppressed by the Dragon Slash Platform, share a common enemy with the Ghost Wizard Sect and the Earth Demon," Du Jing explained, not allowing Loong Jie's disdain to affect his composure. "We are all victims here. An opportunity of a lifetime has presented itself, and it's time we unite."

"You're just an Asura, not a practitioner of the Ghost Wizard Sect. You have no right to speak for us!" Loong Jie retorted dismissively, his voice laced with derision. "Besides, the Ghost Wizard Sect and the Earth Demon have always been foes of the Nagas! Ally with you? You've always been the defeated, never victorious. One faction lurks beneath the earth, too fearful to emerge, while the other drifts beyond the skies, too cowardly to show itself. Do you really think you're in any position to discuss an alliance with the Nagas?"

"Step aside! Don't impede my path!" Loong Jie's disdain for the Ghost Wizard Sect and the Earth Demon was palpable. He had no interest in engaging in further dialogue.

Deep down, he held a profound contempt for both the Ghost Wizard Sect and the Earth Demon, remembering all too well the countless times their representatives had sought him out in secret over the millennia.

He had rejected them all.

The Nagas had made the greatest contribution to the defeat of the Dragon Clan. It later became clear that the Divine Soul Sect was far more formidable than the Dragon Clan, having established themselves as the dominant force across the vast galaxy.

Despite their hatred for the Divine Soul Sect, the Dragon Clan couldn't help but hold them in high regard.

However, they scorned the Ghost Wizard Sect and the ancient Earth Demons who had long lain dormant, considering them nothing more than failures.

Loong Jie had no interest in collaborating with such individuals.

"If you refuse to cooperate, my master insists that you remain on Dragon Island and steer clear of his affairs," Du Jing implored earnestly.

"Your former master?" Loong Jie raised an eyebrow.

"Hong Qi, who is now known as Yu Yuan," Du Jing responded.

Loong Jie burst into a mocking laugh, pointing at Du Jing with a shake of his head, his demeanor both arrogant and disdainful. "I find people like you intolerable!"

With those words, he dismissed Du Jing and vanished in an instant.

Du Jing, transformed into an Asura, watched Loong Jie's departure with a dark tone, "You won't make it to the Crack Archipelago either!"


On Babel Island, Chu Ling, dressed as a young emperor, abruptly opened his eyes in a secluded chamber.

The Mindlock Diagram he had mastered emerged, and he immediately communicated telepathically with the individuals nearby, summoning them.

Soon after, Yu Yuan's true form, along with Feng Zhong, Yinn Xueqi, and Qianjie, arrived posthaste.

As the Mindlock Diagram swirled with ghostly figures, Chu Ling commanded, "Guard me!"

He plunged into the depths of his Mindlock Diagram, where an ethereal realm unfolded, reminiscent of a celestial imperial city. There, he appeared to command legions of subordinate ghosts, engaging in battle.

"The presence of the Ghost Feeding Diagram is near! The holder of the Ghost Feeding Diagram must be close by. Their actions have surely alerted Chu Ling. He's now vying for control over the Mindlock Diagram," Yinn Xueqi exclaimed, astonished.

Qianjie's face turned pale as she declared, "I need to reach out to the White Bone Lord!"

As the Ghost King of Horror Land, Chu Ling's Mindlock Diagram was under threat of being stolen, and the assailants had already struck. Naturally, this warranted immediate attention.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Qianjie conjured a treasure resembling a beehive. Millions of her soul thoughts transformed into a buzzing swarm, weaving a ghostly secret formation within. She was employing the communication technique passed down by the White Bone Lord to reach out to the Styx.

Through the Styx, she connected with the origin of the Yin Meridian, ensuring that the White Bone Lord was informed.

Moments later, Qianjie's countenance grew intensely grave. "Luo Yue's link to Horror Land has been cut off! The White Bone Lord reported that after visiting Chu Ling, she headed to the Crack Archipelago. But recently, Luo Yue vanished without a trace. The eternal bond between her and the source of her Yin Meridian appears to have been severed."

Upon hearing this, Yu Yuan exclaimed furiously, "Those Earth Demons are at it again!"

He recalled how he lost all sense of Yu Yiyi and the Evil Cauldron's presence when they were dragged deep underground by an Earth Demon.

The same fate had befallen Luo Yue and Horror Land; their connection to the Styx had been disrupted.

A formidable Earth Demon must have ambushed her en route and taken her to the subterranean depths.

"Yu Yuan, Loong Jie can't make it for the time being. He seems to be trapped. In his haste, he managed to send a sliver of his soul thought, warning that an unknown force has attacked, preventing his escape," Qi Lingyu interrupted, her face etched with concern. "That ancient dragon is immensely powerful. If there were an open seat, he could easily ascend to Dragon God status! The fact that he's been ensnared suggests our adversary is formidable. It's likely that several individuals are behind this."

With Chu Ling, Luo Yue, and Loong Jie all encountering trouble recently, it was clear that the Ghost Wizard Sect and the Earth Demon had made their move.

"I'm going to find Loong Jie!"

Upon Yu Yuan's chest, his Yang God emerged, resplendent like a crimson diamond, unleashing a torrential sea of potent blood energy as it firmly grasped the Demon Blade, "Blood Prison."

As the Yang God materialized, a palpable pressure descended upon every formidable being within the Crack Archipelago.

To them, it felt as though a fearsome Demon King had, in a fit of rage, awakened his ancient bloodline.

"Such incredible blood energy!"

Qianjie, once the queen bee of the Demon Palace, couldn't contain her amazement, her eyes wide with shock. "Your Yang God is the most powerful and peculiar I've ever encountered! Ann Wen's Yang God was a fusion of blood and soul too, but it was nothing like this—so grotesquely powerful and bizarre!"

Fong Zhong couldn't help but admire, "Impressive, truly impressive!"

His expression then darkened as he gave a stern command to Qi Lingyu, "Ensure Babel Island's safety! I'm off to find Luo Yue. I intend to give those troublemakers a piece of my mind!" With a fierce determination, he departed, his concern for the Crack Archipelago abandoned in favor of Luo Yue's well-being.

"Loong Jie..."

In the instant Yu Yuan clasped the Demon Blade, he sensed a surge of draconic blood energy from the deep sea, miles distant.

Without a doubt, it was Loong Jie.

"I must go ahead!"

While his true self remained on Babel Island, the Yang God Yu, now wielding the Demon Blade, transformed into a streak of sanguine light and vanished into the ether.

Libre Baskerville
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