Unmatched Dominance/C1448 The Serious Old Dragon
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Unmatched Dominance/C1448 The Serious Old Dragon
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C1448 The Serious Old Dragon

With a whoosh, Yu Yuan, wielding the Demon Blade, plunged into the deep sea in response to the calls of numerous supreme beings.

Countless vicious souls and ghosts, swirling within the dark blue waters, surged toward him.

Yu Yuan let out a sneer, casually brandishing the Demon Blade. Broad swaths of crimson light, reminiscent of blood, sliced through the advancing horde of vicious souls and ghosts in an instant.

Puff! Puff!

One by one, the savage ghosts collided with his Yang God form, attempting to penetrate his flesh. They were like flies meeting a fiery blood furnace, bursting into smoke upon impact with the seawater.

The dark blue seawater was surprisingly rich with Yin energy, seemingly capable of sustaining the souls and ghosts.

Yu Yuan uttered a soft "hmm" upon discovering that the Yin energy in this region, shrouded by the Ghost Feeding Diagram, was astonishingly potent. It bore a resemblance to Horror Land, making it an ideal haunt for ghostly spirits.

The stark difference, however, was the impurity of the dense Yin energy here.

Ghosts that absorbed and refined this Yin energy into nourishment for their spectral bodies were bound to become violent, lose their clarity of consciousness, and fall under manipulative control—precisely what the Ghost Wizard Sect's puppeteers desired.

As Yu Yuan descended, his heart briefly harbored evil, sinister, and chaotic thoughts.

Thankfully, he regained his composure in a mere moment.

"Come forth!"

As more malevolent ghosts lunged at him, he flicked the Demon Blade, summoning seven sizable blood souls.

These blood souls coalesced into seven towering blood-red demonic shadows, encircling him and decimating the oncoming ghosts.

Yet, he noticed that the blood souls—formed from the previous seven masters of the Demon Blade who had succumbed to backlash—were also influenced by the Ghost Feeding Diagram in these peculiar waters. It seemed they were being targeted for enslavement by someone lurking in the shadows.

As the blood souls vanquished the ghosts, they were tormented by endless malevolent thoughts and subtly corroded by the concealed adversary.

After a careful assessment, Yu Yuan realized that the lurking evil would not affect the seven blood souls anytime soon.

This was because the Blood Prison of the Demon Blade was not the Mindlock Diagram of the nascent spirit, nor was it a creation of the Ghost Wizard Sect. Consequently, the sect's nefarious arts and artifacts had a limited impact on the Demon Blade.


A single thought sparked a flurry of tiny, blood-colored lights to burst forth from the Demon Blade, clashing with the vicious souls and evil ghosts manipulated by the Ghost Feeding Diagram in the dark blue sea.

If only the Evil Cauldron were here, it would be easier to merge with the blood souls within the Demon Blade, he thought involuntarily.


At that moment, the ancient patriarch of the Nagas revealed his serpentine dragon form. Not even the most tainted Yin energy in the ocean could inflict the slightest harm on him.

His golden scales shone with a light that effortlessly annihilated any ghost that dared approach.

As he undulated his massive body through the water, he inadvertently obliterated thousands of evil ghosts and vicious souls, prompting the more formidable ones to steer clear of him.

A hint of confusion flickered in Loong Jie's golden eyes, as if he were quietly attuned to something unseen...

Yu Yuan noticed the faint golden glow near Loong Jie's coiled form, a natural manifestation of his ability to warp the very laws of nature.

Loong Jie appeared to be using his divine talents to alter the deep sea itself, compelling the Ghost Feeding Diagram to conform to his will.

He wasn't constrained in the least; his continued presence here was deliberate, a ploy to capture the Ghost Feeding Diagram and draw out the hidden members of the Ghost Wizard Sect.

"Yu Yuan!"

Upon detecting his presence, Loong Jie's dragon form, spanning over ten thousand meters, whipped its tail in a sudden, powerful motion.

A torrent of golden brilliance and lightning, the essence of his bloodline, purified a swath of the ocean depths, instantly vanquishing all the vicious souls and evil ghosts!

A divine and ancient breath, originating from the dawn of time, resonated briefly with the Boundless Land.

The entire world seemed to echo his call at that moment, channeling the formidable energy of the distant deep sea to quell the Ghost Feeding Diagram and its hidden master.

"You needn't worry about me. Who am I, Loong Jie? In the vast expanse of the Boundless Great World, aside from the exalted Primordial Spirits and Demon Gods, who could possibly slay me? Not one is a match for me!"

This old, lascivious dragon, notorious for his debauchery and for leaving a trail of half-blood progeny throughout the Outland Star River, exuded a commanding presence that even made Yu Yuan take notice.

He suddenly realized why those supreme beings who had been secretly observing from above seemed utterly unconcerned.

The true pinnacle beings were well aware of Loong Jie's fearsome nature. They remembered that this old lecherous dragon was once the most formidable demon in the Outer Sword Prison.

He was far more terrifying than Zhongli, Lvliu, Xi Quan, and the rest.

In today's world, many who have ascended to the highest ranks are younger and less experienced than this ancient dragon, whose legend they've known since childhood.

They were well aware that there was only one reason Loong Jie had not ascended to become a Dragon God.

The Dragon Slash Platform was suppressing the fate of the Nagas!

The Heavenly Dao would not permit it!

Should Loong Jie have achieved the status of Dragon God, few among the great supreme beings of the Boundless Land would have been his match.

"Members of the Ghost Wizard Sect, why haven't you come forth to pay homage to your Grandpa Loong Jie!"

Loong Jie, with a shake of his head and a flick of his tail, was cleansed by the impure Yin energy in the churning dark blue waters, his body purged of distracting and malevolent thoughts with every golden ripple that emanated from him.

Trapped? He showed no such signs.

"I had assumed that the Earth Demons lurking deep underground would emerge to confront me, your Grandpa Loong Jie. Heh, to think they would underestimate me so! Do they truly believe that with our fate suppressed, there would be none among my kin capable of a fight?"

"Have they forgotten? Forgotten the times when the Nagas reigned supreme over the Boundless Land, and the ancestors of the Earth Demons were enslaved by us?"

Loong Jie's taunts echoed as his golden, mountainous dragon form glided through the depths, leaving no ghost or vicious soul intact in his wake.

At a mere touch, they were reduced to dust.

Squeak! Crackle!

A peculiar noise began to resonate, as if an invisible, intangible canvas was struggling under the sweep of Loong Jie's dragon might, on the verge of tearing apart.

The sea, tainted by the Ghost Feeding Diagram, was swiftly purified by Loong Jie's tumultuous presence.

Yu Yuan surveyed his surroundings and noticed that the vicious souls and ghosts, bred by the Ghost Wizard Sect, were attempting to flee in every direction. But just as they were about to escape, they vanished into thin air.

He instantly realized that both he and Loong Jie were trapped within the Ghost Feeding Diagram!

The Ghost Feeding Diagram enveloped the vast sea, polluting the water with foul Yin energy and unleashing evil spirits with the sole purpose of ensnaring Loong Jie.

Yet, it seemed that the Ghost Wizard Sect had underestimated Loong Jie's combat prowess.

They had not anticipated that this old dragon, infamous throughout the Outland Star River for his debauchery, would exhibit such astonishing strength once he got serious.

Moreover, in the Boundless Great World, the old dragon's blood appeared to subtly command the laws themselves!

Even the highest Primordial Spirits and Demon Gods found it exceedingly difficult to resonate with the original laws of the Boundless Great World. They could only slightly influence the Heavenly Dao's rules with the Great Dao they had comprehended.

"Yu Yuan, your return... it has made me stronger," Loong Jie murmured.

Upon hearing this, Yu Yuan had an epiphany. It was his return with the Dragon Slash Platform that had caused the disruption. The presence of the Titan spinosaurus's offspring had shattered the cage that held the Nagas in check, allowing the most ancient and powerful beings of the Boundless Land to slowly regain their domineering strength.

Already at the Peak of Ninth Level, with the potential to challenge the Dragon God, his power had soared to inconceivable heights with this newfound increase.

"You all want to gauge Loong Jie's stance, don't you? You're curious whether he has allied with the Ghost Wizard Sect and the Earth Demon, whether they're conspiring together," Yu Yuan abruptly looked up, fixing his gaze on the crystal-clear sea surface, where two clouds drifted far apart.

"Who's watching?" Loong Jie bellowed.

"What do you think?" Yu Yuan replied with a smile.

Loong Jie fell silent, likely having realized something. He understood that Yu Yuan's musings were about the supreme entities of the Boundless Land.

"Loong Jie, you are a letdown. With dragon blood as noble as yours, to willingly submit to humans is a disgrace. You've sullied your Golden Dragon lineage! Your departed ancestors would be shamed by your actions."

A chilling, somber female voice echoed from the seabed beneath Loong Jie.

A vibrant, multicolored shell rested there.


Libre Baskerville
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