Unmatched Dominance/C1450 Foul Land
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Unmatched Dominance/C1450 Foul Land
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C1450 Foul Land

Loong Jie's strength was something Yu Yuan had just witnessed firsthand. His evident fear of the world deep beneath the earth's surface suggested that the Foul Land was far more dangerous than Yu Yuan could have imagined, a threat he was not yet capable of confronting.

"Is there really no way to deal with her and the Earth Demon?" Yu Yuan inquired, seeking guidance.

"It's not impossible," Loong Jie responded, his brow furrowed as he stood on the ocean floor. "Once we emerge from the Foul World below, neither the Ghost Wizard Sect nor the Earth Demons pose a threat, whether in the sea or across the continents above."

He glanced up at the sky and noticed that the two white clouds had vanished. Realizing that the supreme beings of the Boundless Great World were no longer fixated on this location, Loong Jie visibly relaxed. However, he expressed his confusion, "I can't detain that woman from the Ghost Wizard Sect, but if the beings above intervene, she won't be able to flee to the Foul Land."

He was well aware that the presence of the two white clouds signified the ability of the supreme beings to descend instantly. How could the woman who wielded the Ghost Feeding Diagram within the Foul Land escape the grasp of the mighty Primordial Spirits?

"I suspect they're also curious about who has emboldened the Ghost Wizard Sect and the Earth Demon Clan," Yu Yuan stated gravely.

"Do they truly have a powerful supporter?" Loong Jie was taken aback.

The mysterious woman from the Ghost Wizard Sect had made him an offer he still pondered—the promise of three seats for the Dragon Gods within the Nagas, suggesting the birth of three Dragon Gods at the very least. Such a proposition held considerable allure for Loong Jie.

If the offer had come from a more influential entity than the Ghost Wizard Sect and the Earth Demon Clan, he might have given it serious thought.

"Ever heard of the Origin Realm God?" Yu Yuan ventured.

Loong Jie was astonished. "At the Ascension Mountain Range, there's the so-called Origin Realm Gate, rumored to lead to an unknown domain accessible only to spirits. In our Boundless Great World, those who delve into the mysteries of spatial power are most susceptible to corruption. I am convinced of the existence of an entity like the Origin Realm God."

Loong Jie shook his head and remarked, "It's a pity no one has truly seen it. It's hard to say whether it's real or not."

"It is real."

Yu Yuan didn't deceive him, candidly sharing his discovery, "I've genuinely encountered the so-called Origin Realm God in the void of the Deep Starfield. Though he was inhabiting the body of Diggs from the Dark Elfkind, I'm certain of his existence. The presence of the Origin Realm God felt somewhat akin to... the source of the Yin Meridian."

Loong Jie's expression shifted dramatically. "Could you elaborate?"


Yu Yuan nodded and described to the ancient dragon how he felt as though he'd been drawn into the entrance of the Chaos Abyss, sensing an evil, ancient, and unfathomable mysterious aura.

This aura bore a striking resemblance to the will emanating from the source of the Yin Meridian.

"The Origin Realm God, the enigmatic Origin Realm, truly... exists."

After Yu Yuan finished, Loong Jie's enormous dragon eyes brimmed with confusion and uncertainty. The old dragon hung his head low, seemingly trying to peer through the seabed rocks into the so-called Foul Land.

After a moment's pause, Loong Jie spoke softly, "Do you know the origins of the Foul Land where the Earth Demon slumbers?"

Yu Yuan immediately tensed, eager for more information. "Please, enlighten me."

"Have you noticed that the Yin energy in the sea area controlled by the Ghost Wizard Sect is dense yet abnormally chaotic and twisted?"


"Having been to Horror Land, did you find any similarities between that place and the sea?"


Loong Jie questioned, Yu Yuan responded, and then there was silence.

Watching Loong Jie choose his words with great care, Yu Yuan's sense of gravity deepened.

He understood that what this venerable, age-old dragon was about to reveal was of significant importance.

"Beneath Horror Land lies the source of the Yin Meridian. The vast Yin Meridian tributaries will ultimately converge there. Yet, whether it's the tributaries, the source, or within Horror Land itself, the Yin energy is pure."

"This Yin energy can be harnessed by any soul or ghost without corrupting their self-awareness or temperament."

"You're aware of how Yin energy is formed, aren't you? All beings, whether they're humans, demons, birds, or any creature with a soul, upon death, their souls dissipate and become Yin energy, returning to the Boundless Land. This energy then flows through the tributaries of the Yin Meridians, eventually reaching the source."

"Insects and birds, lacking higher intelligence, leave behind a Yin Qi that is purer upon death, untainted by filth."

"Humans, even mere mortals, carry a lifetime of experiences, and at death, they're burdened with negative emotions, evil thoughts, and distractions—all of which are tainted. The more powerful the individual, the more polluted their thoughts at the time of death, and the same is true for mighty demons."

"Their souls, transformed into Yin Qi, seep into the underground Yin Meridians and undergo purification."

"What the Yin Meridians retain is only the purest Yin energy. It is this pure Yin energy that can merge with the source of the Yin Meridians, igniting the new flame of life—the soul fire of a newborn."

"The impurities that are cleansed away cannot simply be allowed to dissipate into the Boundless Land; instead, they flow towards the Foul Land."

Loong Jie elucidated.

Yu Yuan's understanding dawned upon hearing this unique and unconventional explanation. Noticing Loong Jie pausing, he interjected, "Is it akin to the Aura Altar of the Outland Devaputra? Where pure power integrates with the blood and spirit sacrifice altars, while the dregs enter the Muddy Devil Embryo?"

"That's one way to look at it," Loong Jie responded, visibly intrigued by the fresh interpretation. His eyes sparkled as he went on, "The Earth Demon resides in the underground filth, with the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea serving merely as their portal to the outer world. The mixed Yin energy of evil and stray thoughts from all living creatures is what sustains the Earth Demon."

"The Asura, cultivated by the Ghost Wizard Sect, can also thrive and grow in the Foul Land. Naturally, an Asura that matures in such a manner is considered to be born from the wickedness of all beings, and many are deemed malevolent entities."

"Now, do you understand why the Ghost Wizard Sect and the Earth Demon are inherently allied?"

Loong Jie's words carried a clear disdain for the Earth Demon and the Ghost Wizard Sect. "Beings that seek life in the mire of filth are unworthy of alliance with the Nagas. In our heyday, the Nagas strictly prohibited the Earth Demon from wreaking havoc in the Boundless Land and vehemently suppressed the Ghost Wizard Sect as soon as it emerged."

"Filthy creature, you belong only in the mire. Dare to stir up trouble, and you'll be thoroughly eradicated!"

He was convinced that having the Dragon Slash Platform suppress the Ghost Wizard Sect and the Earth Demons alongside the Nagas was a blatant affront to their esteemed lineage.

The remnants of the Ghost Wizard Sect and the Earth Demons, lurking in the Foul Land, saw themselves as victims akin to the Nagas and believed they should unite.

The elder dragon, however, clearly scorned them, deeming them unclean.


Babel Island.

As Yu Yuan's Yang God was engaged in a confidential conversation with Loong Jie, the Initial Spirit Ghost King emerged, utterly drained, from his Mindlock Diagram.

Within the diagram, numerous grand buildings and palaces had turned to smoke and were obliterated in an instant. Nearly a third of the ghosts he had placed there had perished.

The youthful-looking Initial Spirit, his mood somber, addressed Qianjie and Qi Lingyu: "A force, chaotic yet akin to that of the Horror Land, has infiltrated my diagram from the outside. I'm at a loss, as I can't discern how it was accomplished."

He appeared exhausted. "If this continues, I fear I may lose all my followers."

With a swoosh, Yu Yuan's physical form descended, eyeing the peculiar diagram that originated from the Ghost Wizard Sect. After a moment's reflection, he advised, "You'd best return to the Horror Land promptly."

Ghosts like the Initial Spirit would be prime targets when the Ghost Wizard Sect and the Earth Demons conspired to wreak havoc upon this realm.

Ironically, the Mindlock Diagram refined by the Initial Spirit was a product of the Ghost Wizard Sect, making it susceptible to their subtle influence.

He feared that if the Initial Spirit Ghost King continued to wander, and if the hidden ones struck several more times, he might become yet another Asura under the Ghost Wizard Sect's thrall.

"I've come to the same conclusion. With the White Bone Lord present, I can stay in the Horror Land without fear of ambush," conceded the Initial Spirit, wisely choosing not to resist. "To prevent any mishaps, I will head straight back to my corresponding Styx."

"What about you?" he asked, turning his attention to Qianjie.

"I haven't refined any artifacts from the Ghost Wizard Sect, so I'm not as concerned," Qianjie replied, shaking her head and giving a cold snort. "Besides, with Luo Yue's incident, I'm eager to uncover the cause."

"Given my unique situation, I'll take my leave now. Please, no offense meant," said Chu Ling. Without further ado, his spirit transformed into a wisp of green smoke and gently faded away.

And with that, nothing out of the ordinary occurred.


In the desert at the border of the Fiend Sect and the Evil Sect.

The Dragon Slash Platform hovered above, where Yu Yuan's Yin God manifested a clear silhouette. He observed the activity below and continued to employ this sacred artifact to probe the depths of the earth.

"The Foul Land?"

The Yang God had relayed the message from Loong Jie, and the Yin God had immediately taken note. He was aware that several formidable Earth Demons, as long as they remained within the Foul Land, were beyond the reach of even the mightiest in the Boundless Great World.

After all, the Foul Land beneath the surface was the dominion of the Earth Demon.

With a whoosh!

A skeleton, as lustrous as white jade, quietly emerged through the fabric of space, settling on the parched earth beneath the Dragon Slash Platform.

The White Bone Lord had arrived!

Libre Baskerville
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