Unmatched Dominance/C1469 Reverse the Host's Position
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Unmatched Dominance/C1469 Reverse the Host's Position
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C1469 Reverse the Host's Position

Yu Yuan stood resolutely atop the Dragon Slash Platform, his entire being a testament to strength.

Crackling and hissing filled the air! In the instant his true form arrived and the Yin God merged with him, hidden Dao Laws within the Dragon Slash Platform were activated. Countless divine chains of Order materialized, densely flashing into existence.

Yet, this phenomenon remained imperceptible to outsiders.

While his Yin God was present, Yu Yuan's senses were too indirect to trigger these Dao Laws of Order, leaving the Dragon Slash Platform's enigmatic powers unrevealed.

With the return of his true body and the fusion of the Yin God and Yang God, especially within the Foul Land that the Dragon Slash Platform was fervently suppressing, a transformation occurred.

The concealed divine chains of Order were suddenly ignited and roused!

Yu Yuan's eyes blazed with a divine brilliance too intense to meet directly, and his smile radiated even more brilliantly.

He felt acutely aware of the rules' lightning, which flashed forth from the two small worlds, aiming to constrain all the ghosts dwelling in the Foul Land, including the Earth Demon.

A powerful confidence welled up within him. He understood that whether it was Yuen Qingxi, the Asura, the Earth Demon Ancestor Huangyin, or the myriad Earth Demons, they were all bound by the Dragon Slash Platform!

Here, the Evil Demons, Asura, and Earth Demons might struggle to gain the upper hand in a confrontation.

The sole exception was the enigmatic White Bone...

After ascending to godhood, the White Bone was no longer under the Dragon Slash Platform's influence. Yu Yuan, as its master, could not use the platform to exert any control over the White Bone.

Both supreme beings within the realm of ghosts, the White Bone had transcended the Great Dao's limitations, unparalleled and unique.


Yu Yiyi's urgent voice emanated from the Evil Cauldron, her gaze fixed on Yu Yuan with urgency.

Understanding her intent, Yu Yuan confronted Yuen Qingxi, extending his hand in a demanding gesture, "Hand it over!"

Yuen Qingxi paused, taken aback.

Yu Yiyi, emerging from the Evil Cauldron, was in perfect sync with Yu Yuan's spirit, intuitively grasping his thoughts and desires.

Without hesitation, Yu Yiyi dropped all defenses, allowing the supremely potent ice armor to morph into a razor-sharp ice blade.

The ice blade, etched with the essence of extreme cold, was firmly grasped by Yu Yiyi as she traced a circle around the rim of the cauldron.


The sound of silk tearing echoed from the edge of the cauldron as tens of thousands of previously invisible gray threads suddenly emerged, only to be severed by the Ice Concubine's transformed ice blade.

The soul threads, unseen before, burst forth from behind Yuen Qingxi, encircling the Evil Cauldron, and snapped one after another.

The elder of the Ghost Wizard Sect felt a stabbing pain in his palm and was forced to release his grip.

As he watched the Evil Cauldron slip from his control, he shook his hand, now as withered as a claw, and exhaled a breath of murky air towards Yu Yiyi.

The grayish-black breath resembled a polluted Styx, thick with murkiness and teeming with innumerable ghosts and spirits.

These spirits filled the river, and at that moment, they roared in madness, unleashing a torrent of negative thoughts—hatred, conflict, and destruction—venting the darkest aspects of the living.

"You're merely a maid, yet you dare to criticize us and strut about with such arrogance?"

Yuen Qingxi, too, was enraged, his pupils shifting to a lifeless gray-white. He looked like a hollow, numb shell, devoid of human emotion. A mere glance from him seemed enough to extract one's soul and bring it under his control.

However, Yu Yiyi, the cauldron soul, was far from ordinary.

As she watched the tainted, filthy air transform into an attacking stream, Yu Yiyi couldn't help but scoff, "Nothing but a few rats from the gutter, scurrying in the dark. My master moved the Dragon Slash Platform, setting you free, and instead of gratitude, you seek to destroy it. You fully deserve your fate!"


The Evil Cauldron hovered above the Dragon Slash Platform, directly over Yu Yuan's head. Yu Yiyi, wielding the Ice Concubine's razor-sharp ice blade, seemed to gain newfound confidence.

Unfazed, she watched the murky air stream by, her scornful smile growing even more pronounced.

Yu Yuan, standing on the Dragon Slash Platform, observed the muddied air transform into a bizarre river, beholding the surreal sight of the Yin God...

At that moment, his thoughts turned unexpectedly to the Yin Corpse King.

Legend had it that the Evil King Yu Xi stumbled upon the secret arts of refining Yin Corpses and even experimented with them. However, due to the sheer malevolence of the practice, he refrained from delving too deeply into it.

Nonetheless, the technique of corpse refining escaped into the world and gave rise to the Yin Corpse Sect.

The current Yin Corpse King, a devotee of the Chaos Roc, appeared to have learned his methods from the Evil King Yu Xi himself.

Upon reflection, it seemed that the nefarious art of creating Yin Corpses was an innate skill of the Evil King Yu Xi, originating from the ancient Ghost Wizard Sect.

Moreover, the Soul Wood Puppet that Yu Ying hid beneath the Yu family estate could utterly enslave a person once their soul imprint or Yin God was trapped within it.

Qi Yunhong had been subjected to its control for some time.

Recalling the Asura that fluttered like kites behind Yuan Qingxi when they first met...

Yu Yuan came to the sudden realization that the creation of the Soul Wood Puppet was either an inadvertent act by the Evil King Yu Xi or a clandestine craft perfected by Yuan Qingxi, still employing the Ghost Wizard Sect's secret arts.

It seemed that the Yu family's connection with the nefarious Ghost Wizard Sect, through the Evil King Yu Xi, was longstanding and not easily disentangled.

These thoughts flickered through Yu Yuan's mind in an instant, yet they didn't distract him from the present.

In the here and now!

As the murky, polluted river neared the Dragon Slash Platform, Yu Yuan let out a low chuckle.


A brilliant arc of snow-white ice light burst forth from a realm within the Dragon Slash Platform.

The ice light was expansive, encapsulating numerous faint soul sparks and ghostly lightning within its intricate and mysterious order, dazzling enough to obliterate the souls and spirits at a mere glance.

The mere presence of the light was enough to vaporize innumerable Yin Corpses and spirits.

The malicious intentions of the Yin Corpses and spirits, along with the pervasive evil, violence, and destructive impulses, were naturally suppressed by the formation of the ice light.

Then came the retribution and dissolution!


The sinister river, condensed from the murky exhalations of Yuan Qingxi, erupted in a blaze as the snow-white ice light swept across it.

The spirits of the undead dissipated into wisps of smoke, while the so-called Yin Corpses transformed into dense and filthy Yin Qi that vanished into the earth.

Yuen Qingxi's expression grew somber.

Elsewhere, Huangyin, one of the Earth Demon Ancestors, began to emit a low whistle.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The corpulent demon, rooted in Colorful Lake, extended hundreds of slippery tentacles.

Each tentacle seemed to be teeming with swarms of little devils, akin to mosquitoes.

The Nether Cat, in its purple feline form, had its eyes flickering with purple flames as it fixed its gaze on Yu Yuan.

A hidden spiritual connection formed, as if crafting an exquisitely carved bridge between Yu Yuan and the creature.

In Yu Yuan's sea of consciousness, a bridge carved from purple crystal emerged. He saw a purple cat poised gracefully, slowly stretching before transforming into a stunning woman.

Her visage shifted continuously—now Yuan Lianyao, now Jee Ningshuang, now Lau Ying, attempting to morph into Chen Qinghuang.

Yet, as she endeavored to assume the guise of Chen Qinghuang to beguile Yu Yuan's heart and lure his soul, she found herself unable to complete the transformation.

The distant queen, the Secular Bird of the age, seemed to exert her influence from across the boundless cosmos.

Her presence thwarted the Nether Cat's metamorphosis!

Failing to become Chen Qinghuang, the Nether Cat was suddenly assaulted by an invasive consciousness and let out a piercing shriek.

"The nest, her nest in the vast expanse, can still strike at me!"

On the purple crystal bridge within Yu Yuan's sea of consciousness, the Nether Cat wailed in agony, her form twisting into a mass of purple Devil Soul.

The Devil Soul swirled into a peculiar vortex, enveloping the crystal bridge and surging towards the Yin God Yu.


In his Consciousness Little World, Yin God Yu's presence magnified exponentially.

"Ghosting Arts!"

With a mere thought, his Yin God seemed to transform into a towering ancient deity, standing defiantly since the dawn of time in the distant reaches of the galaxy.

The ancient deity, conjured by the Yin God, crushed the cosmos in its grasp and reached into the purple Devil Soul.


The purple crystal bridge shattered in an instant, splitting into two halves that became the bifurcated form of the Nether Cat.

As her Devil Soul roiled, attempting to reforge her demonic body, Yin God Yu seized it and flung it into the outside world.

With a whoosh, the Nether Cat burst forth from Yu Yuan's forehead, only to be instantly engulfed by the Evil Cauldron.

Elsewhere, Yu Yuan leapt into the air from the Dragon Slash Platform, taking the sharp ice blade handed to him by Yu Yiyi.

He then unleashed the Broken Soul Slash and Devil Shocking Slash from the Optimus Nine Slashes, cleaving through the slippery tentacles.

Bolts of lightning streaked forth!

The extreme cold from within the Ice Concubine, combined with Nie Qingtian's sword spell, turned the monstrous tentacles into pieces, as if they were chopped octopus.

Chunks of tentacles tumbled from the sky, detonating before they could even reach the Colorful Lake.

"Huangyin, as the progenitor of the Earth Demon Clan, do you truly believe you can act with impunity on your own land?" Yu Yuan, wielding the sharp ice blade transformed by Yu Yiyi, floated before the Earth Demon. "Are you unaware that the two Dragon Slash Platforms I hold were originally used to suppress this Foul Land? Do you and Yuen Qingxi not feel as though you're bound hand and foot?"

"What good is your so-called advantage—favorable time, place, and people—against the might of the Dragon Slash Platform?"

As he spoke, a ripple of colorful light danced across the surface of the Dragon Slash Platform.

Instantly, breaths of the dragon transformed into vibrant, seven-colored dragons that darted towards the Evil Cauldron.

The Space-time Dragon, once revered as the Dragon God, bore the same brilliant hues as the Colorful Lake before us.

It was his burial at the Dragon Slash Platform that allowed it to serve as the core for an order chain, suppressing the Earth Demon Clan!

"I knew it!" Yu Yiyi, from within the cauldron, declared without surprise. She gazed down at the miniature world inside the cauldron, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

The Evil Demon, frozen like an insect in amber, began to fiercely struggle for freedom.

Libre Baskerville
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