Unmatched Dominance/C1481 Another Earth Demon Ancestor!!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1481 Another Earth Demon Ancestor!!
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C1481 Another Earth Demon Ancestor!!

Flames burned within Rovi's purple eyes, where one could vaguely discern the silhouette of a delicate and exquisite demon. The essence and consciousness that belonged to Rovi began to fade, as the ancient Earth Demon Ancestor, equal in stature to Huangyin, usurped his body and claimed it as their own. A rich, multicolored, and murky power coursed through Rovi's veins, blending with the spatial mysteries he had mastered, infusing him with a sense of wonder.

"Rovi, the Earth Demon Ancestor..." Yu Yuan's face was etched with concern.

It was at this moment that he truly understood why individuals like Yuan Qingxi and Huangyin could be so brazenly confident. Their boldness stemmed not only from the possibility of awakening Youyu of the Ghost Wizard Sect in the underworld but also from their reliance on Rovi.

As the chieftain of the Void Spirit Succubus Clan and a Tenth Level Peak warrior, Rovi was versed in the secrets of space, possessing the power to shatter spatial barriers and slip away from the Boundless Underground at will. His recent assertive declaration seemed to signal to Yu Yuan that he could effortlessly depart from the Boundless Underground.

Yu Yuan was convinced that even if Rovi's concealment within the Foul World of the Boundless Underground were to be revealed, he could still make a graceful exit before the supreme powers of the Boundless Underground could respond. In all the realms, only Rovi, with his Tenth Level bloodline and mastery over spatial forces, had such capability.

This self-assurance was the very reason Rovi appeared so composed and detached. Yu Yuan felt that the bond between Rovi and the other Earth Demon Ancestor was symbiotic, akin to the mutual enhancement between the Silvermoon Queen and Yuefei.

The Earth Demon Ancestor residing within Rovi, currently on par with Huangyin at the Demon God Level, had not yet ascended to the highest echelon. Yet, by virtue of her host, she was more formidable than Huangyin. She could leverage Rovi's strength, channeling his body's potential to wield combat prowess beyond that of a Demon God, and could even directly request Rovi's intervention.

"My name is Xuanying," spoke the Earth Demon Ancestor, her voice emanating softly from within Rovi.

The flames within Rovi's purple eyes receded, resembling a flower on the verge of blooming.

From within the blossom, Xuanying's Devil Soul emerged, her visage that of a gentle and elegant woman.


Yu Yuan's eyebrows quivered ever so slightly.

Much like with Youyu, upon hearing this name, a sense of familiarity washed over him. He realized that buried within his primary soul were memories connected to the Earth Demon Ancestor.

Another acquaintance!

"Huangyin holds a grudge against you because of the Evil Cauldron. I, on the other hand, do not. I am truly grateful for all that you've done for our Earth Demon Clan and the Ghost Wizard Sect."

Xuanying, inhabiting Rovi's form, rose gracefully and bowed to Yu Yuan in an ancient ritual of thanks.

"Without you, Youyu could never have ascended to become a Demon God. Without you, neither Huangyin nor I would ever have hoped to regain our power at the Demon God Level."

Yu Yuan let out a sly chuckle, choosing to keep his thoughts to himself.

He mused, 'If only you knew that it was I who brought the Earth Demon Clan and the Ghost Wizard Sect down from their lofty heights, confining you to the Foul World beneath the earth forever. I wonder what you'd think then.'

"Since you've already done so much for us, why not see it through to the end? If the Dragon Slash Platform that you've fused could be shattered here, it would cleanse much of the shame we've endured for tens of thousands of years."

"From this point forward, nothing will loom over us, limiting our ascent to power."

Xuanying, another Earth Demon Ancestor, spoke with a voice swelling with excitement.

Yu Yuan looked up sharply.

The surface of the Colorful Lake shimmered with spatial ripples, and suddenly, it seemed as though a vast expanse of stars lay between him and the water.

The Dragon Slash Platform, the Evil Cauldron, and the essence of Yu Yiyi were beyond his reach.

As Xuanying's last words fell, a ritual seemed to silently seal the Colorful Lake, severing Yu Yuan's connection to it in an instant.


Above the Dragon Slash Platform, Yu Yiyi, the cauldron soul, keenly sensed danger.

Huangyin, wearing a smile, gestured with his hand, signaling the others to stand down.

He approached Yu Yiyi, smiling as he walked. "I've waited far too long for this moment. Once, you enslaved me, forcing me to charge into battle for you. I am an ancestor of the Earth Demon Clan! And you, merely his servant! How dare you enslave me, Huangyin!"


Huangyin's demeanor shifted abruptly, and with a swift whoosh, he materialized at the cauldron's brim.


A series of thick, rainbow-colored beams burst forth from his body, cascading like a waterfall of stars from the cauldron's mouth.

Huangyin thwarted the elegant Earth Demon within the wooden tombstone and gestured with a glance for Yuen Qingxi to refrain from intervening. He then plunged into the cauldron, following the vibrant light pillars.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

His extraordinary body radiated a prism of light as he engaged in combat within the cauldron's familiar microcosm alongside Yu Yiyi, clad in her glacial armor.

His presence rendered the multitude of Evil Devils and specters listless.

Yu Yiyi's sway and command over the Evil Devils and specters were significantly diminished by Huangyin's arrival.

"Without the Evil Sect Master's aid or Yu Yuan's current support, you think you can strut before me, Huangyin?" he taunted with a sinister chuckle.

The headless knight, brandishing a short spear high above the lake, bore a face of deep red soul that exuded melancholy.

He sensed that Yu Yiyi, lacking the cauldron master's backing and facing Huangyin alone, was fated to be defeated.

Defeat would invert the roles of Yu Yiyi and Huangyin.

Huangyin would become the master; Yu Yiyi, the servant.

The cauldron, too, would fall into Huangyin's possession, transforming into his formidable tool to command the cosmos.

"So it goes."

The gray fox, likewise inhabited by an Earth Demon, recognized the inevitable outcome and departed from Yuen Qingxi's side, darting to the wooden tombstone, "Yu Yuan won't be able to flee after diving into the lake, right?"

Within the tombstone, the demon's shadowy figure nodded with a smile, "Certainly. Xuanying is, after all, our ace in the hole."


The white skeleton, silent until now, murmured the name as if dredging up old memories.

Yuan Qingxi and the demon shadow within the wooden tombstone turned their gaze toward him, their eyes brimming with expectation for the recollections he might unearth.

At a certain point, he wouldn't even need to unfurl the scroll to transform into Youyu and become the legendary leader of the Ghost Wizard Sect!

Huangyin and Yuen Qingxi had done so much to stir his memories, all to achieve this end.

With Xuanying and Youyu, the Ghost Wizard Sect and the Earth Demon Clan could carve out their place in the current Boundless Great World!


Tan Junshan and Chen Liangquan, above ground, had been peering through the Fallen Star Eyes for quite some time, but had not seen Yu Yuan emerge from the Colorful Lake, their expressions growing increasingly grave.

After a moment, Tan Junshan broke the silence, "Yu Yuan is known for his bold and aggressive actions. I'm afraid he's met his match this time."

"What do you suggest, Mr. Tan?" Chen Liangquan inquired softly.

"We should go down and see for ourselves," Tan Junshan proposed.

Chen Liangquan smiled, "I was thinking the same."

Their agreement sent a jolt through the others outside the hut.

"You're going down there? But that's where the Ghost Wizard Sect and the Earth Demon's lair are!" Du Yazi exclaimed.

Yet, neither Tan Junshan nor Chen Liangquan paid him any heed, not even sparing him a glance.

Du Yazi, a cultivator of the Yang God and a guest elder of the Medicine God Sect, was well-regarded elsewhere.

But to those two, Du Yazi was merely an insignificant bit player.

"Senior Loong, how about you? Are you interested in a little underground exploration?" Tan Junshan's gaze penetrated the doorway, settling on Loong Jie inside the hut. "Your presence would certainly make the journey safer. Of course, I'm in no position to command you. It's merely a suggestion, and ultimately, it's up to you."

Chen Liangquan looked on with anticipation.

What truly mattered to them was the old Loong Jie, whose power they knew had reached the pinnacle just below the Primordial Spirit and Demon God, thanks to Yu Yuan's return.

"Considering your earnest invitation, I'll join you on this venture," Loong Jie consented.

Loong Jie flashed a wide grin, his laughter echoing softly as he gripped the lid of the cauldron. From his fingertips, strands of golden thread began to flow.

These threads wound around the pill furnace, magically shrinking it to less than a tenth of its original size, transforming it into a delicate miniature.

Cradling the tiny furnace in one hand, he stepped out of the grass hut. He gave Tan Junshan a nod and said, "Let's go."

"I'll handle the arrangements," Tan Junshan replied cheerfully.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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