Unmatched Dominance/C1485 It'll be Fine
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Unmatched Dominance/C1485 It'll be Fine
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C1485 It'll be Fine

A faint soul shadow swayed dramatically within the crescent moon.

The outline of Tan Junshan could be discerned within the shadow as he merged a strand of his soul with the moon, letting out a bizarre scream that caused the crescent to hover above Yu Yuan's head.

The light from the radiant crescent moon cast the seven-colored lake water in an even more mesmerizing glow.

Yu Yuan looked up to see the vibrant colors of the lake transformed into divine rays of light cascading down from the moon's luminescence.

"I've always been fearless. Is this news to you?"

Yu Yuan's smile was radiant. Learning that Loong Jie and Chen Liangquan had also arrived brought him considerable relief.

He had been concerned that cauldron soul Yu Yiyi wouldn't withstand Huangyin's onslaught after his departure.

With Tan Junshan and the others present, he trusted that Yu Yiyi would be safe on the lake's surface.

There was no need for further questions.

"You have no idea how fearsome Rovi is!"

Tan Junshan's soul, within the crescent moon, spoke with a tinge of emotion, "Not even the Great Demon God Grec could extract a single wisp of his blood using the secret arts of the Blood Devil Clan, even if he were here in person!"

Yu Yuan's brow furrowed at these words.

His true form and Yang God, both situated at the lake's bottom, maintained a constant, intimate connection.

Concentrating, he gradually became aware that the Yang God had enveloped Rovi's Void Spirit Succubus form in a massive blood cocoon. Yet, all it had managed to extract were the tainted soul thoughts and impurities.

Xuanying, the Earth Demon Ancestor, had used Rovi's body to practice the Earth Demon secret arts within the Colorful Lake.

Thus, the essence of the lake's corruption had been infused into Rovi's very flesh.

Clusters of Devil Soul thoughts also lingered in Rovi's spirit, a testament to Xuanying's integration.

Once Xuanying had full dominion over this body, the majority of the power she wielded was familiar to her—the Earth Demon Soul Arts she had mastered over tens of thousands of years, along with the local profound impurities.

However, the Soul Arts of the Divine Soul Sect were capable of restraining such an Earth Demon, much like the mighty techniques practiced by Yuen Qingxi of the Ghost Wizard Sect.

The purple hand she had filled with her own strength and her sinister Soul Arts had not only failed to gain the upper hand but had also suffered an unexpected setback.

In contrast, the snow-white jade hand she had formed using Rovi's spatial power was markedly effective.

At this moment, the power that Yu Yuan had transformed into a blood cocoon was merely a portion that Xuanying had refined into Rovi's body.

The innate Void Spirit Succubus blood energy that belonged to Rovi had not dissipated in the slightest.

He quickly realized that Tan Junshan wasn't spouting nonsense. The patriarch of the Void Spirit Succubus had yet to exert his power, choosing instead to indulge Xuanying's actions.

"Isn't Rovi ranked just below the Great Demon God Grec?" Yu Yuan mused to himself.

Tan Junshan's soul flickered weakly in the crescent moon, but upon hearing Yu Yuan's mutterings, it began to sway intensely.

"Young man, you truly don't grasp the terror that is Rovi! The truth is, Rovi's ranking fell behind Grec's because he's been missing for far too long!"

"His absence caused his ranking to be overtaken by Grec gradually!"

"Yet, before his disappearance, he was second only to Beilstein of the Elemental Devil Clan, Cadorath of the Bright Clan, and Asura King Sabonis in the Outland Star River rankings! He was even ahead of Barol from the Star Race!"

"His ranking dropped because people believed he was lost in the Chaos Abyss, unable to enhance his strength any further, and slowly losing his original power. That's why Barol and Grec eventually surpassed him."

"Do you realize that despite being missing for countless years, no one has dared to assume he's dead?"


Tan Junshan was visibly shaken upon discovering that the figure encased in the blood cocoon was none other than Rovi.

After hearing his explanation, Yu Yuan, enveloped by the Yang God, also felt the gravity of the situation.

He had this nagging intuition...

He must do everything possible to prevent Rovi from emerging, to stop Rovi from reclaiming control of this body and causing Xuanying to fade away.

Because the Earth Demon Ancestor, Xuanying, simply couldn't tap into the true power of this vessel!

"We need to get back up there quickly and stay in sync with the Dragon Slash Platform!"

Tan Junshan's piercing howl emanated from the crescent moon, sounding incredibly urgent.

"Who's there?"

"Who's down below?"

Above Colorful Lake, Loong Jie and the otherworldly Chen Liangquan both noticed the dramatic shift in Tan Junshan's demeanor. They realized he must have discovered something beneath the lake!

"I have a really bad feeling! Seriously, it's very, very unsettling!"

While Tan Junshan spoke, a succession of crescent moons soared out from behind him.

He became vigilant, surrounded by the numerous crescent moons.

"The fabled Demigod Tan of the Silver Moon Sect truly is remarkable," Yuen Qingxi of the Ghost Wizard Sect acknowledged with a nod, expressing his admiration. "The strength of someone at the Peak of the Unrestrained Stage is indeed praiseworthy, and it clearly reflects the high regard the five major powers have for you."

"Who exactly is it?" Chen Liangquan called out once more.

"The chief of the Void Spirit Succubus Clan, long missing and rumored to have been lost in the Chaos Abyss. And the other, the Earth Demon Ancestor, whose Devil Soul has merged with him. It seems he has gained his consent and approval..."

Tan Junshan admitted with a wry smile.


Chen Liangquan, usually so composed, suddenly drifted away from the skeletal remains to join forces with Loong Jie and Tan Junshan.

Concealed within his sleeve, his left hand clutched a crystal ball marred by distinct cracks. Pure bloodline powers surged from his palm into the fractured orb.

Chen Liangquan's hand burst into dazzling light, illuminating the Colorful Lake and revealing every detail within a thousand miles!

The brilliance and divine glow emanating from the shattered crystal ball outshone the moons behind Tan Junshan!

"Admirable! Truly admirable!"

Yuen Qingxi applauded, watching Chen Liangquan wield the sacred relic of the Bright Clan. As he sensed the turbulence of the Bright Clan's bloodline, he said earnestly, "Only now do I understand why you were able to dethrone the greatest empress in history from the Luan Bird Empire."

"As a member of humanity, your status as a Yang God is impressive, but not earth-shattering."

"However, the Bright Clan bloodline within you is astonishingly at the Ninth Level!"

Yuen Qingxi's face was a portrait of sheer wonder.

Human cultivators, from the lowest to the highest realms, often surpass their counterparts from other races of the same age. This is a widely accepted fact!

The majority of hybrids, with their mixed bloodlines, find it nearly impossible to exceed their own cultivation level.

Typically, the bloodline of a hybrid like Chen Liangquan would be one or two levels below their own.

Chen Liangquan had achieved the Yang God level, so logically, the Bright Clan bloodline should be two levels lower, at either the Sixth or Seventh Level.

It was exceedingly rare for them to be on par.

Yet, his human cultivation level was at the Yang God, and his Bright Clan bloodline had astonishingly reached the Ninth Level!

He had been concealing his true power, only revealing his human cultivation level to others. Little did he expect that the hidden Bright Clan bloodline within him would be so formidable.

"I'm not as formidable as you are."

Chen Liangquan furrowed his brow as he watched the crescent moon rise from the lake's depths, remarking, "An Earth Demon Ancestor merging with the leader of the Void Spirit Succubus Clan and gaining his approval is truly surprising. It appears I've underestimated the Earth Demons in the past, thinking they were only fit to be subjugated by me."

In the Luan Bird Empire, he had subdued several Earth Demons and found nothing remarkable about them.

Now, his perspective had changed.


First came the crescent moon, followed by Yu Yuan, and then a streak of scarlet light soared out of the Colorful Lake.

As the scarlet light emerged from the lake, it instantly penetrated Yu Yuan's chest.

The hole in his chest closed up, shrinking from the size of a fist to that of a finger.

"Eh! You've brought my senior brother along?"

Upon arriving at the Dragon Slash Platform, Yu Yuan's eyes brightened at the sight of the miniaturized pill furnace in Loong Jie's hands. "Let's all be aware that Rovi is concealed at the bottom of the Colorful Lake."

"Hand over the pill furnace!"

He extended his hand to Loong Jie.

"Of course."

Loong Jie passed it over as if it were second nature.

"Come forth!"

Huangyin and Xuanying, from beneath the lake, summoned with their demonic voices.

As the pill furnace left Loong Jie's grasp, Zhong Chichen furiously battered it, causing ribbons of rainbow light to seep through the crevices of the furnace lid.

Zhong Chichen's gaze turned a deep violet as he stared menacingly at Yu Yuan, who was tending to the pill furnace.

Swirls of iridescent clouds burst forth from the crown of his head, swirling with malevolent thoughts and demonic power. They morphed into a purple hue, hastening his transformation into a demon.

"Senior Brother, you'll be alright. I promise," Yu Yuan assured him with a gentle tone.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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