Unmatched Dominance/C1486 I'll Deal with It!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1486 I'll Deal with It!
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C1486 I'll Deal with It!

Xuanying, her form as gaunt as a withered claw, wrapped herself in Rovi's body and emerged from the Colorful Lake.

Together with Huangyin, she turned her gaze upon Yu Yuan and summoned Zhong Chichen with a demonic chant.

The grating sound produced by the two Earth Demon Ancestors significantly accelerated Zhong Chichen's transformation into a demon.

Zhong Chichen, furiously pounding on the lid of the pill furnace, now had eyes that matched the deep purple of Huangyin's hollow gaze and the demonic fire within.

He seemed on the brink of completing his metamorphosis into an Earth Demon.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Countless Seven-Colored Thunderbolts burst forth from the lake, willingly integrating with the crimson pill furnace.

The thunderbolts raced through the intricate flame patterns etched onto the furnace, swiftly entering Zhong Chichen's body.

His body, radiant with myriad hues, shone with the splendor of crystal.

Yet, it harbored an immense terror within.

An eerie energy, no less potent than that within Huangyin's form, was wildly converging inside Zhong Chichen's vibrant frame, amplifying the force of his blows against the furnace lid.

"It's too late. His transformation into a demon is irreversible," Loong Jie declared, shaking his head as he watched the golden filaments entwined around the pill furnace corrode under the influence of the Colorful Lake's essence.

Observing the furnace swell, soon to revert to its original size, Loong Jie advised, "Your senior brother is beyond saving. There's no point in expending more effort. It's best to extinguish his Devil Soul."

To refer to Zhong Chichen's spirit as a Devil Soul indicated a lack of faith in his ability to revert from demon back to human, even under the spellwork of the Earth Demon Ancestors.

"Yu Yuan, if you're hesitant, shall I take over?" Chen Liangquan offered, clutching a fractured crystal orb in one hand, channeling its formidable energy to unleash an aura of sanctity intent on purifying all corruption.

With his other hand, he poised to embrace the pill furnace, ready to obliterate Zhong Chichen's Devil Soul with a burst of sacred light.

"Senior Chen, there's no need for formalities. I don't require your assistance," Yu Yuan responded firmly.

Yu Yuan immediately rejected the offer.

He sensed that once Chen Liangquan got his hands on the pill furnace, his senior brother Zhong Chichen's soul and body would rapidly dissolve.

Chen Liangquan's Bright Clan lineage, coupled with the fragmented crystal, possessed a formidable power to restrain evil entities.

This, perhaps, was the very reason Chen Liangquan had the courage to descend.

"Don't worry, I've got this!"

With a firm shout, Yu Yuan placed the expanding red pill furnace onto the Dragon Slash Platform.

He himself floated gently down onto the lid of the furnace, steadying himself on the quivering lid with his feet as he glanced at Huangyin and then turned his attention back to Xuanying.

Xuanying's eyes remained a deep purple, indicating she still had control over her body.

Yu Yuan felt a measure of relief.

From Tan Junshan's account, he anticipated that Rovi, the Void Spirit Succubus, was at his weakest when both eyes were deep purple.

One eye colorful and the other deep purple suggested a shared occupancy of the body between Rovi and Xuanying, a sort of intermediate state.

But if both eyes of the body turned colorful, it would signify that Rovi's spirit had completely overshadowed Xuanying's, reclaiming full possession of the body.

Such a state would mark the true return of Rovi and his most formidable form.

"Are you okay?"

A thread of his thoughts reached out to Yu Yiyi, and in a flash, he was flooded with memories.

Everything that had transpired on the surface of the Colorful Lake, Huangyin's moves, the words spoken, the clash details between cauldron soul Yu Yiyi and Huangyin, and the arrival of Tan Junshan and his companions...

"Good, I'm glad you're fine."

Yu Yuan nodded, channeling his soul awareness into the Dragon Slash Platform.

Instantly, he witnessed numerous slender 'colorful dragons' emerge from the platform, merging into the pill furnace just like the colorful lightning within the Colorful Lake.

The legacy Dragon Breath of the Space-time Dragon had already proven its power to counteract corrupt essence energy within the Evil Cauldron.

The Space-time Dragon, deliberately left behind on the Dragon Slash Platform, was the critical cornerstone for suppressing the Earth Demon!

"Space-time Dragon!"

Upon seeing the Dragon Breath soar out, both Huangyin and Xuanying, the Earth Demon Ancestors, lunged towards the pill furnace, their expressions shifting simultaneously.

"This isn't a place to linger."

Loong Jie's eyes swept over the Earth Demons and Yuan Qingxi, then settled on the indifferent white bones, a sense of foreboding rising within him.

"I agree, we should leave sooner rather than later."

Tan Junshan chuckled nervously in agreement, as the crescents behind him began to converge.

Aware that Xuanying and Rovi shared a body and had Rovi's approval, Tan Junshan was ready to beat a hasty retreat. He had no desire to entangle with these creatures any longer in the Foul World below.

"Shall we go then?"

Chen Liangquan smiled, seeking Yu Yuan's opinion.

Yu Yuan glanced at the white bone.

In an almost imperceptible nod, the white bone gave its assent.

"Let's go!"

Without further hesitation, Yu Yuan stepped onto the Dragon Slash Platform and summoned the Space-time Dragon's abilities, causing the platform to shimmer with colorful light as he prepared to depart.

Chen Liangquan, Tan Junshan, and Loong Jie, already in sync, saw Yu Yuan relent and transformed into three bolts of lightning, soaring skyward.

All three sensed the imminent danger and the lurking threats.

The wily old creatures had quickly taken notice of Yuan Qingxi and the subtle demonic shadow within the wooden tomb marker, with Huangyin frequently glancing at the white bone.

The way these demonic titans gazed at the white bone was unsettling...

The trio also recalled how Canli had amplified the power of the Fallen Star Eyes by the grass hut, allowing them to see everything at Colorful Lake.

But when the white bone suddenly looked up, not only did their view become obscured, but Canli was also injured.

The stance of the white bone was... intriguing.

And then there was the Void Spirit Succubus, Rovi, who let Xuanying run amok. He lurked in the shadows like a vast presence, biding his time until the situation spiraled out of control.

It seemed he would only intervene when Xuanying could no longer manage and faced danger.

Like now...

"Ah, the delightful essence of the Space-time Dragon."

Rovi's voice, unhurried and low, emerged just as Yu Yuan and the others decided to ascend and extricate themselves from the squalid underworld, catching them off guard.

His deep purple eye suddenly burst into a kaleidoscope of colors.

Rovi's soul seemed captivated by the swirling rainbow light emanating from the Dragon Slash Platform. With his newly multicolored eye, he gazed upon the platform.

He also watched the other three individuals who, alongside the Dragon Slash Platform, were hastening towards the earth's surface.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The sky above Yu Yuan and his companions was instantly filled with vibrant clouds, within which different spaces intermingled.

It felt as though, if they continued on their current path, they would be thrust into various unknown realms from this world.

Yu Yuan, Loong Jie, Tan Junshan, and Chen Liangquan might end up scattered across different lands.

Perhaps they would never find the hope to return to the Vast Expanse, let alone the true starry sky.


Tan Junshan and Chen Liangquan's faces fell.

Loong Jie came to an abrupt halt. The living ancestor of the Nagas, with narrowed golden eyes, stared icily at the leader of the Void Spirit Succubus below. "You harbor a strong animosity towards our race's seven-colored Dragon God, it seems."

"Shouldn't I?"

Rovi, with his singular, rainbow-hued eye, let a faint sneer play across his lips.

"In that ancient age, the Space-time Dragon, wielding his mastery of spatial secrets, wreaked havoc upon various races from beyond our world. Our Void Spirit Succubus were the main force that opposed him. Throughout the eons, our Void Spirit Succubus Clan was his greatest challenge and adversary."

"Countless of our Void Spirit Succubus fell victim to his cruelty."

"As the patriarch of the Void Spirit Succubus Clan, shouldn't I hate him? Shouldn't I view him as an enemy?"

Rovi posed the question.

The old dragon was left without a reply.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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