Unmatched Dominance/C1495 The Absolute Stillness
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Unmatched Dominance/C1495 The Absolute Stillness
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C1495 The Absolute Stillness

The surface of the lake, vibrant with color, remained undisturbed by Zhong Chichen's departure. Loong Jie continued to float serenely upon the water. It seemed he was aware that the closer he remained to Colorful Lake, the more timely assistance Zhong Chichen could provide if danger arose. Despite his strength, Loong Jie knew that in the face of Rovi, the third strongest in the starry sky, and the enigmatic situation before him, his only reliable support lay with the ancestors of the Nagas.

His trust in Zhong Chichen was absolute. Initially, he had been concerned that the ancestor, now in human form, might not understand the intricacies of the Dragon Slash Platform and inadvertently direct conflict towards Yu Yuan. However, as Zhong Chichen descended onto the Dragon Slash Platform and bravely confronted Rovi, Loong Jie realized that the ancestor had long seen through the complexities of the situation—more clearly, even, than he had.

In a surprising turn, the ancestor handed a piece of golden bone to Yu Yuan. At that moment, as Yu Yuan grasped the golden relic, the dragon blood within Loong Jie surged in a rare frenzy. Confusion flickered in Loong Jie's eyes, but it vanished as quickly as it had appeared, mirroring Yu Yuan's own sudden clarity.

The golden skeleton in Yu Yuan's hands began to shed its outer layers of golden armor, revealing scales that gleamed like the brightest of jewels. The once golden skeleton transformed before their eyes into a razor-sharp dragon horn. Encased within the horn were more than a dozen slender bolts of golden lightning, the tangible manifestation of the Golden Giant Dragon's laws.

Wrapped around the golden horn was a spectrum of rainbow hues, pulsating with mysterious spatial ripples, suggesting that whoever wielded this horn could traverse space in an instant.

"Huff! Huff!" The old lecherous dragon, now reduced in size, gasped for air, his heart pounding like a celestial drum, the vibrations causing a faint pain in the ears of those around.

"That is... that is... a horn from the Golden Giant Dragon!" The elegant demonic shadow within the wooden tombstone let out a cry that was almost a wail.

"Golden Giant Dragon!" "The pinnacle of the Nagas!" "In ancient times, it was the sovereign that instilled awe in all living creatures, compelling ancient demons, Earth Demons, and ghosts to submit and worship!"

Yuen Qingxi, Huangyin, and the headless knight all exclaimed in astonishment, their voices echoing with disbelief.

Rovi, ensnared in the quagmire of time yet blind to the activities beneath the earth, was not in the least bit anxious or concerned. With the assistance of spectral bones, the vast presence of the Hao Ran was unable to detect any movement below, allowing him to linger indefinitely.

Zhong Chichen, on the other hand, clearly wouldn't last much longer and was on the brink of collapse. Once Zhong Chichen was reduced to nothing more than a soul, devoid of his human form, he would pose no threat whatsoever. Rovi had even discreetly established several spatial nodes within the temporal flow, plotting his escape.

Suddenly, he witnessed Zhong Chichen produce a golden skeleton, which, after Yu Yuan had shattered some of its golden armor, astonishingly transformed into a dragon horn, its aura so intimidating it sent shivers down one's spine. The visibly sharp laws within the horn unsettled him deeply. Yet, why had Zhong Chichen entrusted such a powerful item to Yu Yuan instead of wielding its might himself? Rovi's brow furrowed in puzzlement.

"So..." Yu Yuan murmured with a soft chuckle, having learned the golden dragon horn's origins through clandestine communication. In his first life, as he faced imminent demise, he hastily struck a deal with the Space-time Dragon, which, upon breaking the seal, granted the Dragon Soul its freedom. Seizing the moment, he smuggled the golden dragon horn away from the Dragon Slash Platform.

He had covertly hidden the horn within an interspatial dimension at the bottom of Colorful Lake, a space he had crafted at the peak of his power, undetectable even to Rovi. The golden dragon horn, skillfully extracted from the head of the Golden Giant Dragon, was replaced with a decoy. His elaborate ruse, initially intended for a future confrontation with himself, was altered when he laid eyes on the eggs of the Titan Spinosaurus, prompting a change of heart.

As he passed the horn to Yu Yuan, he effortlessly erased the modifications he had made. Being the master of the Dragon Slash Platform, he had refined this Artifact time and again, his soul imprint resonating with the dragon remains within. His own essence lingered in the golden dragon horn, ready for him to wield.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Beneath his feet, the Dragon Slash Platform shimmered with seven-colored ripples, generating a peculiar propelling force. Yu Yuan, gripping the golden dragon horn, became one with it and suddenly propelled himself toward Rovi.


Simultaneously, as if to complement his action, a bizarre power capable of distorting space-time burst forth from the Dragon Slash Platform, abandoned by Zhong Chichen and Yu Yuan.

The void collapsed in an instant.

Time came to an absolute standstill.

The ultimate secrets of space and time, which Zhong Chichen had mastered, were now fully unveiled.

Huangyin, Yuen Qingxi, the Earth Demon within the wooden grave marker, the Headless Knight, Loong Jie, Chen Liangquan—all were suspended in a state of complete immobility.

Their bodies could not move.

Their souls could not think.

Zhong Chichen, the originator of this phenomenon, had also merged with the Dao of Space and Time, rendering him utterly motionless.

His injuries and the backlash he should have suffered were entirely halted.

Rovi, the current leader of the Void Spirit Succubus, whose body was on the verge of escaping the temporal quagmire, was also frozen in place.

Yet, as one of the most formidable Peak warriors in the vast galaxy, his eyes continued to move.

His soul was still capable of thought, still assessing the situation.

But for the moment, his soul and consciousness were unable to command his body, which had been stilled by the combined forces of space and time.

Thus, he could only watch as a golden stone emerged from a rift torn in space by Zhong Chichen.

The third Dragon Slash Platform!

The sharpest of them all, this Dragon Slash Platform was drawn to the golden horn held by Yu Yuan. Summoned by Yu Yuan's call and aided by Zhong Chichen, it crossed the expanse from the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area.

As soon as the Dragon Slash Platform materialized, Yu Yuan, who had also been immobilized, instantly awoke.


The third Dragon Slash Platform seamlessly joined with the one it was already united with.

This segment of the Dragon Slash Platform resembled the tip of a golden spear at its utmost sharpness!

The piece associated with the Space-time Dragon served as a propellant. The one linked to the Frost Dragon provided a cold, sturdy function. And the piece containing the Golden Giant Dragon transformed into a piercing edge that could penetrate all living creatures.

Yu Yuan, along with the golden horn he grasped, became an integral part of this sharp force.

He transformed into one of the most brilliant streaks of golden light!


As if slicing through every barrier in an instant, the golden radiance pierced straight into Rovi's heart, bypassing dozens of spatial barriers.

Rovi was paralyzed, unable to do anything but watch as the Dragon Slash Platform, now compacted and fused into a long shape, stabbed into his heart with its sharpest end.

His blood burst forth, drenching the Dragon Slash Platform.

Yet, he couldn't immediately feel the pain.

In that moment, another entity, not fully restrained, hesitated before giving the scroll in its hand a gentle shake.

The scroll unfurled in an instant, releasing a ghostly white soul shadow laden with countless memories that swiftly entered his brow.

As time and space came to a halt, the consciousness and wisdom within the scroll, also his own, seamlessly integrated with him.

Regrettably, this spectacle went unnoticed.

Zhong Chichen was already bound by the cessation of time and space. Rovi's focus was entirely on the Dragon Slash Platform impaling his chest, preoccupied with the sight of his own blood gushing out.

Yu Yuan, however, watched in astonishment as Rovi's blood seemed to be drawn by a mysterious force to the third section of the Dragon Slash Platform, at the junction with the other two sections.

This blood served as a sort of adhesive, seemingly fusing the third section of the Dragon Slash Platform into the whole.

Hiss, hiss!

From numerous spatial fissures, the same spatial abilities he had encountered in the Nirvana Realm shot forth.

These abilities infused Rovi's blood, aiding in the complete restoration of the Dragon Slash Platform.

The aim was to make the thrice-shattered Dragon Slash Platform whole once again.

"The blood of a Tenth Rank Void Spirit Succubus possesses such wondrous properties?!" exclaimed Yu Yuan, invigorated by the discovery.

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