Unmatched Dominance/C1496 The Bones Turning into Youyu
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Unmatched Dominance/C1496 The Bones Turning into Youyu
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C1496 The Bones Turning into Youyu

The dark green, dark blue, and silver-white blood spilled from Rovi's chest, cascading down the Dragon Slash Platform. This uniquely colored blood, so different from that of other Void Spirit Succubi, was shrouded in mystery and radiated an unparalleled brilliance. Yu Yuan could sense that even Rovi's heart shared this enigmatic hue.

Rovi, having reached the pinnacle of his bloodline, was an extraordinary sight, his uniqueness unparalleled. The bizarre blood that flowed from his heart instinctively drew in the powers from the spatial rifts. It was then drawn into the Dragon Slash Platform, slowly integrating with the third section and connecting with the other two segments. Bursts of divine light shot forth continuously.

Numerous enigmatic bolts of lightning and Divine Chains of Order worked to dissolve and assimilate Rovi's own radiant blood. As the master of the Dragon Slash Platform, Yu Yuan understood that the platform, which had been cracked open for tens of thousands of years, was now being mended with Rovi's Tenth Level blood as the binding agent.

In an instant, Yu Yuan realized that what he held was not the golden horn. It was the Dragon Slash Platform, now condensed into a long bar. The section he gripped was anchored by the Frost Dragon, its icy hardness and resilience securing the two adjoining pieces. The spear-like end, as sharp as a golden lance, was embedded in Rovi's chest, piercing straight into his heart. The part extending behind his wrist emitted a kaleidoscope of light, constantly revealing the mysteries of time and space.

Meanwhile, Zhong Chichen, the Evil Cauldron, and Yu Yiyi, who had been standing on the Dragon Slash Platform, remained suspended in midair, frozen in time. Without any external disturbance, neither Zhong Chichen nor the Evil Cauldron would budge an inch.

Others, like Yuen Qingxi, Huangyin, the ancient Earth Demon, and the Headless Knight, had all been immobilized after Zhong Chichen unleashed his ultimate technique.

Then, as Yu Yuan held the transformed Dragon Slash Platform, feeling Rovi's vital blood aiding its healing, his expression abruptly shifted. He saw a skeleton!

The scroll that had eluded him for so long now lay unfurled before the skeleton. Deep within the skeleton's stark white eye sockets, a soul orb of the same color burst like a supernova, scattering into innumerable fragments of memory light that fused with the skeleton's spirit.

In a moment of absolute stillness, the white bone chose to unfurl the scroll.

It chose to awaken fully, assuming the identity of Youyu!


Yu Yuan's heart trembled with the realization.

The supreme ghostly white bone, defying the dual constraints of time and space, was in the midst of completing its soul!

He couldn't begin to fathom what Youyu would do next.

After all, according to Yu Yiyi and the reactions of Yuan Qingxi and others, Youyu's ancient demise was likely his own doing in a past life.

Would the newly awakened Youyu simply stand by and observe, just as the white bone had?

A trace of bitterness curled at the corners of Yu Yuan's mouth.


To his astonishment, he noticed that Rovi's two iridescent eyes were still in motion...

Lifting his gaze, he locked eyes with Rovi.

Within those vibrant orbs, he could see a profound sense of excitement and surprise!

Why would Rovi, heart pierced by the Dragon Slash Platform, his soul and body subjected to Zhong Chichen's Space-time Ban and thus in a state of disconnection, feel such elation?

Yu Yuan pondered deeply.

Could it be...

Suddenly, a sense of foreboding washed over him, a premonition that something he hadn't fully grasped was about to unfold.

He glanced down again at the Dragon Slash Platform, observing Rovi's blood as it flowed towards the joining point.

Rovi, a Tenth Level Void Spirit Succubus, had stealthily concealed himself within Colorful Lake with the intent of claiming the Dragon Slash Platform.

Now split into three, the platform's fate was intertwined with his blood. If his soul and blood could merge, might he also be able to assimilate the Dragon Slash Platform and claim it as his own?

Following this line of thought, Yu Yuan sensed an alien power emerging from within the Dragon Slash Platform, neutralizing Rovi's blood.

This process was unimpeded because Rovi's soul was unable to intervene, the connection to his blood severed.

But if he could break free from the Space-time Ban and reclaim his body...

Then he might just succeed in refining the Dragon Slash Platform right at this moment!

Yu Yuan's face paled at the thought.

Once more, he fixed his gaze on Rovi's eyes, and suddenly, he realized that Rovi's attention was steadfastly focused on the white bone.

Rovi patiently awaited the full awakening of the white bone, anticipating its transformation into Youyu.

As Youyu, the white bone would defy the constraints of the Space-time Ban, shattering the stalemate and altering the existing dynamics before him.

"Youyu..." Yu Yuan let out a deep sigh.

"I'm here," came the response from Youyu, whose once radiant white eyes now lay dormant.

In that moment, he affirmed his identity as Youyu, no longer the white bone but the esteemed leader of the Ghost Wizard Sect.

Yu Yuan's spirit quivered at the sound of the voice he knew so well, now carrying a somber tone.

"It's been a long time," Youyu remarked, his face expressionless, his eyes devoid of significant emotion.

Yet, Rovi's iridescent eyes whirled with excitement at Youyu's words and his revival, his elation no longer concealed.

With a whoosh, the white bone, gripping the now sealed scroll, glided languidly towards the Dragon Slash Platform, towards Yu Yuan and Rovi, under the influence of Zhong Chichen's Space-time Ban.

Rovi's eyes brimmed with joy, as he envisioned the reconnection of his blood and soul, the mastery of the Dragon Slash Platform, and its return to his clan.

He foresaw himself refining the remains of the Space-time Dragon, defeating Zhong Chichen, and stripping away his dragon soul imprint.

He would exact vengeance for all his kin slain by the Space-time Dragon and accomplish an unprecedented feat in the annals of the Void Spirit Succubus.

His reasons for exhilaration were manifold.

Conversely, Yu Yuan felt his heart sink ever deeper.

As the master of the Dragon Slash Platform, he was acutely aware that Rovi remained ensnared by the Space-time Ban, not only because of his senior brother's ultimate secret technique but also because the Dragon Slash Platform was embedded in Rovi's heart.

The heart of an otherworldly being is the most vital part of the body, in some respects even surpassing the soul in importance.

Every bloodline secret and innate talent depends on the activation of the Bloodline Crystal Chain etched within the heart. Once the heart is compromised, one's ability to wield their innate powers is lost, and their combat effectiveness plummets.

Rovi, a member of the Void Spirit Succubus and not a powerful Outland Devaputra known for their Devil Soul, was left in such a pitiable state due to the Dragon Slash Platform piercing his heart.

Therefore, the Dragon Slash Platform absolutely could not be removed!

Once removed, Rovi would become like a skeleton, possessing the power to shatter the Space-time Ban.

But without removing the Dragon Slash Platform, how could he confront Youyu when his senior brother was utterly immobilized?

Contemplating this, Yu Yuan let out another sigh.

At that moment, Youyu, clutching the scroll, had already floated to his side.

As he resigned himself to his fate, Youyu stood quietly beside him, under Rovi's gleeful gaze.

Together, they watched Rovi, pierced through the heart by the Dragon Slash Platform.

Youyu did nothing.

The joy and excitement that had filled Rovi's eyes gradually dissipated, replaced by overwhelming confusion and incomprehension.

Yu Yuan's rigid body took on a vacant expression.

Why? Why hadn't he acted?

What was happening?

What was going through his mind?

Yu Yuan's head swirled with questions.

"Why do you think I would help you? Help someone from a foreign race?"

Youyu's voice was calm, his face expressionless, yet a trace of mockery flickered in the depths of his eyes.

The sparkle in Rovi's eyes faded bit by bit at his words.

Youyu unfurled the scroll in his hand once more, draping it over Rovi's neck like a scarf, blocking the soul's seepage into his body and even causing his eyes to close.

Rovi became imperceptible, unable to sense or hear the dialogue between Youyu and Yu Yuan.

Only then did Youyu turn to look at the bewildered Yu Yuan, a slight smirk playing on his lips as he said, "Do you remember how many times we've fought shoulder to shoulder? In past lives, in this life, and even now."

"You and I have always been the most in sync as comrades in arms. And yes, I did indeed die by your hand."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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