Unmatched Dominance/C1498 The Senior Brother Who Had Calculated Everything
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Unmatched Dominance/C1498 The Senior Brother Who Had Calculated Everything
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C1498 The Senior Brother Who Had Calculated Everything

Youyu, typically a man of few words, only became so detailed in his explanations when he was with Yu Yuan.

After Yu Yuan had absorbed the information and was deep in thought, he noticed Youyu's icy gaze drifting over their senior brother, Zhong Chichen, with a predatory intent.

It was clear to him that Youyu harbored a deadly intent towards their senior brother.

Zhong Chichen was the Space-time Dragon, and Youyu, along with his past self, had initially set out with the goal to slay the dragon.

He had spent years reincarnated as Hong Qi, time squandered due to his senior brother's treacherous schemes.

Youyu had more than enough reasons to want Zhong Chichen dead.

"I'll start by reaping Rovi's soul."

With a subtle shift in his consciousness, Youyu transformed the Styx, which seemed etched into his being, into a murky light that swiftly wrapped around Rovi's neck like a scarf.

He refrained from striking Zhong Chichen immediately, concerned that his death might cause the Space-time Ban to shatter.

First and foremost, he needed to ensure Rovi was thoroughly dead and no longer a threat.

Allowing Rovi's soul and body to reconnect at any point would only invite further complications.

"This Void Spirit Succubus, Rovi, is quite unfortunate..."

Youyu spoke in a detached manner while methodically casting his spell, "He could have unleashed far greater strength. He feared that fully displaying his bloodline's secrets would make even my concealment insufficient to hide his presence underground, so he always held back."

"He was afraid, terrified that the supreme beings of the Vast Expanse might suddenly turn their full attention to him."

"Alone and vulnerable in the treacherous Vast Expanse, his concerns were manifold."

Yu Yuan was taken aback.

In his view, Rovi's transformation, with eyes turning into a spectrum of colors and regaining control of his body, was already formidable.

Yet, it wasn't the full extent of Rovi's power.

"He miscalculated so much."

"He didn't foresee the Seven-colored Dragon's cunning plot, nor did he imagine that you possessed the horn of the Golden Giant Dragon. He also didn't anticipate the third Dragon Slash Platform arriving in an instant through the spatial rift created by the Seven-colored Dragon."

"And he certainly didn't predict that I would deliver another decisive blow at the crucial moment."


A sardonic glint danced in Youyu's eyes.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Streams of colorful soul light were yanked from Rovi's neck, sucked voraciously into the mystical scroll. Rovi's soul presence began to fade, gradually weakening until it vanished entirely. With his soul and body torn asunder, Rovi was left as a mere soul in the vast and polluted Foul World. Confronted by Youyu, a supreme ghostly deity, this was his grim fate—his soul ripped from his flesh.

This was Youyu's most formidable skill.

"Alright, now..."

Youyu reached out and grasped the scroll that now contained Rovi's soul, which settled firmly into his palm. He turned to face Zhong Chichen.

Zhong Chichen, who had been perfectly still, suddenly opened his eyes and flashed a sly smile at Youyu.

Youyu's face turned to ice.

Yu Yuan was taken aback.

"If I hadn't predicted that you, Youyu, would choose to join forces with my dear junior brother at the crucial moment, how could I have risked everything?" Zhong Chichen mused aloud. "How could I dare to enact a Space-time Ban that would briefly sever Rovi's soul from his body? Didn't I know that in such a state, a being as mighty as Rovi—or yourself—would only be hindered momentarily?"

"The brief ban on Rovi's soul allowed my junior brother to use the Dragon Slash Platform to pierce his heart."

"And as for you..."

Zhong Chichen's smile widened. "Of course, I calculated that you would stand with him in battle."

"No matter how much you despise me, no matter how fervently you wish for my demise, you would wait for Rovi to fall first. Only by dealing with Rovi would you not fear the collapse of the Space-time Ban and dare to strike at me."


Zhong Chichen burst into laughter, "Once Rovi's soul is erased or confined by you, I too shall be liberated."


Rovi's body, aglow with a haze of rainbow light, soared away from Yu Yuan's sight.

Zhong Chichen's hand, now acting as the lethal Dragon Slash Platform, plunged into Rovi's chest.

He then began to frantically siphon Rovi's remaining blood and powers!

"Youyu, you've captured Rovi's soul. Yu Yuan has seized most of Rovi's blood, causing the Dragon Slash Platform to fully converge. And me? I'm merely scavenging the scraps, tapping away at the edges. That's not too excessive, is it?"

The current leader of the Void Spirit Succubus clan appeared emaciated, his body visibly withered.

Zhong Chichen, the Space-time Dragon, coveted the enigmatic spatial properties within Rovi's blood and the Void Mysteries that Rovi had unraveled.

With his soul gone and his heart pierced by the Dragon Slash Platform, Rovi's remaining body stood no chance of escaping Zhong Chichen's clutches.

"Youyu, don't make a move against me. You know I never engage in a battle unless I'm certain of victory," Zhong Chichen said, his voice laced with a smile.

His chest wounds, inflicted while fending off Rovi and due to the repercussions of triggering the Space-time Ban, were rapidly healing, fueled by Rovi's residual energy.

Sizzle, sizzle!

The spatial rifts torn open by their conflict, the radiant blades of light, and the spatial gates that Rovi had probed, all began to brim with Zhong Chichen's presence.

Seizing the moment, he appropriated some of Rovi's power and assimilated the knowledge Rovi had left behind.

With a mere thought, he could depart through any spatial gate, freeing himself from the Boundless Great World.

He could also detonate the frozen space while the Space-time Ban was in effect, instantly annihilating Yuen Qingxi and everyone else trapped by the ban.

Zhong Chichen moved with ease, neither overly cautious nor intimidated by Youyu. Even if he couldn't best Youyu in combat at the moment, his mastery of spatial power meant he could effortlessly withdraw.

And before making his exit, he could ensure the demise of most present.

"Alright, both of you, let's take a moment to cool down," Yu Yuan interjected, attempting to defuse the tension.

"I'm always calm; I never act impulsively," Zhong Chichen responded with a smile.

A slender spatial rift lingered behind him, suggesting he could attain tremendous freedom in an instant. He was confident that Youyu couldn't hinder him.

"Are you two done catching up?" Zhong Chichen mocked, eyeing Youyu and Yu Yuan. "Having spent so many years in the Dragon Slash Platform, my dragon soul is well aware of the special bond between you two."

"You two will never truly be adversaries."

With these words, Zhong Chichen's brow furrowed suddenly. He cast a glance at the heavens, deep in thought, then declared, "Tan Junshan will not perish. I'll ensure his return. And Loong Jie, I'm counting on you to look after him."

With a whoosh, he clutched Rovi's form and vanished into the spatial rift that yawned behind them. As he faded from sight, the Space-time Ban lifted.

Yuen Qingxi, Huangyin, Chen Liangquan, and Loong Jie began to stir, awakening one by one. The jagged spatial rifts healed rapidly, and the luminous portal sealed shut. Order was restored seamlessly.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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