Unmatched Dominance/C1499 Rovi Was Already Dead!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1499 Rovi Was Already Dead!
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C1499 Rovi Was Already Dead!

Senior Brother Zhong Chichen cast a glance at the heavens, seemingly contemplating something before he chose to drift away from the Vast Expanse.

As a Space-time Dragon, he had soared through the Outer Star River and explored countless Starfields for the Vast Expanse. His knowledge of the cosmos might even surpass that of the current supreme beings.

Moreover, he had just absorbed a portion of Rovi's power, including Rovi's insights into the Outland Starry Sky.

His departure was both resolute and serene.

With his exit, the Space-time Ban he had established shattered almost instantaneously, and all the once-stilled people and objects burst back to life with vigor.

Activity resumed among the people and objects.

This led to a flurry of commotion and bewilderment, with eyes darting around in search of understanding.

Yu Yiyi, inside the cauldron, found herself suddenly in the grasp of Yu Yuan as the Dragon Slash Platform shrank. Together with the cauldron, she plummeted.

Upon awakening, she quickly stabilized the Evil Cauldron and looked up, crying out, "Master!"

Her memories and awareness were frozen at the moment Zhong Chichen had passed her the golden dragon horn.

Not having seen Rovi or Zhong Chichen, she was brimming with confusion when she noticed the Dragon Slash Platform in Yu Yuan's hand had altered.

As the servant responsible for overseeing the small world within the Dragon Slash Platform during her master's battles in the Outland, she knew it intimately. With just one glance, she recognized that the Dragon Slash Platform, fragmented for tens of thousands of years, had been restored to its original form.

She was so astonished she found herself speechless.


In the nick of time, before the final spatial gate snapped shut, Tan Junshan emerged.

Back in the Vast Expanse, Tan Junshan, witnessing the disappearance of the Space Light Blades and the sealing of the fissures, could only think of Zhong Chichen, who had abruptly appeared to show him the way back.

Tan Junshan was unsure of what had transpired. He opted for silence, deciding to first assess the situation.

Yet, his gaze kept returning to Yu Yuan...

For in that unknown Starfield where Rovi had cast him, he had witnessed the Stars Realm being torn asunder by a broad, scarlet sword light.

He was well aware of Yu Yuan's formidable combat prowess, capable of shattering the heavens and the earth.

"Hmm? Where is the Space-time Ancestor from my clan?"

Upon awakening, the first figure he sought was not Yu Yuan, but Zhong Chichen, who had assumed human form.

Not finding Zhong Chichen, he turned to Yu Yuan, expecting an explanation.

At that moment...

Yuen Qingxi, the venerable ancestor of the Ghost Wizard Sect, knelt tremblingly at Youyu's feet. He reverently bowed his head before tearfully murmuring, "You've finally come back."

The scroll held by both him and Youyu shared a subtle connection. He could distinctly feel that the consciousness once belonging to his master had successfully integrated with him.

After years of devoted service to his master, with the merging of memories, he truly awoke.

Youyu, standing by the lake's edge, leaned forward slightly and placed his free hand gently atop Yuen Qingxi's head, speaking softly, "You have endured much."

Yuen Qingxi wept uncontrollably, "It was no trouble at all. I've dreamt of this day. Young Master, no! Master, you have returned!"

Initially, Youyu was his young master, but upon ascending to the leadership of the Ghost Wizard Sect, Yuen Qingxi began to address him differently.

The change in address came as he too joined the Ghost Wizard Sect, becoming part of its hierarchical structure.

In that moment, overwhelmed by emotion and touched by Youyu's affectionate gesture, he inadvertently slipped and called him "Young Master."

Yet, he quickly corrected himself.

His slip of the tongue, "Young Master," caused Youyu to pause and reflect on the years before his spiritual journey began, remembering Yuen Qingxi's diligent service.

Decades had passed, and while many had long forgotten him, unsure of his identity or whether he was alive or dead...

There was one old man who remained steadfast in his loyalty, tirelessly serving him, repeatedly braving the cycle of rebirth, yearning for his awakening.

In an era where all else had changed, this old man's unwavering devotion had not.

Today, this old man's long wait for his master's return had finally come to an end.

Youyu's eyes brimmed with contemplation as he gently nodded, personally assisting Yuen Qingxi to his feet.

He then locked eyes with Yuen Qingxi and declared deliberately, "From this moment forward, our Ghost Wizard Sect need not skulk in the shadows. We can walk openly in the Boundless Great World."

The use of "we" signified his acceptance of his role as the leader of the Ghost Wizard Sect.

He was acknowledging that he was indeed Youyu!

Suddenly, his gaze shifted skyward as he proclaimed, "In the surface world, the Ghost Wizard Sect deserves its rightful place!"

"The surface world?"

Yuen Qingxi's voice quivered, and he began to stutter unexpectedly.

How many years had it been?

The remnants of the Ghost Wizard Sect, the disciples he had covertly nurtured, had been forced to lurk in the dark, fearful that exposure would lead to annihilation by the five supreme powers.

He had longed for the day when the Ghost Wizard Sect could proudly display its banner and declare openly that he, Yuen Qingxi, was one of its members!

"In the Boundless Great World, we have made significant contributions and endured the greatest sacrifices." Youyu, casting a glance at Yu Yuan, continued, "What rightfully belongs to us should be returned: our reputation, our glory, and the divine status we are due."



Huangyin of the Earth Demon Clan, along with the elegant demonic shadow within the wooden grave marker, looked on with surging excitement.

Youyu's words ignited a fiery passion within them, filling them with anticipation.

After all, the Earth Demon Clan and the Ghost Wizard Sect had always been steadfast allies.

"Youyu, where is Xuanying? Why isn't she here?" the shadow within the grave marker called out abruptly.


Chen Liangquan, Tan Junshan, Loong Jie, and Yuen Qingxi all shifted their attention in anticipation.

"Xuanying should not have conspired with the Void Spirit Succubus. Rovi is a foreigner, and her choice to side with outsiders has broken our laws," Youyu said icily. "As for Rovi, his audacity to set foot in the Boundless Great World warrants a fitting retribution."

"Thus, Rovi is dead."

His final words were directed at the heavens of the Foul World.

Unbeknownst to us, the dense and filthy Yin energy that shrouded this region had already cleared away.

Yu Yuan abruptly looked up, as if he had seen a massive mirror vanish into thin air.

"Skywatch Mirror!"

Yu Yuan instantly realized that the underground Foul World, long obscured by Youyu, had been under scrutiny. The Divine Soul Sect, the Demon God, and the five greatest powers were all concerned about the potential upheaval below.

Senior Brother Zhong Chichen cast a glance at the sky and hurried off without finishing his thoughts.

Clearly, they had detected that a supreme being was intent on piercing through the Yin energy veil cast by Youyu to inspect the depths.

"Rovi is dead!"

"Rovi is dead?"

The survivors of this world, along with Zu Ann, the keeper of the Skywatch Mirror, were thunderstruck by Youyu's final declaration.

"Rovi, the leader of the Void Spirit Succubus! It was said he vanished in the Chaos Abyss, and now he's perished down there!"

At Ascension Peak, Zu Ann and the Desolate God rose in alarm.

Old Ape, who had been leisurely puffing on his dry pipe, now had smoke billowing from his nostrils, ears, and eyes, yet he seemed unfazed, his gaze filled with astonishment.

"I can't believe it."

Old Ape shook his head, taking quite some time before he could muster those words.

He refused to believe that Rovi had met his end in the Foul World, especially so recently.

"It is, indeed, difficult to accept," Zu Ann said with a furrowed brow.

"Yu Yuan, where is my ancestor?"

Upon hearing of Rovi's demise, Loong Jie instantly transformed into his human form and rushed to Yu Yuan's side, demanding urgently, "I'm not concerned with Rovi's fate! He didn't meet his end alongside Rovi, did he?"

"My esteemed senior brother, with his extraordinary abilities, wouldn't succumb so easily," Yu Yuan mused, recalling Zhong Chichen's parting words that he should look after Loong Jie. With mixed emotions, he added, "He departed just before you awoke. He has ventured into the Outland Starry Sky and now enjoys boundless freedom."

"I can attest to that," Tan Junshan interjected.

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