Unmatched Dominance/C150 The Evil Survivor of the Divine Soul Sect!
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Unmatched Dominance/C150 The Evil Survivor of the Divine Soul Sect!
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C150 The Evil Survivor of the Divine Soul Sect!

"Please, just kill me!"

The treasured daughter of the Lim family, the empire's crescent moon, was tormented to the brink of death by the White Ghost's Heart-attack Technique.

The White Ghost, a master of manipulation and enchantment, had seen countless souls. Playing Lim Zhuyun like a pawn was effortless.

"Bind her soul to mine, make her fall deeply in love with me?"

Yu Yuan chuckled and shook his head. "The love of such a woman might be more dreadful than her hatred. No, I'll pass. I'd rather she kept hating me."

"I knew she wasn't your type." The White Ghost didn't press the issue, smiling as he urged, "We're short on time. Best sink that bronze monument now."

"White Ghost, ensure my sister's safety," Yu Yuan implored earnestly.

"Rest assured," the White Ghost reassured him, time and again.

Half an hour later.

The bronze monument, soaring through the void, came to an abrupt halt as the chains and vines ensnaring it shattered explosively.

The Sky Shocking Emperor and the Green Incubus, concealed within the monument, seemed to detect the presence of the Soul Transformation Pool.

The two ancient and formidable beings, whether in a temporary truce or on the verge of determining a victor, simultaneously vied for control of the monument, severing the binding enchantments in secret.

"They've sensed the Soul Transformation Pool is within reach!"

The Earth Demon's face turned grave. His icy silver eyes pierced the bronze monument. "Yu Yuan, my power will trigger the restrictions, making me a target. And within the monument's small world, I'm no match for Hantian and the Green Incubus."

"So, what now?" Yu Yuan furrowed his brow.

"You might need to tap into the sword soul's power to engage a stronger restriction and forcibly pull the monument away," the White Ghost declared.

Yu Yuan's expression grew stern as he closed his eyes, concentrating to reconnect with the sword soul.

Inside his arm, the sword's essence flared like flames, scorching his flesh.

"This item might just give you the edge you need," the White Ghost said, hesitating briefly before hurling the Splitting Soul Staff toward Yu Yuan with force.

The staff whizzed through the air and halted abruptly before Yu Yuan's chest, its tip quivering ever so slightly.

"The Artifact Soul of the Splitting Soul Staff, if willing to rejoin its vessel, should be capable of overpowering the likes of Hantian and the Green Incubus," the White Ghost said urgently. "I believe you possess the Artifact Soul of the staff. You should be able to call it forth."

Yu Yuan caught the staff, immediately struck by its surprising weight, the gold and silver patterns adorning it gleaming in the light. Holding it was a struggle.

"You wrested this Splitting Soul Staff from Yan Lu, not for your own use, but for mine?" he asked, astonished.

"I had intended to wield it myself, but now..." The White Ghost appeared resigned. "In your hands, the staff will exhibit greater strength. Use it for now."

Something didn't sit right with Yu Yuan. He could sense the White Ghost's anticipation for him to summon the Monochrome Boy from within the white paper fan, hoping that the united spirit would willingly emerge and infuse itself into the staff. It seemed that the staff would only truly be complete once the Monochrome Boy was inside.

The Monochrome Boy, the Artifact Soul of the staff, had separated from its host and, after years of growth and evolution in a forbidden realm, had developed a profound intelligence, becoming a unique soul entity. Believing itself free from the confines of the Artifact Soul, the Monochrome Boy had no desire to return.

Yu Yuan had attempted communication multiple times, but the messages from the Monochrome Boy were clear: it preferred to remain within the sanctuary of the white paper fan, resistant to the idea of leaving.

"I can't connect with the Artifact Soul of the Splitting Soul Staff, nor do I have the power to summon it into this vessel," Yu Yuan confessed to the White Ghost, his face etched with embarrassment. "Therefore, the staff won't manifest its true power with me. My abilities are too limited; holding it is a challenge, let alone wielding it."

Overwhelmed, his hand shook, and the Splitting Soul Staff plummeted.

Straight toward the bronze monument!

The White Ghost's face twisted in horror as he bellowed, "Stop!"

But it was too late.

With a resounding "clang," the staff, adorned with gold and silver patterns, crashed heavily onto the monument.

A flicker of murderous intent crossed the White Ghost's eyes, but he suppressed the urge to strike immediately.

The seemingly insignificant Splitting Soul Staff struck the monument with the force of a mountain, causing the massive bronze structure to plummet!

Like a magnet, the staff clung to the monument, its impact causing the myriad soul inscriptions to blaze with light.

Yu Yuan, taken aback by the unexpected turn of events, stared at the sinking monument, bewildered. "What's happening here?"

"Pick up the Splitting Soul Staff, now!" commanded the Earth Demon White Ghost.

Yu Yuan crouched down, gripped the staff with one hand, and yanked with all his might.

It didn't budge.

"What's going on?"

His face darkened. Grasping the staff with both hands, he pulled again, to no avail. He cast a cold glance into the distance, "Lord White Ghost, are you keeping something from me? How can this Splitting Soul Staff weigh down the bronze monument? And why can't I lift it?"

With a dismissive gesture, the White Ghost threw something aside.

Lim Zhuyun, paralyzed, soared through the air toward Yu Yuan like a great bird.

Her body was frigid, her lower dantian, the Yellow Court, and her middle dantian, the Mysterious Gate, were locked tight, rendering her spiritual energy and blood unusable.

Unable to so much as wiggle a finger, she could only watch helplessly as she neared Yu Yuan.

Without sparing her a glance, Yu Yuan furrowed his brow and demanded, "Lord White Ghost, what is this about?"

With a soft "thump," Lim Zhuyun, carried by the White Ghost's force, landed at Yu Yuan's feet.

All the while, the bronze monument continued its rapid descent.

Like a vast expanse of sky, the colossal bronze monument crashed down with an immense force.

The pristine wilderness, dotted with frost-covered rocks, shattered into fragments the moment the monument touched down.

The earth itself roared, and from deep below, the sound of cracking echoed continuously.

The booming was unceasing; the land where the bronze monument sank began to fracture and split.

The White Ghost floated in midair, his gaze fixed on the monument. As he witnessed the earth's transformation beneath it, his pupils swirled with an eerie hue, yet he offered no reply to Yu Yuan's words.

Yu Yuan's nerves were on edge, sensing an unknown transformation had stealthily taken place.

Lim Zhuyun, immobilized by the Splitting Soul Staff, lay at Yu Yuan's feet.

The countless inscriptions etched on the monument's edge began to swim like fish, leaving their stone confines.

These freed inscriptions delved into the fractured earth, like fish plunging into the depths of the sea.

The earth, further torn asunder, revealed deep and dark chasms one after another.

Simultaneously, Yu Yuan sensed a profoundly terrifying disturbance emanating from below.

Only his repeatedly refined Heavenly Soul could faintly detect this disturbance.


Deep within the clouds, myriad bolts of lightning converged from all directions.

Yu Yuan looked up to see the restraining forces from various sectors of the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area suddenly intensifying and converging upon this location.

Beneath the surface, ancient sword energy restraints, buried for eons, were activated one by one.

Through the burning heat in his arm bone and a subtle connection with the sword soul, he could sense the Moon Fragments in nearby pits exploding.

The frigid, solid meteorites from beyond the heavens burst into rubble.

The abrupt upheaval in the forbidden area left Yu Yuan stunned, his mind reeling in confusion.

Occasionally, he glanced at the White Ghost, whose wary eyes and tense demeanor suggested a deep-seated fear of something.

"Who is down there?"

After a moment of shock, Yu Yuan's realization dawned, "Is there another ancient being like you suppressed beneath this land? Has the descent of the bronze monument caused the restraints to loosen slightly? Lord White Ghost, is my assumption correct?"

"You've done quite the deed!" White Ghost exclaimed, as if drawing in a sharp breath of cold air. "Once the bronze monument has settled, it's unlikely to ever rise again. Have you noticed? The clash of souls between Sky Shocking Emperor and Green Incubus has ceased."

Yu Yuan cast his gaze downward at the departing inscriptions on the bronze monument, sensing the presence of Sky Shocking Emperor and Green Incubus. He nodded, "It does seem that way, doesn't it?"

The thunder gathering in the heavens and the flickering sword energies from deep within the earth served as a stark reminder of the sheer terror of the being about to rouse from an age-old sleep.

"Who exactly is he?" Yu Yuan pressed for answers.

"He is the rightful bearer of the Splitting Soul Staff, the master of the Artifact Soul," White Ghost replied, his voice tinged with unease. "He is the curse of the Divine Soul Sect, the very forger of the bronze monument. It was he who used it to subdue the Sky Devil Green Incubus here."

Yu Yuan was taken aback. "Wasn't the Divine Soul Sect annihilated? How is he still among the living?"

"The Divine Soul Sect has fallen; nearly all who should not have perished did," White Ghost struggled to articulate, finally adding, "Yet the one who deserved death the most... still lives!"

"If he's from the Divine Soul Sect, why does the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation need to keep him in check?" Yu Yuan inquired further.

"Because he has become the most fearsome demon within the forbidden lands."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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