Unmatched Dominance/C1504 He Secretly Observed
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Unmatched Dominance/C1504 He Secretly Observed
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C1504 He Secretly Observed

As soon as Ann Ziqing arrived, she began stirring up trouble.

Lau Ying, with her hands on her hips, stood her ground without showing any weakness, engaging in a sharp exchange with her.

Yu Yuan, however, maintained his composure, listening to the two women bicker incessantly.

Meanwhile, he was discreetly harnessing the power of the Dragon Slash Platform to greatly enhance his soul's perception.

He focused his soul's insight on a gray rat that had recently infiltrated the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea.

The gray rat, not even worthy of being called a Demonic Beast, cautiously surveyed its surroundings with its small, green eyes.

Upon entry, the rat did not rush to act but instead remained quietly nestled in the grass of the marsh, as if assessing for any anomalies or signs of being detected.

It was quite sly...

Yet, as soon as it appeared, Yu Yuan instantly felt a connection. Illuminated by the Dragon Slash Platform, he saw past its exterior and discerned its true essence.

Inside the gray rat's body were seven differently colored, hair-thin, highly toxic streams.

These were the Alien Demon Qiyan, native to the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea and associated with the Dark Elfkind.

Trapped in the Lissom Realm, a construct of Dark Elfkind's Diggs, a colorful butterfly, and the Fallen Divine Tree, the Alien Demon was confined but undying.

Qiyan claimed to be unafraid of the Fallen Divine Tree and offered his assistance.

The Luan Bird Queen corroborated this, confirming Qiyan's ability to partially restrain the Fallen Divine Tree.

Recently, in the Foul World, Huangyin's reaction to Qiyan was intense, prompting him to voice his doubts to Yuen Qingxi.

This indicated that Huangyin, along with the Earth Demon Ancestor, placed significant importance on Qiyan.

After being subdued and imprisoned by Nie Qingtian, Qiyan was taken to the Outer Star River and sealed beneath the Epitaxial Realm, unable to escape for many years.

This underscored Nie Qingtian's serious regard for him.

What was so extraordinary about this entity?

Yu Yuan couldn't help but take note.

With patience, he continued to listen to Lau Ying and Ann Ziqing's pointed debate while covertly monitoring the situation.

Eventually, the Qiyan-possessed gray rat began to sink slowly into the marsh's mud, and the seven distinctively colored toxic streams emerged from within the rat, one by one.

The seven venomous streams, once as slender as strands of hair, had long since found their purposeful destinations—merging into a putrid pond, blending with a dense miasma cloud, seeping into the roots of bizarre plants underground, half-buried in skeletal remains, or amidst a patch of grass and leaves.

Once these slender streams diverged, they revealed their vibrant, original hues.

Yu Yuan scrutinized them and realized that the separated Qiyan corresponded to the seven colors of the Colorful Lake within the Foul World!

The Alien Demon Qiyan had divided into seven, each concealed within a distinct region of the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea, far apart, cautiously amassing their unique energies.

The energy he amassed was rapidly refined and purified, giving Yu Yuan the impression that it was akin to the waters of the Colorful Lake.

Yu Yuan, with his keen spiritual awareness as the guardian of the Dragon Slash Platform, had a subtle inkling...

With the return of the Alien Demon Qiyan and the commencement of their power consolidation, the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea seemed to have mended a secret doctrine missing for eons, becoming more complete.

Simultaneously, in the underground Foul World, Huangyin, along with the ancient Earth Demon within the wooden grave marker, had convened with some venerable Earth Demons.

The elders of the Earth Demon Clan, encircling the Colorful Lake, were engaged in fervent discussions.

They deliberated whether to heed Youyu's advice and align with the Ghost Wizard Sect or to disregard Youyu, sticking to Xuanying's strategy, attempting to reach out to the formidable beings of the outer world to topple the current ruler of the vast expanse.

Since Zhong Chichen's departure and Youyu's vanishing, nearly half a month had passed.

Yet, they remained indecisive.

With a splash, Huangyin burst forth from the Colorful Lake, the purple demonic fire within his eye sockets flickering intensely.

He bowed his head, observing the waters of the Colorful Lake as they gradually separated into seven distinct colors...

The seven-colored waters of the lake would at times clearly demarcate into sections, then suddenly converge, radiating a renewed magic, as if reviving ancient secret arts lost for many years.

The lake, once exuding an aura of lifelessness, now seemed to have been infused with newfound vitality.

The lake water was constantly flowing and ever-changing.

A young Earth Demon, born in the new era, hovered in astonishment above the Colorful Lake. He sensed the lake's movements and gazed upon the water's seven hues.

Within the differently colored waters, one could vaguely discern the evolution of the Devil Soul—a unique Devil Spell that bonded with countless creatures.

"Qiyan is back!"

The refined Earth Demon within the wooden grave marker exclaimed with joy.

Huangyin nodded emphatically. "That kid, Yu Yuan, he didn't deceive us! We thought Qiyan, whom we believed to be long dead, was merely imprisoned beyond the heavens! He must have felt the disappearance of the Earth Demon Clan's power that was restraining him!"

"So, he's finally willing to return!"

"Qiyan? Who is he? What good does his return do for us?"

"Ancestors, is Qiyan a being like yourselves?"

The new generation of Earth Demons looked up, puzzled, and inquired.

"There's no need for you to know about him. Just understand that his return can truly unlock the might of the Colorful Lake!"

Huangyin's spirit reignited within him.


"Are you even listening to us?"

Ann Ziqing picked up on the odd silence. Noting that Yu Yuan hadn't uttered a word for quite some time, and that she and Lau Ying were the only ones bickering endlessly, she suddenly found it all rather dull.

Lau Ying paused, then realized that Yu Yuan had been silently smiling the whole time.

Both women turned their attention to him at once.

"We'll discuss the Blood God Cult later. Senior Ann, rest assured, I'm well aware of what you wish to know," Yu Yuan said with a slight smile, adeptly engaging in conversation with both women while multitasking.

Meanwhile, he kept a close watch on Qiyan.

After splitting into seven, the seven slender, venomous streams had stealthily harnessed and refined the powers of the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea, growing stronger without notice.

Qiyan had deliberately divided himself, causing his soul to disperse and become less concentrated.

His scattered presence would go undetected unless someone with exceptional attention and a transcendent cultivation level took notice.

"Why choose to return now, and in such a secretive manner? What are you planning?"

Yu Yuan stroked his chin, deep in thought.

Since parting ways in the Firefly Starfield, he had lost interest in Qiyan, thinking their paths would likely never cross again.

It was only because of Huangyin and Yuen Qingxi that Yu Yuan was reminded of Qiyan, realizing that there were still secrets to uncover regarding Qiyan.

"Young Master, your airs are becoming grander by the day. I extend an invitation, and you find reasons to decline. No matter, I've nothing better to do, so I'll serve you as I did before. When you grow weary and wish to visit our Blood God Cult, I'll be here to guide you," Ann Ziqing said, her eyes brimming with unspoken grievances.

Yu Yuan cast her a knowing glance, aware she was feigning distress, and chose to respond with an amused smile rather than engage.

"How formidable is your Blood God Cult, really? Didn't your father fail to ascend to godhood? The Moon Sect Master of our Silver Moon Sect has already shattered the heavens, ascending to the highest echelons beyond our world! Besides, Old Tan and I were the first to arrive. If anyone is to visit, it should be our Silver Moon Sect that they visit first!"

"You made a promise to me!"

Lau Ying's last remark was directed at Yu Yuan.

"Indeed, indeed," Yu Yuan agreed, nodding with a chuckle, offering no objections. "It's quite straightforward. Once I've had my fill of this place, I'll split my time and accompany both of you to the Silver Moon Sect and the Blood God Cult."

He then turned to Ann Ziqing, "Director Ann, what you truly wish to see is my Yang God, isn't it?"

"Oh, Young Master, what nonsense are you spouting? I mainly want to see you," Ann Ziqing replied, her smile tinged with playfulness.

Subsequently, the two women settled in to wait patiently within the Ghost Poisoning Array.

Meanwhile, Yu Yuan was absorbed in discerning the transformations of the juvenile spinosaurus within the Dragon Slash Platform.

Days later, he noted that the narrow passageways leading from the underground to the surface, which he, Tan Junshan, and the others had traversed, were now exuding thick clouds of smoke and miasma.

A quick assessment revealed that the miasma from the Colorful Lake had been deliberately channeled into the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea.

The secret return had significantly boosted the efficiency with which the divided devils absorbed power.

Qiyan was rapidly regaining his strength, and within the seven venomous streams, it seemed as though crystals of poison and souls were being forged.

"This fellow indeed has some depths worth exploring," Yu Yuan mused with renewed interest.

He was curious to witness what Qiyan would transform into after traversing the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea and encountering the Earth Demons.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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