Unmatched Dominance/C151 A Huge Coffin Without a Lid!
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Unmatched Dominance/C151 A Huge Coffin Without a Lid!
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C151 A Huge Coffin Without a Lid!

The myriad inscriptions etched into the monument seemed to come to life, breaking away from the structure.

They all began to descend.

The massive bronze monument beneath Yu Yuan's feet appeared to be smoothed over by invisible, divine hands.

Yu Yuan was unaware that these billions of inscriptions were the crux of the monument's power.

The microcosm within the monument had evolved from these inscriptions, which served as both Spiritual Arrays and the foundation of the monument's strength, originally intended to contain the Green Incubus.

The Green Incubus had devoted millions of years to branding his will upon these inscriptions.

Yet, he could only manipulate a quarter of them.

Hantian, employing his celestial techniques and intricate secret arts, had infused his will into the remaining masterless inscriptions, securing another quarter for himself.

Both the Green Incubus and Hantian, preeminent among the Alien Soul Evil Spirits of the forbidden lands, had exerted great effort to claim more inscriptions.

Nevertheless, they each had only managed to capture a quarter.

The remaining half, at the moment the bronze monument touched down and the earth split asunder, began to actively sink from the monument's periphery.

Standing atop the monument, Yu Yuan sensed the seismic shift in the world and listened intently, as if he could hear the cries of Hantian and the Green Incubus emanating from the stone.

As the earth cracked open, the monument continued its descent.

The White Ghost's ghastly pale form drifted downward, as light as dandelion fluff.

"The one from the Divine Soul Sect has become the most fearsome demon in the forbidden lands," Yu Yuan said with an icy stare at the White Ghost. "Knowing he lies beneath, why did you hand me the Splitting Soul Staff? And after it fell, pressing down like a mountain, why did the monument begin to sink uncontrollably? What's going on?"

The White Ghost's intentions were clearly dubious, and Yu Yuan was well aware.

Yet, he couldn't fathom why the White Ghost, recognizing the Splitting Soul Staff, would want him to call forth the fused Monochrome Boy to reenter the staff.

Sensing trouble, he discarded the staff, not anticipating the chain of cataclysmic events it would unleash.

Confronted with the questioning, the White Ghost remained silent.

His gaze was fixed on the chasm where the monument had descended into the depths of the earth.

It was then that Yu Yuan noticed a bulge forming on the bronze monument beneath his feet, as if something within was desperately trying to break free from its confines.

The presence of the Sky Shocking Emperor emanated from within.

"Sky Shocking Emperor!" Yu Yuan exclaimed in surprise.

Almost simultaneously, another sizable bulge emerged nearby.

The fearsome soul power of the Green Incubus vibrated within this second swelling.

Both the Sky Shocking Emperor and the Green Incubus seemed to sense impending doom, frantically trying to escape the miniature world within the monument.

It was as if this tiny realm was on the brink of collapse, or perhaps it had become a prison, compelling them to evacuate quickly or face dire consequences.

Upon closer inspection, the two bulges were composed of numerous inscriptions.

These inscriptions, like grains of sand, had accumulated to form the figures of the Green Incubus and Hantian.

Yet, as time ticked away, the inscriptions building up the Green Incubus and Hantian began to scatter towards the edges of the monument, then plummeted into the earth below.

It appeared that the inscriptions, once permeated by Hantian and the Green Incubus, were rapidly slipping from their grasp.

Yu Yuan was struck by a realization.

Once all the inscriptions spiraled out of control and vanished from the bronze monument, Hantian and the Green Incubus, the formidable spirits of the forbidden land, would utterly lose their dominion over the monument.

Their spirits, too, would likely be eternally bound within its interior.

"Crack, crack, crack!"

The bronze monument continued its descent, shattering the rocky earth as if it were nothing.


At last, the monument came to a halt.

The White Ghost, an Earth Demon, was petrified, staring down from above the monument with eyes wide with terror and resignation, and muttered bitterly, "I hope it has not awakened."

Yu Yuan, positioned at the monument's central region, could not peer through to the scene below.

Without a moment's delay, he left Lim Zhuyun behind, disregarded the unyielding Splitting Soul Staff, and sped to the monument's edge with all haste.

Standing at the edge of the bronze monument, Yu Yuan peered curiously over the side and gazed into the depths below.

A single look sent a tremor through him.

Beneath him lay a massive bronze coffin of unknown depth!

The coffin was without a lid, and from his vantage point, he could see the eerie stirrings of countless evil spirits and souls within, as if it were the final resting place for wandering spirits.

With just one glance, Yu Yuan felt as though his own three souls were on the verge of leaving his body and merging with the spirits inside the coffin.

The coffin was not only enormous and made of bronze, but it was also inscribed with dense, cryptic script—script that matched the inscriptions on the bronze monument above.

Near the Soul Transformation Pool, such a colossal bronze coffin seemed capable of swallowing the souls of all living beings.

This revelation shook Yu Yuan to his core.


Suddenly, he noticed inscribed tablets emerging from the bronze monument beneath his feet, each one flying towards the giant bronze coffin.

As the tablets settled into the coffin, they appeared to integrate seamlessly, becoming part of the coffin itself, materializing in its corners.

The tablets and the bronze coffin seemed to merge into one entity.

This realization caused Yu Yuan's face to pale with shock.

He made a startling discovery: the bronze coffin lacked a lid, and the bronze monument at his feet... it bore a striking resemblance in shape and size.

He turned abruptly to the White Ghost, his eyes wide, "Is this so-called bronze monument actually the lid for that coffin below?"

The White Ghost met his gaze with a detached nod, "You've finally seen the truth."

At those words, Yu Yuan was overwhelmed by an uncomfortable sense of betrayal. It seemed neither Hantian nor the White Ghost had been forthcoming with him.

He had referred to the coffin lid as the bronze monument, and both Hantian and the White Ghost had indulged his misconception.

Both Hantian and the White Ghost, along with the Green Incubus, were well aware that the so-called bronze monument was in fact the lid of the bronze coffin. They knew that the monument and the coffin were inherently connected.

No one had warned him, no one had informed him of the giant coffin buried deep within the earth surrounding the Soul Transformation Pool.

The moment the bronze monument touched the ground, it likely established a link with the bronze coffin, causing it to crash through the earth and plummet straight down, only stopping just above the coffin.

"Lord Hundred Ghosts, please advise me, what should we do now?" Yu Yuan took several deep breaths to steady himself, suppressing the anger boiling inside him, and continued, "Given the current situation, it seems that all that should not have happened, has indeed happened. I wish for the forbidden land to be restored to its original state. Whether you manage to free yourself or not is of no consequence to me."

"I can only hope that the entity within the bronze coffin, whose true face is obscured by a multitude of Alien Soul Evil Spirits, will never emerge."

Indeed, the bronze coffin must contain the Divine Soul Sect's most heinous sinner, whom the White Ghost refers to as the most terrifying demon of the forbidden land.

This being, shielded by innumerable Alien Soul Evil Spirits, has yet to reveal itself.

Before its emergence, the bronze monument's inscriptions had already willingly seeped into the coffin.

The Sky Shocking Emperor and the Green Incubus, in their attempt to seize control of the monument and assimilate it, not only failed but found themselves ensnared within it.

They sought escape but found none.

The Earth Demon White Ghost, master of meticulous schemes, was also fraught with anxiety, seemingly caught in a moment of indecision.

What path should it take?


In a swift motion, the Earth Demon White Ghost soared over the bronze monument and hovered ten meters above the coffin, then knelt in the void.

A ghastly white specter emerged from atop Zhao Jian's head.

This specter, the true essence of the Earth Demon White Ghost, was surprisingly slender and ethereal, exuding an otherworldly grace rather than a ghostly aura.

"A woman," Yu Yuan realized.

He then witnessed the White Ghost's spirit prostrate itself before the bronze coffin in devout worship.

"White Ghost humbly welcomes the Lord's arrival!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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