Unmatched Dominance/C1514 Qing and Zhuo
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Unmatched Dominance/C1514 Qing and Zhuo
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C1514 Qing and Zhuo

Deep within a cave where the Yin energy was at its most pure and concentrated, Youyu emerged, clutching two scrolls in his hands, from the very source of the underground Yin current. His face, usually marked by a cold indifference, now bore traces of fatigue and surprise.

The specks of Yin Sunflower Essence, akin to sprites born of Yin's cold essence, were carried out by him from the source and infused into the Ghost Feeding Diagram.

He promptly handed the Ghost Feeding Diagram to Lianjing.

Lianjing, attendant to Xuanli, quickly accepted the Ghost Feeding Diagram, expressing her gratitude with a humble demeanor.

She was well aware that the Yin Sunflower Essence, those tiny specks, might be the most pure and mystical Yin energy in the entire cosmos, capable of aiding all souls in their transformative evolution and elevating an object like the Ghost Feeding Diagram.

As soon as she received the Ghost Feeding Diagram, she noticed that the ferocious Asura ghosts she had refined began to voraciously consume the essence of Yin energy, spurred by the influx of the Yin Sunflower Essence.

The chaotic Asura ghosts, upon ingesting the Yin Sunflower Essence, seemed to gain an increase in wisdom and spiritual insight as it melded with their souls.

Lianjing offered her thanks once more: "I am grateful for your generosity."

With a gentle shake of the other scroll in Youyu's grasp, the First Spirit, Luo Yue, and Qianjie, the three mighty Ghost Kings, materialized, appearing just as weary as Youyu.

Moments before, they had seemingly merged with their own Styx, soaring through the vast expanse of the starry heavens.

It was as though they had experienced an odd dream...

In that profound dream, they became extensions of Youyu, transforming into a hand from the Yin Meridian's origin, stirring the fabric of time and space beyond the heavens.

They sensed the enigmatic power of the Yin Meridian's source, a force governing the grand cycle of rebirth.

"Master, have you found him?" Yuen Qingxi couldn't help but inquire.

"What about Tianzang?" Luo Yue interjected casually.

"The conversation to follow isn't meant for his ears; let him remain where he is."

With an impassive expression, Youyu gestured for everyone to be seated. Once Yuen Qingxi and Lianjing had respectfully settled themselves on the ground, he began to speak again.

I have located Xuanli and successfully roused him from his slumber. As for what he chooses to do upon awakening, I will not intervene.

Before disclosing his identity, allow me to share the origins of the Ghost Wizard Sect with you. My own advancement to a Ghost King in Horror Land and my subsequent full awakening in the Foul Land led me to a deeper understanding of the Yin Meridian's source.

Yet, even after my death tens of thousands of years ago, I had not fully grasped it.

His expression was grave.

The two venerable ancestors of the Ghost Wizard Sect, Yuan Qingxi and Lianjing, along with the three Ghost Kings—Qianjie, Luo Yue, and Qianjie—immediately straightened up, ready to listen attentively.

Deep within our vast land lies the enigmatic source of the Yin Meridian, comprising two distinct parts. The clear part symbolizes Horror Land and the Yin Meridian's source beneath us.

The murky part, on the other hand, corresponds to the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea and the Foul Land beneath it.

Yet, be it murky or clear, it is all one and the same.

During the tumultuous era of the Nagas, the world's order was disrupted, and the Dragon Gods twisted the natural laws, causing it to lose consciousness and enter a prolonged dormant state.

Even so, it would occasionally awaken briefly. This fleeting consciousness would not manifest in Horror Land or at the Yin Meridian's source below.

Instead, it would emerge in the Foul Land and then travel from there to the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea.

Back then, humans had not yet discovered a complete path to cultivation and were kept like cattle and slaves by the Nagas and ancient demonic races. Some humans, desperate for freedom, fled to the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea and came under its notice.

In their dreams, they experienced sudden epiphanies that revealed ways to empower themselves.

Thus, the Ghost Wizard Sect was born, with the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea as its cradle.

Our sect traces its lineage directly back to this origin.

Those forebears of the Ghost Wizard Sect who discovered the method, if fortunate enough to reach the Yin God Stage and project their Yin God out of their bodies, would be guided to Horror Land. There, they could use the pure Yin energy to purify and refine their souls.

The inability to awaken humans in Horror Land stemmed from their initial weakness. Horror Land could only accommodate souls. The temporarily awakened willpower fortuitously manifested in the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea due to the unique conditions there and encountered us."

"Our Ghost Wizard Sect has been under its protection from the outset."

Youyu briefly paused.

Upon hearing this, the three Ghost Kings – Qianjie, Luo Yue, and Lianjing – along with Youyu, dispelled any lingering doubts about the Ghost Wizard Sect.

Once Qianjie, Luo Yue, and Xuanying understood that the Ghost Wizard Sect was established from the origin of the Yin Meridians, their concerns vanished.

"Overthrowing the Naga's dominion to reset the vast chaos to its original state is our very purpose."

"We do not trace the origins of Huangyin from the Earth Demon Clan, Xuanying, nor the earliest ancient Earth Demons."

"Because they chose to root themselves in the Foul Land, they absorbed more miasma, poison, and filth, with only a trace of Yin energy. The powers they wield are heavily tainted, but fundamentally, they too are sustained and strengthened by it."

"From the beginning of their spiritual journey, our Ghost Wizard Sect's practitioners have focused on refining Yin energy and purifying their souls. Initially, in the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea, we strove to rid ourselves of distractions and malevolent thoughts, forging Yin energy to fortify our beings."

"The Earth Demons, on the contrary, draw strength from the chaotic and murky elements."

"Purity gave rise to us. Turmoil gave birth to the Earth Demons."

"Constrained by human form, we couldn't venture into Horror Land right away. Hence, we had to first advance our cultivation in the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea. Only upon reaching the Yin God Stage could we depart and naturally progress to Horror Land."

"To this day, humans who have achieved the Yin God and Soul Wandering Stages journey to Horror Land, continuing our legacy."

"Our alliance with the Earth Demons, Divine Soul Sect, and the ancient demon races against the Nagas was fueled by its nurturing and intent."

"However, the Nagas, having reigned supreme for years and aware of its presence, were well-prepared. This led to myself, Xuanli, Huangyin, and Lianjing being inherently overpowered by the Frost Dragon and the Space-time Dragon."

"You all know the outcome," began the speaker.

"The four of us perished one after the other, and it too was gravely wounded, succumbing to a prolonged slumber. Nonetheless, it remains the eternal overseer of the cycle of life and death for all living creatures, occasionally stirred and roused to action within its capabilities."

"Thus, I was able to be reborn as Yu Xi, and later transformed into a skeleton, persisting until this day."

"And Xuanli, in this era, has become... Cao Yi of the Profound Sky Sect."

A peculiar glint shone in Youyu's eyes as a cold smirk played on his lips.

"Cao Yi!"

"The same Cao Yi who nearly brought the Blood God Cult to ruin? The one who devoured Ann Jieshan?"

"They say he even came close to seizing the Great Demon God Grec!"

Yuen Qingxi, Lianjing, and the three Ghost Kings were all taken aback.

Cao Yi was undeniably a legend.

Anyone familiar with his tale would be in awe of his exploits and recognize the extent of his fearsomeness.

"The reason Xuanli turned into Cao Yi is because after his demise, Han Miaoyuan of the Profound Sky Sect claimed his supreme position. Years after the dragon battle ended and the situation had stabilized, when the Divine Soul Sect proposed that the new seat be given to the Ghost Wizard Sect, Han Miaoyuan was the one who fiercely objected," Youyu explained, glancing at Yuen Qingxi.

Yuen Qingxi added, "This secret was unearthed by me, and it came at a steep cost. Tens of thousands of years ago, many promising individuals perished in the Outland Star River. Han Miaoyuan was among the survivors and remains alive to this day."

"Huangyin's choice to possess that prodigy from the Profound Sky Sect was also a move against them," interjected Lianjing.

She and Yuen Qingxi had long since understood that Han Miaoyuan was the ringleader of those who thwarted the Ghost Wizard Sect and the Earth Demon Clan's efforts to regroup and who rejected the Divine Soul Sect's proposal.

"The Blood God Cult's Ann Jieshan was truly unfortunate! To think he chose Lord Xuanli, who, even in his unawakened state, is beyond Ann Jieshan's league!"

Pride swelled in Lianjing's expression as she spoke of Xuanli. "In the realm of soul knowledge, our Ghost Wizard Sect is on equal footing with the Divine Soul Sect. And Ann Jieshan, who merely dabbles in blood arts, dares to contend with Lord Xuanli?"

Youyu suddenly declared, "The enlightenment at Ann Jieshan is no minor feat."

Aside from Yuen Qingxi, Lianjing and the three Ghost Kings looked on, confused.

"That represents another power, an adversary we face beyond the heavens. I even suspect that the old fox Han Miaoyuan has seen through it all. That's why he's using the still dormant Xuanli to confront the Blood God Cult and Ann Wen," Yuen Qingxi said bitterly.

As a devout follower of Youyu, he was privy to the existence of the Yang meridian source and the Blood God Cult. It's possible that, by sheer accident, they became a bloodline sustained by the Yang meridian source within the vastness of creation.

"Ann Wen..."

Youyu let out a gentle sigh.

Ann Wen was his comrade-in-arms during his time with the Blood God Cult.

But upon awakening, he realized that the foundation of the Ghost Wizard Sect and its connection to the Yin Meridian source was right beneath his feet.

Unwittingly, Ann Wen and the Blood God Cult had come to comprehend the profound mysteries of the Yang meridian source's blood.

The two might eventually find themselves at odds due to the conflicting nature of their paths and origins.

Such is the irony of fate, ever so unpredictable.


At the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea.

Ann Wen, accompanied by the now lucid Ann Ziqing, departed with a troubled mind, pondering Yu Yuan's proposal.

He was contemplating whether to venture to the Outer Star River to seek the origins of the Blood God Cult and embark on a comprehensive metamorphosis of life.

Yu Yuan, standing before his thatched hut, retrieved the Dragon Slash Platform and delved deep into his thoughts, meticulously surveying the expanse of space and the earth's depths for thousands of miles around.

He observed Lau Ying on the Fallen Star Eyes, casting concerned glances below.

He saw Hu Caiyun weeping quietly beneath the newly planted peach tree.

He also noted the dense miasma above Hu Caiyun's head, where a toxic river, separated by Qiyan, seemed to be silently watching her.

The malevolent spirits in the forbidden zones had grown more active lately, roaming freely.

Deep underground, no vast life force or spirits could escape the Dragon Slash Platform's detection.


The individual who had uttered those words remained elusive.

Someone who could bypass Ann Wen and project their voice from within him was certainly no ordinary individual.

Who could it be?

He claimed he hadn't changed and promised his support. But what form could that support possibly take?

What significance did his support hold? What effect could it have?

Yu Yuan was utterly clueless.

"As the keeper of the Dragon Slash Platform, your living quarters are quite modest," she remarked.

One day, a striking woman garbed in a moon-white gown, ethereal as a celestial spirit in the night, glided through the Ghosts Poisoning Array.

"My name is Jiaang Miaojie, hailing from the Divine Soul Sect just like you. This is my inaugural visit to our ancestral grounds."

The woman introduced herself with a warm smile.

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