Unmatched Dominance/C1519 President Lyi's Backup Plan(2)
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Unmatched Dominance/C1519 President Lyi's Backup Plan(2)
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C1519 President Lyi's Backup Plan(2)

President Lyi, I've presented you with this backup plan because of your unique situation. You're well aware that you ascended to godhood with the vast fortune of Hao Ran. Yet, even with a complete God Throne, you remain vulnerable to a certain item."

"Only if he perishes or never attains godhood can you truly be at peace."

Guixu took another pause.

"I'm aware, Loong Jie."

With a soft sigh, President Lyi continued, "I rushed back with the intent to ascend before him. My journey in Hao Ran is singular; I have but one divine path. He, on the other hand, has alternatives. Should he ascend first, transforming into the Dragon God with the blood of the Golden Dragon, my path would be severed."

Loong Jie had not been factored into his calculations, as it was a long-standing rule in Hao Ran that Nagas cannot become gods—a rule that had remained unchallenged for millennia. He had no reason to believe it would change.

Shaking his head in resignation, President Lyi spoke again.

"I have to ascend before him. Once his unique Golden Dragon blood undergoes its transformation, he'll be able to find another divine path. As the pure-blooded heir of that individual, he possesses such might. And even if he becomes the Dragon God by another route, his Golden Dragon lineage will still pose a threat to me."

"There's no way around it; he dominates this path. It's no surprise, considering even the highest peak of Hao Ran is dependent on the Dragon Vein."

President Lyi had long since come to this realization.

"That's why, when Yu Yuan returned and the laws that kept the Dragon Clan in check suddenly collapsed, you..." The Ruins Divine King seemed to gaze upon him from within the statue, "Yu Yuan, at the bottom of the Nether Abyss, repeatedly questioned you about the Cold Abyss Entrance you were guarding, and you remained silent throughout."

"The Dragon Slash Platform remains, but the Dragon Clan has been released from its seals. Now unbound, Loong Jie has become my most formidable threat in Hao Ran. Can you blame me for my frustration?" President Lyi uttered a dismissive snort.

"We understand. That's why we've forged two paths for you. On the second path, you may lack eternal life, but you will be free from Loong Jie's influence."

"If you opt for the first option, we promise you'll be the first to ascend to the divine seat before Loong Jie. However, we cannot take Loong Jie's life. It's possible that in the future, Loong Jie may still become the Dragon God after you," Guixu stated.

"Regardless of the path you choose, we will support you. Please consider it carefully."

A statue emerged suddenly from the space teleportation array suspended in mid-air, swaying gently before the eyes of the onlookers and then vanishing once more.

"Even dragons can die."

The Ruins Divine King's final words lingered in the air.

The ultimate state of immortality is only achieved by the Human Primordial Spirit, the Great Demon God, and the Starry Behemoth.

The Ruins Divine King's parting words seemed to remind President Lyi that eternal beings are exceedingly rare.

It was as though he was encouraging the pursuit of the Primordial Spirit, yet also hinting that even his formidable adversaries would one day meet their demise.

After the enigmatic Divine King departed, all eyes turned to President Lyi.

President Lyi took a seat facing the Devil Palace, his mind awash with thoughts as he grappled with one of the most significant choices of his life, his emotions in turmoil.


"The Chamber of Commerce is bustling."

Ghost King Tianzang glanced to the left from atop the Fallen Star Eyes, as if he could sense the presence of Guixu, President Lyi, Jun Chen, Lvliu, and others. "It looks like the Divine Soul Sect is set to back President Lyi."

With a whoosh, Yu Yuan called forth the Dragon Slash Platform from within his Shen Que acupoint, immersing himself in thought.

In a flash, he saw the space teleportation array floating above the Chamber of Commerce, along with President Lyi, Jun Chen, Lvliu, Zhongli, and others.

He also witnessed the peculiar statue, refined in the Sword Prison, vanish into thin air.

This statue had once unleashed its malevolent nature in the Desolate Swamp, slaughtering countless demonic entities.

After it fell into the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, it sparked endless wars across the Profound Sky Continent, leading to the obliteration of innumerable beings.

He recalled how, deep within the Great Swamp, he had once briefly harnessed the statue's formidable power to wreak havoc far and wide.

Others might assume he had been overtaken by the statue.

Yet, he alone understood that the fearsome statue was actually at his command. It had never diminished his intellect; in fact, he was the one truly in charge.

"The statue just vanished from above the Chamber of Commerce," he remarked offhandedly.

"Oh, it's an extension of the Ruins Divine King." Jiang Miaojie offered a slight smile. "All the imprints within it, the malevolent and benevolent thoughts alike, they're all aspects of the Ruins Divine King. The statue's presence indicates that both the Ruins Divine King and the Divine Soul Sect hold President Lyi in high regard. It's a sign of respect."

Yu Yuan grasped the situation instantly.

The object was tied to the Void Divine King, and the final Void Divine King had ascended to divinity with the aid of his first life. Thus, the Void Divine King would always be an ally.

In the Great Swamp, the statue had recognized him, and upon his departure from the Plover Realm, he had encountered it once more.

It was Guixu, formerly known as the Void Divine King, reaching out to him in friendship.

The same had happened not too long ago.

"Senior Tianzang, after your escape from Horror Land, shouldn't you have headed to the Chamber of Commerce or back to the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area?" Jiang Miaojie's lips curled into a knowing smile, her otherworldly gaze shimmering with curiosity. "What brings you to the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea? Surely there's nothing here requiring your attention."

"Haha, I just haven't seen Yu Yuan in quite some time and wanted to check in on him," Tianzang chuckled, throwing a casual glance Yu Yuan's way.

He was acutely aware that his new status as a Ghost King, following his advancement in Horror Land, made his identity particularly delicate.

Since Youyu's awakening and his growing discontent with the Divine Soul Sect, any move Tianzang made could draw Youyu's suspicion.

Should a conflict erupt between Youyu and the Divine Soul Sect, he would be the first to bear the brunt.

The only person he could think of, perhaps the only one who could help him now, was Yu Yuan...

Through Taishi, Tianzang understood that Yu Yuan's relationship with Youyu was often closer than with Taishi himself.

Youyu would likely extend a courtesy only to Yu Yuan.

The reasons behind Youyu's support for Yu Yuan and his role as a messenger for the Divine Soul Sect left others utterly perplexed.

He was crystal clear on the matter.

He understood that Yu Yuan and Youyu must have had a heart-to-heart, as those two have always been the best of comrades since time immemorial.

"Also, there was a message for you."

Tianzang glanced toward the Devil Palace, weighing his words carefully, before addressing Yu Yuan. "He mentioned that he's chosen someone. He wants you to lend your support after the new Divine Throne emerges."

Yu Yuan paused, taken aback. "Support Cao Yi?"

"The exact identity of his chosen candidate wasn't specified," Tianzang said with a shrug.

Libre Baskerville
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