Unmatched Dominance/C1527 A More Complicated Situation
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Unmatched Dominance/C1527 A More Complicated Situation
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C1527 A More Complicated Situation

Ann Wen of the Blood God Cult also felt a deep sense of disillusionment.

Like a statue, Ann Wen stood rigidly at the cliff's edge, his gaze fixed on the clear, moving river as it plunged into the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea and descended into the earth's depths.

He watched his old friend, bearing witness to Youyu's ruthless slaughter, and saw Yu Yuan emerge from the Dragon Slash Platform.

He took in everything.

He also saw Youyu appear at the Fiend Sect, followed shortly by the anguished cries of Yun Hao.

Before long, all sounds fell silent, and Youyu vanished without a trace.

Ann Wen remained motionless.

He had come to the sober realization that in the Boundless Great World, even if new divine positions arose, it would not be his turn, nor the Blood God Cult's.

Many things suddenly became clear to him.

Why had the Blood God Cult never been accepted in the Boundless World? Not only were they shunned by the three upper sects, but even the Devil Palace and Demon Palace seemed to conspire against them.

He had once believed that the Blood God Cult's Spiritual Spells were too brutal and savage.

However, after Ann Ziqing returned and shared Yu Yuan's account, revealing the profound connection between the Blood God Cult and the Blood Devil Clan, and the existence of a miraculous Yang meridian opposing the Yin source at the Blood Devil Clan's birthplace, he had a revelation.

To the five supreme forces of the Boundless World, practicing the Blood Devil Clan's secret arts, rooted in the Origin Blood Continent, seemed out of place.

These sects had always seen them as outsiders, believing the Blood God Cult to be fundamentally different.

Given this, it was no surprise that despite his equivalent status to the Red Devil Sect's Sect Master, the five forces had never considered him for a divine seat.

The Blood God Cult's recent recognition was only due to Ann Jieshan's return and his reformation of their secret arts doctrine.

Now, it was painfully clear that Han Miaoyuan intended to use either Cao Yi or Xuanli as pawns to dismantle the Blood God Cult.

With a wry smile, Ann Wen accepted this harsh truth.

For the first time, he sensed that the Blood God Cult was an awkward sect, seemingly indifferent to his existence.

It felt as though he and the Blood God Cult were never truly part of this world.

He had waited patiently, yet Youyu never returned. His former friend, now a deity tied to the fate of the Yin Meridian, had naturally become his adversary.

The reunion he had long anticipated left him deeply disappointed when Youyu returned to Horror Land.

And so...

Ann Wen turned to face his daughter Ann Ziqing, the promising new talent Xueyin, and the congregation of the sect's elders. He declared, "I am resolved to forge a divine path beyond the heavens!"

Xueyin, with his striking features and profound demeanor, had recently ascended to the Unrestrained Stage in under three hundred years.

As the protector of Blood God Island, he responded to Ann Wen's words, asking, "Have you decided?"

Ann Wen nodded affirmatively, "The Blood God Cult has existed for ages, as if the Peak of the Unrestrained Stage were our limit. I now believe that without seeking a new direction, we will never attain divinity in the Boundless Great World. Necessity breeds innovation, and through change, we find passage. After careful consideration of Yu Yuan's proposal, I've decided to venture into the Outland to discover the truth."

"Our sect will mark this moment in history!" Xueyin proclaimed.

Ann Wen's decision signaled that from this day forward, the Blood God Cult would diverge from the path of the Boundless Great World.

In time, not only the five supreme powers but potentially the Divine Soul Sect and the Babel Chamber of Commerce might view the Blood God Cult with enmity.

But if the Blood God Cult's divine ascension was thwarted from the outset...

Then, to break the impasse and the Boundless Great World's stranglehold, the only option would be to seek external allies.

Ann Wen had not initially entertained this idea. As a member of the human race, his pride had prevented him from accepting a split from the entire power structure of the Boundless Great World.

Yet, Yu Yuan's earnest advice, the alliance between the Divine Soul Sect, the Outland Devaputra, the Dark Elfkind, and the Star Race, along with his recent actions...

He realized that no situation was unchangeable, and that nothing was set in stone. With this revelation, he made a decision. Following President Lyi, Ann Wen and his daughter Ann Ziqing bravely embarked on a quest to the Outland in search of the Divine Throne.

"Loong Jie, behave yourself," Lin Daoke of the Sword Sect advised, patting Loong Jie's forehead as they hovered above Dragon Island in the deep sea. "The Demon Palace is stirring. If you had gone to the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea to seek the Divine Throne, you'd likely be dead by now." With those words, Lin Daoke drifted away. His silhouette, sword in tow, flickered before the watching dragons and then vanished. The islands that had submerged began to resurface one by one as the imposing sword aura he had exerted over thousands of miles dissipated with his departure. The dragons, their souls no longer shadowed by suspended swords, breathed a collective sigh of relief.

"Old Patriarch!" they called out to Loong Jie in deep, rumbling roars.

Ignoring them, Loong Jie gazed toward the northern reaches of the Quietus Continent where the Demon Palace stood, his eyes brimming with loathing and dread. Among the few in the vast sea who knew of the purple phoenix's fearsome presence, he had learned of it through the secret scriptures passed down from his ancestors. The scriptures spoke of a time when the Demon Phoenix possessed the might to challenge both Loong Jie's forebears and the Golden Giant Dragon. Even during the era when the Dragon Clan reigned supreme, the purple phoenix had carved out its own realm of influence. It was the only creature the Golden Dragon had to regard with serious consideration and respect.

The Demon Phoenix's decision to ally with the Dragon Clan stemmed from a lack of formidable peers. The Dragon Clan, on the other hand, boasted not only the Golden Dragon but other Dragon Gods that glided through the heavens. This alliance was the key to her tranquility. However, once the Divine Soul Sect, Ghost Wizard Sect, and Earth Demon emerged as supreme beings, she no longer concealed her power and ambition. She swiftly rallied all the ancient demons and humans of the time to unite against the Nagas.

Thus, the age when the Dragon Clan dominated the vast expanse came to an end.

Over a hundred thousand years have passed, the Earth Demon and the Ghost Wizard Sect have fallen, and the Divine Soul Sect has been overthrown. One by one, the supreme beings of the human race have perished.

Under her command, the Demon Clan grew steadily in strength and power.

And her...

Just how mighty had she become? What kind of power did she wield now? Loong Jie could no longer fathom it.

Her cry of the phoenix caused Han Miaoyuan to cease his advance and reluctantly change his course, hastily retracting the Profound Dao Flag.

It also ensured that Yu Zhu's divine position remained unshakable as Mount Tai.

Loong Jie couldn't help but deeply contemplate what she was thinking. What was it that she truly desired?


Yu Yuan made his way back to the thatched cottage.

Before long, Yu Yiyi arrived with the Evil Cauldron, gliding through the air.

"Huangyin's Devil Soul is safe, but the devil body he had cultivated is now reduced to ashes. His remaining Devil Soul has been transformed into the Evil Cauldron by me. It's likely to take many years for him to return to his previous state," Yu Yiyi reported.

Yu Yuan nodded in understanding, and she continued, "I'm heading to Evil Peak. The cauldron needs to be submerged in the Myriad Demon Array. By harnessing the array's power, I intend to expedite the advancement of those inside to the tenth level."

"Good," Yu Yuan consented.

The cauldron swiftly departed from the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea.

With Yun Hao's demise, the Fiend Sect was inevitably going to be absorbed by the Ghost Wizard Sect. The Evil Sect, bordering the Fiend Sect, would face no issues.

Moreover, the now-closed Dragon Slash Platform could transport him instantly to any location within the Boundless Great World.

Should any unforeseen events occur, the soul bond between him and Yu Yiyi would allow for timely intervention.

"What are your plans for Peach Madam, now that she's without her man?" Jiaang Miaojie inquired with a curious smile, locking eyes with Yu Yuan, "After all, she joined our sect on your recommendation."

"Let him take some time to process everything first," Yu Yuan sighed, then asked, "And what about Hwa Xin?"

Feeling a bit irritable, he found himself wishing for Hwa Xin to show up, deserving of a stern lesson.

Youyu's choice, coupled with the stirring cry of the phoenix, gave rise to an ominous premonition within him. He suspected that it might not be Youyu alone, but rather the source of the Yin Meridian behind him, that had secretly interacted with the phoenix presiding over the Demon Palace.

Taishi remained asleep, and despite his clear stance, Tianqi and Guixu had yet to respond to Youyu's terms. It seemed that both Youyu and the source of the Yin Meridian were growing impatient.

Should this be true, the future of the Boundless Great World would become increasingly complex and unpredictable. With Youyu and Yu Zhu already a formidable pair, the return of Xuanli would only bolster the might of the Ghost Wizard Sect and the Earth Demon. And behind them loomed the most potent form of the Yin Vein source—a power that demanded caution from all. The prospect of such a force allying with the Demon Phoenix was too daunting for Yu Yuan to even contemplate.

"I suspect that Hwa Xin was discovered by Ruins Divine King en route, which is why he never arrived," Jiaang Miaojie said with a sly grin. "Since Ruins Divine King had shown up before I did, it's clear he knew what Hwa Xin was up to. It seems Ruins Divine King holds you in high regard."

At that moment, Tianzang, the Ghost King, cast a meaningful glance at Yu Yuan. After a brief pause, he added, "What Youyu truly values isn't the Divine Soul Sect or Taishi. You know what I'm getting at."

Yu Yuan let out a weary sigh. Tianzang had spent many years in the Boundless Great World and was well-versed in ancient feuds and the Yin Vein source. Sensing that something was amiss, he offered a word of caution.

Youyu, and even the Yin Vein source itself, were only concerned with their own interests. In his first life, after stabilizing the situation post-dragon slaying, he had sought to restore the divine positions of the Ghost Wizard Sect and the Earth Demon as a way to repay the Yin Vein source for its contributions. Regrettably, numerous internal obstacles and external pressures thwarted his efforts.


Half a day later, Lau Ying received a summons from her master to return to the Silver Moon Sect and prepare for a journey beyond the stars. With a heavy heart, she departed.

Two days passed, and Yan Qiling from the Babel Chamber of Commerce brought news to Yu Yuan that President Lyi was deeply disappointed with the outcome of the conference. Having lost interest in the proceedings, President Lyi had already left the Boundless Great World.

Ann Wen, the leader of the Blood God Cult, along with Ann Ziqing, had also departed from the Desolate Swamp, venturing into the outer reaches.

Yu Yuan couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness as President Lyi and Ann Wen left in succession.

He was well aware that Yu Zhu's acquisition of the divine seat had thrown a wrench into many people's schemes and hopes, leading to the current predicament.

"Do you want to visit the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area to meet Lord Tianqi? Or perhaps travel to Jade Peak to see your parents in this lifetime?" Yan Qiling inquired, seeking his preference.

"I need to give it some thought."

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