Unmatched Dominance/C1534 The Birth of a New Spirit
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Unmatched Dominance/C1534 The Birth of a New Spirit
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C1534 The Birth of a New Spirit

Inside the grand palace constructed from the rare stones of the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, two massive stone pillars soared upward, expertly sculpted into the likenesses of Djinn Clan members, their colossal hands upholding the dome above.

Nestled between these towering "Djinn Clan members" sat a burly human man, regally perched on a stone chair, thoroughly engrossed in the array of exquisite dishes before him. An assortment of meats—fried, stewed, and deep-fried—wafted their tantalizing aromas around him.

Laid out before the man were silver chopsticks and finely crafted cutlery. His deft handling of the meat was a sight to behold, each slice a testament to his skill, providing a visual delight to any onlooker.

He indulged in the feast, a look of pure bliss on his face, occasionally pausing to murmur to himself, "You were the one who taught me these cooking methods. It's such a shame you can't savor these delights as I do."

Without lifting his gaze, he continued his soliloquy, "Only the pristine spiritual energy of Hao Ran can render such flavor in cows and sheep. In other Realms, even with World Boundaries purifying them, the quality is inconsistent. Alas, the so-called alien beasts of the heavens pale in comparison to Hao Ran's bounty."

"You're aware, unlike you, I need to eat. When I was struggling to survive at the galaxy's edge, I consumed anything that could stave off hunger."

"There was no choice; those places were too inhospitable. Having something to eat at all was a blessing."

"I used to doubt your tales of Hao Ran's rich and delectable ingredients. Only after arriving and sampling every food imaginable did I realize the sheer bliss of those who dwell in Hao Ran."

"And this bliss, it was hard-won by our forebears, yet the ungrateful successors fail to appreciate it."

The man, in whom spiritual energy, blood, and soul were in perfect harmony, finally lifted his head.

He fixed his gaze on an unremarkable round stone pillar opposite him. His thick, dark eyebrows slowly knitted together as he spoke, "Shouldn't you offer some explanation?"

"Explain what?" came the tranquil voice of the Ruins Divine King from within the stone pillar.

The Ruins Divine King, capable of inhabiting and transforming into anything, was partly embodied in the stone statue still overseeing Hwa Xin and Jiaang Miaojie outside. Yet, this fragment of his soul was conversing with Tianqi.

"You were the one who initially told me to get ready to assist President Lyi in claiming that divine seat. But then, out of the blue, you switched sides, opting to back Yu Yuan alongside Zu Ann and the Desolate God," Tianqi said, his brow furrowed in confusion. "He hasn't even achieved divinity yet. Is his demeanor really that significant to warrant such attention?"

The Ruins Divine King within the rare stone remained silent.

"Furthermore, he had Yan Qiling send a message to Taishi, asking him to postpone the consolidation of the Dao Law. What makes him think he has the influence to convince Taishi?" Tianqi's face darkened. "Yet, surprisingly, Taishi isn't rushing to strip the Earth Dao Law from Gu Xingkui."

"First you, now Taishi. Are you both perhaps too invested in him?"

"Aren't you going to give me an explanation?"

The Oracle Divine King, long stationed at the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, was plagued by doubts. He had been waiting for Yu Yuan to bring the Dragon Slash Platform and seek an audience with him voluntarily.

In Taishi's absence, he was the one calling the shots for the Divine Soul Sect.

Yu Yuan, a member of the Divine Soul Sect and the current holder of the Dragon Slash Platform, should have made it a priority to pay his respects.

Yet, he was nowhere to be seen.

"Taishi and I see him as the heir to that individual. His ascension to godhood is unstoppable. Tianqi, consider this: with the Dragon Slash Platform in his possession, once he ascends to the highest echelons, he'll be in a position to continue that predecessor's divine legacy. Isn't that reason enough to take him seriously?" Guixu's voice echoed ethereally from within the stone pillar.

"Unstoppable? As if forging a divine seat is that straightforward?" Tianqi straightened up, picking up a hefty chunk of beef with his chopsticks and savoring it thoughtfully.

After he had finished chewing, he spoke again, "Hwa Xin was my choice, and he should have stood a chance."

"You're mistaken. Hwa Xin never stood a chance," Guixu's spectral form materialized within the stone pillar, his tone final. "Tianqi, once you truly meet him, you'll realize the futility of Hwa Xin's prospects. Like you, he was born beyond this world and doesn't grasp the significance of the Dragon Slash Platform. With it firmly in his grip, Hwa Xin will never wrest it away."

"You should treat him the same way Taishi does," Guixu explained patiently.

Tianqi hadn't yet set down his chopsticks. He placed a piece of braised venison in his mouth, chewed thoughtfully, and then, instead of continuing to talk about Yu Yuan, he asked, "You've traveled extensively across the Vast Expanse recently. In your opinion, who is the toughest to handle, and who possesses the greatest combat strength?"

"I didn't dare venture into the Demon Palace," the Ruins Divine King admitted after a pause. "When I visited the Profound Sky Sect, Han Miaoyuan sensed my presence, but he acted as if he hadn't. He let me roam freely and inspect every palace within their domain."

Guixu paused there before continuing, "Aside from the one in the Demon Palace, the most formidable is Lin Daoke, the Sword Sect Lord. The Sword Sect is indeed fearsome; each new lord surpasses their predecessor. And the Primordial Spirits of the Sword Sect—each successor is more powerful than the last."

"Moreover, the Great Sword Immortal of the Sword Sect fears neither death nor covets the Divine Throne."


Within the Dragon Slash Platform, Yu Yuan and Jee Ningshuang's Yin Gods stepped into the burial site of the Frost Dragon. Immediately, Yu Yuan noticed the severely damaged Cold Abyss Entrance that had been thrown in earlier was now slowly mending itself.

The ladder-shaped Cold Abyss Entrance, set against the icy rock-like ground, was drawing power from deep within the earth. The small world, home to the Space-time Dragon, was bathed in seven-colored light that seeped from the ground, mingling with the extreme cold of this realm, all converging into the Cold Abyss Entrance.

Many shattered fragments of the well were rejoining, slowly sealing back together to become solid once more.

"Hmm," Yu Yuan murmured, unable to contain his surprise.

The repair of the first Cold Abyss Entrance relied on the assistance of other entrances at the bottom of the Nether Abyss. The Dragon Slash Platform of the past lacked such miraculous capabilities and couldn't mend the Cold Abyss Entrance.

It seemed as though the miraculous healing began only after the third Dragon Slash Platform was restored, coinciding with the growth of the Titan Spinosaurus.

"I assumed I'd have to make another trip to the Nether Abyss, but it looks like that won't be necessary after all."

As Yu Yuan whispered to himself, he realized that Ji Ningshuang had released his hand, and her Yin God had gracefully descended to the ground. In the moment Ji Ningshuang's Yin God touched down, a portion of the world resonated with the Star Frost Sword Intent she had been contemplating.

"Indeed..." she murmured. Her Yin God, now in a spiritual form, seamlessly blended into the ice rock beneath her, much like water merging with water.

Within the ice rock, Yu Yuan could distinctly observe the silver-white lightning that had suddenly sprung to life. The massive ice mountains, once the Frost Dragon's corpses, contained Bloodline Crystal Chains related to frost, which now seemed to be faintly activated.

As the sovereign of this world and its actual wielder of power, Yu Yuan was aware that Ji Ningshuang's Yin God was delicately making contact with the Dao of Ice and seeking to understand the Crystal Chains that had been enlivened by her presence.

Elsewhere, Yu Yuan was astonished to discover a tiny infant curled atop an ice mountain. This mountain was none other than a section of the Frost Dragon's body, encased in ice.

The small child had bones of Moon Soul and a drop of the Cold Domain Bear's essence blood, which, through Yu Yuan's own gift, had formed a heart of silver within the infant's chest. The heart pulsed with life, and numerous delicate, luminous bloodlines were gradually taking shape.

From within that heart, Yu Yuan sensed an intense coldness and the essence of the moon.

"This..." Yu Yuan was taken aback, not expecting to fulfill his promise to the Cold Domain Bear so swiftly.

With the young Titan Spinosaurus completing itself through the Golden Dragon God's blood and the return of the third Dragon Slash Platform, along with the merging of Rovi's blood, the Artifact under his command had undergone a mysterious and profound transformation.

The new life that the Cold Domain Bear had longed for, to be born from its blood, had struggled to take form. But now, quite unexpectedly, it had manifested as an infant—a male infant at that.

Atop the snowy peak, the child seemed to be quietly absorbing the lingering breath of the Frost Dragon and the rich Frost Energy of this world to accelerate his growth. His rate of development was significantly faster than that of the Titan Spinosaurus' offspring.

The essences of frost and moonlight radiated from him, and as he infused his heart with the frost power, he appeared to be longing for the moon's glow.

He was feeling somewhat anxious, eager to get outside.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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