Unmatched Dominance/C1538 Moon Sect Master
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Unmatched Dominance/C1538 Moon Sect Master
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C1538 Moon Sect Master

Yu Yuan's expression turned grim as he observed the silhouette slowly taking form.

Clearly, the newcomer bore ill intentions.

As evening approached, the sky was ablaze with the colors of the setting sun and the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea, a breathtaking tapestry of hues.

Before night could fully descend, a round moon, which had no business being there, abruptly appeared in the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea.

The moon's soft glow spilled over the landscape, draping the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea in a veil of silvery white.

Within this misplaced moon, Yu Yuan could distinctly make out two female figures.

Without harnessing the power of the Dragon Slash Platform, he was unable to discern the identities of the women within the moon.

This round moon was clearly not the same as the one beyond the vast expanse.

The cool moonlight that cascaded down settled in front of the thatched hut, coalescing into a column of light.

Within the resplendent column, a slender figure emerged, as if formed from droplets of pure blood, quickly transforming into a woman.

She stood within the column, clad in a moon-white palace gown, her skin tone matching her attire perfectly.

Her eyebrows were delicately arched, and her elongated, willow-leaf eyes exuded an innate elegance and splendor.

This air of elegance and the distinct aura she radiated struck Yu Yuan as familiar.

She was the Silvermoon Queen, Lee Yupan.

Involuntarily, Yu Yuan's mind conjured the image of the empress, convinced that the Lee Yupan he remembered resembled the woman before him in every aspect—her appearance, demeanor, and even the scent that wafted from her.

The difference lay in the fact that the woman's newly formed body was composed solely of pure blood essence, devoid of spiritual power.

A Yang God!

A unique Yang God, indeed!

Yu Yuan's heart raced as realization dawned on him, his features growing more somber.

The Yang God before him was a fusion of blood and soul!

The powerful Qi and blood emanating from her were reminiscent of the Moon Swallowing Ape, a former Demon God.

The woman in the silver light pillar gazed at Jee Ningshuang, her beautiful countenance reflecting a wistful reminiscence. "Ningshuang, do you remember the days when we fought shoulder to shoulder beyond the heavens?" she asked.

"Lee Sha, I never expected you to return," Ji Ningshuang said with a slight frown.

Before the Silver Moon Sect split from the five supreme sects, she had counted Lee Sha among her few friends.

She had anticipated that Tan Junshan and the Divine Soul Sect might take action for the sake of a Divine Throne.

Yet, she hadn't foreseen that Lee Sha, a friend in her eyes, would return after so many years apart.

The reason for Lee Sha's return to the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea at this moment was crystal clear to her.

It left her feeling somewhat melancholic.

"In truth, my name is Li Sha. When I went back to the Mondnacht Clan, I went by Li Sha," she said without a trace of a smile, her voice steady. "But now that I'm back and we've met, the name doesn't really matter."

"Are you here to stand in my way?"

Ji Ningshuang showed no inclination to exchange pleasantries.

Lee Sha nodded. "The sect has done so much for me; I must give back. Ningshuang, without your Yang God and Starfrost Sword, I wouldn't take advantage of you. All you need to do is stay here in the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea and not rush back to the Sword Sect."


Ji Ningshuang remained seated, motionless.

Her unusual composure left Yu Yuan bewildered and Lee Sha puzzled. "Nothing to say or ask? After all these years, silence doesn't seem like you."

"After I ascend to godhood, I'll settle today's score with you," Ji Ningshuang replied coolly, then added, "That is, if you're still alive by then."

Her resolute and icy tone matched her sharp temperament.

With those words, the bond between her and Lee Sha was abruptly erased.

"Since I've come here myself, you won't achieve godhood," Lee Sha clarified.

Ji Ningshuang simply shook her head, too disinterested to reply.

Their conversation thus came to a halt.

"Moon Sect Master, Lee Sha."

Moments later, Yu Yuan cut through the tension, his face stern. "Sir, did the Divine Soul Sect authorize your descent?"


Lee Sha's gaze shifted from Jee Ningshuang to his face. "Our alliance with your sect is one of cooperation, not subservience. I, Lee Sha, do not require your consent to return to the Vast Ocean. Furthermore..."

Her eyes grew colder. "The entitlement to the Divine Throne is not yours to determine. I'm curious to see if your esteemed sect's Tianqi, Guixu, and Taishi still intend to honor their commitments to us."

"What promise?" Yu Yuan inquired.

"If you're unaware, then you clearly lack the necessary status. There's no need for me to enlighten you." Lee Sha's tone was icy as she abruptly declared, "There's an item I must reclaim at once! Since you preside over the Dragon Slash Platform, consider this your notice."

As she finished, Yu Yuan felt a slight shudder in his soul.

Without the aid of the Dragon Slash Platform, he sensed the distant Evil Peak bathed in the glow of the moon overhead.

Deep within the mountain, the Evil Cauldron's eighth rank stirred as if called by an unseen force. The Evil Demon, once subdued by Yu Yiyi, broke free and soared out like a streak of silver lightning.

Shortly thereafter, the Evil Demon entered the enigmatic moon above.


Yu Yuan immediately recognized the Evil Demon's origin.

During his clash with the Silvermoon Queen, Lee Yupan, he deemed Yuefei malevolent and thus confined her within the Evil Cauldron to be transformed into an Evil Demon.

Weakened upon her arrival at the cauldron and constantly oppressed by Yu Yiyi, Yuefei had no opportunity to evolve and remained in a stupor, her consciousness yet to return.

Upon realizing it was Yuefei of the Moon Demon Clan being drawn out, Yu Yuan swiftly harnessed the power of the Dragon Slash Platform to scrutinize the moon more closely.

Sure enough!

In the moon's evening glow, he discerned the silhouette of the Silvermoon Queen, Lee Yupan, standing behind another figure—Lee Sha.

Lee Yupan, behind Lee Sha in the moon, received the transformed Moon Demon at her side and then gently integrated it into her brow.

Lee Yupan expressed her gratitude in a hushed tone from behind Lee Sha.

Bathed in the glow of the full moon, Lee Sha's body pulsed with spiritual energy, faint vital force, and pure soul power.

This was indeed Lee Sha's authentic form.

As Jee Ningshuang had previously speculated, Lee Sha's true form, while formidable, had not successfully forged a divine seat.

In contrast, within the light column before her, the depths of her Mondnacht Clan bloodline held numerous Bloodline Crystal Chains, each etched with the laws of the moon.

Lee Sha, the Yang God rooted in blood and soul, had evolved into a pure member of the Mondnacht Clan.

Moreover, she had ascended to the pinnacle of Tenth Level!

Her Yang God had clearly transcended her true form, undergoing a transformative leap in essence, elevating even the core of her life force.

At that moment, Yu Yuan had an epiphany as to why the enigmatic Moon Sect Master had become increasingly discreet, seldom making public appearances, and spending extended periods wandering the celestial realms.

Being of mixed heritage, she had chosen a unique path in her cultivation of the Yang God.

A typical human Yang God is a fusion of spiritual energy and soul power. However, Lee Sha, like Ann Ziqing and Ann Wen, had crafted her Yang God from blood and soul.

Back then, without the emergence of the Divine Soul Sect, there were no fresh perspectives for people to embrace.

Lee Sha was, therefore, an outlier.

This was precisely why the Silver Moon Sect went to great lengths to shield her, masking her mixed lineage.

After refining her Yang God with blood and soul, she had to retreat to the Outer Star River to avoid detection by the major powers, necessitating a prolonged concealment.

Only with the advent of the Divine Soul Sect, which introduced a distinctive and innovative philosophy, did individuals like her and Chen Liangquan, who were of mixed ancestry, eagerly align themselves with the Sect.

"You possess countless malevolent spirits in your cauldron, yet I seek only this one. Besides, she was never yours to claim."

Lee Sha's lips twitched into a faint smile as she revealed, "Once the Moon Demon Clan's bloodline ascended to Tenth Level, the remnants of the ancient Moon Demon lineage willingly pledged allegiance to me. Thus, in addition to the Moon Demon Clan, those abandoned by the Outland Devaputra will also fall under my jurisdiction."

Jee Ningshuang remained seated in silence, while Yu Yuan gradually rose to his feet.

He smiled at Lee Sha, who was enveloped in the silver luminescence. He sensed Lee Yupan, the Silvermoon Queen within the full moon, fixing her gaze upon him as well.

"Mondnacht Clan, Moon Demon..."

Yu Yuan let out a sneer as the crimson glow of his sword light began to coalesce within his arms. "The true essence of your swordsmanship will be carried on by me. And you, you're known as Slash Moon." He burst into a raucous laugh.

"This is one of the reasons I find you so disagreeable!" Lee Sha retorted sharply.

Nie Qingtian, brandishing his sword in the Outer Star River, had slain a multitude of ancient Moon Demons. The very moon, where the Moon Demon Clan had placed their hopes, was shattered beyond count.

Most Moon Demon warriors were not as fortunate as Yuefei; they met their end by Nie Qingtian's blade.

The fragmentation of the moon forced many Mondnacht Clan members into a life of displacement and loss, their suffering untold.

At that time, numerous Mondnacht Clan members became vessels for ancient Moon Demons, effectively enslaved by the Moon Demon Clan, and they too suffered greatly.

Thus, not only the ancient Moon Demon Clan but also the Mondnacht Clan regarded Nie Qingtian as their archenemy, their hatred for him deep-seated.

Both the Silvermoon Queen, Lee Yupan, and the present Lee Sha harbored animosity towards Yu Yuan, fueled by their Mondnacht Clan lineage.

After all, who else but he had received Nie Qingtian's swordsmanship legacy in this era? And who else had been chosen by the Divine Sword itself?

Tan Junshan, having known Yu Yuan for years, seldom spoke of his Senior Sister Lee Sha, even avoiding her name, aware that she, with her Mondnacht Clan heritage, would never show Yu Yuan any kindness.

It was only through Tan Junshan's introduction that Lee Yupan had survived and encountered Lee Sha.

"An unreasonable woman," Yu Yuan muttered with a cold chuckle. "Had it not been for the one who vanquished the Moon Demon, your Mondnacht Clan would still be preyed upon by the Moon Demon, either possessed and enslaved or corralled like livestock, awaiting their selection in times to come."

"Why? Just because your bloodline has ascended to the Tenth Level, because you've turned the Mondnacht Clan around, and managed to rally the Moon Demon Clan, you think you should defend the Moon Demon?"

"Lee Sha, do you honestly believe you possess that kind of strength?"

Yu Yuan was seething with rage.

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