Unmatched Dominance/C1548 The Three Great Forces of the Core
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Unmatched Dominance/C1548 The Three Great Forces of the Core
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C1548 The Three Great Forces of the Core

In the great hall after Reid's departure, Yu Yuan watched Tianqi, poised to stand, and smiled. "Please excuse my candor, but due to the unique structure of your Yang God, it's fundamentally different from mine. As a result, the sum of blood energy within you is indeed less than what I possess."

"Of course, if we're comparing spiritual and soul energy, then I must admit I'm currently out of my depth."

"After all, you are the Divine King."

With a nonchalant shrug, Yu Yuan remained unfazed by Tianqi's imposing manner.

Guixu attempted to defuse the tension, "Tianqi, what's got you so riled up?"

Caught off guard by Yu Yuan's thorough explanation, Tianqi paused, his anger subsiding.

"Your Yang God isn't located in the microcosm where Qi and blood converge. Rather, it resides in the Yellow Court of your lower dantian, which aids in the faster accumulation of Qi," Yu Yuan elaborated with ease.

Upon his arrival, he had scrutinized Tianqi, quickly discerning the state of his body.

Whether it's the Oracle Divine King or Zhongli, despite their abundant blood energy, most of it is concentrated in the microcosm of Qi and blood, with the rest dispersed throughout their bones and flesh.

Unlike his own Yang God, which was crafted through the union of blood and soul.

Lacking a Yang God refined from both blood and soul, Tianqi and Zhongli simply couldn't match him in terms of blood energy.

The Tianqi before him, despite being the most potent in blood energy among the humans Yu Yuan had encountered, was still at a disadvantage due to this fundamental difference.

Yet, when it comes to the vastness of spiritual power, Yu Yuan couldn't hold a candle to Tianqi.

Tianqi is, after all, a true Divine King.

"In this vast universe, all humans, whether original inhabitants or new generations like Tianqi, have a significant reason for not forming their Yang Gods from blood and soul," Guixu explained with a tone of resignation from within the stone pillar.

Surprised, Yu Yuan inquired, "What's the reason?"

"You're aware that the three core forces of all living creatures are spiritual energy, Qi, and soul."

"Most human practitioners prioritize accumulating spiritual and soul energy, avoiding the expenditure of time and effort on Qi and blood. Conversely, the Demon Race does the exact opposite, continuously amplifying their physical strength."

Guixu glanced toward the Demon Palace before continuing, "The demons have scarcely any spiritual energy within them. Their comprehension and enhancement of the soul pale in comparison to ours. Yet, when it comes to physical might, their advantage is something we humans simply cannot match."

"The spirit energy, vitality, and soul are the three core powers inherent to all living creatures. Han Miaoyuan has achieved a fusion with spirit energy. Any human with spirit energy in their body will be influenced by Han Miaoyuan to some degree."

"However, the Demon Phoenix at the Demon Palace has long since reached the pinnacle in terms of flesh and blood energy."

"The greater the blood energy a Demon Phoenix possesses, the more formidable it becomes."

"In this regard, we humans stand no chance against her. Cultivators from the Ancient Desolate Sect and individuals like Tianqi, who opt to combine their Yang God with blood and soul, are highly likely to be constrained by her."

"She would probably delight in seeing cultivators from the Ancient Desolate Sect completely abandon their Spiritual Spells in favor of achieving Yang God through blood and soul. After all, this would only amplify her strength."

"Nevertheless, there are exceptions. Throughout history, anyone with the blood of a Titan or spinosaurus has been able to transcend these limitations."

"Then there's the Blood God Cult. Its followers focus on blood energy yet manage to elude her grasp, preventing her from harvesting the power she covets from them."

"The reason is clear. The Blood God Cult's origins have always been extraterrestrial, and their Blood Refining Technique has enabled them to perpetually refine the blood of various species."

"A powerful follower of the Blood God Cult, once they begin refining the blood of other races, is no longer purely human."

"Much like your Yang God."

"The Demon Phoenix cannot gain any blood energy benefits from you or the great cultivators of the Blood God Cult."

"In the future, she will also be unable to impose limitations on you in this regard."

Guixu elaborated with precision.

"As for Tianqi, like Zhongli, his Yang God is a condensed form of spiritual energy and heavenly soul. Since their essence remains unchanged, they can minimize the Demon Phoenix's influence over the blood energy of all living creatures to a negligible level. Even if Tianqi were to confront the Demon Phoenix, he would not be at her mercy."

Reflect on it, and you'll see that the sects of the Quietus Continent—the Red Devil Sect, the Fiend Sect, the Filthy Spirit Sect, and the former Evil Sect—all place great emphasis on the refinement and forging of their bodies."

"The Devil Palace, in particular."

"Sects with rich blood energy within them are favored by the Demon Phoenix, who will willingly draw close to them, as they stand to gain some benefits. And the practitioners of these sects, regardless of their level, find themselves under her influence."


As Guixu spoke with patience, his gaze remained fixed on Yu Yuan, as if anticipating a moment of sudden realization from him.

He waited for the memories buried deep within Yu Yuan's mind to surface spontaneously, which would save him the effort of further explanation.

Yet, Yu Yuan listened intently without any sign of an epiphany, leaving Guixu no choice but to continue reluctantly.

"Haoxuan, spiritual qi, blood energy, the soul—these are the core sources of power for all living beings. Han Miaoyuan has grasped the essence of spiritual qi. And the Demon Phoenix has encompassed the grand path of blood energy," Yu Yuan murmured, feeling a piercing pain at his brow. "What about the soul? Has anyone unraveled its deepest truths?"

Humans, including all demons, possess souls.

The Demon Race might forsake their spiritual power, but they must also incrementally fortify their Demon Souls.

Their Demon Souls may lack an array of elaborate secret arts, but the power of the soul they contain is nonetheless formidable.

For the human race, the pinnacle of existence is marked by the transformation of the Earth Soul, Heaven Soul, and Main Soul. Each advancement in the realm of human Great Cultivators is inextricably linked to the elevation of the soul.

Moreover, the further one advances in cultivation, the greater the demands on the soul.

If someone could resonate with the souls of all living creatures and penetrate the essence of the soul, wouldn't they surpass both Han Miaoyuan and the Demon Phoenix?

The beings of the vast expanse might lack spiritual power or blood energy, but they cannot be devoid of a soul.

Without a soul, they are but lifeless husks.

"But who from the Ghost Wizard Sect?"

He gazed at the spectral image of Guixu within the stone pillar and couldn't help but inquire, feeling that anyone who had delved into the mysteries of the soul must be truly exceptional.

Regardless of whether they were great human cultivators or formidable demons, all would be influenced and somewhat suppressed.

His thoughts turned to Youyu...

"Ghost Wizard Sect?" Tianqi scoffed. "They're not that capable! The source of the Yin Meridian underground, though tasked with the heavy duty of reincarnation, is not the origin of the souls of all living creatures. It's nothing but a thief, seizing the chance to snatch a fragment of the soul's essence."

At that moment, the soul shadow within Guixu's stone pillar let out a soft chuckle, as if mocking Yu Yuan for asking such a foolish question.

Yu Yuan, feeling annoyed by the laughter, huffed in response.

Guixu's laughter ceased abruptly.

After clearing his throat, Guixu began to clarify in an odd tone, "It was our Divine Soul Sect who first delved into the mysteries of the souls of all living creatures. To be exact, it was..."

He gazed at Yu Yuan from within the pillar.

Yu Yuan's form jolted as if struck by lightning. In a flash, he realized that it was his past self, from tens of thousands of years ago, who had unraveled the enigmas of the soul.

As if in a haze, he could almost see the deep sea shrouded in layers of fog, where the pure soul energy was vast and enigmatic, boundless and elusive...

It was he who, in ancient times, first reached into that deep sea and deciphered the profound secrets of the soul.

Then, he joined forces with Taishi to establish the Divine Soul Sect. Together with the Ghost Wizard Sect and the Earth Demon, and with the aid of the Demon Phoenix, they toppled the Nagas from their divine pedestal.

"Let's get down to business," Guixu said, moving on from the subject since he sensed that Yu Yuan had grasped the context.

"We've accepted the terms proposed by Youyu. Moreover, we've pledged our support for Xuanli's bid for the throne."

As Yu Yuan was coming out of his reverie, Guixu shifted the conversation to other matters.

"I need you to communicate with Youyu. We hope he will align with us," Guixu urged, signaling Yu Yuan to leave the past behind. "Furthermore, you must speak with Ann Wen of the Blood God Cult. The actions taken by Xuanli were likely under Han Miaoyuan's direction, not of his own volition."

"Yu Yuan, Xuanli, Ann Wen..."

Yu Yuan gave a slight nod.

He was aware that Lin Daoke's sword strike had left the Oracle Divine King, Tianqi, and Guixu, the Divine King, in awe.

They had come to the realization that even with the current might of the Divine Soul Sect, bolstered by the inclusion of Zu Ann and the Desolate God, it would be a formidable challenge to unsettle the five paramount forces of the vast expanse.

The addition of Youyu, Yu Zhu, and Xuanli to the Divine Soul Sect's ranks would certainly bring them greater peace of mind.

The reason he was approached to negotiate was due to his special connection with Youyu, a fact that Guixu was acutely aware of.

Moreover, he had an old score to settle with Xuanli. Back when Xuanli was in the Starry Sky, he had severely wounded Ann Ziqing and even schemed to ambush Ann Wen, aiming to overthrow the Blood God Cult.

This was also the reason he was tasked with persuading the various parties...

"You two must have seen my encounter with Xuanli at the Absence Relic, haven't you?" Yu Yuan asked, his brow furrowed.

Tianqi remained seated, impassively continuing to eat his meal with knife and fork in hand.

"I did see it," Guixu replied, smiling.

"He asked me to warn Ann Wen to be wary of the Qilin from the Demon Palace," Yu Yuan continued, pausing as a realization struck him. Xuanli was indeed clever.

Was this his way of proactively smoothing things over with the Blood God Cult, laying the groundwork for his own ascension to divinity?

"For that individual from the Demon Palace, the Blood God Cult probably holds no value anymore," Guixu sighed and nodded. "Alright, I've notified the Chamber of Commerce to monitor the whereabouts of Ann Wen and her father from above. Should they find any trace of them, they are to inform the Qilin Society."

As they conversed, another fragment of Guixu's soul had already set the plan in motion.

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