Unmatched Dominance/C1554 Zu Ann's Burden
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Unmatched Dominance/C1554 Zu Ann's Burden
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C1554 Zu Ann's Burden

Yu Yuan, as someone directly involved, was acutely aware of the fate that had befallen the Deep Starfield. It had become a void of desolation, a place devoid of life and energy. There was no trace of Heaven and Earth energy, no wind, and no living beings remained—nothing survived.

Such emptiness was unparalleled; he had never encountered it in any of the Forbidden Spiritual Zones. The despairing void and desolation occasionally crossed his mind, leaving him with an eerie discomfort.

In the Lissom Realm, there indeed existed an Origin Realm Gate, shaped like the wings of a butterfly. With the assistance of the Void Spirit Succubus, the Fallen Divine Tree, and Diggs, it was voraciously absorbing a myriad of powers from the external world. Had one of these gates transformed into what was now known as the Chaos Abyss, resulting in the absolute void within the Deep Starfield?

The Deep Starfield, once an Outer Battlefield, was rife with chaotic and tainted forces. Yet, as the impending disaster became apparent, nearly everyone had evacuated. Thus, the aftermath of the catastrophe was within tolerable limits. But if the Origin Realm Gate had not manifested within the Lissom Realm of the Deep Starfield—if the Lissom Realm had not morphed into the Chaos Abyss—what if the ultimate disaster had struck another Starfield?

The thought made Yu Yuan shiver with dread.

"You're suggesting?" he asked after regaining his composure, his tone now as cautious as Zu Ann's. "In our vast expanse, could the Origin Realm Gate within the Ascension Mountain Range, where you achieved unity with the Dao, potentially evolve into a Chaos Abyss in the future?"

Youyu's ghostly pale eyes flickered with a stark white light, indicating the gravity with which he regarded the situation. "I have spent years at Ascension Peak, isolating the valley that houses the Origin Realm Gate. I've prohibited anyone from entering and have intercepted the flow of spiritual energy and other elemental essences within the mountain range."

"My aim is to prevent any living being or force from penetrating that valley. On the day of my Dao fusion, I sensed the insatiable will of the Origin Realm God within the gate, a will that was greedily attempting to consume everything it could—every creature, spiritual energy, the landscapes, and even the artifacts."

"I stand guard here to prevent it from gaining strength, ensuring no living being comes into contact with it."

"I won't allow it even the faintest opportunity for success."


Zu Ann let out a heavy sigh, his voice laced with defeat. "I can still sense it's growing stronger."

"The Origin Realm Gate in the galaxy isn't confined to the Vast Expanse. Every established Origin Realm Gate is an extension of its reach, its tentacles and eyes that infiltrate and bolster its power."

"Can't it be destroyed?" Youyu inquired.

Bitterness etched Zu Ann's face as he gazed at the small pond that the Skywatch Mirror had condensed into. "I brought up this Origin Realm Gate with Han Miaoyuan long ago. Both Han Miaoyuan and the Demon Phoenix have personally investigated it more than once, but..."

"They concluded that this enigmatic Origin Realm Gate is anchored in the Great Dao laws of the Vast Ocean. Han Miaoyuan likened it to a person, with the Origin Realm Gate as an inoperable tumor on their body."

"Neither he nor the Demon Phoenix could ascertain how the Origin Realm Gate functions. They believe that without deciphering the secrets of the Origin Realm, the tumor cannot be excised."

"Any attempt to remove it rashly could severely damage the foundational Dao of the Vast Ocean, leading to unforeseen consequences."

Zu Ann, as the sovereign of this microcosm, appeared somewhat powerless.

"I've become increasingly aware of the Origin Realm God's will strengthening on the other side. Before ascending to godhood, my control over the valley's seal has been waning. I've proposed to Han Miaoyuan that I need a divine seat, or else I fear I won't be able to contain the Origin Realm Gate."

A sardonic smile crossed Zu Ann's face. "Han Miaoyuan refused. Fei Xia was only part of the reason. More significantly, Han Miaoyuan couldn't be certain whether my years of close and prolonged exposure to it at the Ascension Mountain Range hadn't resulted in my own corruption."

"The human heart is unpredictable. Han Miaoyuan is inherently suspicious. His concern was that if I were compromised, granting me a divine seat might directly trigger a catastrophic transformation of the Origin Realm Gate."

Zu Ann chuckled darkly, his words laced with discontent towards Han Miaoyuan.

"He refuses to grant it, yet I constantly feel the overwhelming presence of the Origin Realm God, which leaves me restless. I am genuinely concerned for the welfare of all living creatures. Hence, for their sake, I must strive to secure a divine seat!"

"When the Divine Soul Sect and President Lyi approached me with their promises, I accepted without any reservations."

He fell silent.

Yu Yuan and Youyu reflected on the message conveyed by Zu Ann's words, feeling a weight upon their hearts similar to his.

In a moment, they both grasped the enormity of the burden Zu Ann had shouldered over the years.

He had sensed the formidable power of the "Origin Realm God," and his inability to advance beyond the Peak of Unrestrained Stage made resistance increasingly challenging.

The absence of a divine seat constrained him, preventing his continued growth in strength.

Meanwhile, the enigmatic "Origin Realm God" could bolster its power through the Origin Realm Gates in any region, thereby exerting even greater pressure on him.

He was nearing his breaking point and had sought a divine seat from Han Miaoyuan, who feared that Zu Ann's soul might have already been tainted from prolonged exposure to the Origin Realm God...

Yu Yuan suddenly felt a wave of sympathy for his old friend.

It was no wonder that Zu Ann, stationed at the Ascension Mountain Range year-round, always appeared burdened and overwhelmed at every encounter, unable to find joy or relief.

Since his past life as Hong Qi did not involve the path of cultivation, and the Origin Realm Gate was of significant importance, Zu Ann had remained tight-lipped.

It turned out that for many years, he had been carrying such a monumental mission and living under immense pressure.

"Han Miaoyuan, this urgent assembly and our willingness to overlook our differences with the Divine Soul Sect and the merchants were prompted by the catastrophe in the Lissom Realm. I was the one who warned Han Miaoyuan that if the Origin Realm Gate at the Ascension Mountain Range isn't properly addressed, the same devastation that befell the Lissom Realm could very well befall the Vast Expanse!"

Yu Yuan said, "I understand."

It was then that he began to share his experiences in the Lissom Realm and the mysterious place he had encountered.

"Before the Deep Starfield was completely obliterated, I believe I was taken by the Origin Realm God. I found myself in a place where, beyond the void and desolation, it was also bitterly cold and dark. Beneath my feet, colorful ripples emanated outward as if they could reach into other dimensions."

"At that time, the Origin Realm God inhabiting Diggs stood before me, as if he were the epicenter of that universe."

"Below the vibrant ripples at my feet, there seemed to be an abyss of darkness. Yet, I sensed an incredibly vast and enigmatic being, forcefully colliding with those ripples, striving to break through and emerge."


Yu Yuan described his feelings from that time in great detail.

Youyu's eyes sparkled with intrigue as he listened intently, not wanting to miss a single detail.

Zu Ann stared at him, astonished, and remained speechless for a long while after Yu Yuan had finished.

"Ultimately, I used the Dragon Slash Platform to shatter the illusionary realm. The Origin Realm God that had taken over Diggs failed to corrupt my soul. When I awoke, the Lissom Realm was no more, and the Deep Starfield had vanished, as if everything had been swallowed into oblivion."

Yu Yuan recounted the events faithfully.

In that moment, Youyu's lips curled into a slight smirk, his gaze playful.

It was as if he was suggesting that even if that being was the Origin Realm God, he would find himself outmatched upon reaching the core of your soul.

"That was neither an illusion nor the Origin Realm."

Zu Ann regained his composure, looking at Yu Yuan as if he were beholding a mythical beast that had never before been seen. "If I'm not mistaken, the Origin Realm Gate at that time had already morphed into the Chaos Abyss. You were guided by the Origin Realm God and instantly traversed the Chaos Abyss."

"You may have ventured to places not even Rovi has reached."

"Rovi merely became lost within the Chaos Abyss. He didn't manage to cross it and was left wandering."

"Upon encountering the will of the Origin Realm God and the soul of the Void Spirit Succubus, Rovi sensed danger and desperately fled."

"Where is that?" Youyu interjected, his curiosity piqued.

He, too, was intrigued by the destination Yu Yuan had reached and was eager to discover exactly where it was.

"The Abyss Gate!"

Zu Ann declared with a grave tone, "Led by the Origin Realm God, you traversed the newly formed Chaos Abyss to arrive directly at the Abyss Gate. The multicolored ripples you saw beneath your feet—that was the Abyss Gate! And just beyond that lies the fabled Abyss itself!"

"You've actually been to the very place the Great Demon God Beilstein once visited!"

Zu Ann, the guardian of the Ascension Mountain Range, would often invoke the Yang God to preside there, while his true form was tasked with other duties beyond our realm.

Aware of the peculiarities of the Origin Realm Gate, Zu Ann, who operated within the Outer Star River, had always been gathering intelligence on the Chaos Abyss and the Origin Realm Gate.

He was arguably the most knowledgeable being in the entire cosmos on this subject.

Even deep within the Outland Star River, few knew what lay inside the Chaos Abyss or where one might end up after crossing through it.

But Zu Ann did.

Not only did he know that passing through the Chaos Abyss would lead to the Abyss Gate, but he was also aware that the Great Demon God Beilstein had ventured there more than once, even before the likes of the Void Spirit Succubus and the Fallen Divine Tree.

"Beilstein had the High Priest Reid visit to bring Han Miaoyuan news of the Abyss and the Origin Realm God," Yu Yuan began, sharing this piece of information before continuing with his questions. "What exactly is the Abyss Gate? Was the vast darkness at my feet truly the Abyss? And what kind of connection exists between the Origin Realm God and the Abyss?"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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