Unmatched Dominance/C1558 The Courage of the Human Leader!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1558 The Courage of the Human Leader!
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C1558 The Courage of the Human Leader!

If creatures akin to the Origin Realm God were to exist in large numbers and break through the Abyss Gate, what consequences would ensue? Everyone gathered was a pinnacle figure in the vast expanse, each notable within the endless cosmos. Yet, the mere thought of such a possibility weighed heavily on their hearts.

The arrival of an Origin Realm God had already caused the Great Demon God Beilstein considerable distress. The implications of Beilstein's concern were clear to all. An influx of many such beings would surely spell disaster, and even Beilstein might be powerless to stop it.

"Go on, tell us."

Old Ape, puffing on his pipe, had already turned his head, squinting at Yu Yuan with keen interest. The others followed suit, their gazes fixed on Yu Yuan with equal curiosity. They were eager to know how Yu Yuan had reached the Abyss Gate, how he managed to escape the clutches of the Origin Realm God, and what he had witnessed in the Abyss.

"My experience went like this..." Yu Yuan began, maintaining a composed demeanor as he retold his story to the expectant crowd. As he spoke, it was as if he was reliving the encounter with the Origin Realm God once more.

Han Miaoyuan had informed him that he and the Great Demon God Beilstein had once severely wounded the Origin Realm God. Reflecting on that experience now, Yu Yuan felt a renewed sense of insight. The Origin Realm God had indeed tried to corrupt him, to turn him into a servant like the Void Spirit Succubus and the Fallen Divine Tree.

In a pivotal moment, a colossal void soul emerged from the depths of his primary soul, unleashing the full might of the Dragon Slash Platform. In that instant, the Origin Realm God must have recognized Yu Yuan's true identity and origins. The brilliance of the Dragon Slash Platform might have instilled even greater fear in the Origin Realm God than in Yu Yuan himself.

Perhaps the Origin Realm God feared that Yu Yuan's former self had once again allied with the Great Demon God Beilstein, plotting through the Lissom Realm to bring about his utter destruction. Realizing who Yu Yuan was, the Origin Realm God, filled with panic, hastily concluded the battle that had been so unevenly matched. Having suffered a significant defeat in the past, resulting in millennia of silence, he was not eager to repeat the experience. Thus, upon recognizing Yu Yuan, the Origin Realm God weighed his options and chose to swiftly bring an end to the conflict.

Moreover, the Origin Realm God, who was unclear about the situation, likely commanded the Void Spirit Succubus and their companions to make a swift retreat.

He feared that the Great Demon God Beilstein was already on his way and wanted to avoid being completely annihilated in one fell swoop.

Thus, he was able to slip away through the Abyss Gate and return to the real world, which had become nothingness.

It was only today that Yu Yuan finally sorted out his thoughts.

"Beneath the Abyss Gate lies an infinite darkness. Ha, haha."

From within the shroud of darkness enveloping Demon Master Tan Xiaotian, a deep and robust laughter echoed.

This towering figure in the Devil Dao, who had remained silent until now, suddenly erupted with a vibrant fighting spirit. "If it truly is an infinite darkness! Perhaps, I am even more qualified than the Great Demon God Beilstein to delve into the Abyss!"

Upon hearing this, everyone reflected on his words, and no one raised any objections.

Even Han Miaoyuan appeared contemplative.

Having never reached the Abyss Gate, he was unaware of the powers within the Abyss. But after listening to Yu Yuan, he learned that the Abyss seemed to be filled with infinite darkness. Trusting in Tan Xiaotian, he believed there was merit in the Demon Master's assertion.

In terms of combat prowess, Tan Xiaotian was still no match for the Great Demon God Beilstein.

Yet, if the Abyss truly brimmed with dense, endless darkness, once Tan Xiaotian comprehended all the galaxy's darkness-related laws, he might indeed have a shot at traversing the Abyss.

Naturally, whether he could survive the journey into the Abyss remained uncertain.

"Yu Yuan mentioned he could feel the presence of incredibly vast beings within the Abyss, relentlessly battering the Abyss Gate, obviously eager to break free," the Desolate God said, taking a heavy drag from his pipe. "Perhaps they are beings on par with the Origin Realm God."


He looked up at Han Miaoyuan within the Profound Dao Flag, "It's simply because the Origin Realm God fortuitously grasped the power of space, giving him an edge in that regard. It's like how, in our world, the Void Spirit Succubus, Rovi, and the Space-time Dragon find it easier to navigate the Chaos Abyss."

"However, the Void Spirit Succubus, Rovi, and even the Space-time Dragon weren't the strongest entities here."

"The Great Demon God Beilstein was."

"Perhaps the Origin Realm God isn't the mightiest among the beings of the Abyss."

"Once the Abyss Gate shatters, it's impossible to foresee the outcome. We're in the dark about what we'll be up against. I suspect that the Great Demon God Beilstein, sensing the menace from the Abyss's creatures, allowed the Boundless Great World's ascent, content to see it become the cosmos's focal point."

"The Boundless Great World's relentless exploration and invasion of the Outland Starry Sky, driven by a thirst for new divine thrones, compels the Outland's sentient beings to desperately strengthen themselves."

"Without sufficient strength, they lack the right to exist in the Outer Star River, and their destruction is justified."

"Just like..."

The Desolate God's voice trailed off as he gazed at Tan Xiaotian, Qin Luo, Sky Tiger, and Lin Daoke from the Quietus Continent, saying, "Within our Boundless Great World, the Heavenly Source Continent and the Quietus Continent are in constant competition, battling ceaselessly, thus spawning a multitude of champions ready to clash with foreign races in the Outland Star River."

"That's a valid point," Han Miaoyuan acknowledged with a nod.

The rest cast respectful glances at the Old Ape.

They hadn't anticipated that this venerable Ape God could fathom the Great Demon God Beilstein's mindset, aware that Beilstein had always been vigilant against the Abyss, hence his delight in the Boundless Great World's burgeoning power.

Perhaps, at certain moments, he might even stoke the flames in secret...

He fueled a fiercer blaze, with the Boundless Great World's ambitions accelerating the rapid transformation of various races.

He also took pleasure in the emergence of more formidable beings like Lin Daoke and Tan Xiaotian.

In this way, should the direst of days arrive, with the Abyss Gate completely fractured and the Abyss's denizens pouring forth, the Boundless Great World, fortified with its array of warriors, would not be without the strength to fight.

"I've come to realize..."

Zu Ann shuddered slightly, his gaze fixed on the valley behind the Profound Dao Flag with a peculiar intensity. "Perhaps the Great Demon God Beilstein, standing before the Abyss Gate, experienced something akin to what I've felt over these years."

"Of course, his perspective is more elevated, and he sees things more profoundly than I do."

"I'm concerned about the Origin Realm God. I fear that the Origin Realm Gate will turn into a Chaos Abyss, that the Boundless Great World will be devoured, and that the Origin Realm God will obliterate everything we've built."

"His concerns likely aren't with the Origin Realm God, but rather with all the denizens of the Abyss!"

"What he's on guard against is the possibility of Abyssal creatures breaking through and annihilating our entire Outer Star River, erasing all intelligent life and reducing our entire Starfield to oblivion."

After Zu Ann finished speaking, everyone pondered deeply and began to regard the old patriarch of the Devaputra Race with newfound respect.

As the most formidable being in the cosmos, the Great Demon God Beilstein's vision surely extended beyond internal matters.

He had voluntarily taken on the critical task of preventing the Abyssal creatures from breaking free.

For this reason, he must have been working tirelessly in the shadows to safeguard this section of the Star River for countless years.

He might even have had a hand in the flourishing of the Boundless Human Race.

"We must eliminate this malignancy without delay."

Han Miaoyuan continued, "If the Origin Realm Gate behind me isn't dealt with promptly, as that entity's power continues to swell, it could transform the gate into a Chaos Abyss. Moreover, I'm convinced he's already coveting the Boundless Great World, as the Cold Abyss Entrance overseen by the Demon Palace was compromised by his followers."

"To counterbalance the Geocentric Fire, we require at least five Cold Abyss Entrances, each simultaneously drawing in the extreme cold force from outside."

"The Origin Realm God must be aware of this too, hence his dual strategy of destroying the Cold Abyss Entrances while fortifying the Origin Realm Gate."

"His aim is to seize everything we, the Boundless Human Race, possess and engulf us completely."

"Now, I will present my first proposal."

Han Miaoyuan declared.

Everyone straightened up, their minds cleared of any distractions, eager to hear the leader of the human race's insights on the malignant Origin Realm Gate.

"Based on the intelligence I've gathered, to dismantle the Origin Realm Gate that's anchored in the laws of the Boundless Great World, we need someone adept in the power of space, a being who has achieved divinity. This individual must also possess unwavering focus and formidable willpower, lest they risk being corrupted by the Origin Realm God and turned into one of his acolytes."

"Therefore, our primary task is to ensure the emergence of such an individual in the shortest possible time."

"As for the divine position, Palace Master Tan may have secured another spot in the Outer Star River. Yet, it will be some time before it evolves into a complete deity."

"I want to declare upfront that regardless of whether a new seat becomes available, once someone with the qualifications to ascend to godhood appears, Ji Tianyu of my Profound Sky Sect will relinquish her divine seat to clear the path for their ascension."

Han Miaoyuan stated this with a detached tone.

Yu Yuan, like the other powerful figures present, was taken aback and fixed his gaze on Han Miaoyuan.

The Dao is heartless.

To swiftly address the threat, the Sect Master of the Profound Sky Sect was willing to make such a ruthless and decisive sacrifice!

He truly deserved to be the leader of the Human Race; once he set a course of action, he followed through with unwavering resolve.

"Ji Tianyu ascended to godhood not long ago, and her life is far from its zenith. Even if she relinquishes her divine seat, she will continue to live. She is far more fortunate than Gu Xingkui."

Han Miaoyuan discussed the matter with an air of nonchalance, as if the turnover of a supreme divine position was trivial.

"Of course, any sacrifices we make now will be compensated for in the future. That's a conversation for another time."

"In the current Boundless Great World, the only one who might ascend to godhood quickly through the Great Dao of Space is Yan Qiling from the Babel Chamber of Commerce. But since he lacks a physical body, he's automatically out of the running."

"If any of you have other candidates in mind, regardless of their faction, moral alignment, or past transgressions, feel free to nominate them."

"As long as they hail from the Boundless Great World and haven't been led astray by the Origin Realm God, they're eligible to vie for the position."

It seemed he was soliciting everyone's input...

But after only a brief pause, he continued, "I already have someone in mind who I believe is exceptionally suited for the role."

The crowd watched in silence.

Han Miaoyuan declared, "The former Colorful Divine Dragon, now the Sect Master of the Medicine God Sect — Zhong Chichen."

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