Unmatched Dominance/C1559 Onesided Love
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Unmatched Dominance/C1559 Onesided Love
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C1559 Onesided Love

Space-time Dragon, Zhong Chichen!

The Space-time Dragon was the most formidable of the ancient seven-colored dragons and the Dragon God most difficult to slay.

Setting aside past animosities, who could be more fitting for the role than him?

Han Miaoyuan had stated that the Great Demon God Beilstein, alongside another Demon God, managed to severely wound the Origin Realm God as he emerged from the abyss, thanks to the Dragon Slash Platform.

The presence of the Space-time Dragon's body within the Dragon Slash Platform enabled the formation of the Space-time Ban, which dealt a significant blow to the Origin Realm God.

He nearly met his demise as he burst forth from the abyss.

Upon learning that Han Miaoyuan's nominee was the Space-time Dragon, none of the exalted beings in attendance questioned the dragon's capabilities.

Their concerns lay elsewhere.

The ancient Nagas had been toppled by a coalition of humans and demons, and they would surely harbor resentment towards all powers within the Vast Expanse!

It wasn't just the five supreme beings who controlled the Vast Expanse; the Divine Soul Sect, Ghost Wizard Sect, and Earth Demon had all played a part.

With Zhong Chichen now enshrined as a Dragon God, it would be near impossible to vanquish him once more.

The strength of the Nagas in their prime was well-known. Allowing Zhong Chichen to regain his peak power could be akin to nurturing a threat within.

"I understand your concerns," Han Miaoyuan addressed the group, his confidence evident in his smile before he continued, "Times have changed! With tens of thousands of years of growth, the deities of your generation are mostly stronger than those before. Moreover, our numbers are sufficient!"

"Even at his full strength, he would be no match for us. The worst-case scenario is that we may not be able to defeat him."

"The combat prowess of the current deities far surpasses those from the ancient era. We need not overly fret about the presence of a single Dragon God."

He spoke persuasively, hoping to allay their fears.

"My esteemed senior brother, Zhong Chichen..."

Yu Yuan was taken aback, never anticipating such an astonishing turn of events.

After his senior brother's awakening, fearing the attention of Han Miaoyuan and the Demon Phoenix, he hastily fled the Vast Expanse and sought refuge in the outer galaxy, yearning for freedom.

Who would have guessed that, due to the significant threat posed by the Origin Realm Gate and the Vast Expanse's urgent need for a deity skilled in spatial powers, Han Miaoyuan would immediately think of him?

Once Ji Tianyu's divine seat shattered, her Dao heart would follow suit. Even if she managed to survive, the likelihood of her forging a new divine seat was slim.

The intelligence suggests that the Profound Sky Sect's second supreme expert isn't particularly formidable, and Han Miaoyuan is vigorously grooming Cao Jiaze.

Yu Yuan was convinced that Ji Tianyu's divine seat was doomed to break, and she might succumb to her sorrow.

Cao Jiaze, stronger and more promising, was bound to take her place and join the ranks of formidable human warriors like Lin Daoke and Tan Xiaotian.

Despite being the leader of the Profound Sky Sect, Han Miaoyuan's scope extended far beyond it.

Whenever a human of exceptional potential emerged, regardless of their sect, even if it were the Devil Palace or the Red Devil Sect, as long as they were of human origin, he would nurture them, both overtly and covertly.

Figures like Lin Daoke, Tan Xiaotian, Yuwen Hao, and Qin Luo, who emerged as powerhouses of the human race, had all been under Han Miaoyuan's wing. He covertly safeguarded them, aiding in their ascension to godhood.

Han Miaoyuan, self-proclaimed leader of the human race, has dedicated years to the race's flourishing, not just within a single sect or faction.

In this regard, he was utterly selfless, his integrity beyond reproach.

Indeed, his contributions have been pivotal to the human race's current standing.

It's no surprise, then, that despite some underlying grievances, figures like Lin Daoke, Tan Xiaotian, and Yuwen Hao would wholeheartedly follow his lead on critical issues.

Yuwen Hao's absence was due to Han Miaoyuan's decision to let Qin Luo take over the path after Lee Tianxin's demise, a move that jeopardized the Primordial Yang Sect's interests.

Yet, Yuwen Hao recognized that with Qin Luo commandeering that divine path and stationing himself in the Cosmic Great Sun, he could indeed offer better protection to the Vast Expanse.

The strength of the Boundless Human Race had been bolstered as a result. The damage inflicted by Lee Tianxin's death had been minimized.

Despite feeling somewhat displeased, Yuwen Hao made arrangements for Mo Baichuan to be present.

He understood that Han Miaoyuan's plans were not for his own benefit or for the Profound Sky Sect, but for the welfare of the entire human race.

When faced with a threat, it was he who stepped forward, compelling Ji Tianyu to relinquish her divine seat to make way for Zhong Chichen.

"I'm not particularly fond of that seven-colored dragon. However, there's something I need to mention."

Youyu interjected abruptly.

Yu Yuan and Zu Ann turned to him, taken aback, wondering why he had interrupted.

"Please, continue."

Even Han Miaoyuan, from within the Profound Dao Flag, showed him considerable respect.

"The Void Spirit Succubus named Rovi is destined to perish in the Foul World beneath the earth. The seven-colored dragon played a significant role. His Space-time Ban is extraordinarily powerful! Without the Space-time Ban restricting Rovi, neither I nor Yu Yuan could have ensured Rovi's demise in Hao Ran."

When he brought up Yu Yuan, people cast a glance his way, but they didn't seem to take much notice.

It was common knowledge that Yu Yuan had inflicted a severe wound on Rovi's body by piercing his heart with the Dragon Slash Platform. They naturally assumed it was solely the terrifying power of the Dragon Slash Platform, not Yu Yuan's own strength.

"The seven-colored dragon, now known as Zhong Chichen, is still in the Unrestrained Stage. Once he ascends to godhood, wielding the power of the Space-time Ban, I believe he will pose a significant threat to the Origin Realm God. I suspect it was his Space-time Ban that enabled the Great Demon God Beilstein to confront the Origin Realm God."

"Therefore, his ascension to godhood will not only address the issue of Hao Ran's Origin Realm Gate."

"He could also become a threat to the Origin Realm God."

Youyu shared his perspective.

Han Miaoyuan nodded in agreement. "You've echoed my own thoughts."

He had already conceived this strategy prior to convening the council.

His mention of the Babel Chamber of Commerce was merely in passing; deep down, he doubted that they possessed the strength to challenge the Origin Realm God.

He was also concerned that, like Zhou Xiao, after ascending to godhood, he might become a follower of the Origin Realm God, just as the Void Spirit Succubus and Diggs had.

"Since that's the case, let's put it to a vote. Does anyone have any objections to offering Zhong Chichen a divine seat?" Han Miaoyuan asked, turning first to Mo Baichuan.

Mo Baichuan responded blankly, "Agreed."

He then glanced at Qin Luo, the darkness representing Tan Xiaotian, as well as Zu Ann, Youyu, Yu Yuan, and the Desolate God.


Those he looked at nodded their agreement without much hesitation.

He deliberately skipped Lin Daoke, knowing it would be futile to ask; Lin Daoke would likely find it bothersome, so he simply bypassed him.

Finally, his gaze landed on the Sky Tiger, the representative of the Demon Palace, and his expression grew grave. "What is your stance?"

That 'person' was, of course, the supreme leader of the Demon Palace—the Demon Phoenix!

Most of the Boundless Human Race had been persuaded by him. After much discussion and explanation, Zu Ann, the Desolate God, Yu Yuan, and Youyu had given their consent.

However, he still couldn't gauge the Demon Phoenix's thoughts, as its intentions remained a mystery to him.

Over the years, in the entire Boundless Great World, the only being he truly feared and could not comprehend was the Demon Phoenix.

With the Sky Tiger present, he was confident that it could convey the proceedings to the Demon Phoenix and listen to its response from afar.

As Han Miaoyuan fixed his gaze on the White Divine Tiger, all the other formidable beings present also turned their attention to the majestic beast.

It seemed they were all aware that this fierce tiger was in the midst of communicating with the Demon Phoenix.

After a moment, the Sky Tiger gave a slight nod.

Han Miaoyuan's furrowed brow finally relaxed, as if the most challenging hurdle had been effortlessly cleared with the Demon Palace's approval.

His greatest concern had been the Demon Phoenix's stance, especially since he knew of its intense animosity towards the Dragon Clan.

The Dragon Clan felt the same way...

In a strict sense, both the Dragon Clan and the ancient Demon Clan were part of the Demon Clan of the Boundless World.

The Dragon Clan was once the leader, commanding all the ancient Demon Clans.

And the Demon Phoenix was the only being that could converse with the Dragon Clan and was held in high esteem.

The Demon Phoenix, however, chose to form an alliance with the Divine Soul Sect, the Ghost Wizard Sect, the Earth Demon, and numerous other supreme beings from the Boundless Human Race, ultimately toppling the dominion of the Nagas.

Consequently, the Nagas harbored a resentment toward the Demon Phoenix that even surpassed their animosity toward the Boundless Human Race.

The Demon Phoenix relentlessly oppressed the Nagas, ensuring they had no opportunity to reclaim their power.

This changed when Yu Yuan returned with the Dragon Slash Platform, harboring a juvenile Titan spinosaurus, and shattered the Space-time Ban imposed on the Nagas.

Thus, the Nagas were presented with the possibility of ascending to divinity once more!

Moreover, due to the severe threat posed by the Origin Realm Gate, the Boundless Great World urgently required the reappearance of the Colorful Divine Dragon.

Han Miaoyuan's greatest concern was the Demon Phoenix's approval; he feared that without it, implementing subsequent plans would become exceedingly difficult.

"It's settled then. With no further hindrances, I will announce this to the forces beyond, informing Zhong Chichen of our stance and sincerity. After that, all we need to do is wait for him..."

Mid-sentence, Han Miaoyuan abruptly halted, as if detecting something amiss.

His silhouette within the Profound Dao Flag tensed.

With narrowed eyes, he tuned into his senses and then declared, "Fine, since you have something to say, go ahead and speak!"

A "Cold Abyss Entrance" materialized within the Profound Dao Flag, and from it emerged Zhong Chichen's chuckle. "So, now you're pleading for me to return and ascend to godhood? Han, you young upstart, and you, old crone, shouldn't you be asking whether I'll even consent to your plea?"

His laughter grew boisterous and unrestrained. "I have no desire to become a god. I'd rather drift in the outer realms. What can you possibly do to me? I'm indifferent to the fate of the Boundless Great World! In fact, I might even relish the sight of it dissolving into oblivion, watching your sects and disciples perish in the blink of an eye!"

Upon hearing these words, the Peak experts gathered at the entrance to the deep valley began to furrow their brows in concern.

They could all surmise that Zhong Chichen was surely in another frigid Starfield, stationed at a Cold Abyss Entrance.

This Cold Abyss Entrance was, of course, a cavern linked to the Nether Abyss, vigilantly overseen by one of Han Miaoyuan's spiritual projections.

As the Space-time Dragon, the Cold Abyss Entrances situated beyond the heavens were constructed through the combined efforts of himself and the Frost Dragon. Within these structures lingered his residual space-time powers.

His voice, incredibly, had traveled through the Cold Abyss Entrance in the frigid Starfield, reaching the ears of all those gathered.

They referred to him as 'Kid Han' and 'Old Demoness' with casual disdain. Whether they mocked him as a young upstart or scorned her as an ancient sorceress, the contempt was palpable.

When the term 'old witch' was uttered, his unmasked loathing seemed to surge forth from the Cold Abyss Entrance woven into the fabric of the Profound Dao Flag!

The boundless enmity he harbored for the Demon Phoenix was so intense and profound, it was palpable to anyone within its presence.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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