Unmatched Dominance/C158 Sword Cleansing
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Unmatched Dominance/C158 Sword Cleansing
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C158 Sword Cleansing

"Yu Yuan! I'm relieved to see you're alright!"

Zhan Tianxiang broke into a wide grin, rushing forward and embracing Yu Yuan with a bear hug, despite Yu Yuan's attempts to wriggle free.

"Big Brother Yu!" Zhao Yafu's eyes curled into crescents as she beamed.

Yu Feifei, Su Yan, Lee Yu, and the rest of the Forbidden Area Trial survivors arrived one by one, greeting him with smiles and nods or, like Yu Feifei, with faces full of surprise.

Following Lee Yuchan's lead, they had all made their way to the Soul Transformation Pool.

"I'm just glad everyone's safe."

Yu Yuan swept his gaze over the group, noting the disappearance of the diamond-shaped mark the Earth Demon's White Ghost had seared onto Yu Feifei's forehead. Her complexion was radiant, and her eyes sparkled with a restrained divine light.

Eyes are the windows to the soul, reflecting the strength of one's spirit, and those with powerful souls often have luminous eyes.

These proud talents, having endured many trials to reach the Soul Transformation Pool, had achieved significant breakthroughs. Their dispositions had matured, and their growth in all aspects was evident.

Qin Yun of the Seven Divine Sect surveyed the younger generation before him and inwardly nodded his approval. The Silvermoon Empire's current generation boasted many remarkable individuals who were sure to become the nation's backbone.

Yet, he was convinced that Yu Yuan, the once obscure figure from Darkmoon City, would ultimately outshine all these prodigies, including Lee Yu, hailed as the future luminary of the Silvermoon Empire.

"Big Brother Yu, how is Sister Lin?"

Approaching with concern, Su Yan bypassed other inquiries and went straight to the point, "Wasn't she abducted by the White Ghost?"

"Yu Yuan, what exactly happened here?" Zhan Tianxiang chimed in, "Was the bronze monument successful in subduing the Earth Demon?"

Yu Yuan simply repeated his earlier response.

Speaking of Lim Zhuyun, he informed Su Yan, "Lim Zhuyun fell prey to the White Ghost's manipulation, her inner demons provoked, leading her into a state of self-doubt. She has since returned to the Empire on her own."

He refrained from going into the particulars.

Su Yan didn't press for more details. Upon learning that Lim Zhuyun had set off for the Empire by herself, she let out a soft sigh and said with a mix of hope and concern, "I just hope Sister Lin is unharmed."

"My aunt?" Lee Yu inquired with a hint of surprise.

It was then that everyone noticed the Empire's female general, her gaze intensely fixed on the sword marks etched into the pool's wall.

"She's deciphering the enigmatic nature of those sword marks," Yu Yuan offered by way of explanation.

At his words, all the self-proclaimed prodigies with their exceptional powers of insight were suddenly energized.

Eyes converged on the sword marks, drawing closer in wonder and murmuring in amazement.

Qin Yun, appearing as a young scholar, simply shook his head and smiled dismissively, neither bothering with them nor offering a warning.

"It's futile..."

The sword light within Yu Yuan's arm bone was heating up, a sensation that grew incrementally.

He deduced that it was Lee Yuchan's soul wandering—or rather, sinking—into the sword marks, quietly siphoning his soul strength, that allowed him to detect the subtle changes.

Among the younger generation, the likes of Lee Yu, Yan Lu, and Zhan Tianxiang were considered the strongest.

Yet none had ascended to the Penetrating Stage, none had solidified their Spiritual Sense, and certainly none could refine their Heavenly Soul with the aid of the white paper fan, as he could.

Qin Yun's assumption was correct; those with lesser realms of cultivation couldn't even immerse their Spiritual Sense into the sword marks.

Relying solely on their eyes to glean the profound essence of the sword from those dense and intricate marks was nothing short of a pipe dream.

Yu Yuan was well aware that the assembly consisted of the Empire's most defiant individuals, beyond the reach of persuasion. He resigned himself to letting them fixate on the sword marks until they inevitably surrendered to their own limitations.

His primary concern, however, remained with Lee Yuchan.

Lee Yuchan had been transfixed by the sword marks for some time, and Yu Yuan feared that the enigmatic Soul Transformation Pool might be covertly consuming an excessive amount of his soul power.

With the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation now ineffective, the myriad Alien Soul Evil Spirits Lim Zhuyun had warned of would soon descend upon them.

As for when and where these otherworldly entities might emerge within the Forbidden Area, Yu Yuan could no longer sense them, now deprived of the sword soul and protective enchantments.

He would have to depend on Qin Yun and Lee Yuchan to navigate this peril safely.

With Qin Yun's Yin God already wounded, should Lee Yuchan linger too long among the sword marks and sustain even graver injuries, could this group of young successors hope to emerge from the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area with their lives intact?

He had another concern to ponder.

Should the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation fail, the so-called sinner from the Divine Soul Sect, along with the Sky Shocking Emperor, Green Incubus, and White Ghost, would flee to the distant Outland Star River.

What then would become of this forbidden land?

Without the emergence of powerful alien evil spirits, could the Rainier Empire and the Silvermoon Empire maintain their uneasy truce?

And if the Rainier Empire no longer perceived the forbidden area as a threat, would they break the peace agreement and turn their blades on them?

These thoughts flooded Yu Yuan's mind, leaving him restless.

"Yu Yuan, what about my Splitting Soul Staff?" Yan Lu inquired softly, a hint of hope in his voice. "Has it also been taken beyond the skies?"

"Yes," Yu Yuan admitted candidly. "That artifact is exceedingly unique. In your possession, it might not have been a stroke of luck but rather a potential calamity."

Yan Lu's heart sank with disappointment, but he simply nodded, offering no further words.


Suddenly, like Qin Yun before her, Lee Yuchan coughed up blood.

She collapsed to the ground, a fleeting glimmer of strange light flashing in her eyes before quickly fading.

"The Blue Profound Sword is yours now."

The renowned blade of the Silvermoon Empire, which she had demanded from Lee Yu, was tossed to him with a nonchalant flick of her wrist.

After discarding the sword, Lee Yuchan, drained of energy, silently produced a Spirit Crystal. She sat upright and began to absorb its power, seeking to replenish her own strength.

Lee Yu clutched the Blue Profound Sword, infusing it with his own life force and Qi.

His eyes sparkled with realization as he sensed the sword's circulation quicken.


A ghostly blue light emanated from the tip of the Blue Profound Sword, its brilliance and otherworldliness captivating.

"Cousin, this sword?" he exclaimed in awe.

"I've purified it," Lee Yuchan replied, her eyes wide with a mix of relief and trepidation as she gazed at the sword marks on the wall. "I used external forces to cleanse the sword, clarifying its intent and brightening its blade. Naturally, there was a price to pay."

She observed the Empire's youth gathered around, their eyes fixed on the sword marks with curiosity.

She huffed dismissively, "A bunch of greenhorns, stop wasting time on those sword marks. With your level of cultivation, you won't grasp anything, nor will you be able to sink your thoughts and consciousness into their depths."

"Cleaning the sword?" Qin Yun raised an eyebrow in surprise. "General Lee, are you using those sword marks to cleanse the Blue Profound Sword?"

Lee Yuchan replied, "What if I am?"

"I never imagined General Lee to be such a master of swordsmanship. It's quite eye-opening," Qin Yun said with unabashed admiration. "The Blue Profound Sword is no ordinary blade. Anyone capable of cleansing it is clearly exceptional."

He gazed at the sword marks. "Holding the Blue Profound Sword and using it in such a way, you're quite remarkable yourself."

"You're too kind," Lee Yuchan responded coolly, then turned to Yu Yuan. "The situation in the forbidden area is volatile. We're in the dark about the outside world."

She paused, then added, "It would be wise to clarify things first."

Yu Yuan nodded slowly, "Agreed."

After a brief hesitation, he said, "Sister Lee, please look after them. I need to focus on my cultivation."

Lee Yuchan looked surprised, seemingly indifferent to whether he cultivated or not, especially since he'd lost the ability to manage the restrictions.

Nevertheless, she didn't object and gestured for Yu Yuan to proceed as he wished.

"Qin Yun won't cause any trouble while I'm cultivating, will he?" Yu Yuan eyed Qin Yun with a mix of suspicion and caution.

"Of course not," Qin Yun reassured, waving his hands. "If you're doubtful, I can keep my distance. Just summon me whenever you need."

"Then please, Sect Master Qin, would you mind giving me some space? I can't concentrate with you nearby."

"Ah, my sincerity seems wasted. It's disheartening to see that Yu still doesn't trust me," Qin Yun lamented. Yet, he stood up and left alone.

Only when Yu Yuan sensed through the Azure Yang Arrow that Qin Yun had indeed moved a considerable distance away did he allow himself to relax. Settling into a corner of the Soul Transformation Pool, he took out his white paper fan and immersed his spirit within.

Libre Baskerville
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