Unmatched Dominance/C1584 The Confusion of the Evolution
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Unmatched Dominance/C1584 The Confusion of the Evolution
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C1584 The Confusion of the Evolution

Asura King Sabonis found himself trapped at the entrance of the Frost Well within the Dark Domain, unable to make his way back smoothly.

Zhong Chichen's smile shone brilliantly as he called out, "Without that troublesome butterfly, you're stuck and can't return to the Dark Domain. Here in this desolate expanse of stars, whether you like it or not, you're going to have to grit your teeth and face off against Loong Jie."

With a mighty roar, Loong Jie unleashed a long howl, then somersaulted his massive dragon form in the void before charging toward the Asura King.

"This battle is between Sabonis and me. Please, stand back!"

Loong Jie's golden eyes radiated a sense of gravity and earnestness. Above the golden dragon scales, it seemed as if endless energy was flickering, ready to burst forth. Each of his scales was the size of half an acre, and upon closer inspection, the shimmering lights emitted a variety of metallic sheens. Even without fully unleashing his bloodline, he exuded an aura of being unbreakable and indestructible.

A flicker of surprise crossed Lin Daoke's eyes. He hadn't anticipated that Loong Jie, now a deity, would exhibit such formidable resilience.

Asura King Sabonis had only dared to seek out Loong Jie with the aid of the Void Spirit Succubus and Diggs, intending to leverage their power to slay Loong Jie and seize his heart. But Loong Jie, in this critical moment, had chosen to engage in a fair duel with the Asura King.

"True to the nature of a pureblood Golden Dragon!" Zhong Chichen exclaimed in admiration, his flamboyant attire contrasting with the starkness of space as he halted next to Lin Daoke. For him, crossing the expanse of the cosmos was a mere thought away.

He wisely left the starry battlefield to Loong Jie and Sabonis.

"Lin..." Zhong Chichen said with a sly grin, unabashedly assuming the role of an elder. "I may be tens of thousands of years your senior, but I've yet to encounter someone as unique as you. Are you truly unaware that even a god's throne can shatter? What were you thinking when you transformed a divine seat into a sword blade?"

He was confident that with himself and Lin Daoke present, Loong Jie couldn't possibly falter. Even if he couldn't best the Asura King at this moment, Loong Jie was sure to survive. With his assistance, Loong Jie would undoubtedly recover in time, amassing more of the essence of gold, silver, copper, and iron to purify his dragon form.

Inevitably, Asura King Sabonis was destined to meet his end, whether it be in the present or the future.

Moreover, having defected to the Origin Realm God, he was now branded a rebel across the vast expanse of the cosmos, and not even the Great Demon God Beilstein would show him mercy.

With the Asura King no longer posing a threat, he took the opportunity to strike up a conversation with Lin Daoke.

The Space-time Dragon was astounded by Lin Daoke, who had forged the divine position into a sword.

It became clear why Lin Daoke's strikes were decisive, ending in either life or death, victory or defeat.

Every time Lin Daoke brandished his sword, he was playing a dangerous game with his life on the line.

A crack in his Primordial Spirit could mean catastrophic injury or even death, leading to a demotion in his power.

Considering the limited lifespan of humans, a fall from grace would inevitably lead Lin Daoke down a path to certain death.

Lin Daoke had taken the Sword Sect's fearless creed to its utmost extreme!

This explained why Han Miaoyuan often refrained from calling upon Lin Daoke in pivotal battles.

His approach was too rigid!

Lin Daoke's swordsmanship, much like his personality, was straightforward and uncompromising, lacking in adaptability and the concept of retreat.

Faced with a multitude of enemies or numerous Tenth Level peak warriors, Lin Daoke would not back down, even against overwhelming odds.

He was prepared to fight to his last breath!

This contrasted with Tan Xiaotian, who would decisively find a way to ensure his survival when faced with insurmountable odds.

The adage 'As long as the green hills last, there will always be wood to burn' applied here, suggesting that one could always make a comeback with stronger forces and allies at a later time.

Thus, in the years of conflict between Hao Ran and the extraterrestrial races, the vanguard was often led by Tan Xiaotian and the White Divine Tiger.

Unlike Lin Daoke, the valiant Demon Lord and Sky Tiger would fully commit to battle only when victory seemed attainable, and they would promptly withdraw if the tides turned against them.

Nie Qingtian, in his early years, likely shared this prudent approach, not as obstinate as Lin Daoke.

Yet, it was precisely because of Lin Daoke's unyielding nature and his mastery of the sword that he became the human race's most lethal weapon!

He was the pinnacle of human combat strength.

The Demon Phoenix was most wary of Lin Daoke, not the more adaptable Tan Xiaotian.

Tan Xiaotian valued his life and generally wouldn't risk it unless his bottom line was crossed.

But Lin Daoke, he would only draw his sword to fight to the death.

"I have other matters to attend to."

Lin Daoke, with an unsheathed sword on his back, had no interest in wasting words and turned to leave.

"Aren't you concerned about Loong Jie's fate?" Zhong Chichen called out.

"His life or death is irrelevant to me," Lin Daoke said with a frown. "The Divine Butterfly is gravely injured and can no longer pose a threat to you."

With those words, he shot across the starry sky in a straight line, heading directly for the Origin Realm Gate.

His message was clear: the removal of the Origin Realm Gate required the Space-time Dragon, and Loong Jie's survival was inconsequential.

Without the Void Spirit Succubus, Zhong Chichen's expertise and command of spatial powers meant that no one could easily kill him in the galaxy.

Moreover, peak beings like Cadorath and Barol, aware of Beilstein's intentions, were unlikely to strike at such a time.

Lin Daoke believed he had fulfilled Han Miaoyuan's request and saw no reason to stay.

As for the outcome of the battle between Loong Jie and the Asura King, it was of no concern to him.

"Han Miaoyuan, that crafty old man, has quite the knack for uncovering such rarities and earning their absolute trust," Zhong Chichen admitted with admiration.


On the edge of the Dim Starfield.

Yu Yuan faced the Origin Blood Continent, suspended in the void, time seemingly standing still.

No bright stars shone nearby, and with the Fallen Realm's Galaxy Crossing closed, neither the humans nor the Great Demons of the realm would venture there.

In the silent expanse of the cosmos, his gaze was fixed on the Origin Blood Continent.

He was in a daze, receiving the gifts from the enigmatic entity deep within the dark red land.

Without realizing it, the Qi and blood within his dantian had undergone a remarkable transformation...

The Yang God, which had once taken the form of a Life Altar, had morphed into crystal-like stalactites, dangling downwards.

Hundreds of crystalline stalactites, some no thicker than a toddler's arm, others resembling sharp, inverted mountain peaks, exuded an intense, piercing presence.

The stalactites varied in color—some blood-red, others purple like amethyst, and some as blue as the ocean.

Many of the stalactites took on forms such as undulating emerald waves or giant beasts engulfing clouds and exhaling mist, creating a spectacle of countless wonders, each harboring the mysterious truths of life.

Within many of these stalactites, upon closer inspection, one could find numerous delicate and shimmering Crystal Chains, each imprinted with the profound essence of life.

At this moment, the Dragon Slash Platform and its peculiar Yang God had parted ways.

The Yang God, comprised of hundreds of crystal stalactites, hovered above the Dragon Slash Platform, with one section standing out as the sharpest and most extraordinarily long Crimson Prisma, positioned closest to the platform.

At the tip of the prisma, a similarly hued crimson droplet formed slowly, like a dewdrop crystallizing.

Finally, it fell with a plink onto the Dragon Slash Platform.

Simultaneously, Yu Yuan jolted as if awakening from an age-old dream.

He too observed a crimson droplet, rich with life's essence, penetrate the Dragon Slash Platform.

It descended upon the purple-gold dragon egg.

The red droplet effortlessly bypassed the purple-gold shell, entering the heart of the young creature.

It seemed to impart a fragment of life's profound mysteries to the juvenile Spinosaurus.

The young creature emitted a low, joyous, and affectionate call.

Yu Yuan had previously noted that even the exalted Spinosaurus did not inherently understand the true essence of life force at birth.

It had journeyed to the Origin Blood Continent and offered its heart to the enigmatic entity beneath the continent's surface, which, through the rite of refining the dragon heart, endowed it with life's secrets.

The two offspring that emerged from the eggs it left behind, like their progenitor, were not born with the innate imprint of life's truths within their hearts.

But now, that single drop of crimson blood contained a subtle nuance of life's power.

Within the heart of the great beast, the droplet transformed into a minute segment of a Bloodline Crystal Chain.

A trace of delight suddenly appeared at the corners of Yu Yuan's mouth. He remembered that the Demon Phoenix had managed to steal another dragon egg from Taishi. Yet, even when the creature hatched from that egg reached full maturity, it would merely be an adult Titan Spinosaurus, not the exalted one.

"I still need to refine the dragon's heart and infuse it with the many powers associated with the mysteries of life. It seems I might only then have a chance to evolve this young beast into its most formidable form. As for the Demon Phoenix, unless it can gain the favor of the enigmatic entity deep within the Origin Blood Continent like I did, it stands little chance..."

Suddenly, Yu Yuan's expression took on a peculiar cast. His Yang God, in its unusual state, could distinctly perceive that the object enshrouded in the ultimate chill at the heart of the Origin Blood Continent bore a striking resemblance to his current Yang God form. However, the entity deep within the Origin Blood Continent was on a scale thousands of times larger than his Yang God.

He also sensed that the entity was weary and slowly succumbing to slumber. It seemed that by bestowing upon him the essence of life, causing such a remarkable transformation in his Yang God, it had expended an immense amount of energy and vitality. Sleep was its most effective means of recuperation.

Subsequently, Yu Yuan discovered he could constantly sense the presence of the entity at the core of the Origin Blood Continent with his Yang God. His own realm had, somewhat bewilderingly, advanced to the Unrestrained Stage. He was unsure whether he had merged with the Dao or how he had ascended to the Unrestrained Stage.


Out of the blue, he detected the approach of the Chaos Roc, which seemed to be hurtling toward him in a state of utter desperation. Yet now, Yu Yuan no longer harbored any fear of the Chaos Roc.

Libre Baskerville
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