Unmatched Dominance/C159 Silvermoon Queen
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Unmatched Dominance/C159 Silvermoon Queen
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C159 Silvermoon Queen

In the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation had failed, and the natural barriers of heaven and earth were no longer in place. Many powerful practitioners in the vicinity had already picked up on the change.

As ghost ape-like Alien Soul Evil Spirits swarmed at the archway, the majority of the onlookers who had been covertly monitoring the area had a clear understanding of the unfolding events.

On the day the bronze coffin ascended to the skies with an imposing presence, tearing through the heavens, numerous onlookers bore witness, including the Imperial Advisor of the Rainier Empire. His Yin God separated from his body as he gazed longingly at the stars, watching the departure of the colossal bronze coffin.

Under the deep night sky, within the dense clouds, a figure in white silently took shape.

Here, deep within the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, the figure in white slowly transitioned from an ethereal state to a solid form, transforming into a strikingly handsome scholar dressed in white. He wore a belt adorned with fine jade, his skin was fair, and he carried himself with an effortless elegance that was beyond words.

A commanding cold snort emanated from a thick mass of clouds.

The clouds churned wildly, generating a fearsome energy field that caused the nearby clouds to vanish.

Out of nowhere, countless twinkling points of light swarmed towards the tumultuous clouds like moths to a flame, converging as if they were a collective of conscious souls descending upon the clouds.

The scholar in white stood by in serene anticipation.

Seconds later, a slender and delicate figure in silver emerged from the dense clouds.

She was a woman of fragile beauty, draped in silver garments that shimmered with a light that seemed capable of engulfing the very essence of the sun and moon. Embroidered on her attire were mountain and river maps that encompassed the territories of the great empires across the Profound Sky Continent, hinting at her grand ambitions.

Her features were indistinct, as if no amount of scrutiny could bring them into focus. Behind her hung a blank canvas, floating and rustling in the air, as though it harbored the mysterious abilities of Space Oddity.

"It's been a while," the scholar in white greeted with a gentle smile and a respectful bow. "Your Majesty, I have come as Yin God to discuss the turmoil affecting our nations."

"Lord Imperial Advisor, what knowledge do you possess of the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area beneath us?" inquired the queen of the Silvermoon Empire, also present in her Yin God form, her gaze on Zhou Cangmin of the Rainier Empire filled with complexity.

This individual's meteoric rise within the Rainier Empire brought sweeping reforms, overhauling the relationship between the upper sects and the Heavenly Source Continent. Remarkably, the Scorching Sun Emperor became his close friend, harboring no suspicions whatsoever.

Under Zhou Cangmin's transformative leadership, the Rainier Empire systematically addressed and eliminated a multitude of domestic and foreign challenges, ushering in an era of prosperity and the emergence of numerous formidable figures.

In contrast, his own nation was rife with brash individuals and powerful cultivators, yet none could match the prowess of Zhou Cangmin when it came to steering the country's fate. Whether it was himself or the other so-called pillars of the state, they all paled in comparison to this man.

Zhou Cangmin's own cultivation had advanced rapidly, his burgeoning power commanding respect and instilling fear. Assassination attempts and covert strikes against him were effortlessly neutralized, often without anyone being the wiser.

By the time he was perceived as a significant threat, Zhou Cangmin had become such a formidable presence that the thought of eliminating him seemed an insurmountable task, leaving a sense of futility in the air.

The silver lining was that soon, Zhou Cangmin would depart the Rainier Empire for the Heavenly Source Continent.

The Imperial Advisor of the Rainier Empire was both loathed and secretly admired by her. She had repeatedly stated that the empire's recent surge in power was solely due to the emergence of this very advisor.

"The dossier I discreetly forwarded to Her Majesty the Empress contains all my knowledge," Zhou Cangmin said with a radiant smile. "Numerous alien souls and evil spirits from the Silvermoon Empire have already infiltrated the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area. If not swiftly dealt with, they will grow in strength and pose a threat to both our nations."

"I've informed the Scorching Sun Emperor that our country is ready to dispatch cultivators to assist you in securing the forbidden area."

"I only hope Her Majesty the Empress does not question our sincerity or engage in covert actions that could sour relations between us," Zhou Cangmin stated.

"What is the nature of that giant bronze coffin?" inquired the Empress of the Silvermoon Empire.

"I'm not certain," Zhou Cangmin replied, his expression growing somber. "All I can confirm is that a tremendously powerful spirit lies dormant within it. The individual in question must have been concerned that his emergence would alert the three upper sects of the Heavenly Source Continent, as well as the Demon Palace and the Devil Palace, prompting his hasty departure."

"If he hadn't left, he would have turned his hostility towards both our nations."

The Imperial Advisor of the Rainier Empire, with a blatant disregard for decorum, spread his hands and stated plainly, "Both our countries would be doomed."

"Is it really that dire?" gasped the Queen of the Silvermoon Empire.

"Indeed, he is the mightiest being within the Boundless Land," Zhou Cangmin affirmed with a slow nod. "Such ancient beings, be they gods or demons, are beyond our current reach. Yet, there's no need for alarm. His hasty retreat into the stars with that massive coffin suggests there are forces even he fears."

The Silvermoon Empire's Queen reflected deeply before abruptly turning to gaze behind her.

With a flick of her finger, a five-colored divine light traced patterns on a blank scroll.

The scroll burst forth with a dazzling light, as the enigmatic forces of space infused it.

Instantly, Lee Yuchan, Yu Yuan, and many other Silvermoon Empire trialists materialized within the scroll.

Even Qin Yun of the Seven Divine Sect was visible in the far distance.

Unaware of their surveillance by this curious artifact, the figures in the scroll continued in their own realms, some pondering over sword marks, others, like Yu Yuan, deep in meditation.

"The Sky Fan Picture of the Silvermoon Empire truly is an unfathomable marvel," Zhou Cangmin remarked with an easy smile, his interest piqued by the evolving images on the scroll. "Your Majesty, this generation of your Silvermoon Empire is indeed remarkable. It's unfortunate that Qin Yun, who bravely ventured forth, has had the misfortune of encountering turmoil within the forbidden zone."

At the mention of this, a pang of sorrow struck the Silvermoon Empire's Queen.

She recalled a past generation of trialists, stars in their own right, upon whom she had placed great expectations.

Had some of those promising talents not met untimely ends, they might have ascended to the rank of Yin God.

Instead, Zhou Cangmin, having lain in wait within the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, evaded detection by the Mirage Water Curtain and emerged to ruthlessly cull those bright seeds, escaping unscathed.

Zhou Cangmin's victory catapulted him to fame, decimating nearly all the so-called prodigies of the Empire's generation.

The Empire's noble families, already reeling from this devastating blow, suffered further as they sought vengeance within the Rainier Empire, only to fall victim to Zhou Cangmin's traps, compounding their losses.

The fall of the Empire appeared to have been set in motion with that fateful trial, marking the beginning of Zhou Cangmin's blood-soaked ascent to power.

Years later, the Empire, once again favored by the heavens and fortune, saw the rise of prodigies like Li Yu. They embarked on another Forbidden Area Trial, only to encounter disaster once more.

"Why didn't Your Majesty descend in person to retrieve them?" Zhou Cangmin inquired gently.

"And why didn't you make the journey yourself?" the Empress retorted.

"The seal's restrictions have only recently lifted. Whether there lurk any significant perils within remains unknown to me," Zhou Cangmin said with a smile. "I value my life too much to risk it without full knowledge of the dangers. The bronze coffin may have departed, but should there be any lesser spirits still lurking, yet to reveal themselves, I'm not equipped to confront them."

The Silvermoon Empire's Empress let out a soft sigh. "The most fearsome dangers are those unknown."

She hesitated to appear in her true form, choosing instead to manifest her Yin God within the sky, accompanied by the "Divine Sky Pattern," her concerns mirroring the potential threats.

With the seal's power dissipated, the Alien Soul Evil Spirits hidden in the shadows could awaken amidst the world's upheavals, emerging without any force to contain them.

To intrude rashly into such uncertainty was to gamble with fate, and whether one could emerge unharmed was a matter of grave doubt.

Moreover, what if the vanished seal was merely a trap?

Those in high positions must consider the bigger picture, refraining from impulsive actions. Thus, both the Empress of the Silvermoon Empire and Zhou Cangmin had others venture into the Soul Transformation Pool first to assess the situation.

"Those Alien Soul Evil Spirits seem to be converging over there," Zhou Cangmin noted, pointing directly at the Soul Transformation Pool on the scroll where Yu Yuan and the others were located.

The Empress of the Silvermoon Empire gazed at her sister and Lee Yu within the "Divine Sky Pattern," her concern palpable.

From her vantage point, aided by the "Divine Sky Pattern," she could faintly discern the strong presences and soulful intents, like streaks of light fleeting through the void, converging on the Soul Transformation Pool. Among them were the ghost ape, the child in green robes, the crescent moon pendant, and other formidable demons.

The alien souls and vicious creatures possessed considerable strength. Once they all converged, it's likely that the survivors by the pool would be completely wiped out.

Even Qin Yun of the Seven Divine Sect would struggle to make it out alive unless he managed to break away immediately.

"Your Majesty, who is that individual from your Silvermoon Empire?" Zhou Cangmin inquired, gesturing towards a lone figure seated at the corner of the Soul Transformation Pool, a white paper fan in hand. "During his cultivation, your sister, along with everyone else, seemed to be watching him, intentionally or not."

The empress showed a hint of astonishment and queried, "Really? I wasn't aware."

"You should observe more closely," Zhou Cangmin suggested with interest. "For some reason, I have a hunch that this young man might be an unpredictable element."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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