Unmatched Dominance/C1598 The Ambition of the Great Demon God
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Unmatched Dominance/C1598 The Ambition of the Great Demon God
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C1598 The Ambition of the Great Demon God

"When we feared the Abyss, it too feared us," remarked the Great Demon God Beilstein, a hint of amusement in his voice. His dense red beard, resembling a deep red wire ball, quivered with his laughter, looking like flames flickering in the wind.

"The Titan spinosaurus has been gone for many years. Since they stopped assaulting the Abyss Gate, creatures from the Abyss began to stealthily probe our world. And I... I had a rather unwelcome surprise waiting for them." His laughter echoed like that of a gleeful child. "So when the Origin Realm God, skilled in the arts of soul and space, tried to stealthily step out of the Abyss, he was met with our fierce counterattack."

"The Abyss grew increasingly fearful of us. For a long stretch, no creature dared to show itself. Until..." His face suddenly turned grave. "The likes of the Void Spirit Succubus and the Hannya Divine Tree stumbled upon the Abyss Gate in their weakened state. Both were seduced by the Origin Realm God in turn."

"Through these two, the Origin Realm God and the Abyssal creatures learned that the Titan spinosaurus, their source of fear, had long since perished. They also discovered that it had been the mightiest being in our world."

"Those two also helped the Abyssal beings gradually understand our world, our structure, and the extent of our peak combat power."

"To them, our world was no longer shrouded in mystery. And with the death of the feared spinosaurus, their hearts grew bold with ill intent."

"The Origin Realm God, due to his unique nature, naturally became their vanguard. Following him, the powerful entities of the Abyss are all stirring, eager to act."

Beilstein chose not to delve further into the vast expanse of the sea, turning his attention instead to the Abyss. After all, the Abyss represents another world, a fresh and uncharted domain. The Abyssal beings' reconnaissance, sending the Origin Realm God to our realm, was an overstep in his eyes. What concerned him was the clash of two worlds.

"Alright, let's get to the reason for my visit," he said, the smile vanishing from his face as he stood amidst the rubble of a shattered palace.

After a moment's reflection, he spoke, "I hope you ascend to divinity once more, and I wish for you to do so through the Yang God, with the gift of Origin Blood. Let me first share my vision and the actions I intend to take."

"Firstly, the Titan spinosaurus added an extra layer of restriction to the Abyss Gate, which holds the profound mysteries of life. I see it as a lock, a lock imbued with the wonders of life. I've attempted to break this lock before, but to my surprise, I couldn't."

"I pondered long and hard before realizing that another being, also graced with the complete truth of life by the Origin Blood, and at least nearing the power level of the Titan spinosaurus, is needed to unlock what it has sealed."

"Kid, don't look at me like that; I haven't lost my mind."

He shot Yu Yuan an irritated glance.

Three hundred years ago, when he was Yu Yuan's mentor, he would reprimand him in the same manner.

Yu Yuan, who initially felt disconnected, suddenly had a burst of memory, recalling fragments of the past.

"Just as you, in your time as the Lunar Divine King, advocated for opening the Vast Expanse to welcome the myriad races from beyond. I, too, wish to open the Abyss Gate. I want to connect our world directly with the Abyss."

Beilstein's fervor was unmistakable.

"I don't believe our world has grown weaker in the absence of the Titan spinosaurus. In fact, we've grown stronger, with more Peak warriors emerging than ever before!"

"Particularly in the Vast Expanse, you've given me an immense surprise, convincing me that we are superior to them!"

"I hope that I, Beilstein, can lead the Outland Devaputra, the supreme Primordial Spirits of your Vast Expanse, and the peak beings of our world on a profound exploration of the Abyss's denizens!"

He laid bare his dreams and ambitions without reservation.

Yu Yuan watched him, stunned, and suddenly grasped why Beilstein was truly the unparalleled sovereign of the infinite cosmos.

The emergence and rise of the Origin Realm God had thrown all realms into turmoil, causing widespread distress.

Those privy to the secrets of the Abyss thought only of fortifying their defenses, contemplating how to withstand its threats.

Yet Beilstein, it seemed, had envisioned something entirely different from the moment he first learned of the Abyss's existence.

How can one break through the Abyss Gate to enter the Abyss and "visit" its inhabitants?

The Great Demon God Beilstein, much like the supreme Titan Spinosaurus, was also intent on wreaking havoc in the Abyss.

Yu Yuan couldn't help but recall Zu Ann's words during the council at Ascension Peak.

Zu Ann empathetically believed that Beilstein, standing before the Abyss Gate time and again, shared his concerns about creatures emerging from the Origin Realm Gate and the Abyss Gate to destroy the worlds they guarded.

However, this was not the case.

The Great Demon God sought to destroy the Abyss Gate!

He was full of confidence in himself and his world!

He was convinced that, having recovered from his battle with the Spinosaurus, he had become even more powerful than the creature!

He also believed that after bringing down the Starry Behemoth, the world's peak warriors had grown stronger.

He was certain that the world under his watch was far mightier than the Abyss on the other side!

"So, you've never considered a staunch defense; you're aiming to invade the Abyss."

Yu Yuan instantly grasped his intentions.

"Don't put it so harshly. What do you mean by invade the Abyss? I simply wish to pay it a visit," Beilstein retorted with a glare. "Given that an Origin Realm God has been meddling in our world and seducing many, shouldn't I make a countermove?"


He drew out his words, "I'm hoping you can break through the Abyss Gate! Of course, you seem to be our best hope at the moment. But before that, we need to find a way to handle the Origin Realm God. Once Little Zhong ascends to godhood and momentarily confines his soul, I'll be able to strip him of all his soul thoughts."

"I aim to understand the Abyss's layout, its species, and structure through him, to prepare for our visit."

Beilstein harbored no fear when speaking of the Origin Realm God; his only concern was the God's tendency to flee.

If Zhong Chichen could prevent the Origin Realm God from escaping, it seemed he would be able to handle him.

"Senior Brother, are you aware of him?" Yu Yuan asked, taken aback.

"You are my only disciple, not including this Space-time Dragon. Hence, he is out of the loop, and frankly, I don't feel the need to explain so much to him. The reason I sought him out and brought him to the Medicine God Sect is simply because he is a Space-time Dragon."

"When confronting the Origin Realm God, I may need to draw upon his strength. That's his purpose," stated the red-bearded elder, his tone neutral as he spoke of Zhong Chichen. "The human race's pinnacle beings—Han Miaoyuan, Lin Daoke, and Tan Xiaotian—once their main souls evolve into Primordial Spirits, I consider them akin to my own race, as Elemental Devils among the Outland Devaputra."

"Our Elemental Devil Clan's ancestral lands, much like those of the human race, both originated from the same vast expanse, shaped by the Origin Soul."

"To me, the human race's supreme beings are merely kin, whereas you are my chosen successor."

Beilstein was evidently not fond of the Nagas, possibly because the dragons from the vast ocean evolved from the essence of the Titan Spinosaurus.

"Oh, right. After I suffered severe injuries and fell into a deep slumber, the Origin Soul at the heart of the vast ocean underwent some kind of transformation. I suspect that after the Titan Spinosaurus died, something emerged from within it, traversed the Geocentric Fire, and successfully reached the Origin Soul."

With a grave expression, Beilstein continued, "The creation of the Vast Ocean's Divine Throne remains an enigma; I'm clueless about what transpired."

"You haven't returned since?" Yu Yuan inquired, surprised.

"You have, but I have not been able to re-enter," the Great Demon God huffed. "You didn't provide an answer the last time I asked, leaving me without a clear explanation. The marvels of the Vast Ocean's Divine Throne are unparalleled in any other celestial realm of our world."

"What the Origin Soul merged with to forge the essence capable of creating supreme beings is beyond my knowledge," he admitted, somewhat disgruntled. "Han Miaoyuan and the others have fortified the Vast Ocean so well that even I, though born of it, face numerous restrictions when operating within it."

Yu Yuan pondered deeply. The Vast Ocean's essence, capable of forging divine thrones for its inhabitants, which grow stronger with the Vast Ocean's expansion, was indeed extraordinary. Outside of the Vast Ocean, no other realm spoke of divine thrones, nor did any other realm produce as many formidable beings in such a unique and exceptional manner.

Unexpectedly, even the Great Demon God Beilstein struggled to connect with the Origin Soul deep within the Boundless Underground, hindered by the Demon Phoenix and Han Miaoyuan, as well as the steadfast defense of the Yin source. It remains a mystery what strange transformation led to the creation of the Origin Soul and the formation of a divine seat.

"I must be on my way, and you should head to the Plover Realm. Today's conversation will remain between us, known to no one else."

"Devote yourself to unraveling the enigmas tied to the essence of life. I hope you won't be as secretive as the Demon Phoenix. She knows the secret to advancing to the Tenth Level, yet she refuses to share it with those from beyond the Boundless. I look forward to seeing you help the Violent Bear reach the Tenth Level, along with the Gray Swallow and numerous other alien beasts from beyond the skies."

"With such progress, I'll have greater confidence when the Abyss Gate opens."

His face alight with expectation, he watched Yu Yuan and then slowly vanished.

The smooth rock wall shimmered as a blue-black flower materialized, exuding a spatial presence.

Long after his departure, Yu Yuan quietly whispered, "Master."

Across countless worlds, Demon Gods beamed with triumphant delight.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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