Unmatched Dominance/C1606 The Thief of Gods!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1606 The Thief of Gods!
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C1606 The Thief of Gods!


"Primordial Divine King!"

Before the wide-open doors of the grand hall, a gathering of powerful individuals from various corners of the world watched as Taishi made his appearance, their expressions tinged with emotion.

In their minds, Taishi was the linchpin of the Divine Soul Sect, the mastermind behind all strategies and policies.

It was Taishi who was quietly advancing alliances among the clans, leading everyone forward.

As long as Taishi was present, as long as he lived, they could trust that they were on the right path.

Taishi's influence within the Divine Soul Sect and his standing among the clans were beyond what the Divine Kings Tianqi and Guixu could hope to match.

"I'm alright. Yu Yuan has roused me from the bronze coffin."

Taishi, with his handsome features, greeted everyone with a warm smile. With his signature composure, he nodded to those who met his gaze, allowing everyone to sense his current well-being.

Those who locked eyes with him felt an instant tranquility, their fears for the future dissipating.

It seemed that as long as Taishi was with the Divine Soul Sect, as long as he was alive, they had the courage to face the uncertainties that lay ahead.

"Rebecca, I'm especially grateful for your presence."

Taishi's eyes, warm as a spring breeze, fell upon the leader of the Banshee Clan. He offered a slight bow, "The Banshee Clan will always be a friend to our Divine Soul Sect. The Domain Boundary of our realm will always welcome your people."

"It's nothing. As long as you're awake, I can rest easy."

Rebecca, seated on a cushion fashioned from her hair, had been visibly irritated by Yu Yuan earlier in the hall. Yet in Taishi's presence, she seemed utterly captivated by his charismatic aura, her green eyes flickering with an almost imperceptible glimmer of adoration.

In the depths of her heart, she harbored a fervent awe and admiration for Taishi of the Divine Soul Sect.

"You've proven yourself to have some skill," she said, her demeanor towards Yu Yuan softening. "You've managed what I could not, and for that, you may indeed be worthy of the Dragon Slash Platform."

"Excellent," murmured Reid softly.

"Primordial Divine King, the Demon Phoenix is rallying the alien beasts from beyond. Currently..."

Jiaang Miaojie, with her radiant smile and sparkling eyes, seized the moment to inform everyone of the latest developments.

Numerous Ninth Level alien beasts are converging on the Fallen Realm. The White Divine Tiger has issued a warning, discouraging humans from the Vast Expanse from venturing into the Fallen Realm anytime soon. It seems the Demon Phoenix is poised to lead the forces of the Demon Palace in a fierce and bloody confrontation with the Dim Starfield.

The Primordial Divine King smiled as he glanced at Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan, internally shaken, maintained a calm exterior.

He was astounded by the Primordial Divine King's strategic brilliance. He hadn't anticipated that the Primordial Divine King, from within the temporal layer, could deduce future developments based on his experiences in the Dim Starfield, even foreseeing the Demon Phoenix's impending madness.

"What other major events are there? Share them with me," Taishi said with an encouraging smile.

Hwa Xin, Jiaang Miaojie, Green Incubus, and the rest began to discuss the Asura King Sabonis, who was on the brink of being fatally bitten by Loong Jie.

They also mentioned Tan Xiaotian, Youyu, Xuanli, and Yan Qiling, who had mysteriously disappeared within the Realm passageway.

Furthermore, they recounted the significant occurrences in the Vast Expanse and the Outland Star River. Through their candid discussions, Taishi gained a thorough understanding of the recent events.

"No, this isn't right!"

After listening intently for a while, Taishi's demeanor abruptly shifted as he sensed something amiss.

The change in his expression instantly made everyone tense, and they looked at him, puzzled.

"As long as I'm not beneath that bronze coffin, no matter where I am, there's always a subtle connection between me and the Vast Expanse," he explained.

Taishi's face grew increasingly grave.

Having just emerged from the time dimension and the Dragon Slash Platform, he seemed to have acutely detected a monumental upheaval in the Vast Expanse.

"A new Divine Throne has emerged. It appears to have been surreptitiously taken under the direction of Han Miaoyuan," Taishi declared emphatically.


"The new Divine Throne stolen? Was it Han Miaoyuan's doing? Has he lost his mind?"

"Is it even possible to steal a Divine Throne?"

"Primordial Divine King, are you certain that a Divine Throne was extracted from the core of the Vast Expanse and integrated into someone, creating a new Divine Throne?"

"There hasn't been any news of this!"

Everyone was exclaiming in shock, grappling with confusion and bewilderment.

Yu Yuan, too, was stunned, casting a puzzled look at Taishi, awaiting an answer.

The successive falls of Yuwen Hao, Ji Tianyu, and Qilin had left three divine seats vacant in the Vast Expanse, with Loong Jie and Lvliu each claiming one.

There remained one seat, which had sunk into the core of the earth before Zhong Chichen's return.

This divine seat was tacitly acknowledged by all and was specifically requested by Han Miaoyuan to be reserved for Zhong Chichen.

It was unthinkable for anyone to have imagined that someone else could intercept the divine seat right under Han Miaoyuan's watchful eye.

Han Miaoyuan himself was present in the Vast Expanse. If he was unaware, and without his approval, such an event would have been impossible.

Thus, when Taishi confirmed the disappearance of the source reserved for Zhong Chichen deep within the Vast Expanse, he didn't need to speculate further to know that Han Miaoyuan must have been privy to it.

It had to be Han Miaoyuan who had deceived everyone, shielding the newcomer's fate, allowing them to ascend to godhood in secret!

But who could it be?

The same question echoed in everyone's minds as they pondered deeply.

After the initial shock subsided, no one doubted Taishi's assessment. Instead, they began to think along his lines.

"The Demon Phoenix is not in the Vast Expanse, the White Divine Tiger is in the Fallen Realm, the Desolate God is guarding Lvliu in the Great Swamp, Tan Xiaotian and Youyu have vanished into the Realm passageway, and Ji Ningshuang has plunged into the Dark Domain..."

Brie from the Dark Elfkind, after setting the stage, revealed, "Shortly after the council in the Vast Expanse concluded, nearly all the gods departed for the heavens."

"The only one left capable of controlling the situation is Han Miaoyuan. If he wished to select someone for the divine seat, there couldn't be a more opportune moment."

Upon reflection, everyone realized Brie's point was valid. It was no wonder Taishi suggested that under Han Miaoyuan's orchestration, someone had stealthily usurped the divine seat.

With the gods absent from the Vast Expanse for various reasons, those remaining might well have been swayed by Han Miaoyuan after sensing the disturbance.

That guy excelled at convincing others to heed his advice.


A figure shot from the Galaxy Crossing in the Plover Realm like a bolt of lightning.

"Zhu Peining!"

Yu Yuan narrowed his eyes and to his surprise, he recognized Zhu Peining, who had advanced to the Yang God status.

He had heard that after Zhu Peining had crafted her Yang God, she was assigned to reside permanently in the Delude Devil Abyss.

The realm gateway connecting the Delude Devil Abyss to Hao Ran was blocked, but the presence of the Galaxy Crossing meant travel to and from other crossings remained possible.

But what could have made Zhu Peining rush over so urgently?

Before long, this key figure from the Chamber of Commerce, who had been to both the Jade Peak and the Delude Devil Abyss, descended as a Yang God.

"Qi Yunhong of the Thunder Sect from the Outer Sky was severely wounded and escaped to the Delude Devil Abyss via the Galaxy Crossing, bringing with him a shocking revelation," Zhu Peining announced as soon as she steadied herself. "Wai Zhuo of the Thunder Sect used his Primordial Spirit's power to massacre the entire Thunder Sect of the Outer Sky."

"Qiao Yuling, Qi Yunhong's master, was obliterated by Wai Zhuo on the spot. All the Unrestrained Stage powerhouses of the Thunder Sect either pledged loyalty to the Thunder Sect or were utterly destroyed."

Zhu Peining looked at Yu Yuan and continued, "Xie Binn from the Clouds Sect, Sect Master Rong Xun, and Lee Yu, whether in body or as Yang Gods, all perished."

"The Ice Thunder Mark has been integrated into his Thunder Divine Pool by Wai Zhuo."

"Wai Zhuo is now known as the Thunderstorm Tyrant. The Thunder Sect has ousted the Primordial Yang Sect on the Heavenly Source Continent, ascending to the status of the new upper sect."

Wai Zhuo's ascension to godhood and the merging of the Clouds Sect with the Outer Sky Thunder Sect had elevated the Thunder Sect to upper sect status!

Zhu Peining's intelligence revealed that the one who usurped the Divine Throne was none other than the Thunder Sect's prodigy.

"What in the world is Han Miaoyuan up to?" Tianqi demanded furiously.

"He must be aware that the Asura King's demise is certain, and Ji Ningshuang has already reached the Dark Domain. Tan Xiaotian has long since taken the Cold Abyss Entrance to the Heavenly Source Continent. New seats of power will soon be cultivated, and it's these additional seats he intends for Zhong Chichen," Taishi mused with a sigh of admiration. "Indeed, it's a cunning strategy."


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